Well, the attitude of the other party is actually inclined to agree. They just want to stretch us and ask for more benefits. We also need to see our ability and sincerity. After this time, this matter should be settled. At that time, we will support a group of people In the past, open up the situation there as soon as possible, and when it has a firm foothold there, we will all move there. "

"Ah, are you in such a hurry? Are we going to give up all our foundations?" Some people were both shocked and reluctant.

The purple-robed man said:

"I escaped from the vicinity of the imperial capital. I know how terrifying Yanxia's strength is. As long as I stay in Yanxia territory for a day, my heart will not be at peace. For us, Yanxia territory is a living hell. Other civilization camps That's the best place for us.

Don't worry, when we get a firm foothold over there, our development space is infinitely larger than here, and I won't restrict your hunting anymore.

There is no need to abandon the foundation here, and transform it into a real business organization. Without the pressure of hiding its identity, it will be able to gain more room for development.

At that time, this smuggling line can really be made bigger and stronger, and even spread its influence to other civilization camps. "

All the black robes were excited and longing to hear him describe the blueprint for future development so clearly for the first time.

No one would think that the Venerable Master was painting a cake, because he had drawn beautiful blueprints to everyone many times before, and these blueprints have all been realized so far.

Naturally, they would not doubt the authenticity of this blueprint.

Everyone walked out of the underground space all the way, and came to a natural pore exit washed out by turbulent currents.

As early as when they chose this place as the headquarters of the organization, Shang Zun made the planning and design. The side where they are now is a dedicated work area, and on the other side of the deep stream, the huge underground space deep in the pores It is their personal rest and entertainment.

According to the Venerable Master, "Work hard and live happily." In life, he never treats everyone badly. There, they can get the ultimate satisfaction in all their imaginations about the enjoyment of the world, even if they are like emperors, oh, wrong Well, even the emperors in the history books are not far inferior to them. There, they exist like gods.

As soon as they walked out of the pore after following the Master, the noble and elegant Master suddenly became distorted and frightened, and blurted out a word without thinking: "Flee!"

At the same time as he issued a warning, he was about to burn his spirit and blood marrow to flee far away, but he saw a pair of indifferent eyes like a god sweeping across him. The true energy in his body and the spirit of Zifu instantly seemed to Frozen, unable to move an inch.

And the situation of those subordinates behind him was even worse. Before they even understood what was going on, they felt that their bodies had been frozen.

Then, they saw a 2000-meter-wide deep void between the cliffs on both sides. At this moment, a giant ship like a ghostly black shark suddenly appeared.

Long tubes with a diameter of two meters and a thickness of one after another protruded from the hull of the ship. After a burst of popping sounds like spitting watermelon seeds, huge ballistas with a diameter of two meters and a length of nearly ten meters shot at the speed of sound. Fly to them.

These ballistas not only covered the area where they were located, but also covered all the cliffs in a large area around them.

Some of them exploded before they touched the cliff, and the shock wave released by the extremely compressed air spread a special gas in the air, forming a blockade with no dead ends.

Some exploded after touching the cliffs, and inside were rotten oils that had undergone multiple evolutionary upgrades. As the ballista exploded, they scattered like heavenly maidens, and their super adhesion made them spread all over the surrounding cliffs in an instant. At the same time, it exudes poisonous smoke and gas.

Judging from the overall effect, when a ballista exploded, it was like casting a huge net that could cover 200 meters around, and the entire cliff instantly burned. Driven by the strong wind, the poisonous smoke and gas they emitted were poured into all the pores. Inside.

There are also some ballistas that didn't explode when they touched the cliff, and drilled straight into those holes. Even if they encountered relatively thin rock formations, they still forcibly broke through with their huge kinetic energy.

They want to hold on longer and go deeper to release themselves.

And Zipao Shangzun and a group of direct subordinates behind him were greeted by more than a dozen of these crossbows as soon as they walked out of the pore exit.

Their spirit and true energy were suppressed by a powerful deterrent and they couldn't move, so they accepted their love so abruptly.

The purple-robed Shangzun in the front was hit by a ballista with a diameter of two meters. His super strength did not allow him to be pierced like a fragile rock mass.

He endured it at the cost of displacing the internal organs of his body and overturning the sea. Under this blow, his mind and body also broke free from the invisible suppression and regained control of his body.

But his body has been submerged in rotten oil, turning into a burning human-shaped torch, and the subordinates behind him are similar to him, all turned into human-shaped rotten oil torches.

With a movement of his thoughts, strange scales like snake scales covered his body, causing the rotten oil burning on his body to burn on the strange scales.

As soon as he moved his mind, this layer of burning scales broke away from his body and shot out in all directions.

The companions behind him also showed their abilities and escaped the attack of the rotten oil in various weird ways. One of them looked the worst, covered in blood, as if he had peeled off his own skin abruptly, leaving only the bloody body. subcutaneous tissue.

They who were originally wearing purple robes and black robes and all kinds of strange things have all turned into naked monsters at this moment.

Although they generally still maintain their human form, they all have different degrees of alienation. The alienation of the purple-robed master is the most obvious. Dark purple scales appeared on his body again, and even his head became pointed and slender. , the pupils turned into two dark purple vertical pupils.

His mind turned, and he knew that a net had been laid outside, and it was impossible to escape from the outside, so he turned around and walked back, saying to the people around him, "Go, go through the underground river!"

There was an eerie rustle in his voice.

Returning to the underground space again, the underground space was peaceful just now, but the underground space full of vitality has now become a terrifying hell.

They haven't mastered the formation yet, so they can only use rock mass and careful design to block the inside and outside. This layer of protection has been smashed by the piercing ballista for the first time, and the poisonous gas and smoke are engulfed by the strong wind. All areas have been covered.

In addition, there are burning rot oil sent in by the piercing ballista and various other strange things that can cause huge damage to the Qi training state and even the foundation building state. Even he and a group of Zifu state people behind him Practitioners, walking through it, feel all kinds of discomfort, not to mention the other staff inside, except for those who are already dead, they are struggling to survive on the verge of death.

"help me!"

"My lord, save me!"


Seeing them appear, those desperately struggling demons seemed to see the hope of life, begging and calling out.

But the pedestrians didn't respond, their cries for help and their existence seemed to cease to exist at this moment.

When passing through the deepest karst cave, one of the people following the Master couldn't help but suggested: "Master, although the fruit is not yet ripe, it has some effect. We have spent so much effort on it, let's go pick it. Bar?"

Shang Zun didn't mean to stop at all, but accelerated his speed instead.

When the others saw him, they didn't dare to delay, and followed closely behind him. The person who suggested it stamped his feet, but hurriedly followed.

The most common saying of the Master is "care is the first, safety is the first", and the scene that happened in front of him today also proves his correctness. He doesn't want to be that idiot who makes money and kills birds for food.

When they came to the underground river, they were about to disperse and flee along the complicated and horizontal underground water system. Suddenly, the rushing Master stopped and landed on a stalactite pillar.

Other demons also gathered around him vigilantly.

Just in front of them, at the entrance of the dark river, there was a huge figure squatting on the edge of the dark river, fishing out a giant squid whose strength was comparable to that of the Foundation Establishment Realm.

As soon as the big squid that was writhing and struggling in the water was pinched into his palm, it was like being shocked by an electric shock, and it became a soft, struggling and irresistible raw material.

He threw the big squid to a far corner, as if he was trying to prevent such an excellent raw material from being damaged in the battle later.

He stood up and turned to look at Shang Zun and the others.

"You guys are finally here. If you don't come here, I'm going to grill squid here." The voice didn't seem to come from his mouth, but vibrated from all corners of this space.

Seeing his face clearly, the eyes of Shang Zun, who was already on extreme alert, froze.

"Wuqu Xingjun!"

Naturally, he had seen the statue of Lord Seven Stars before, and those practitioners in the prefectures of the county would form formations to gather Lord Seven Stars, but compared with the one in front of him, what he had seen before was too illusory and rigid.

But this one in front of him is so vivid and real.

He stood at the entrance of the underground river, nearly eight meters tall, and his figure could have grown even larger if it wasn't for the heavy rock above his head, but even with his current figure, if they wanted to pass through, they had no choice but to defeat him. The second method.

He said to his companions in a deep voice, "Prepare to work hard."

He began to restrain all emotions in his heart.

Desperation spreads in his heart, but it doesn't make him weak. This extreme emotion can make his strength explode beyond normal. Although he always warns everyone to "be careful first, safety first", but when death threatens When it is really approaching, he will not shrink back and escape, but will face it head-on.

Whatever doesn't kill me makes me stronger!

A terrifying aura poured out from his body.

The demons behind him all showed their grandeur without reservation.


The inextinguishable, heart-burning flames make the eyes bleed and blind, the skin is itchy unbearably, the poisonous mist and smoke that make the respiratory tract fester, and the super acid that directly melts the bones and bones, has a strong aggressiveness, like a living thing, self Multiplication, self-enhancing planktonic spores...

The underground space is full of all kinds of deadly dangers. Ordinary people below the inner strength will lose their bones if they can't persist here for a second.

At the Qi training level, you can only persist for a dozen breaths at most. Even at the Foundation Establishment level, you will have to die in a miserable wail for a quarter of an hour at most, and in the end it will either turn into a puddle of corpses or be burned to the point where there are no bones left. There is no ash left.

Those who have not died for a while, some are lying there quietly waiting for the last moment to come, some simply kill themselves to end this painful torment, and some are smashing around like crazy, wasting their last moments in vain. vitality.

But they didn't notice, and some of them did, but died soon after, without thinking about it.

That is, there are many areas that they cannot attack or break into.

Jiang Buku stood in this underground space like Shura's hell, with neat clothes and a calm expression.

Those dying demons couldn't see him, and he didn't have these people in his eyes.

He just looked at the areas protected by the formations he temporarily arranged, including the strange tree in the underground cave that grew up fed by the souls of practitioners, all of which were protected by him—if those demons organized When the leaders broke in to pick the fruit, they would find that they couldn't connect to the big tree at all.

"The demons don't need to stay, but these achievements don't need to be destroyed together with them, because they were born in evil and have paid a heavy price, so they should maximize their value instead of just being so silent destruction!"

This is the idea of ​​Jiangbuku.

For example, that strange tree was fed by the souls of countless practitioners to make it grow to its current scale. If it was allowed to annihilate in the ground without a sound, it would be really unacceptable.

Jiang Buku not only protects it with formations, but also uses formations to amplify its soul-sucking characteristics to the limit. Those demons who died in pain in the underground world will have their souls absorbed by the strange tree and become the source of its growth. The nourishment of evolution.

And judging from its violent trembling and wriggling reaction, it was very satisfied with the quality of this batch of food.

At this moment, the team equipped with the wearer's special magic weapon has begun to enter the arena, making up the last knife for the demons who are still struggling to resist, and carrying out the final harvest.

Those temporary formations disappeared silently, as if they had never appeared before.


"Okay, act!"

In a practice gymnasium in the county seat, Zhang Yutong and the team members rented a small courtyard five days ago and lived in it.

Her ability to execute tasks and command and lead the team is impeccable. Their team completed all the tasks a few days ago, and because of her principle of not doing too much, even if the team members tried their best She was unmoved by the guidance and teasing.

In her opinion, this is extravagance, superfluous.

Just do the task, why think so much?

At this moment, after reading the latest instructions she received, she immediately took action.

The other six immediately took out a formation disk from their pockets and threw them in various directions on the ground. Soon, a defensive formation and a concealment formation appeared around them.

Then, the seven people quickly formed a seven-star formation, condensing a greedy wolf star, and Zhang Yutong, who has excellent super-sensing talent, merged with it, and the god who was originally a virtual image naturally merged into the air and disappeared.

In the next moment, an ordinary business house across the street from the practice gymnasium suddenly collapsed silently, and one of the foundation-building demons was hiding in it. The four Qi-training demons were taken away by a wave before they could react. .

The phantom image of Lord Greedy Wolf star flashed across the sky above this building, and rushed towards another place.

And in another direction just behind him, because of the sudden burst of vigilance, he saw a foundation-building figure suddenly erupt in an ordinary mansion, rushing towards the bustling business district in the center like an arrow from the string.

But the statue of the Greedy Wolf Star Monarch did not intend to stay at all, and had already come to the top of a dart line.

The four demons lurking in it have been exposed, and there is nowhere to hide.

And the demon who rushed towards the bustling business district and wanted to take the ordinary people around him as hostages also failed.

Another phantom of a god appeared below him, reached out to grab him, and held him in the palm of his hand. Without the slightest hesitation, he was squeezed and exploded, and the blood spurted out.

And in another part of the city, while Zhang Yutong's team started their operations, a phantom of a god appeared, killing the mission target with one blow.

In this county town, three teams and three god statues wiped out the demon strongholds lurking everywhere. Zhang Yutong's team took two shots, and the other two teams took one shot.

Without the slightest hesitation, the three gods and spirits gathered in one place, rushed out of the city, and rushed towards the luxurious mansion fifteen kilometers southeast of the county seat.

While they were on their way, four ghost images of gods rushed towards them one after another. During the rush, Zhang Yutong used gestures as a guide, and the seven ghost images of gods quickly formed a seven-star formation in the air. Soon, the seven gods The virtual image disappeared, replaced by a more powerful and more realistic virtual image of the gods.

Zhang Yutong, who had completed the assembly during the flight, drove the virtual image of the second-level god to the sky above the luxurious mansion, and the demons hidden inside, including five foundation-building and fifteen peak-level Qi-training people, were all alarmed.

Seeing that none of them ran away, Zhang Yutong breathed a sigh of relief. First, he froze their minds and hearts with his divine eyes, and then slapped them down with the palm of the gods.

One minute later, the battle was over, and the other six first-tier captains who had been silent all the time finally couldn't help but said: "Captain Zhang, these demons are too weak, compared to the pressure from the purple mansion realm overhaul when we were training." It's far away!"

Zhang Yutong said: "Is the weakness not good? We were going to do something like a thunderbolt, and we really fought with them endlessly. It is not only our dereliction of duty, but also a mistake in the tactical arrangement of the staff room!"

After saying that, with a thought, she unassembled the assembly, and the phantom images of the seven gods reappeared.

"Okay, everyone will return immediately and bring their respective teams to assemble in Fucheng."

After giving the order, the statue of the Greedy Wolf Star Monarch suspended over the luxurious mansion fifteen kilometers south of the city instantly dissipated, and the consciousness of her and the team members all returned to the body of the practice hall.

Yanxia's practice system is making great strides forward, and this progress is reflected in all aspects related to practice.

For example, using the seven-star formation to condense and summon the Seven-Star Lord, at first, it was necessary to use the rune image as a guide, but later the rune image was no longer necessary. At first, when the seven-star formation was deployed above the second level, all the formation personnel had to gather in one place, but now A higher-order seven-star array can be formed by forming an array with virtual images of gods and spirits.

The limited activity range of the Tier [-] God Spirit Phantom is [-] kilometers. As long as other Tier [-] teams are within this area, they can quickly form a Tier [-] God Spirit Phantom. This flexibility greatly enriches the team's tactics.

For example, this operation took less than 5 minutes from Zhang Yutong's sudden explosion to the return of their minds, and all the demon strongholds hidden in this area were eradicated.

It was truly fatal in one blow, as fast as thunder.

Before anyone else in the city could react, they had already completed their mission and were preparing to evacuate.

But also at this time, the officials in the city have also dispatched the city's in-law practitioners and other staff to start dealing with the aftermath.

Withdrawing the array and putting away the array, Zhang Yutong led the team out of the small courtyard.

At the gate of the small courtyard, the owner of the practice gymnasium, a middle-aged man in his 40s with a mid-stage cultivation in the Foundation Establishment Realm, in this county, he is a well-known master of cultivation, but at this moment, he brought A group of disciples were waiting there respectfully.

Seeing Zhang Yutong and the others come out, his attitude became more sincere, even to the point of humility.

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