Until the arrival of the new year, the whole world rises and rises collectively. Although they still can't see the "net" directly, they "express" it in a purely mathematical way.

Seeing this conclusion, the leader who was supported by the Imperial Capital Academy, a high-ranking teacher from the Western Capital Branch, showed a strange look on his face.

When the people around saw them, they all looked at the two of them.

"What's going on, is there anything wrong with this discovery?"

The two looked at each other, and finally, the teacher leading the team from the Western Capital Branch said, "Since we have all discovered this far, there is no need to block some secrets from you."

He paused, as if he was sorting out his thoughts, and after a while, he said:

"The upper echelon of Wang Yanxia actually knew it a long time ago. It is called the inspiration of heaven and earth. Everything in the world is covered and affected by it. Originally, there was a wave of beasts, but now not only the tide of beasts has disappeared, humans can also tame and control beasts. The world is becoming more and more friendly to humans. And, people's talents are improving year by year... This series of changes are closely related to the inspiration of this world.

Over the years, Yanxia officials have organized no less than a hundred project teams to tackle key problems. They wanted to explore the mechanism of this world's inspiration and deepen their understanding, but they have always been like a blind man touching an elephant, with little progress.

This time, we can be regarded as really touching a little bit of the essence of the world's inspiration. "

Afterwards, the crowd also asked a lot about the Heaven and Earth Spirit, and the two complemented each other, and showed Yan Xia's current understanding of the Heaven and Earth Spirit in front of them.

Not only can it adjust the affinity between human beings and the world, but it also directly grants human beings the authority to evolve. It can also collect the thoughts of countless people, extract some commonality from them, and have a profound impact on the present world.

Up to the moon, the shadow of the osmanthus moon palace appears, the stars perfectly match the perception of hot summer, and down to the snowflakes are always in a perfect hexagonal shape, 360 days a year, no more than one day, no less.

Everyone looked at each other, and Zhao Shinian murmured: "So, what we have seen is not only the essence of the formation, but also the essence of the world. The formation is only a very narrow application scenario in front of the heaven and earth."

Most of the people present only knew about the secrets of heaven and earth today, but they are also the group of people who have the highest awareness of the secrets of heaven and earth in today's hot summer, and even in today's world.

Tiandi Lingji has demonstrated several powerful powers, and they subconsciously discussed its larger application scenarios.

An old man who likes to study all kinds of knowledge before Tianchang suddenly said:

"I feel that there are many similarities between this Heaven and Earth Ingenuity and the Internet before Tianchang, one is to connect the world as one through electrical signals, but this Heaven and Earth Ingenuity uses a more magical way to connect the world as one.

Although it can't transmit signals, it can transmit people's thinking and consciousness, and even change the present world by passing on the consciousness of the past.

This is equivalent to sending a picture of a big gift bag to a friend on the other side of the planet through your mobile phone. Not only is the picture sent, but the picture also pops out of the other party's phone and becomes a real big gift bag.

... I fully believe that the heaven and earth can do this, even the moon and stars can be changed, and it is not easy to transmit a little information and matter! "

"Based on our current superficial understanding of heaven and earth, we can't do this. I don't expect too much. As long as we can realize the rapid transmission of information, it will be a great thing for Yanxia."

Everyone began to discuss the means needed to realize this wish.

"Array, the best choice is array." Zhao Shinian said: "The reason why we can capture the fluctuation trajectory of the heaven and earth this time is relying on the formation. If we want to realize the information transmission, our recognition of the heaven and earth inspiration Knowing is far from enough, and human beings can't even touch it directly, let alone use it. Whether it is to continue to deepen the understanding of the heaven and earth or to indirectly manipulate and interfere with it, it is inseparable from the formation. "

Everyone nodded their heads.

At this time, someone put forward a conjecture that somewhat broke the existing cognition.

"We always subconsciously regard conscious information transmission and material transmission as two phenomena, and take it for granted that material transmission is more difficult than information transmission.

This is caused by the existing concepts we have inherited from before the change of heaven, but in recent years, have those "existing concepts" been subverted less often?

Is it possible that these two things are actually one thing in essence, and there is no such thing as which is difficult and which is easy? "

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay. This statement was indeed somewhat subversive, but... as he said, there have been many subversive things in recent years, and this one is not missing.

Finally, a man from Gezhiyuan with fluffy hair like a chicken coop, who seems to be less than 30 years old, with cross-eyed eyes, small black pupils and a lot of white eyes, is clearly a high-quality man. I couldn't help but raised my mouth.

"Liuyi College may consider opening another department." He said directly and surprisingly.

"Ah?" Whether it was Zhao Shinian or the teachers from the [-] Branch School, they all looked at him in astonishment.

The high-quality man said: "When the teacher mentioned the Internet, I thought of big data, and also thought of "Tui Bei Tu". The secrets can be counted and measured... Therefore, Liuyi College can definitely consider opening a department of secrets."


Zhao Shinian and the other teachers from the No. [-] Branch School exclaimed again, and carefully looked at his chicken nest head, thinking, what kind of treasure is this, and they pointed us to a new way in a few words.

The teacher who was from the Western Metropolitan Branch and was the only one who knew the core secrets, stood up abruptly, grabbed the young man from Jiwotou, and said earnestly, "You must be the head of the department! "

The leader of the Gezhiyuan next to him tensed his face instantly, and stood up abruptly, like an old hen whose chick was missed by a fox, burst into anger, and instantly entered a fighting posture.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In the Dianzang Pavilion, Chen Zhongxia lay down on the table at the entrance of the main hall and filled out the registration information for borrowing books, then turned and walked out.

Out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly saw a figure walking straight towards him. He was startled, and quickly dodged sideways to get out of the way.

The figure brushed past him, and if he hadn't dodged just now, he might have bumped into it.

It was the back of a girl, and seeing her sleepwalking pace with one foot deep and the other shallow, he immediately thought of who it was. In their class, this was also a strange person.

Everyone occasionally discusses in private, even if all the boys who have their eyes above the top and never admit that they are inferior to others in front of others, they also admit from the bottom of their hearts that if they really want to pick the most talented in their class, That was the girl in front of me.

It was only her that everyone was reluctantly convinced.

Others, no matter whether they slacked off after entering Liuyi College or not, and devoted more time to having fun or other hobbies, before entering Liuyi College, they all survived by hanging on their shoulders.

Because the competition is too fierce, even if you are extremely talented, you are not the only one with the extremely talented, and Liuyi College has a limited number of enrollment places for each session, and there will be no papers until the end.

But this girl is an exception, she didn't have the experience of hanging on her ass, and Nangying Yingxue, she didn't squeeze in, she walked in leisurely with stomping steps.

In the eyes of other people, there are only two words: outrageous!

If you want to make a comment on the person involved, you can also use two words: pretend to be aggressive!

I must think in my heart that she pretends to be calm on the surface, but she doesn't know how to work hard behind her back. Maybe she studies until three o'clock in the morning at night.

But if you really get along with her, within ten days, you will find that there really are such people in this world.

Seeing that her man was almost hit by another woman, Jin Yun'er suddenly felt upset, so she stretched out her hand to hook her, and grabbed the girl who was walking with sleepwalking steps, "Xixi, you're back to your senses! What are you thinking, you almost ran into a man's arms when you were walking!"

Li Weixi's eyes were blank, as if he was still immersed in some kind of fantasy and did not wake up.

Compared to Jin Yuner's delicate face that was as big as a slap, she has an oval face with a little chubby baby fat on her cheeks.

Hearing people's question, she naturally replied: "Ji Zhi is clear and steep, Ruan Zhi is far and deep. I am thinking of the world's best "Guangling San", and the sound of crying when returning from a desperate situation."

At first, her eyes were blank and unfocused, but as she narrated, her eyes first became fascinated, and then turned into pity and empathy.

The expression and demeanor of the whole person have become vivid and energetic, and there is no sleepwalking state before.

"Ah?" Jin Yun'er felt something covered her face, but she didn't know what it was, and she wasn't even sure if it existed or not.

Communicating with Li Weixi, a deeply poisoned young woman, is so strenuous, and I feel that my thinking has never been able to synchronize with her.

What she wants to say about Jian'an style, Li Du's articles, she can still keep up with the train of thought, after all, she has also studied, but if she is more detailed, it will completely expose her content except for the content of the exam, and any other extracurricular content. Miscellaneous books do not touch the essence.

For example, at this moment, apart from vaguely remembering that "Guangling San" seems to be an ancient famous song, she has no feeling at all about what Li Weixi said, and she is not curious. She has no intention of entering the inner world of this young girl.

She was stunned for a while, then quickly let go of Li Weixi's hand, and said, "You are also here to borrow books, right? Go, we won't bother you."

After finishing speaking, she dragged Chen Zhongxia out.

Li Weixi watched them go away until they disappeared. After a few beats, she finally said "goodbye" politely, and then went to the central library area.

Her goal is very clear, "Strange Tales from a Liaozhai Studio", "Sou Shen Ji", "Zi Bu Yu", "Yuewei Thatched Cottage Notes"... She found eight or nine strange novels in the collection area of ​​"Country Tales" notes.

She came to the gate with a stack of books in her arms, planning to take them back and enjoy them after registration.

Jiang Buku had to remind: "One person can only borrow up to three books at a time, and you can't borrow so many books at one time."

Li Weixi said: "I read books very quickly, and I will return them soon."

Jiang Buku shook his head and said, "Choose three books, and come back after reading them... Remember to put the unborrowed books back to their original places."

Li Weixi stared at Jiang Buku for a while, and finally puffed his mouth, leaving the three books "Strange Tales from a Liaozhai Studio", "Sou Shen Ji" and "Yuewei Thatched Cottage Notes", and put the others back on the bookshelf.

Then register honestly and leave in a proper manner.

Jiang Buku looked at her away back and smiled slightly.

Everyone else thought that this girl's talent might be higher than other people in the same class, and it was much higher. Otherwise, it would be impossible to explain that she was so dishonest about cultivation but could always be on the same level as them.

But Jiang Buku could see clearly that her talent was not as high as they thought, and she was actually at the same level as them.

And she didn't put much thought into her practice, she was so comfortable and leisurely every day, she was either on the way of distraction or on the way of distraction, but she was always able to maintain the same progress as them. The secret was that she deliberately let herself live a kind of "The Life of the Mind".

Jiang Buku doesn’t know whether she made this choice because of the guidance of her family members with great foresight or her own conclusion. When outsiders look at her, her heart is immersed in the wonderful artistic conception constructed by various poetry and literature most of the time. Among them, or in the unconstrained and unrestrained world of myths and ghosts, every day is very leisurely, and the time spent on practice is at most only one-tenth or two of the mind.

But Jiang Buku knew that this was just a superficial appearance. She actually worked hard like them, but the direction and method of her hard work were different from ordinary people.

Of course, this does not rule out her own love for literature and the pure fantasy world that transcends the real world, otherwise it would be impossible for her to immerse herself in such a realm all year round.

But to achieve this level for a long time, it is impossible to do it without deliberate training.

Although people have known the importance of consciousness for a long time, no matter what level of practitioners, their practice is based on the body and the body is the main body. Even if the ability to awaken is on the side of the consciousness and soul, people's practice is still based on the body. When the body breaks through the shackles and advances to a higher level, the consciousness becomes stronger, and the ability becomes stronger accordingly.

In fact, there is a very universal concept hidden in it-the body is the basis for the existence of consciousness, and only when the body exists can consciousness be meaningful.

What's more, physical cultivation, no matter the movement of qi and blood, or the transportation and coordination of muscles, bones and organs in the body, are all clear and tangible things.

And if the subject is replaced by consciousness, how should we practice?

In addition to being at a loss or at a loss.

Therefore, practice is to cultivate the body, which has become common sense.

But Li Weixi made a bold attempt, focusing on consciousness!

But so far, there is no effective method for how to effectively exercise consciousness.

Li Weixi also didn't know.

But she made a smart choice to live a partial stream-of-consciousness, spiritual life.

This is a bold choice. If it were ten or twenty years ago, she would have only reaped bitter fruits from this choice, because at that time the overall level of the world was not enough, the individual talent was not enough, and the cultivation system was not high enough.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Because of the prevailing national policy, men and women of the right age not only have to undertake a lot of work, either to provide logistical support for the great migration, or to participate in it personally, and on the other hand, they also have to give birth to the next generation.

Even if a woman is pregnant and has a baby, she still has to wait until two months after she becomes pregnant to give birth. There is only half a year of maternity leave in total, and then she has to take the baby who is still breastfeeding to do some light work within her capacity, such as cutting fabrics and taking care of the baby. By the way, take care of Silkworm Baby.

Women act like men, and men act like animals.

After the baby enjoys breast milk for a year in the mother's arms, he will be weaned from breastfeeding. The child is usually handed over to the elders in the family to be raised, and the parents occasionally go back to see it.

The child grows up day by day, and the deepest impression on the parents is that they bring back another one, and another one. The first born child feels like a locomotive, with a string of small tails attached to it in an arithmetic progression behind him.

In the eyes of toddlers who are still ignorant, the role of parents is to keep bringing the baby home from outside.

Intergenerational relatives, or even intergenerational relatives, have become the norm of the times.

Children feel more attached to their grandparents, grandparents, and even great-grandparents than they do to their parents.

Because they grew up by their side from the time when they were still ignorant, from cute little ones, to brats who hate dogs, to rebellious teenagers, until they graduate and start a new family Live, and possibly even migrate to distant lands, before that, with them.

Li Weixi's growth experience is the same as most of her peers in this era. She lived with her great-grandfather and great-grandmother since she was a child.

They gave her a warm, happy and beautiful childhood.

Even after many years, she can recall those warm and beautiful pictures at an inadvertent moment.

It's a pity that none of them are geniuses in practice, and their spiritual energy came too late. When she was eight years old, her great-grandmother fell ill and passed away soon.

Two years later, when she was just ten years old, her great-grandfather also passed away.

Reminiscing with sadness, she sorted out the relics for them when she was young.

Then, in his great-grandfather's study, he found a stack of notes.

Before that, she only knew that her great-grandfather was a kind and loving old man, but through the pile of notes, she really realized how turbulent her great-grandfather was.

As she got older and learned more and more, she became more and more certain that her great-grandfather was an outstanding man who was imprisoned by the times and his talent for cultivation.

The only thing he wants to accomplish in his life is to explore the direction and path of active cultivation of consciousness.

He has searched and personally verified many ancient spiritual awareness practices, including meditation, meditation and various visualization methods in the Yanxia tradition, and has also studied various meditation techniques of foreign races.

In the end, I came to a less optimistic conclusion, perhaps because the overall level of the world is not enough, or it may lack some key fulcrums.

These cultivation methods are not only extremely difficult to get started, but also easy to enter the realm of "mystery and mystery". It is difficult for one person to express it accurately through language and then pass it on to more people. ", which is very unfavorable to popularization, which is not only contrary to Yan Xia's idea of ​​national practice, but also not in line with his original intention of exploration.

On the other hand, its effect is also very poor. It cannot be said that it has no effect, but it is almost the same as no effect. It does not have much substantial improvement in the realm of cultivation and evolution level.

On the other hand, these exercises themselves consume a lot of energy and time of the individual, and the effect is not significant, so investing too much time and delaying the practice is not worth the loss.

In the end, he came up with an unsolvable solution, replacing this inefficient practice with "spiritual life".

People who don’t know how to swim have no one to teach them. The best way to know how to swim is to soak in the water often, get close to the water, and get in touch with the water. Finally, the body may naturally master the skills of floating water.

But in the end, he himself seemed dissatisfied with this "compromise" method, and he didn't announce it, even his family didn't know.

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