When he asked, Jin Yun'er burst into tears again, she choked with sobs and said, "The girl is so pitiful."

Chen Zhongxia glanced at the book in her hand and found that she was reading the myths and legends about Jingwei's reclamation of the sea. He felt speechless in his heart, thinking, women are really elusive creatures.

Of course he also read this story, a figure fills the sea with rocks day and night, the sea is huge, the man is very small, but he does not change his ambition, it is quite similar to another story about Yugong Yishan, a fool, a fool, hidden deep inside A will, a belief.

Just thinking about those two intentions, he felt an inexplicable blessing of divine power, his blood began to boil, and his will began to burn.

Such a story of passionate and high-spirited struggle, you can actually cry while watching it, Chen Zhongxia can only remain silent.

"Do you still want to watch it? I want to go back first." He asked.

"Ah? Are you going back now?" she asked.

Chen Zhongxia raised the book in his hand and said, "I want to borrow it back and read it slowly."

Jin Yun'er hurriedly closed the books in her hands and said, "I'm going back too."

Facing Chen Zhongxia's suspicious gaze, she raised the book in her hand and said, "I'll borrow it back and read it slowly."


The two walked towards the door with books.

He took the book and took the initiative to come to the wooden table on the side of the door, and took the initiative to fill in the borrowing information of the two on a form.

After finishing writing, he left with Jin Yuner.

Before leaving, he gave a slight bow to Jiang Buku who was sitting behind the table and seriously reading the newspaper.

Until he took Jin Yun'er out of Dianzang Pavilion, there was no verbal exchange.

Walking outside Dianzang Pavilion, finally able to speak loudly, Jin Yun'er expressed dissatisfaction: "That man is so arrogant, you respect him so much, but he didn't even lift his eyelids."

Chen Zhongxia said in a low voice: "My great-grandfather and my great-grandmother were students of Liuyi College before they joined the volunteer team to go to Yuan Dalu. At that time, Mr. Jiang was the teacher of the collection room."

Jin Yun'er opened her mouth and exclaimed: "Ah, is he the treasure of the town hall that everyone said? I thought it was an old man with a white beard, but I didn't expect him to look quite young."

Chen Zhongxia said: "The old man is very lucky. He was over a hundred years old before the spiritual energy was born. Some people say that if the spiritual energy of heaven and earth did not come in time, the old man may have been in the past two years."

In the Dianzang Pavilion in the distance, Jiang Buku, who was pretending to read the newspaper, couldn't help but twitch.

Cursing in my heart, brat, I just gave you a big gift bag, and you curse me like that, are you still human!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Seeing Jin Yun'er bouncing into the girls' courtyard, Chen Zhongxia felt much lighter physically and mentally.

The figure flickered, and disappeared from the spot. The person was already 50 meters away, and after another flash, he had disappeared outside the girls' courtyard.

Returning to the small courtyard where he stayed, entered the study, and sat at the desk, Chen Zhongxia breathed a sigh of relief to calm down, then slowly opened "Baopuzi", and took the note just now in his hand again.

Both the front and the back of the sticky note are written in small print, one of which is a reflection on the practice system itself.

Anyone who has received a complete enlightenment education in practice knows that the existing practice system is developed on the basis of martial arts.

On this note, it is natural to ask a question, if time goes back to before Yan Xia made this decision, would Yan Xia have any other options?Is passing on martial arts the only and inevitable choice?

The core purpose at that time was to accelerate the evolution of human beings. At that time, martial arts was not the only attempt. At the beginning of Liuyi College, the school taught both martial arts and world-renowned martial arts schools, as well as more modern and scientific ones. Body forging method.

The latter two are gradually eliminated in practice.

Therefore, the author of the memo clearly gave his own conclusion. Yanxia's choice to use martial arts as a foundation is not an inevitable choice, nor is it the only choice.

Looking back at the past, everyone already knows that traditional culture, traditional concepts, and collective cognition have magical powers.

From this point of view, Chuanwu has a high degree of recognition in the hearts of Yanxia people, and even people around the world. It is a very successful cultural concept that Yanxia has exported to the world. Therefore, at that time, choosing Chuanwu as the foundation was indeed a fruitful Fast, easy to get started, easy to popularize the method.

The note author used his imagination and proposed two new possibilities.

The first one is that the popularity and awareness of traditional Chinese medicine in the Yanxia cultural circle is even higher than that of traditional martial arts. use.

This has a realistic focus.

On the other hand, martial arts fantasies used to be very popular in the Yanxia cultural circle. Every Yanxia person has a martial arts soul in his heart. Even passers-by who have never read martial arts novels can roughly know the inner strength, the two veins of Ren Du, and the big and small Zhou Tian. idea.

Therefore, there is enough room for imagination.

After reading this passage, Chen Zhongxia really thought about it for a while, and found that the imaginative space of this practice system is indeed larger than the existing system.

Chen Zhongxia was even more surprised by the second possibility proposed by the note writer.

According to the author, at the time point before the change of the sky, although the world was extremely modernized and globally integrated, there are still strong mysteries in the hot summer folk, especially remote mountain villages and small towns. Every village, every town, will There are one or two well-known gods and goddesses.

If there is a child in the family who can't sleep at night due to palpitations, bad luck and want to pray for safety, or suffers from intractable diseases and long-term treatment is ineffective, people will subconsciously regard them as the last choice, recite a few mantras for the child, and draw a peace talisman. Or use some magical means to cure diseases and exorcise evil spirits.

This is the focus of the practical level.

On the other hand, through modern methods such as film and television media, the profound legends of ghosts and ghosts in Yanxia's traditional culture can be said that in the Yanxia cultural circle, people's awareness of such things in the depths of their hearts may even be higher than that of Chuanwu or martial arts. high.

A very simple example, which man doesn't have a few vixens in his heart?

Moreover, if this system is really built up, it can take on the famous practitioners in historical classics, and the next level can be connected to myths and legends, and the next level can be directly linked to "Tao".

And who in the Yanxia cultural circle doesn't know the "Tao"?

Finally, the author made a comparison of the three systems.

The advantage of the Chuanwu practice system is that it is easy to get started, easy to popularize, and has quick results. The disadvantage is that it lacks room for imagination, has a low upper limit, and has few means.

The advantage of the martial arts practice system is that the imagination space is higher than that of the martial arts system, and it can develop very rich means. The disadvantage is that although it has a complete theoretical system, it can start from the inner strength, which basically comes from imagination without any realistic basis. To really open up this path, the difficulty is at least ten times that of the Chuanwu practice system.

The advantage of the Taoist practice system is that the imagination space is unlimited, the upper limit is unlimited, and the means are unlimited. Corresponding to it, the focus point on the reality level is equal to nothing. If you want to use this as a breakthrough to open up such a vast new world, compared with martial arts practice The system is more than a thousand times more difficult.

Of course, the sticky note is not big, although the words are very small, there are only more than 200 words in total, and the jumps between sentences are extremely large, almost irrelevant. Casual recording after divergence.

But Chen Zhongxia was thinking about this all the time, the seemingly irrelevant words and sentences, but like a lighthouse in the dark night, with words and brain supplements, he fully understood the meaning that the writer of the note wanted to express.

Because of these more than 200 seemingly random words, Chen Zhongxia, who had no clue at all, had a direction in an instant, and there was more than one!

"This should be a thought essay of a senior many years ago. His environment at that time was far less mature than it is now. At that time, it might have been difficult to develop a martial arts practice system, but now that aura is born, it is not very difficult. It will surpass the practice system developed based on martial arts back then!"

Thinking of this, Chen Zhongxia couldn't help being a little eager to try, but in his heart, he felt a little unwilling.

"Compared to the current practice system, the martial arts practice system not only has a higher upper limit, but also can gradually develop more application methods for aura, not now, except for increasing lifespan, which is completely wasteful, like begging for food with a golden bowl... ...However, if we really talk about the use of spiritual energy, the Taoism system has infinite possibilities!"

Originally, he had no choice and was very confused; now, he has more than one choice, and he is entangled.

After struggling for a long time, he simply put aside these thoughts cruelly, and turned the sticky note over.

The content of this side is very simple, only one method is recorded.

"Five Birds Guide Technique"

"This method is based on Wuqinxi, and it has not been officially entered into the collection room. It is a pity. Later, those who are destined to find this lottery, please try it."

Looking at this text, Chen Zhongxia could almost feel the regret of the senior. He created a signed book of exercises and put it in the Dianzang Pavilion for future juniors and younger sisters to look up and study. This is something that all students of Liuyi College cannot resist.

"This senior must be very sorry, so he secretly wrote it on a note and hid it in a book... This can be regarded as entering the Collection Pavilion... Uh, the Collection Room, since the academy moved to a new location with the Imperial Capital, the Collection Room has been renamed For Dianzang Pavilion, this senior may be older than my great-grandfather, I don’t know if he is still alive now.”

Many thoughts turned in his mind, and then he collected his thoughts and looked at the method of Wu Qin Dao Yin Shu seriously.

Now the students of Liuyi College are already the best among hundreds of billions of people. Regardless of their talent, wisdom, and understanding, they are all top-notch, and the Wu Qin Daoyin technique itself is surprisingly simple. There are three movements, fifteen movements are connected to form a ring, and the front and back are reversed once during practice, which is considered a complete set.

It is mixed with some simple control of muscles and bones.

For Chen Zhongxia, this is really a small method, and it only took half an hour to fully understand it.

"It's kind of interesting...but that's all there is to it."

After fully comprehending it, he naturally also got a glimpse of the whole picture of this method, which is equivalent to the innovation of some techniques and methods, but for the method of Wu Qinxi, it does not have any benefits.

According to his understanding, in the early stage of the collection room, this kind of skill and innovative exercises can also be entered in the collection room, but as there are more and more records of exercises, one exercise evolves as few as three or five types, and as many as ten. Several versions, which caused too much trouble for latecomers.

Just like the five ways of writing fen, when there are too many innovations like this, the younger brothers and younger sisters will only feel ashamed.

Therefore, it was stipulated later that unless the innovative techniques can actually optimize and improve the exercises, or even increase the upper limit of the exercises, they are not allowed to enter the library of Liuyi College.

Of course, it doesn't mean that these exercises are worthless. Outside, they are still treasures of magical skills that are sought after by countless people.

Thinking of this senior who may be older than his great-grandfather, who is probably no longer alive, and the help he has brought to himself from the words he randomly recorded, and then seeing the words "very regretful" and "please try it".

He felt that he would be sorry for his conscience if he didn't practice again, and the word "please" was really exhausting, helpless and sad.

So he went to the small yard behind the house and practiced the Wuqin Daoyin technique earnestly.

The rhythm is natural, comfortable and satisfying, not only wild and childlike, but also hidden with a high-spirited and vigorous vitality.

Not only did he fully comprehend it, but he also integrated his own ideas into it.

Not only play its shape, but also endow it with soul.

Fifteen formally completed the drills one by one. According to the Wu Qin Dao Yin technique, he began to practice the fifteen moves in reverse.

But after practicing one style, he stopped there in astonishment.

After a long time, the unbelievable look on his face not only did not fade, but became more and more intense.

Full of doubts and shock, he began to rehearse from scratch.

But because of the emotional fluctuations and excitement, nothing abnormal happened during this rehearsal.

He stood still and took the initiative to calm down.

After a long time, he slowly let out a foul breath.

Practice Wuqin Daoyin again from scratch.

This time, he was even more focused than the first time, and the effect was more perfect. In addition to the original charm, it also implied piety and awe.

Just like the five birds who lived and died in the mountains, facing this mysterious and vast world, they have emotions from the depths of their blood.

His current state of mind completely fits this state of mind.

One form, two forms... until the fifteenth form has been practiced.

Then he began to practice against it. From the first pose, he once again felt that the aura outside his body, which was abundant in the world, was aroused.

The second type, the aura disturbance is more intense.

The third form...the fourth form...

As the rehearsal progressed, the spiritual energy that was originally only slightly moved became more and more intense, and finally swirled around him.

In the tenth form, the spiritual energy formed a spiritual vortex around him and began to pour into his body.

No.11 pose, the aura rushes to his arms, No.12 pose, the aura rushes to his legs, No.13 pose, the arms and legs are connected together through the body, and No.14 pose, the aura begins to penetrate into the viscera and spine Bone marrow, No.15 style, the aura enters the brain through the neck.

After rehearsing the fifteen moves, his whole body has been soaked in spiritual energy inside and out.

He didn't stop, and after the counter-practice, he naturally followed the fifteenth form, and the aura still didn't stop, continuing to "overwhelm" him.

He practiced the forward and reverse cycle three times, and then he stopped feeling unsatisfied.

"Coincidence? Is this a coincidence?" He murmured softly.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Jiang Buku stood in the small courtyard behind Dianzang Pavilion and saw the abnormal vortex in the aura of the students' dormitory in the distance. He felt relieved and withdrew his attention.

Even putting aside the past life memory, Jiang Buku is not humble when it comes to thinking about the practice system, no matter what level others are on, he will always be higher than others anyway.

Whether it's the thinking about the new practice system in the notes or the Wu Qin Dao Yin Technique, which can induce aura, he all prescribes the "prescriptions" based on the accumulation of knowledge in this life, and has nothing to do with the memory of the previous life.

As time went by, Jiang Buku felt more and more clearly that this life and the previous life are like unrelated rivers that originate from the same source, but the connection becomes weaker as they go on.

From the moment the sky changed, to be more precise, from the moment he "woke up", the world had already begun to fork.

In addition to confirming through repeated analysis that certain general trends will not change, one of the things Jiang Buku has done the most is to cover the old concepts and cognitions in his memory with new concepts and new cognitions.

As the world advances, if he fails to discard the useless memories at the same time, it will not only easily form a cognitive barrier, hinder his cognition of the world, and even make him make completely harmful judgments.

Therefore, every sentence and even every word in the carefully designed gift package is based on the summary of this life and has nothing to do with the memory of the past life.

Apart from pointing out the direction for the confused Chen Zhongxia and giving him a method based on Wu Qinxi that can guide spiritual energy into the body, Jiang Buku will not give Chen Zhongxia any more advice and help.

Of course, he has his own thoughts and attempts on the cultivation system based on these two paths, but he does not intend to promote his ideas to the outside world.

He is more happy to see that he can walk a completely different path from his own from this starting point, and the greater the difference, the happier he is.

Since then, Chen Zhongxia has often been absent from normal teaching courses, spending most of his time in the main hall of Dianzang Pavilion.

At the very beginning, several friends who were close to him warned him not to lose sight of his normal practice when studying his hobbies.

But when I saw a beautiful girl who would neatly record the core points of each course and each instructor every day, the primary and secondary points were clear at a glance, and the notebook still exuded a faint fragrance. , the stack of notebooks gets higher and higher as time goes by.

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