This has a long history in Yanxia, ​​before the birth of civilization, and in an even older era, all the techniques of witchcraft can be summarized under this method, with various methods and unpredictable directions.

After summarizing, I have divided them into four categories.

One is the direction of utensils, such as paper figurines, figurines, figures carved with wood and stone, severed heads and arms, etc., all of which can be included in this category;

One is to point to the mantra, recite all kinds of special and weird mantras, accompanied by the target's birth date;

One is the action orientation, which is broader, such as handprint counting, stepping step, Yu step, peach wood sword dance, and even rattan utensils, knotted with grass, I also fall into this category, because the focus is never on weaving What is accomplished, what is accomplished, but the action itself;

Then there is the root point, nails, hair, dander, even the clothes left by the person, the house where he lived, even the footprints stepped on, written words...all the traces left by the root.

In practical applications, it is more of a combination of multiple directions. While piercing the villain, reciting spells, and pinching the fingers, it will be more perfect if there is the opponent's hair and dandruff, or while stepping and fighting, chanting spells and pinching. Tactics, dancing swords at the same time... the combination is the best effect.

In fact, in addition to this, there should be another kind of pointing, which I named "mysterious pointing", the reason why it is not listed with other types of pointing is because it is too mysterious and treacherous, such as wearing a red wedding dress at a certain moment in the middle of the night Standing barefoot on a high hill somewhere, or dumping a bowl of rotten leftovers somewhere, or cutting a specific wound on an old tree according to certain rules, filling it with specific things, or rice Grains, or animal viscera... It's a mess, it's hard to classify carefully, the way it's done is weird, and the pointing is also weird. "

Hearing this, Jiang Buku was still a little puzzled. Her words could not even be regarded as having much new ideas, because as early as more than 300 years ago, before the popular concept of Qi training had established a paradigm, countless Smart people have already thought of this when they were looking for where to break through the path of Yanxia's power.

They even want to use this as a starting point for their "divine side" Taoism practice.

However, in the end, everyone gave up on this path. This path may have many advantages, but it has even bigger flaws, which are almost insurmountable. Compared with the current practice system, its biggest flaws are "not concise" and "high threshold". There is no standard answer."

Yes, if you engage in small circles of practice, and only one out of hundreds of millions of people can practice, "no standard answer" may be regarded as an advantage, but for the practice of the whole people, "no standard answer" is absolutely unacceptable .

What the whole people need for practice is that 1+1 must be equal to 2, and it can only be equal to 2. If anyone later adds "it can also be equal to 10" if they are smart, they are finished, waiting to be beaten to death.

Therefore, what she is talking about now is the leftovers of smart people playing hundreds or even thousands of years ago.

However, he is not in a hurry, he has already experienced the level of nightmare, and it is impossible to give her a chance to pretend to be slapped in the face, so he always puts on a posture of listening attentively.

"When it was refined to this point, I felt that it was not enough, and I thought it could go further, so I condensed all these classifications, whether it is the four major directions or the mysterious direction, into one thing, the ritual.

No matter how they change and how mysterious they are, they are a kind of ritual after all, one of countless rituals.

I don't need to know all kinds of directions, I don't need to know what they are in this world and that direction in that world. I need to do only a little bit, pick out a ritual that I think is satisfactory, and then just do it. Strengthen it, keep strengthening it.

It may be a bit empty to say so, let me give an example..."

Speaking of this, Meng Yan waved his hand, and a dressing table appeared in front of him, and beside the dressing table was a half-burned red wedding candle as if the wedding banquet had just passed.

She just sat in front of the dressing table, looked at the unbelievably beautiful beauty in the mirror, but spoke words that had nothing to do with grooming and grooming, beside Jiang Buku leaning on a wicker chair with her elbows resting On the armrest, I looked at her in the mirror for a while, and looked at her outside the mirror for a while. It felt very interesting. I always felt that the inside and outside of the mirror were split into two nightmares.

The nightmare did not stop talking: "Looking in the mirror is a very common, very common, and very daily ritual. The same is true for lighting candles. It is common, common, and everyday. Combining them together, because it is a bit penetrating, it is still considered common. Everyday, now, I am beginning to associate the ritual of lighting candles and looking in the mirror with me. Now the effect is not very good, and I am still doing a pilot in the New World.

However, as I continue to strengthen, and even require all sentient beings in the New World to perform this ritual sooner or later, the effect has become more and more obvious now!

I believe that before too long, I will be able to solidify this ritual into a special channel for communicating with me. At that time, no matter whether the other party is willing or not, no matter what this kind of behavior means to him, as long as he lights a candle and looks in the mirror, The ceremony must be completed.

Moreover, when I successfully lock this ritual, I can open more rituals, and they will all point towards me in the end! "

Jiang Buku slapped his hands and jumped up.

dude, I'm straight a dude!

You are not an opening ceremony, you are preemptively registering a trademark, preemptively registering a patent!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Meng Meng wanted to continue talking, but Jiang Buku raised his hand to stop her, saying: "Don't worry, let me think about it, let me think about it carefully."

Nightmare had already reached this point, if he continued, it would have no aftertaste for him.

It's like reading a wonderful mystery novel, but stopped reading at the moment when the real murderer was revealed, and stopped reading, but carefully reviewed and deliberated. If possible, use this kind of thinking activity to catch the real murderer It's even better when it comes out.

Compared to looking directly at the answers, he enjoys this process of deliberation more.

He paced back and forth lightly, nodding and shaking his head from time to time.

What is the ceremony?

Sacrifice is a ritual, prayer is a ritual, cursing is a ritual, blessing is a ritual, and they are all the most standard rituals.

Dancing is a ritual, lectures and sermons are rituals, wars can also be rituals, even eating, dressing, walking and shopping...all kinds of things can be rituals.

More broadly, all actions of all sentient beings in the real world can be regarded as rituals.

Ritual alive?

From the moment a person is born and falls to the ground, or even earlier, the moment the tadpole enters the shrine, until a person dies, breathing stops, the soul dissipates, the body decays, and finally there is no dross left. It can be regarded as a grand ceremony, and everything that happens in this "interval" continues to be decomposed and refined layer by layer, and countless rituals can be separated out.

As long as you have a pair of eyes that are good at finding faults and picking bones out of eggs, you won't have to worry about picking out new rituals.

It doesn't seem to make sense to do this. What's the use of putting all these behaviors in a "ceremony" shell?

This is related to some of the wonders of this universe.

Blue Star has many successful cases of "man-made natural legislation", which is actually "defining" some blank areas in the Blue Star world.

Definition is key, as is white space.

Because the blue star crossed over suddenly, all the constraints of the original universe disappeared, and at the same time all the rules of the original universe also disappeared, and almost all of them were blank areas.

Thinking back now, in fact, long before people realized this, there were many fields that were subconsciously "defined" by Blue Star humans.

For example, water flows to a lower place, for example, dry wood will burn, and wet wood will be difficult to burn. These iron-like common senses, which are obvious to all human beings, were originally "defined".

In the past, it was only unilaterally understood as the subconscious choice of the newly awakened Blue Star's will to keep the world running inertially, which was rather one-sided.

To give an even more extreme example, if at that time all human beings recognized that iron balls could float on water, then Blue Star's iron could really float on water.

However, this kind of hypothesis can only stay at the level of thought experiment. Even if a person with great supernatural powers can forcibly reverse the common sense of all human beings, before the reverse, the common sense that iron balls sink in water has already defined this field. , this blank field disappears.

The "new definition" of blank areas is easy, but if some existing definitions of non-blank areas are to be reversed and rewritten, the difficulty will rise linearly.

But it's not impossible, it's just not easy, even hard.

Anyway, just remember that in this universe, all the rules of the world are not taken for granted, they must be so, and you can try to change it, even if it is difficult.

And the more rooted, more common, and the more commonsense the definition is, the harder it is to overturn.

Then, back to "rituals."

Of course, eating can be a ritual, but this is not a ritual that Nightmare can preempt, because it is the root-level definition in almost all worlds, and the difficulty of prying and replacing it is definitely more difficult than suppressing and destroying all these worlds.

So how to solve the problem?

There is a very simple way, that is to keep refining.

It is not easy to pry Kunlun Mountain, but it should not be so difficult to pry up a certain hill on a certain peak on Kunlun Mountain. If it is further refined to a certain huge rock on this hill, it will be easier , If you like again, it's easier to lock onto a cracked pebble on the boulder.

But another problem came up again. Kunlun Mountain is very eye-catching, and you can find it at a glance. When you refine it to a certain peak in Kunlun Mountain, it becomes more difficult. Finding a small hill, or even a small cracked rock on the hill, is one step more difficult. The step is increased, and in the end it is almost the same as finding a needle in a haystack.

Therefore, it is necessary to try to find an optimal solution between the two.

The ritual of eating is not easy to pry, so what about eating rice or corn?Difficulty decreases rapidly.

But it is still not enough, because it is too rooted, and this level of refinement is still "unable to pry".

Then go one step further and eat rice with diced red carrots, or even better, eat rice with diced red carrots and diced two-year-old bull beef.

Every time it is refined, the farther it is from the root level, the more difficult it is to pry it. If you are not afraid of trouble, you can even refine it down to a hundred layers, so it is easy to pry;

In other words, it is deliberately refined in a very biased direction, and eating rice is not refined enough, and it is too mainstream. Then, what about eating rice with grenades added, or rice with meteorites added?It's just as easy to pry.

But such refinement hardly makes much sense.

If this is defined as a ceremony that points to a clear point, then you can only meet one if you encounter a ghost. If you can complete the ceremony within 100 years, you are considered lucky.

Therefore, it seems that rituals can be found everywhere, but the real test is to find a suitable ritual that is relatively easy to pry and has a significant effect.

Only after understanding this level can you understand the cleverness of the ritual that Nightmare is designing now. The root level of the ritual of "looking in the mirror" is certainly much worse than eating. It is uncertain whether there are mirrors in many worlds. "Lighting candles "This ritual is similar, to pry them up alone is not a task that Nightmare can complete.

But by combining the two, the difficulty of prying is greatly reduced. At the same time, the probability of this ritual being triggered is far greater than that of eating meteorite rice.

However, although Jiang Buku didn't do more verification, he intuitively believed that this was still too difficult for the current nightmare. She waved her hand to reveal a rare red candle instead of the more common white candle. Candle, there should be such an intention, otherwise, it can't just be for the sake of looking intrusive, the purpose is to further refine it to reduce the difficulty of prying, first "grab" the ownership of this ceremony and then talk about it.

Whether it is preemptively registering the trademarks or patent rights of these ceremonies in the heavens and the world, in the final analysis it is "robbery".

Jiang Buku realized that, just like when Lan Xing first crossed, there was a huge blue ocean waiting for all interested people.

When the blue star just passed through, the blank domain was only within the blue star.

But now this blue ocean exists where many worlds gather and coexist, where there are incongruities, blank spaces where there are differences, chaotic places where different definitions collide and interfere with each other.

And this, including him, has never been clearly aware that those powerful and long-term masters of heaven have long been accustomed to "self-respect" and "words follow the law", and this pattern has continued for tens of thousands of years , This has even become a kind of "definition" of themselves for them, and they have never considered other directions at all. When they encounter other worlds, they form a kind of cognition subconsciously:

Either he gets me or I get him.

The first thing that comes to mind is fighting, and fighting has become the absolute main theme between different big worlds.

They are like this, and Kyushu, who was blocked by them in the corner and smashed the hammer, that is, he Jiang Buku naturally had to do the same, he couldn't just ignore those fists that were close to death with one punch, instead Think about something else?

At stake, he, who was precarious, had to be dragged into their common rhythm by their union.

On the contrary, Nightmare doesn't have as many troubles as him. She was born as a demon, and her thinking angle is "fresh and refined". Like a carrot hanging in front of her urging her to move forward but still out of reach, under various opportunities, she has become the key person to help him lift this layer of "knowledge barrier".

In this "blue ocean", the competition is not which world is stronger and which world is weaker, but who is more insightful, whoever observes this opportunity earlier, no matter who is stronger or weaker, whoever grabs it first will win Take advantage of it.

The ones that get it first are "defined", and the ones that don't get it can only be "defined".

Therefore, those root-level things can’t be pried, and naturally they don’t have to be snatched, but those things that can be snatched are still enough. It's not too late to study slowly.

Moreover, there are two other factors that have to be considered. As the ability becomes stronger and stronger, the volume that can be leveraged is getting larger and larger. Those who cannot grab it now do not think they will not be able to grab it in the future.

Furthermore, as long as you work hard enough, cast your net big enough, and persevere long enough, you can still reap terrifying rewards.

Grab the right to define the ceremony of "eating rice with diced carrots and beef with diced tomato sauce", then naturally you can continue to "eat rice with diced carrots and diced mutton with ketchup", "eat shredded cucumbers and diced mutton with ketchup". Corn Rice with BBQ Sauce”…

Add one by one, ten kinds, hundreds, thousands or even ten thousand kinds, as long as there are enough, then there will always be one that suits you!

This is like weaving a net, one rope and two ropes, it is naturally difficult to catch fish, but as long as there are enough ropes, the net can be woven bigger and bigger, and the possibility of catching fish will increase rapidly. To a certain extent, the increase may be much larger than the increase in the number of "ropes".

If Kunlun Mountain can't be pried at once, then it will be broken down into ten times, or if it doesn't work, then it will be a hundred times, a thousand times, ten thousand times, a hundred million times...

Although this will be very troublesome, even if the direction is clear, it will be extremely difficult to implement, but as long as there is the spirit of the foolish old man moving mountains, the spirit of reclamation, or the persistence of termites devouring everything, he will eventually get great rewards.

Of course, it is impossible for other worlds to be fools. If they don't realize it now, when they do it vigorously, they will have a few hundred first-hand advantages at most. They will eventually participate in this competition, but Jiang Buku didn't have the slightest fear of this newly opened brand new battlefield, because the competition in this battlefield minimized the interference of fist size on the outcome of the victory.

What's more important is thinking, wisdom, vision, layout...the competition in these aspects, and Kyushu Bluestar, which is at the "crossroads" extending in all directions, has an unparalleled advantage in this regard.

He was pacing back and forth, thinking, and occasionally muttering words, but the nightmare next to him became more and more surprised, because Master Jiang's thinking did not stop at the level she thought about, but kept on like a monkey jumping into the sky. Swishing up, she kept going up and up, and finally, she felt that the problem Jiang Ye was thinking about and the problem she had originally conceived had already widened the gap like clouds and mud, and they had become two completely irrelevant things.

"Hey, I didn't expect to have such an unexpected harvest today!" Jiang Buku clapped his hands in surprise and joy and laughed.

The second game of gambling has actually ended, and what he is thinking about now is the third game and the fourth game... Although the current number of cards in Kyushu is still enough to support him, he still has a kind of worry, that is, there are no new cards Income, the cards in his hand are all stock from the past. Thinking about it, he feels very uneasy.

Now, this "Second Battlefield" that I got by accident is definitely qualified to be used as a hole card, and there is a high probability that it will continue to play a role, continue to drag the enemy into the quagmire, and continue to bleed skills, not a skill that is played out by a king bomb Sometimes it is very powerful, but it only explodes once, and then there is nothing else.

"What do you want to name this fairy?" Jiang Buku asked.

Nightmare said: "It's called Nightmare Demon Fairy Heaven."

Jiang Buku shook his head: "No, no."

Meng Meng's face changed slightly, but Jiang Buku continued:

"I already know the essence of you fairy. I know that you, that 'celestial', deliberately and forcefully acted in order to cater to Neijing Xiantian's righteousness and righteousness. In fact, you don't want to? If that's the case, why force it? You're called Nightmare Devil , you can be regarded as the first magic sky in the third world of Kyushu."

Having said that, he paused for a moment, then continued in the ecstasy of the nightmare: "I will give you this opportunity now, do it well, I am very clear about the future potential of the Nightmare Demon Sky, it is only better than Dou Wu Yantian Weak, let go of your hands and feet to do it!"

After the nightmare left, Jiang Buku rested his chin and continued to think: "Next, should we call the Three True Gods to discuss the urgency of building the Faith-like Immortal Heaven, or let that guy come forward and let the Charm Demon start to get the Charm Demon Heaven together? ?”

Who comes first, each has its own advantages and disadvantages, there is nothing to say about Mei Yao, because she is morbidly obsessed with the "Lord of Kyushu", her execution is very strong, and now she is holding the sorority in her hand, the consolidation and development of these years, The female power has already covered all corners of the Kyushu domains. With such a basic board, Charm Yaotian will soon be able to create a prototype.

This is an advantage, and the disadvantage is that the growth will be relatively slow for a long time in the future.

The three true gods are on the contrary. The trouble is in the early stage. How the three true gods adapt to each other's positions is not something that can be settled by them reaching an agreement and signing an agreement in private, because from a certain point of view, the three of them can only be regarded as three. A general representative elected by a large-scale faith group, this kind of running-in is not enough only if they agree, it must be approved by all believers, but as long as they survive this calamity and twist into one rope, the world of gods will be theirs. The rice warehouse, as long as you are careful, you can steal it for a long time.

Not only that, they can also spread seeds in other worlds, but this is regarded as land reclamation, and the harvest cannot be compared with the world of the gods for a long time.

At this moment, an old man and a girl in blue stepped forward, they were naturally the old man Shenlong and the girl from Lan Xing who hadn't seen him for a long time.

Miss Lan Xing looked at Jiang Buku, who was in a leisurely manner in the crooked seat, and curled her lips, "I'll protect you from the wind and rain outside, and that's how you repay me."

Jiang Bu painstakingly said, your shelter is to sit on two memorial tablets with one buttock, so you don't sit at the poker table every day.

He didn't answer her teasing, but looked at her in surprise, "Why are you loitering here?"

Miss Lan Xing curled her lips again, and said: "The guys in this game all voted and conceded, and even asked me to warn you that you are cheating when you play like this, if you win, you win, if you lose, you lose, you are so obvious The operation of the card bug really pissed them off!"

Then he said: "Furthermore, they said, in order to punish you for not obeying the rules, the bet in the next round will be increased by twenty times on the basis of this round!"

This is the unbearable burden of Kyushu now, but Jiang Buku heaved a long sigh of relief and said, "I thought it would give me a hundred-fold increase."

The third round was at least for the Celestial level, not to mention other things, it is impossible for the original small world to reach such a height, even if all of them are "rebuilt" without 200 years.

Now counting on your fingers, the number of Xiantian can't be counted with one hand. At that time, I'm afraid it wasn't because the number of hands was not enough, and the Pangu Continent would also take shape, and there would be a funder who silently contributed money behind the scenes. win the world.

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