Seeing the above made his eyes darken, the River God hurriedly said:

"It doesn't mean anything else, it's just because everyone works in the Wulong River Water Department, they are colleagues, and they are also water gods, so the relationship is closer. In addition, everyone is new to the gods and lacks experience in all aspects. A platform for communication is also convenient for mutual growth and progress.

Furthermore, the characteristic of the water system is that the upstream and downstream are inherently closely connected, and many issues need to be communicated with each other in advance, such as how to divert the upstream and downstream floods in the event of a major flood, whether the lake god should participate, how far everyone can do it, and if What should be done when the runoff is reduced due to drought? It is best to communicate with each other in advance. "

Zhang Yutong fell into deep thought.

What the God of the River said is an objective problem.

When the Shinto priest appointed the gods, all the gods came to office for the first time. Only God knows their abilities and temperaments. Therefore, they dare not make the burden too heavy. It is a deification of gods in sections and divisions, rather than conferring such a large area to one god.

On the other hand, if a large area is sealed under the name of a god, the power and responsibility are too concentrated. If it is not done well, a large area will suffer, and the fault tolerance rate is low.

Therefore, the jurisdiction of each god is not too large.

For example, the Wulong River, which stretches for tens of thousands of kilometers, has more than 200 gods enshrined in the main river alone. Adding other tributaries, small streams, and connected lakes, the number of gods exceeds [-].

The water system is different from the mountains, it is inherently integrated, and there is no superior god to control it. Let the [-] gods discuss and come up with a result by themselves. Zhang Yutong feels a headache even thinking about it.

"Well, this suggestion should be submitted to the Shinto Division. Even if the god of the gods can't find a suitable place to be temporarily vacant, the big water system and the big mountain range still have to have the main god to sit in it. Otherwise, we really wait for them to gather by themselves Discuss, if someone with real ability and prestige can convince the public, it will be embarrassing to be elected by them as the main god of a series, and will the Shinto priest admit it or not?"

She also had a lot of dealings with the Shinto Department during this period, and knew that they had encountered difficulties with the main god of the Shinto system. Even the boss of the Shinto Department had a bad nose, and now she has put this issue on hold.

But the Great Lord God can't decide, but the Little Lord God still has to decide.

Otherwise, Zhang Yutong would feel embarrassed for Shinto Division if the thing he expected happened, so the best way is to prevent problems before they happen. Airborne, anyway, can't leave that position empty.

She kept these thoughts in her heart, and then asked: "I remember that there are three mouths in the Wulong River system. Which mouth is the god you are talking about? How do you call it?"

The river god with a human body and a fish head was a little stunned. It seemed that he didn't understand what the point of his trip was until now. He didn't have the slightest intention to keep it secret for the god, and told everything he knew in detail.

Zhang Yutong was pleasantly surprised when he heard the words: "You mean that he gave ten of these spirit beads to each of your more than 600 gods? He gave a total of more than 6000 beads?"

The value of a single spirit bead is not low, and giving away so many at one time shows that there are more in his hands, and it is not a scarce item.

"Yes." The River God was very calm after explaining everything.

"Don't you have ten? How about five more?" Zhang Yutong asked.

"Well, it was relatively fresh at the time. I ate it as jelly beans, but it turned out to be mouth-watering and not tasty. It was far less sweet than the few spiritual fruits that Changwu Mountain God gave me, so I gave the remaining five to Him as a gift." Special product, after all, he is a mountain god, and I probably haven't seen this before, so it's more or less a rarity."

Zhang Yutong nodded, and didn't ask any more questions.

"Okay, thank you for telling me this, you can go back." She waved her sleeves, beckoning the river god to take care of himself.

Here, the river god didn't want to stay for a moment, got permission, immediately sank into the water, turned into a big herring, and immediately disappeared into the water.

Three days later, Zhang Yutong and others came to the mouth of the sea designated by the big herring river god. She used a token to summon the local river god, a river god who became enlightened by water snakes.

Zhang Yutong didn't go around in circles with him, took out the five spirit beads again, and asked, "Did this come out of your hand?"

The Water Snake River God quickly responded, and said, "It was the little god who sent it out."

"You gave out more than 6000 coins at that party, and you have a lot of them?" Zhang Yutong asked.

The Water Snake River God shook his head and said, "Last year, there was a massive shipwreck near the mouth of the sea. The giant tornado and tsunami hit the land together. When the tornado dissipated and the tsunami receded, there were many remains of sea animals, including thousands of them. The special sea oysters were rolled into a pile, and each of them contained as little as one or as many as two or three pearls containing spiritual energy. After processing, I finally got more than 8000 pearls. However, after various attempts, I found out that they didn’t have any special effects other than a stream of pure aura inside, and the effect of taking them was not as good as those good pills, so I finally gave this thing as a gift to other river gods.”

He knew that the envoy was able to accurately find him here, and he could also tell about more than 600 gatherings of water gods, and he gave more than 6000 Lingzhu as a meeting gift, which shows that someone has already told him the whole story. , Of course He will not make any sophistry, what to say, knows everything without saying anything.

Zhang Yutong heard the words, and asked: "Is this a special sea clam? You have lived here for a long time, have you seen this sea clam in other places, where is it?"

The Water Snake River God shook his head and said, "I'm sure it's not from the nearby sea. According to my guess, these sea mussels should come from the far sea, and it's the deep sea in the far sea."

Based on the current size of the planet, the area within 5000 kilometers away from the coastline is counted as near sea, and the area beyond [-] kilometers can be called far sea, and the deep sea generally refers to the area where the sea water depth exceeds [-] meters. If the two are added together, if Finding this special sea mussel is almost like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Hearing his answer like this, Zhang Yutong felt rather dejected in his heart, holding on to the last sliver of hope, he said: "Why do you judge like this, can't it be from somewhere near the sea?"

The Water Snake River God shook his head and said, "Because they live in the near sea or the far sea, whether they live in shallow water or deep water, it will be very obvious in the characteristics of each part of their body. It seems a bit metaphysical to outsiders, but in our opinion, It’s as easy as looking at lines on your palm, and like seeing calluses on someone’s hand, you know it must be a reason for regular labor and exercise.”

In the end, Zhang Yutong had to nod helplessly, accepting this fact.

She finally asked: "What does this sea clam look like, can you describe it to me in detail?"

The Water Snake River God thought about it carefully and said: "After picking the spirit beads, those sea clam shells were not specially treated. I will go and pick some better ones for the envoy?"

Zhang Yutong nodded and said, "Okay."

It is best to have a physical reference.

The Water Snake River God suddenly disappeared on the surface of the river, and after a while, he reappeared holding a few sea clam shells in his hands.

After taking the things, the spacecraft lifted off.

Zhang Yutong called Yannanshu and the other little bosses over. They also knew the conversation just now, so they didn't need to repeat it, so he asked directly: "What are you going to do next?"

Yan Nanshu hurriedly said before the others answered, "Of course I listen to you, the boss. You can do whatever you say... What are you thinking now?"

Zhang Yutong thought for a while and said:

"I am quite confused now, and I have two plans in my mind, and everyone will help me to discuss the details.

First of all, our pursuit of verification is not in vain, at least we know that in the deep waters of the far sea, there is such a kind of sea clam that can give birth to spirit beads, and the number will never be low.But, after all, it is more dangerous to come to the open sea, and secondly, we will look for it like this, like finding a needle in a haystack. With our small number of people, whether we can find it is a matter of luck, so we simply stop the search and report all these discoveries. Let the relevant departments be responsible, I think, they will have a better chance of finding it.

The second is that we continue to search and take some risks and the possibility of failure. "

Having said that, she asked everyone: "How do you choose?"

Yan Nanshu spoke before everyone else: "Should the two plans be selected separately? Can't we report this discovery and search for it ourselves at the same time?"

Zhang Yutong nodded, then looked at the others, "What about you?"

Someone else expressed his opinion: "I think we've all come to this point. There's nothing wrong with looking for it in the distant sea. Whether you can find it or not, how do you know if you don't try?"

"Yeah, I would feel a little regretful to go back home without giving it a try."

"The boss is not just worried about our safety, is he? There is no need to be like this. With our strength, it is not a big deal even if we meet the Golden Core Realm."


Everyone spoke one after another, expressing their desire for further exploration.

Zhang Yutong nodded, and then, although his words were light, he said firmly: "Well, let's look for it ourselves...whether we can find it or not, it's limited to a month."

"Okay, within one month."

Before setting off into the deep sea, Zhang Yutong organized the discovery of the Lingzhu into complete information, and at the same time put two Lingzhu and a sea clam shell into the transmission box. Inside, all the crew members wanted to continue to search for a vision, and when they sent all these over, it took about a quarter of an hour for the reply from the other side to be long overdue.

"Captain Zhang is determined. In addition, in recent years, the outer sea has become more and more unstable. Please pay attention to safety when exploring."

This is the characteristic of Zhang Yutong's work. Although she did not delay her work in her spare time, she would not make her own opinions on some key points, but would report all this.

After receiving the reply from the other party, she said to the others: "Let's go, go to the sea."

Everyone cheered, all full of energy.

The sails were fully stretched one by one, making full use of the wind power, and flying towards the far sea at a speed of [-] kilometers per hour.

After half a day, the spaceship began to slow down, the sails were also retracted, and it slowly descended from the sky.

Many team members rushed to the deck, looking towards the sea area below.

"This is the distant sea, it doesn't seem to be anything special."

"Well, that is to say, the color is a little darker and the waves are a little more undulating. Apart from that, there is really nothing wrong with it."

At this moment, Zhang Touer's voice came.

"Everyone returned to the cabin, began to close the deck, and prepared to dive."

Everyone heard this, and returned to the cabin below one after another from the deck, and the entrances of the deck and the cabin below were all sealed suddenly, tightly fitting.

After a while, [Swordfish] really "returned" to the deep sea and began to dive.

The specially-made Tianji Eye, which has been optimized and its functions become more powerful, widens its "eyes" to the maximum, and relevant personnel are closely watching its situation.

The success of this exploration basically depends on it.

It is said to be a deep-sea exploration, but it is impossible for them to dive out of the spaceship and scan and search with the naked eye or mentally.

Seeing Tianjiyan enter the official scanning and exploration, Zhang Yutong said to the members of the action team: "Let's act too."

Soon, a third-order statue of the Seven-Star King sneaked out of [Swordfish], and started its activities before it scanned the limit range to expand the search range. With the power of the statue of the Seven-Star Lord, even though it was at the bottom of the deep sea, it was still visible in his eyes. Like daytime, it is richer and more detailed than that scanned by the spaceship's celestial eyes.

On the first day, nothing came of it.

The next day, still nothing.

The third day, the fifth day, the eighth day...

In addition to the unchanging cruise and scan on the bottom of the sea, there will be two hours a day to leave the deep sea and float in the sky to let everyone feel free. Zhang Yutong set a deadline of one month from the very beginning.

If it has not been discovered for more than a month, everyone may simply propose to return to the voyage with no results.

In this regard, Zhang Yutong didn't say much, but as always, earnestly performed his duties as the god captain and operation captain.

No. 15 days.

The depth of sea water exceeds 5000 meters.

There is a huge underwater Grand Canyon, which is very similar to the Zhegan Grand Canyon in some respects. There is a large crack in the ground, with undulating mountains and cliffs.

The spaceship flies above the canyon, detects and scans, and the virtual image of the third-order god moves around 【Swordfish】.

Suddenly, the spaceship in the state of constant speed cruising stopped, and then slowly turned, and came to the edge of a "cliff".

There is no end to be seen before and after, and on the cliff at an unknown depth, there are densely packed with special sea clams. If you don't look confidently, you can almost ignore them, because their appearance is really no different from deep sea rocks.

Densely packed, the number is almost infinite.

In the line of sight of the eyes of the gods, the aura that has become pure and docile under the overwhelming pressure of the sea water is silently absorbed and swallowed by these sea otters. They seem to be motionless, but the pure and docile aura holds them Submerged, changing with their swallowing and puffing, there is a strange and exuberant vitality.

Sea clam shells suddenly became transparent in his eyes, pearls full of aura, clear, crystal clear, and endless.

He picked two at random and opened them. One pearl was hidden in it, and three pearls were hidden in the other.Their sizes are very uniform, it seems that after reaching a certain size, the spirit beads will no longer continue to grow in size, but will conceive a second and a third in the sea clam.

With a wave of his hand, the surrounding sea oysters broke away from the cliffs they were attached to and rushed towards [Swordfish]. Seeing them being absorbed by the spaceship continuously, Zhang Yutong and all the action team members felt a sense of satisfaction in their hearts. There was a kind of old farmer who saw The happiness of the grains in the warehouse.

Suddenly, the statue of the third-order seven-star king suddenly looked down at the deep trench below.

At the bottom of the dark deep sea, a dense jungle of tentacles suddenly popped out, as if it was going to submerge the virtual image of the gods including the spaceship.

Each tentacle is like a single individual, and together they look like a whole, which makes people instinctively think of coral.But they are far more terrifying than corals. The weakest tentacles can also resist the Foundation Building Realm, and more tentacles can pose a threat to the Purple Mansion Realm.

Zhang Yutong stopped harvesting the Lingzhu sea mussels long ago, and ordered the crew to start the boat to float up, while the third-level gods guarded the [Swordfish] outside the boat, and whenever any tentacles approached, they would be cut off and crushed.

Not only did those deep-sea tentacles not shrink back because of this, but they seemed to have been greatly stimulated. More tentacles began to grow out of the trench, entangled with the spaceship even more frantically.

Just like the female ghost's long hair that will never cut off and grow continuously.It's just that the long hair makes people feel horrified.

And when each tentacle is crushed, a thick bloody aura pervades and spreads.

Finally, under the escort of the third-order gods, the spaceship finally got rid of the entanglement of these weird deep-sea tentacles, but Zhang Yutong and others did not relax. The gods can see farther, and what the gods see makes her scalp tingle.

I don’t know if the blood of the deep-sea tentacles is too attractive or their behavior touched the scales of the deep sea, just like a group of thieves who went to other people’s land to steal things and were found to kill the Quartet. Anyway, the sea beasts in this sea area All rioted.

They all target swordfish. There are countless large and small sea beasts comparable to the Foundation Establishment Realm and the Purple Mansion Realm, and even more majestic. There are also many huge sea beasts that can completely match the Golden Core Realm. Come here.

"Go, go, go!"

Zhang Yutong lost his voice.Shout directly to everyone on the spaceship with the virtual image of the gods.

The spaceship's celestial eye obviously also detected this situation, and all the crew members felt scalp tingling, the spaceship quickly floated up, and soon, it left the sea, very sky.

Below, the calm sea surged and boiled with huge white waves. Under the waves, there was an exuberant and vicious vitality hidden.

Roll up a huge wall and sweep towards the spaceship.

Because of this huge movement, the sea beasts in a larger area and more places were disturbed, and even the front of the spaceship seemed to have a tendency to move. If this was the case, they would be surrounded by endless sea beasts.

"Everyone, don't keep your true energy and spiritual power, use it all to accelerate!"

If you don't want to be swallowed by the endless sea beasts, you have to speed up the spaceship to the top speed and break free before a big trend is formed in front of you.

Without hesitation, Zhang Yutong directly integrated the virtual image of the third-order god into [Swordfish]'s body, and directly used the gods for its functions.

Didn't it mean that the limit speed can exceed three times the speed of sound by several times, then try it.

Moreover, directly supplying energy with the gods is definitely more violent than everyone's scattered spiritual power functions. Thinking of the reminder from the handover staff at that time, there is a hidden danger of disintegration if the excess is used.

Zhang Yutong wasn't sure whether the result of the power supply from the gods was to soar to the sky or to fall apart in the air. Everyone became the rations of sea beasts.

At this time, it seems that there is nothing to do, only luck or God's will.

Oh no, there is one more thing to do.

She transmitted sound to the whole ship.

Soon, when the virtual image of the gods was completely integrated with [Swordfish], it was at the critical point of extreme speed and instant disintegration.

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