"Well, the timing and location of those important nodes are not appropriate. For example, the situation of the two of them is not too rare. Many discoveries and epiphanies of humanity are at the moment of realizing the great harmony of life, or at the time of the sage. What happened inside... Let’s make a regular mosaic for the protagonists involved, or replace the heroes and heroines with distinct identities and unique identities with unified model images. For example, many cultivation methods involve many male and female bodies For the explanation of the hidden structure and the similarities and differences of the veins, these situations will be drawn directly in the form of high-definition images. In order to protect the personal privacy of the pioneers, this aspect can also be handled in a similar way.

There are also those who have dew point epiphanies in places such as bathrooms or bathhouses. If latecomers access the corresponding data, these images will either be coded or blurred and atomized. "

This is not a formal humane order, it can only be regarded as a patch, so I didn't deliberately wait until the new year to do it.

Humanity points are also consumed very little, all of which add up to no more than [-] points.

"Hey, this time it's really just doing good deeds."

From Yanxia's humane point of view, I can't even understand what is worth avoiding. If I didn't think of this and plugged it in time, I am afraid that such a scene will often appear in the future, "Hey, I know you. Back then when you were in XXX Enlightenment, I have seen it, all of us in the class have observed it, and benefited a lot, really benefited a lot."

Only by putting yourself in the perspective of the person involved, can you understand that in such an atmosphere, you may feel ashamed and angry to the point of death, especially those female practitioners, I am afraid that more than half of them will be hit by such things. close.

"However, starting today, these problems no longer exist."

After doing all this silently, Jiang Buku continued to hide his achievements and fame.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

New calendar year [-].

Collection Pavilion of Liuyi College.

Zhang Yutong finished scanning the last exercise book and put it back on the bookshelf, feeling a strange sense of satisfaction in his heart.

In any other place, it is very difficult to obtain a book of practice skills. Those who practice sects self-developed secret techniques must go through many tests to obtain them, and even some rare ones have only a small number of core layers or even only a few core layers. Only the suzerain and the next suzerain can be awarded.

Even in other schools of practice at all levels, there are many conditions and restrictions for students who want to obtain exercises from Dianzang Pavilion in the school. For example, in order to avoid chewing too much, each person can only choose one exercise per semester. The pavilions are divided into different levels. When the college’s cultivation base and comprehensive abilities in all aspects are not up to the standard, it can only be exposed to the stage that matches the current cultivation base level. In order to obtain subsequent higher-level content, the cultivation base must break through to the corresponding level , or actively participate in various activities, the school most likes to open up the choice of higher-level exercises as a means of rewarding and motivating students.

Even the former Liuyi branch of the vice capital, which was reorganized into a special practice school 20 years ago, is not exempt from this method.

Because it is simple, easy to use and very effective.

For the vast majority of students who have poor self-control and are full of instinctive yearning for more magical exercises, if they are not restrained, they can really try dozens of exercises in turn, which is equivalent to setting them up in disguise. bridle.

For those students who are truly outstanding and have self-control, it does not impose many substantial restrictions on them.

Moreover, when this kind of atmosphere is formed, a benign competitive atmosphere will naturally spread among the students. For many students who are full of vitality and are in their youth, they will get more high-level powers of choice. It is a very special honor and praise, and the sense of accomplishment brought by this qualification itself is even higher than that of actually choosing a favorite follow-up exercise.

And Liuyi Academy disdained to use all these tricks. The Dianzang Pavilion returned to its originality and its value itself, so that those who could freely enter and leave this hall could obtain all the knowledge that the Dianzang Pavilion could provide and they were willing to absorb.

Liuyi Academy has always been committed to the promotion and dissemination of relevant knowledge, but as the level of Liuyi Academy is getting higher and higher, for those who have not yet reached the level, it is harmful and useless to pass on some knowledge in the Dianzang Pavilion in advance. The entry threshold was set up, not because of fear of leaking the knowledge in the Dianzang Pavilion, but as a protection for those who are late in practice.

With the minds of the teachers and students of Liuyi College, those exercises in Dianzang Pavilion that can make any sect of practice excited and frenzied by just throwing a book at random are not very valued by them. After taking stock of assets, these exercises are not even qualified to be shortlisted. From a certain point of view, they are just the by-products of generations of Liuyi people exploring the way forward and opening up a wider realm of practice.

To be honest, Zhang Yutong couldn't understand this kind of mentality and this kind of situation at first. He even felt that these children were simply in the midst of blessings and didn't know their blessings. Because of their supernatural talents, they never hang out with ordinary practitioners However, I don't understand the real atmosphere in the practice world, and I feel like I'm in Baoshan without knowing it.

However, after staying in Liuyi College for half a year, she gradually understood their thoughts, because they really are so hung up.

Although because of her outstanding performance, she got a precious place to study in Liuyi College for one year, and could get along with them day and night, but the more so, the more clearly she felt the gap between herself and them. Entered this academy and became smaller.

Therefore, she was very self-aware and did not use the standards of other students of Liuyi College to demand herself. Since entering the Dianzang Pavilion for the first time, she saw those classics of exercises that can be cultivated all the way to the golden core state, each with its own characteristics. With all the bookshelves filled, she set a small goal for herself, that is, while completing all the learning tasks, she would engrave all these exercises into the Purple Mansion, forming a book that only existed in the Purple Mansion and was only hers. Visible private collection room.

If you have spare time, you can consider visualizing a part of those important academic journals.

Few students would do this. With the powerful spiritual power of the Zifu Realm, it is not difficult to visualize one or two books, or even dozens of books, but if it is as she imagined, it will greatly restrict the spiritual power.

Before she is completely stable in the visualization collection room of the Zifu, she can't even be distracted from the visualization practice, otherwise, even if there is a slight error in the visualization technique, even if it is just a wrong word, a sentence, it is equivalent to wasting all previous efforts for her , Forced practice is similar to using the body to clear mines.

Other students like her who have obtained precious places for advanced study all want to use this year to completely stabilize their cultivation base at the peak of the Purple Mansion Realm, and then break through the Golden Core Realm with the various experience bonuses of the academy, and complete the most critical However, Zhang Yutong felt that with a long life in the Zifu Realm, it didn’t matter much if his cultivation was stagnant for a few years. If he entered Liuyi College for further study and only used it as a practice accelerator, it would be too uneconomical. Knowledge , Grabbing more knowledge is the most important thing to do.

In addition to the various cramming courses specially arranged by the college for advanced students like them, she also wanted to "package" the contents of the Collection Pavilion to take away as much as she could.

She thinks that she is incomparable with the real evildoers of Liuyi College. They look down on these "by-products". On the contrary, those metaphysical and more theoretical academic achievements are more appetizing to them. She thinks that all the by-products they excreted are picked up. It was enough to put it in her pocket, and she didn't expect to create a practice method for herself.

What's more, she is already very satisfied with her current practice progress, even far exceeding her own most optimistic expectations.

When she was in Changxuan City, she expected herself to work with peace of mind, practice honestly, and strive to break through to the Foundation Establishment Realm before the age of 40, and reach the peak of the Foundation Establishment Realm before the age of [-]. As for when to break through the Zifu Realm, this is not included It was within her expectations at the time, because for practitioners at the peak of the Foundation Establishment Realm, if they want to break through the Purple Mansion Realm, they must face two barriers. , resources, experience and other aspects of full preparation.She herself is at a loss and not sure about this, and she who is still accumulating energy for the Foundation Establishment Realm can't see so far.

Later, as she expected, she successfully broke through the Foundation Establishment Realm before the age of 40. In the past few years, everything was as expected. In Changxuan City, she gradually became a big boss from a potential rookie. After some organizational conversations, After entering the service of the Black Shark, she felt that she was walking step by step on her own feet, and suddenly got on an express spaceship.

Too fast, everything came too fast, even beyond her own expectations.

She was promoted to the third-tier captain in the mid-term of the Foundation Establishment Realm. From that moment on, she no longer needs to worry about all aspects of the Foundation Establishment Realm, such as skills, insights, resources, and experience, and the organization will arrange for her. All the treatment went directly to the middle stage of Zifu Realm.

Immediately afterwards, the luck rules and the Shinto system appeared, and most of the practice world became active, and they all regarded the demons as experience monsters who promoted luck. Ordinary members are blessed by good luck, but she is directly blessed by good luck, because they all act with the ship and have no experience of traveling alone to pick up leaks, which has not been reflected in other aspects, but it has obviously accelerated her practice.

The organization provides various external supplies and guarantees, and the speed of her practice has also increased significantly. Her cultivation base has risen at a speed visible to the naked eye, and there will be a small or large breakthrough every two or three years. In the late stage of the Foundation Establishment Realm, at the peak of the Foundation Establishment Realm, she successfully broke through the Purple Mansion Realm. In the early stage of the Purple Mansion Realm, she finally stabilized at the middle stage of the Purple Mansion Realm. It was also at that time that she clearly felt that she had reached the limit of her talent.

There was nothing to complain about, she accepted the fact.

However, after only one year of stability, the luck she accumulated broke through the threshold of good luck and turned into merit.

The cultivation base that was already impenetrable can suddenly rush forward again.

It didn't take a few years to break through to the late stage of Zifu Realm, and last year, he broke through to the peak of Zifu Realm in one fell swoop.

After years of development and improvement, the Black Shark Ship has also gradually improved its internal perfection. The service life of members of different levels varies. For example, the service period of ordinary members of the Qi training environment is three to five years. The specific service period depends on their performance. It is determined that if the five-year service period expires and fails to be promoted to the first-tier captain, then retirement will be arranged. The service period of the first-tier captain is five to ten years, and if the ten-year period fails to be promoted to the second-tier captain Retirement, the third-tier captain is ten to 15 years, and the fourth-tier captain is fifteen to 20 years.

The purpose of this is to stimulate competition and let grassroots members see the hope of progress. Regular retirement is to maintain the mobility and vitality of the entire team. If there is no fresh blood for a long time, the crew will become less and less fresh, and it is easy form a hill.

In horizontal comparison, although Zhang Yutong is excellent and experienced in completing tasks, she is definitely not the best. However, whether it is her direct leader or the core executives of the Black Shark Ship, the evaluation of her is always in the first rank.When her cultivation reached the standard of a Tier [-] captain, the senior management unanimously agreed to promote her as one of the only six Tier [-] captains.

However, the captain of the fifth rank has long been a great monk in the Jindan realm, and last year, after serving for 20 years, she will also usher in her own retirement.The core layer of the Black Shark Ship gave her another big gift, which was to try to get her a one-year study place in Liuyi College.

20 years ago, Liuyi College underwent a major adjustment. Firstly, all sub-capital branches became special practice colleges, formally falling behind half a position from the nominally neck-and-neck sequence with Liuyi College. The enrollment quota for each session is fixed at 5000, and with Yanxia's current population of more than 12 trillion, it is equivalent to only one such evildoer appearing in every 18 million people.The duration of each session is extended to [-] years, which means that the number of formal students of the college is fixed at around [-].

In addition, the college will recruit at least a few thousand to as many as [-] to [-] non-ethnic students each session. The quality of teaching experience is not so strict, but when everything is on the right track, the recruitment of non-ethnic students has gradually developed its own set of standards.

It can be said that even if the non-race students who can enter Liuyi College are slightly inferior to other human students in terms of comprehensiveness, it is not obvious. Moreover, they are also supported by their innate ethnic talents. The specialties in this aspect even surpassed that of human students.

In addition, there are [-] to [-] special recruits each year. They are all from those sects of practice. Zongmen stands out.

In addition, under the suggestion of the imperial capital, Liuyi College also specially set up a one-year advanced training class.

There are many practitioners like this in Yanxia, ​​who are very good-natured and have a firm heart towards the Tao, but due to limited talent, they can only hang out in the middle and low-level cultivation world, and have no chance to come into contact with the higher-level cultivation world.

Because of the emergence of luck rules, fate opened a door for them, and many of them completed the accumulation of luck, gained merit blessings, and successfully changed their fate against the sky.

Whether it is by the organization or by oneself, being able to accumulate one's luck to the level of merit already explains everything.Everyone knows how difficult it is to complete this leap.

Due to the limitations of their previous talents, they have not been exposed to the real higher-level practice circles. The Yanxia Center believes that the existing school system should give them a chance to study and advance, from the state-level advanced practice schools to the vice-capital special-level practice schools. Liuyi College should provide a certain number of places for advanced students every year.

Not to mention institutions of higher learning and special institutions of higher learning. Since Liuyi College opened its doors, it has never satisfied the outside world.

Hard to find a ticket is polite, how many games will go through behind the scenes for each quota to finally determine who will get it, only those who have participated in it know.The Black Shark fleet collectively shouted that it must be given to us, we always appear in the most dangerous places, and there are the most virtuous people, isn't it plausible for us?The Shinto Secretary said that our son Lang has traveled all over the mountains and rivers of the hot summer since he entered the Shinto Department, and counted the models who never entered the house. Can we feel at ease if we don't give it to us?There are also those warriors who are active on the hidden front, or who often go to other camps to "eat shit", and those who have worked hard but remain unknown, whose glory has been earned by others, and all the suffering has been eaten by themselves... Anyway, each has its own Each is miserable, and each has its own reasons.

For this reason, Liuyi College adjusted the number of places for advanced study every year, from [-] to [-] to [-] to the final [-]. Finally, the college quit, saying that it would not continue to increase. Complaining about meritorious deeds through various channels and detours to get through the back door, the college just made a move, turned a blind eye and ignored it, and only explained in one sentence: "You can just make an agreement and send the person here."

When chatting with her companions on the Black Shark before, she only took this as an anecdote, and never expected that she would have this opportunity, but this opportunity fell on her without waiting for her to speak.

Therefore, she cherishes this year's study career very much.Did not participate in any social entertainment, spent all the time on the acquisition of knowledge.

After checking the time, she put down her books and walked outside the hall.

When passing the gate of the main hall, according to the usual practice, he bowed to the old man who was dozing off next to him.Only then did he walk out of the hall.

It is said that this habit was initiated by Chen Zhenzhen at the beginning. Every time he entered and exited the palace, he would respectfully bow to the legendary Jiang Ye. It gradually evolved into a rule that everyone obeyed. Bowing to this lord before leaving the palace will not hurt you. Some people even said convincingly that maintaining respect for this lord for a long time will secretly poke your luck... Shhh, don't say anything, I'm only telling you this, but Don't tell anyone.

Finally everyone knows.

There was even a saying that "believe in Lord Jiang and get the blessing of heaven" is very false, but everyone happily obeyed it, and it even evolved to the time when it was time to try luck, such as a certain major experiment, a certain field For the key assessment, both the students and the teacher will silently say a few words "Jiang Ye bless", it seems that this can really temporarily increase the luck and increase the European spirit.

Although Zhang Yutong knew in his heart that this was just fun, he didn't mean to go against the trend. He bowed when he entered and exited the Dianzang Pavilion, and shouted "Jiang Ye bless" when he should, otherwise he wouldn't be able to integrate into this circle.

However, there is no doubt that Master Jiang is a great legend in the academy.

Especially with the birth of luck rules, Liuyi College has concentrated a large number of people with great merit, making up for the shortcoming of lack of talent, and directly standing at the forefront of the practice system, everyone is very curious about one thing, before the sky changes High-achieving students of Imperial University, graduates of Liuyi College in the Yuan Dynasty, and the first generation of Dianzangge, witnessed the rise of Tianjiao who guarded the era. After graduation, they entered various positions in Yanxia, ​​and established the current pattern of Yanxia practice circle and even the entire Yanxia society. , How much merit does Jiang Ye have?

no one knows.

It can be said that if there is a list of "Unsolved Mysteries of the Academy", this matter must be on the list.

After walking out of Dianzang Pavilion, she jumped up and flew directly to a mountain in the distance.

When she pressed down and landed on a platform, there were already many trainees waiting there.

She randomly found an empty seat and sat down.

Not long after, a plain-clothed girl walked up to Sermon Rock.

This young girl gives people a delicate and quiet feeling at first glance. The most striking thing is her long silver hair and red eyes. Everyone knows that she is a golden core master who has attained enlightenment. Cultivator, when she climbed the rock, everyone was very quiet and even kept solemn. As for what they thought in their hearts, only they knew. Although Zhang Yutong never participated in those topics, she knew the topics that students exchanged most in private What is it, eight out of ten sentences are the gossip of these non-human teachers.

For example, the teacher who named herself Jin Yu'er obviously imitated the real name of the Jin Fairy who pioneered the way to promote dehumanization.

I heard that the golden fairy complained at that time: "Return Jin Yu'er, then you might as well call him Jin Yutu."

In the end, this teacher Jin Yu'er really wanted to change her name immediately, but she was persuaded by that golden fairy before finally giving up.And the most outrageous thing is that the other two also stayed in school to become teachers, and the two who successfully transformed into the same batch as her, one is named Jin Miaoer, which is at least cute; He looks like a handsome boy, but his name is half scolding and half obscene. That golden fairy doesn't even have the desire to complain.

And this teacher Jin Yu'er could have eliminated the idiosyncratic features such as eye color and hair when she formed the alchemy, and became a real person, but because the golden fairy once said casually, "You still have to have your own characteristics." In this case, she retained these characteristics.

Her choice even directly affects the choices of other aliens when forming alchemy. Not only will they not deliberately eliminate the alien features on their bodies, but if some features are not obvious or not beautiful, they will also deliberately adjust them.

In private, many students would sigh with emotion that Fairy Jin's words alone are worth a great merit.

Zhang Yutong didn't comment on this, heh.

Even if she became a great monk in the Golden Core Realm, Jin Yu'er still spoke softly, without the slightest awareness of being a big brother in the Golden Core Realm, and said softly: "Today I will talk about a few typical failure cases of the Zifu breaking the Golden Core. , and analyze the reasons for their failure..."

Zhang Yutong collected his mind and listened carefully.

When she "woke up" again, Teacher Jin Yu'er had already left, and the surrounding students had also left one after another.

She remembered that she still had a lecture to attend in the Beast Control Department, so she jumped up and rushed over there.

During the flight, I passed a valley far away, and I saw thick clouds covering the valley. The roar of thunder and lightning flashed and flashed, and many students were watching from the air no more than a hundred meters above the ground.

She looked at the frequency of lightning in the thunderclouds, and judged the power of the thunder from various manifestations. She was slightly startled, and thought: "The thunderclouds of the Golden Elixir of the Four Tribulations are not so terrifying, is it possible that someone is breaking through the five Tribulation of the Golden Core Realm? This is the first great monk to break through the Five Tribulations of the Golden Core Realm, who could it be? Is it Chen Zhenzhen? Or Fairy Weixi, or Fairy Jin, or a few others?"

She thought so in her heart, but she didn't mean to slow down and stand by.

In other places, Zifu's breaking of the Golden Pill may make the surrounding practice circles boil, and it is called a grand event, but in Liuyi College, this is really a very common thing, formal students, more than 20 people plus non-human races 30, combined with the special enrollment and advanced class students, there is a small [-].

And Liuyi College sets standards every 12 years to ensure that most of the students have broken through the Golden Core Realm when they graduate. Therefore, every day in the college, there are at least a few, as many as hundreds or thousands of people who have broken through the Golden Core Realm. Especially in the class that is about to graduate, many students temporarily slacken their attention to practice due to other reasons, but in the last year before leaving school, they will take breaking through the Golden Core Realm as their main goal. Graduate of Liuyi College.

After years of development and exploration, the path to Jindan Realm has become very clear.

When entering the Golden Core Realm for the first time, the nature of the practitioner's Golden Core is rather dark and weak. Although there is an entity, there is still a sense of illusion.

The cultivation of the golden core realm is to use the baptism of heaven and earth to make the golden core yin produce yang, and transform the void into reality.

After deduction and demonstration, the best method of baptism is the thundercloud of the evil spirit layer, which is not difficult to obtain, and the effect is excellent.

According to the degree of yin and yang, and the degree of emptiness and reality, it is divided into nine stages, from the first kalpa, the second kalpa, the third kalpa to the ninth kalpa.

For convenience, the formation specially researches the large-scale cloud gathering formation that gathers cloud gas in a certain area and controls the power of thunderclouds in it. It is set up in multiple places in the college to form one by one for people to concentrate on breaking through the golden core and surviving numerous thunderstorms. place.

The formation can adjust the power of the thundercloud according to the user's will, and everything is controllable, which is safer than watching the sky and eating, which is also a special feature of Liuyi College.

After a practitioner enters the Golden Core Realm, the speed of practice will inevitably slow down. Even if the top ones have great merit, they were still in the Golden Core Realm of the Four Tribulations before.

However, it seems that this record is about to be broken today, and the first great cultivator of the Golden Core Realm of the Five Tribulations is about to be born.

The outside world didn't know what kind of sensational event this would cause, but there were only a group of students among the onlookers, not even a golden core of the third or fourth calamity appeared.

Probably in their eyes, this kind of thing is no longer worth letting them put down everything in their hands and come to watch.

After all, that's the thing about Transcending Tribulation in the Golden Core Realm. They have many old experiences, and there is nothing to learn from. For them, it is to consolidate their foundation and save capital, and that's enough.

Moreover, with the further lengthening of the life span of the golden core realm, everyone's practice rhythm has been adjusted according to their own wishes, and it takes three to five years or even ten years to temporarily put aside the pursuit of the realm of cultivation, and dabble in some other side jobs It is also the choice of many Golden Core Realm monks, so when they reach their level, it is already a bit one-sided to simply compare their progress for a while or use this to measure their level.

While flying, Zhang Yutong was spinning these thoughts very calmly in his mind.

Stimulated by these incidents that Liuyi College regarded as normal, her mentality became more and more calm about these incidents, even calmed down.

When I was on the Black Shark, what was the status of the only few bosses who had just entered the Golden Core Realm on the ship; After a while, she will probably be very calm when facing those core leaders. It is absolutely impossible for her to be surprised and nervous again.

Probably, this is growth.

Zhang Yutong felt emotional in his heart.

Soon, the Beast Control Department had arrived, she put away these distracting thoughts, pressed down on her figure again, and entered on foot.


Every day was so fulfilling and intense, and in the blink of an eye, Zhang Yutong walked out of the gate of Liuyi College with a clean body.

There is a storage bag hanging around her waist, which has a storage space of about three cubic meters.

All her personal belongings are inside, and this is also a small gift from the college to graduates who have completed their studies.

Yes, at Liuyi College, tens of thousands of storage bags are given out every year. This is a small gift.

If outside...

Zhang Yutong looked at himself who was already standing outside the school gate, forget it, don't think about it.

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