Those spaceships queuing up to pass a special formation checkpoint all immediately moved out of the airspace, allowing the nine specially-made spaceships to go ahead.

Compared with the elegance of the long whale ship and the simplicity of the giant kun ship, these nine spaceships are like traveling in groups in the sky, and they are about to engage in a bloody hunt for sharks.

With an undisguised evil spirit and murderous aura.

Its body is huge, but its flying posture is extremely nimble and agile. It looks black, but it seems to be able to hide in the void at any time, making people subconsciously ignore its existence, just like a ghostly black shark cruising in the sky.

Just the appearance gives people a sense of oppression.

Its name is [Black Shark Ship], and it is a giant ship specially designed for killing, jointly built by many relevant departments and many departments of Liuyi College.

It integrates the great achievements of the rune system, the formation system, the machine relationship, the refining system, and the spiritual planting system, and even has a special small sky eye, which can detect various weather changes and avoid the impact of various extreme weather on the spacecraft. It can detect the abnormal fluctuations of black wind calamity and aura, and dig out hidden enemies.

In addition, it also has agile movement ability, triple invisibility ability of formation, rune and material coating, multiple attack and defense capabilities jointly created by formation, rune, organ and refining weapon.

Its internal space is huge, and it can accommodate [-] practitioners in the remote wilderness of the Black Shark Ship. Its internal material reserves can meet their needs for a year. If there are large human settlements for supplies, they can cruise in the sky for three to five years. .

Each black shark giant ship is an independent base of operations, a mobile super air fortress.

Seeing them, Jiang Buku's eyes lit up, and after half a month of waiting, he finally looked forward to the right lord.

He can clearly see that the Black Shark is always surrounded by a formation that combines alertness and defense. This is to prevent those with special means from sneaking in silently, because the hull is too large for human eyes to see. , coupled with the special secret eye, it is basically foolproof.

However, meeting Jiang Buku is another matter.

He didn't touch the security and defense formation, nor was he caught by the eye of the sky, and walked into the interior of the giant ship like a leisurely stroll.

He also cruised back and forth on nine spaceships, and the black shark ship has not been out for a few years, and he has been living in the academy all these years. He has only heard of its name and has not actually boarded it to experience it, so he is also very curious and holds In the spirit of checking for omissions and filling vacancies for the younger generations, he walked around one by one.

"I'm here to find a fault for you."

In the end, he selected one of them as his permanent residence for this trip.

There was no special reason, just because he saw an acquaintance while wandering around, so he made this decision quite casually in his heart. Anyway, he would always choose one of the nine spaceships. It is better to choose the familiar than the unborn.

Nine black shark ships plunged into the seemingly empty, normal void one after another, but first the bow disappeared, as if cut off by a sharp knife, then the hull, and finally the stern, all disappeared into the sky formation.

The nine giant ships traveled to nine places through the teleportation and jump of the ancient city of the imperial capital.

Jiang Buku selected the Black Shark ship to teleport out from another large sky formation, and after completing a simple handover with the garrison personnel, he galloped towards the distant sky.

During the flight, the Black Shark became more and more transparent and fainter. At a certain moment, suddenly, it disappeared into the air. No matter whether it was human or other life, it was impossible to catch its trace with the eyes, even if there were Powerful spiritual power induction must also be located very close, and very purposeful detection can be made.

Jiang Buku is standing on the deck at the moment, looking at the direction sent by the spacecraft. More than 100 years ago, it was called the roof of the world. Now, the real roof of the world has entered the cave, but there is still a wall in front of him. The huge mountain range in the sky, running from east to west, with no end in sight, and the lightning and dark clouds are just a scene at the foot of the mountain.

The spaceship is flying at an altitude of more than [-] meters, but it still seems to be at the foot of the mountain. If you want to see the magnificent scenery of this huge mountain range, you still need to look up.

He looked at it alone for a while, then entered the cabin below.

This black shark ship is fully loaded with [-] practitioners. At this moment, they are scattered in twenty huge cabins for meetings.

Jiang Buku's boundary invisibility was fully activated, with his hands behind his back, like a retired old leader inspecting, casually standing beside Zhang Yutong, listening to the leader's speech on the stage.

And the first thing he said was to let everyone, under the supervision of special personnel, turn in all the communication symbols, transmission boxes and other items that can communicate with the outside world that they carry to a corner of the room, and then use special spiritual materials to cooperate with them. The corresponding runes and formations are tightly sealed.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Seeing that all personal communication items were collected and packaged, the leader on the stage treated everyone humanely:

"It will be returned to you after this mission is completed. In this operation, all communication equipment will be provided by our operation team.

Let me talk about a few more rules. First, there is no task to arrange for everyone to practice in their own cabins with peace of mind. You can also freely move about and discuss in the ship, but you cannot go out at will;

Second, if there is a mission to go out, the use of communication symbols can only be used internally. We will make special statistics on the number of communication symbols issued and your actual communication times. If the actual consumption of communication symbols does not match the number of internal communication times , it will be regarded as you leaking secrets to the outside world, and the consequences will be very serious;

Third, if you go out, try to take the qi recovery elixir provided by us if you lose your true qi. If possible, don't practice outside, because the infestation of foreign demons here is more serious than the core area of ​​Yanxia;

Fourth, in the process of carrying out the task, you should not use any skills and secrets that you come into contact with, even some resources that are very tempting to practitioners, such as secret methods and materials that can directly increase spiritual strength or even enhance the talent of cultivation. ! "

As soon as he said this, the atmosphere in the field suddenly became a little commotion.

Because for orthodox practitioners, there is no shortcut to improve spiritual strength. So far, no pills that can directly enhance spiritual strength have been developed. There is no other way except hard work and epiphany, and there is no way to improve talent at all.

The information revealed in the leader's speech is thought-provoking.

Having said that, he seemed to realize that he was too strict, and he said with a slightly relaxed expression: "You have all been screened many times, your abilities are not bad, and the most important thing is that your loyalty to Yanxia is unquestionable. The few things I said The essence of the rules is to protect you, and more than half of you are performing such a mission for the first time, I sincerely hope that as many of us come out, as many of us will go back, even if there is a loss, it will be a major loss!"


While listening to the leader's speech, Zhang Yutong recalled the experience of the past few months, feeling rather strange.

Seven years ago, that is, the second year after the birth of Black Wind Calamity Tribulation, her cultivation finally broke through from the peak of the Qi training state to the foundation establishment state, and at the end of last year, her cultivation broke through from the early stage of the foundation establishment state to the middle stage of the foundation establishment state.

With such a huge improvement in cultivation in less than ten years, in Changxuan City, he has also grown from a potential new star to a real big boss.

Also at the end of last year, the organization had a rather in-depth exchange with her.

Ever since she was "burned" by the real Tianjiao evildoer, she has always regarded herself as a worker. After that conversation, she was transferred from Changxuan City for a four-month study and training.

She is no stranger to this kind of training, because every few years, sometimes even in a productive year, Liuyi College will release new results almost every year, and the practitioners in their establishment will be organized to study in the first place, This not only speeds up the promotion of new results, but also allows new results to be further optimized due to their centralized learning feedback.

But this time the learning and training is very different, implementing very strict militarized management, simulating confrontation and actions in various situations, getting familiar with the use of various elixirs and magic tools, and practicing more formations with new companions.

Those who train with her have the lowest cultivation level and are in the late stage of the Qi training stage. There are not a few practitioners in the Foundation Establishment stage. Even the Purple Mansion Realm will often train with them. The imaginary enemy, the Foundation Establishment Realm brought a group of Qi Training Realm to fight against it.

In such an atmosphere, the "big brother temperament" that was not much in her heart and was bluntly advocated by the Changxuan City practice circle disappeared after a few days. She didn't feel that she was a high-ranking practitioner. A more powerful ordinary person.

Injury will hurt and bleed, training tasks will make you tired and want to find a place to lie down and be a salted fish regardless of your image.

After being wiped out by a powerful enemy group in the Zifu Realm, Huihui and a group of partners will continue to work hard, delve into new tactics, formulate more exquisite tactics, try their best and exhaust their wisdom, and after finally defeating the powerful enemy in the Zifu Realm, everyone will give each other high fives Qing, will be excited and will yell.

These four months are so short, yet so fulfilling.

When she first started training, she secretly observed that not only her, but everyone else was more or less noble and arrogant. It was an excellent practitioner who had self-confidence, a sense of superiority, etc. from the day of practice. A special temperament formed.

But after the training camp in April, all these arrogance and arrogance were shattered and scattered, turning into fresh people.

Strong mind, strong strength, and decisive action.

Looking at the companions around her, she believed that the people present, like her, were full of confidence in the upcoming mission.

Before officially boarding the ship, they have been clearly informed that the specific operational tasks will not be informed by a special person until after they board the ship.

Before that, they just got as familiar with their team and action partners as possible.

A black shark ship is equipped with 2 people, and there are [-] people in the combat team. The reason for this odd number is because the deployment of a complete fifth-order seven-star array happens to be so many people.

The remaining 3000 or [-] people include personnel responsible for the driving and maintenance of the Black Shark ship, an intelligence room, a staff room, a security room dedicated to protecting the Black Shark ship itself, and a department responsible for logistics and trivial matters in all aspects of life.

These personnel are no worse than Zhang Yutong and others who go out on duty in terms of cultivation and training. For example, those who are particularly sensitive to formations and can master all the key points of the seven-star formation are all recruited into the cooking class.

And those who can only master a few formation moves, or even only know one move, are assigned to the outing action team.

The above explanation for this is irrefutable.

"They are familiar with all the positions of the seven stars, that is to say, if any of you has an accident, they can replace them at any time, but you can't. If they are the first batch, they will be lost, and none of you will be able to make up for it. , wouldn’t that mean that the entire formation will suffer?”

And the way they express their concern is to give you a spoonful of medicinal food made from spirit beast meat and spirit herbs without shaking their hands, and say earnestly: "Work hard, don't hang up, I will make it for you!" It’s also good to cook and occasionally perform a drama.”


At this moment, images made with runes, arrays, auras, spiritual manifestations, and many other achievements are projected on a huge wall.

A man with a straight figure, wearing a formal uniform, a face as sharp as a knife and an axe, and a man with no emotional fluctuations in his expression, who was cultivated in the middle stage of the purple mansion, stood beside the image projection.

Under his control, the images flipped quickly, all of them were dead, all of them were homicides, and their deaths were extremely miserable. With their distorted figures and painful expressions, one could imagine what kind of tragedy they had encountered before them.

Moreover, from some detailed characteristics, it can be seen that these deceased are all practitioners, and some of them have very good cultivation.

As these images flipped quickly, the atmosphere in the field quickly became solemn.

In the end, the images fade away and become bloody words.


Take the pith.

Refining the soul.

Flesh and blood are used as medicine.

Living alchemy.

Borrow body to plant Gu.

Swallow the five viscera and brains alive.

Collect desperate pain.


These words are more stinging than those images.

Then, these words were shrunk and suppressed by one character.


Chapter One and Six

Zhang Yutong thought that her heart had been honed to be very resolute, but seeing these nearly endless death images and heart-piercing words at this moment, her heart couldn't help twitching, and her fists were already quietly clenched.

Many people around her were in the same mood as her at this moment, they had been fully mobilized, and a feeling of common hatred and hatred was born spontaneously.

On the stage, the man who was made of mechanical steel did not show any fluctuations in his expression, and began to speak calmly.

"Since the [-]st year of the new calendar, since the invasion of foreign demons, you should all have a deep understanding of the various influences.

Such as the black wind disaster, we have been able to prevent it in advance. Although the reduction of lifespan cannot be avoided, in terms of the entire hot summer, the impact is not too great.

The improvement of the land city god system and the birth of the world of the underworld have turned the disaster into a foundation, giving the Yanxia system a three-dimensional depth.

But there are also some hidden dangers that originate in a subtle way and are difficult to detect. By the time we can detect it, a large-scale festering has already formed. "

He first gave a general overview of the macro background, and then continued:

"From the beginning of the black wind calamity, we have discovered that under the harassment of foreign demons, it is not the most serious thing to cause people to fail, or even cause people to die, but the most serious thing is the distortion and alienation of people's hearts.

With our current level of technology, if the distortion and alienation time does not exceed 24 hours, it can still be detected by special skills and formations, but as long as the time exceeds one day, it will be difficult for external forces to detect it. "

Having said that, the man added another sentence: "The latest research shows that practitioners in the Golden Core Realm can directly see the state of a person's spiritual soul. However, the Golden Core Realm has just been established. The proportion of them will be very rare, unless there are blind people who are specially swaying under their noses, otherwise the effect will be limited."

"Under the intrusion of foreign demons, the minds of practitioners are distorted and alienated, and we collectively call such people demons.

There are some stupid ones who directly start harming the people around them, and they will be caught out soon.

But more will lurk silently, wait for the opportunity, kill with one blow, and continue to lurk and hide after achieving the goal.

However, this approach is difficult to last in the core area. We have a special detection agency and a strict organizational system. As long as they act more than three times, they will be precisely targeted by us.

They are lurking and acting like ordinary practitioners is the most dangerous. Once exposed, there is no threat at all.Therefore, those of you who live in the core area rarely feel the pressure from this aspect.

But these demons are not all fools. The stronger the power, the more insidious their means, and often the more clever and cunning. When they find that the core area is their restricted area, they will evacuate to the outer and even border areas.

Most of these areas are newly added areas, and they are all new cities that have only been relocated in recent years. The system of land city gods is far less complete than the core areas;

There are also naturalized alien races that have always existed and migrated from other human camps. They have multiplied for four or five generations, and the new generation is the same as the real Yanxia Miao in terms of cultural identity and blood appearance;

Some were originally independent countries. Although they have completely turned into summer, the imperial capital allowed them to have independent administrative powers in order to reduce the pressure on governance, and their status and vice-deputies were equal.

All these reasons have made the peripheral and border areas extremely complicated, and our organizational system is far less rigorous and perfect than the core area, which is very suitable for the devil to hide.

In the outer border areas, the aura is even more impure, and the proportion of demons born is more than that in the core area. In addition, the core area has experienced various killings and tempers and has become more cunning and powerful demons.

There are signs that they are gradually changing from stragglers and small-scale operations to larger and more dangerous large organizations, and they are gradually becoming the biggest hidden danger in these areas.

Even if they showed their whereabouts due to too frequent shots, when we followed the clues to find them, they had already cleared the beginning and the end.

If our force is too weak, we will become their prey and be harmed by them;

If it is too strong, as long as they see any trouble, they will immediately scatter and lurk in all directions. After using all their fighting power, they only catch a few mosquitoes and flies, and it is difficult to catch them all.

Therefore, our current strategy is not to have any contact with the local area before taking action. Once the action is launched, we will strike with the strength of a lion fighting a rabbit, and strive to hit every blow on the ground. "

Having said that, the man began to introduce the specific content of this operation.

"The demon organization we are going to destroy this time is more cunning and strategic than those lacking in technology in the past.

The images and photos I just showed you are not left by our target this time, but the crimes committed by other demon organizations that have been wiped out in the past.

For the target of this operation, they act more cautiously and more covertly. They will choose their targets very carefully, and will intentionally avoid those objects that will attract our attention.

After killing people and refining their souls, they will also properly dispose of the corpses, because practitioners like to travel around and increase their knowledge. Their whereabouts are very free, and they will not attract any suspicion if they disappear suddenly. Therefore, our information The agency has never found their clues.

Their experience is so sophisticated. After the analysis of the intelligence room and the staff room, they believe that the leader of this demon organization should have escaped from the core area and has dealt with us a lot.Therefore, we are always in the blind spot of our sight. "

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