Yan Hong smiled and said, "Didn't you think our situation was too good?"

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and looked at the southwest sky, as if he was watching those warriors on the overwhelming airship expedition from thousands of miles away. It is a big test, if we do well in the test, our future will be limitless...I believe that they will not fail the test."

The forty-seventh chapter of a variety of professional prototypes

Collection room.

After years of improvement, only the front hall was opened to the collection room at first, and now all five halls have been opened.

The apse serves as a basic library, storing all original data and old versions of various exercises and classics, all of which are bundled and stacked extremely high.

If a student wants to trace the source of a certain exercise, he has to come here to search carefully, and after getting the answer, he must carefully return it to the original place, and don't mess it up. Otherwise, latercomers will want to find it in this mountain of books. It's just too difficult.

The left hall is the reading area, and there are also some classic and commonly used exercise areas, which are convenient for everyone to find at any time.

The right hall is the discussion area, which is divided into semi-independent compartments. Both the seat and the coffee table are extremely comfortable, and the atmosphere is good. Whenever there are exchanges and discussions on spiritual practice, students will basically choose here .

There are always excellent tea leaves and mountain springs, and you can do it yourself. As the curling water vapor rises, you can quickly give birth to thoughts of peace and tranquility, and even all kinds of thoughts become more active and clear.

The front hall is dedicated to storing various academic publications. With years of development, although Liuyi College is still a well-deserved leader in the national practice system, other colleges, troops, and other related institutions have gradually grown up.

Liuyi College has set up a pillar of wood to form a solid skeleton. It has never forgotten the responsibility of leading, and has always strived to pursue the zenith. Other practitioners are also using their own wisdom to improve the flesh, blood, meridians, viscera, and nerves of this skeleton. They can't wait to share their achievements, so various academic journals have sprung up one after another.

The front hall is opened up separately in the library room, and all valuable publications are included in it, so that teachers and students of the school can learn all kinds of latest developments related to spiritual practice without leaving school.

It is worth mentioning that the students of Liuyi College are frequent visitors to various academic publications.

The main hall with the largest area stores the most complete and up-to-date cultivation techniques.

Because the practice system has only been established for more than ten years, even though it has absorbed a lot of nutrients from traditional martial arts, the foundation is still shallow, and the total number of exercises is still only more than [-]. This book, and even the selected old editions on the side of each exercise method, are the "classic editions" of the old editions, either positive classics or negative classics, which can give people great reference and inspiration.

But even so, these collections of exercises can still only fill a few rows of bookshelves, and they can only be regarded as a corner of the entire main hall.

Other places are not empty, but filled with countless ancient books.

Label classification is also very detailed.

"Ancient Mythology"——From Pangu Opening the Sky to the Battle of Conferred Gods

"Modern Mythology" - After the Conferred God


"Heavenly Court City God Underworld System"

"Books of Sages" - including Book of Changes, Tao Te Ching, Nan Hua Jing, Huang Ting Jing, Dao Zang classics

"Practice Characters" - including Zhang Daoling, Ge Hong, Yuan Tiangang, Lu Dongbin, Chen Tuan, Wang Chongyang, Zhang Sanfeng, etc.

"Country Tales" - all kinds of spells, witchcraft, artisan techniques, Luban techniques and all kinds of grotesque things that have been spread in folk villages around the world

At first, when the main hall first appeared, the students were shocked when they saw that the collection of books occupying most of the main hall was these things.

Some euphemistically said that the main hall was "not serious".

Some people are not euphemistic, just say that the main hall is fake, and the real skills are not enough, so they use these things to fool people, and they make it look good.

However, there are always students who are interested in these, and it is very interesting to read them purely as story books, so there is no shortage of borrowers.

More than a year later, the number of critics has decreased, and the number of people who come to borrow such books has quietly increased.


Autumn is crisp, and it is a good weather.

Jiang Buku only patrolled the halls quietly as a routine, and then quietly hid in the quiet courtyard behind the apse.

In a small courtyard, under the shade of a tree, there is a bamboo chair, a small wooden table next to it, a kettle with a water cup, a plate of half-dried, half-red and half-green dates, and a pile of newspapers and books.

Jiang Buku lay down on the bamboo armchair, looked up at the sky at a 45-degree angle, and let out a long breath.

Steal the floating life for half a day.

But his job allows him to steal twice a day, every day, every month, every year in the foreseeable future, but he doesn't feel bored at all on such days, he just feels comfortable happy.

Pick up the "Six Days News" on the top, the first news is the hottest news in the hot summer during this period, even various academic journals use it as the headline, and analyze the incident from their own perspectives Interpret the positive impact.

"On August 11th, the [-]th year of the new calendar, the last batch of elites who went on an expedition to the Origin Continent returned home smoothly and set foot on their homeland after two years of absence.

In the past two years, they have gone through numerous battles, large and small, and blocked the torrent of beasts when they arrived. They cooperated with the people from the source continent to complete the first annihilating victory against the beast hordes. Together with the elite combat forces of the Yuan Continent, they went deep into the wilderness and fought thousands of miles away, killing the true root potential of the beast tide.

In the end, he also helped the humans in the source continent to relocate and adjust the population of one billion people, forming ten large-scale inhabited countries scattered throughout the source continent. Gathering momentum from the entire continent, coupled with the long-term implementation of the strategy of extermination by the top ten inhabited countries, helped the humans in the original continent truly gain a foothold.

In this rescue expedition, Yanxia mobilized 4157 elite fighters, 7846 people were killed, and 57482 people were seriously injured. They crossed more than 194743 kilometers against countless threats from the sky.

This is a feat, an unprecedented miracle in human history, let us firmly remember their contributions and sacrifices, they are not only the heroes of our hot summer, the heroes of Yuan Continent, but also the heroes of all mankind!

Heroes, welcome home!

Heroes, Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! "

Later, the June 4000th magazine devoted a lot of space to introducing the return of the more than [-] million elites who have experienced the most difficult and dangerous battles and all achieved extraordinary growth, to what extent they will "feedback" and improve the overall practice system.

When we fully digest and absorb all their experience and gains, Yan Xia's practice system will surely usher in another leap.

After reading these, Jiang Buku was stunned for a while before continuing to read other articles.

For other articles that introduce the experience of practice and understanding of practice, he just reads them roughly, and reads them more if he finds them interesting.

Finally, his gaze stayed on an article for a while longer.

"...Through detailed research, we have found the fundamental reason for the rapid decay of various human creations in the past.

To sum up, the rate of decay depends on two main factors:

First, the amount of human intervention in the change of the molecular layer of the material, the more human intervention, the more complex the reaction, and the faster the decay trend, the specific formula is as follows...

Second, the degree of human participation, after repeated comparison experiments, the same raw materials, the same creations, one is more manufactured through mechanical assembly lines, and the other is manually completed by skilled craftsmen, and the decay rate of the latter is much lower than the former!

The deeper the skill, the stronger the concentration, and the deeper the emotion for the creation, the more it can resist the "maliciousness" of the world.

This is a discovery that subverts human cognition. However, there have been too many discoveries that have subverted human cognition over the years, so there is nothing to worry about. Just continue to adjust the concept of cognition.

This finding also supports something else: consciousness can indeed affect matter. "

Jiang Buku saw a few more material-related articles.

There is an article dedicated to the latest geological and mineral exploration reports, and the properties of gold, silver, copper and iron minerals have also changed significantly.

There are also high-performance new materials refined in various weird ways, some use culture medium, some use venom, and some use special body fluids extracted from certain organisms, or unknown liquids collected in special areas... The basic principle is Find new means from the rapidly mutating nature and minimize human intervention.

One pile, one piece, Jiang Buku quickly connected them into a thread in his mind.

I thought in my heart: "This is... I am going to start the life profession of refining equipment and alchemy."

Then, he saw another article.

"...For a long time, the joint attack technique has always remained at the skill level, and the level of the joint attack only depends on the proficiency, coordination and rationality of the joint attack technique itself of the participants.

Through long-term research, we first achieved a deeper level of joint attack on the twin brothers, and the individual strength of both parties has been effectively increased.

Now we have further extended this method to non-twin brothers, even non-blood brothers, and still achieved a resonance increase in strength.

Although the increase is very weak, we have achieved a breakthrough of zero. It can be optimistically estimated that we can not only increase the increase, but also spread it to more people, from two to three, six to seven, or even more. "

Jiang Buku murmured: "Isn't this the prototype of the formation?"

Compared with the return of the elite from the expedition, these two discoveries surprised Jiang Buku even more.

Yan Xia in this life has reached a more profound threshold by himself, which is really beyond his expectation and makes people extremely happy.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The confrontation between human civilization and wildness has been the only theme on this planet for the past two years.

Yanxia was the first to suppress the wild forces in the territory.

With nearly 8000 million practitioners being dispatched to surrounding countries for support, these places are already densely populated, but lack of organization.The reinforcements from Yanxia not only brought them considerable combat power, but also presented them with a more efficient and effective organizational method for dealing with disasters.

The situation of Yanxia's surrounding countries also quickly reversed, gradually gaining the upper hand in the confrontation with wild forces.

If Daxizhou is considered as a whole, it has a population of nearly one billion, but it belongs to dozens of countries. Although emergency reorganization has been carried out, there is still a lack of cooperation between them, and hundreds of people have spread among various ethnic groups. The millennium of discord cannot be easily resolved.

Therefore, when they first encountered the full-scale counterattack of wild forces, they were really embarrassed.

But Daxizhou's background is indeed deep, and Daxizhou's area is not too large. The human camp of Daxizhou had to organize and cooperate more closely after learning the lesson, and soon gained the upper hand in the confrontation with the wild forces.

The overall national strength of the Alpha Empire is stronger than that of Daxizhou, but its own population is too small. With the help of this reorganization, the entire New World is brought under control. The territory of more than 4000 million square kilometers and the population of more than 9 million people, most of them are of poor overall quality. too high.

In such a situation, even if the Alpha Empire tried its best, it could only protect it with all its strength. In the end, it had to give up nearly half of its territory and concentrate all its population on a land of 2000 million square kilometers. Regularly dispatch elite combat forces deep into the wilderness to sweep and disintegrate the root of the beast tide, establishing the advantage of the human camp in the New World.

After giving up a large amount of permafrost and ice fields, Shaluo Kingdom also gained a firm foothold.

As the second most populous country in the Vatican, the territory that needs to be guarded is far smaller than the hot summer. The caste system that has been criticized by others has shown special power at this time. Repression.

With the return of the elite from Yanxia's expedition to the Yuan Continent, the beast tide in the Yuan Continent was finally suppressed by the human camp, and the global human civilization has gained an absolute advantage in declaring war on the wild forces.

Even if there are still some remote areas in crisis, these big camps can turn the situation around in an instant with their hands.

People's intuitive feeling is that the wild forces that were once rampant have been tamed a lot under this wave of global cleaning. The evolution rate of wild species' mutation and evolution has slowed down significantly, and the threat of the jungle to humans has gradually declined. The aggressiveness of animals to humans is significantly reduced.

Moreover, in this two-year global mobilization, although human beings suffered heavy losses and casualties, at least hundreds of millions of human beings were directly wiped out under the impact of the beast tide, but all the human beings who persisted have been greatly tempered and their strength has increased rapidly.

In Jiang Buku's eyes, he could see more fundamental changes.

After this battle, human civilization gained the absolute upper hand in the confrontation with wild forces.

Although compared with the simple and elegant operation mechanism of the food chain, the operation mechanism of human civilization is too esoteric and difficult to understand, but victory cannot be faked. In the place where human civilization and wild forces coexist, the latter must make way for the development of the former.

The most obvious change is the change of the inspiration of heaven and earth.

Originally, only the world where humans live is more friendly to humans, while the wild world is more conducive to the transformation of the food chain. This is the incompatibility between water and oil. If this situation does not change, the beast siege will become Normally, even if human beings can deal with it, they will waste countless energy and even fill up countless lives.

From the perspective of the will of the planet, this is a meaningless internal struggle.

Now that the two have determined the outcome in a head-to-head confrontation, what He has to do is to give the winner more, unlock the shackles, and let him grow faster.

In other words, this victory confirmed the unique status of human beings, the veritable primates of all things.

As long as the continents occupied by human civilization, the heavens and the earth are compatible with human beings, human beings will have a wider space for development and their talents will become higher.

Of course, those places where human civilization is inferior, such as oceans, ancient oceans, and the north and south poles, are still governed by the rules of the food chain, and the spirit of heaven and earth is still friendly to them.

If one day they can land from the sea, walk out of the polar regions, and overthrow human civilization to the ground, the will of the planet will also be happy to see it.

"It's a lot faster than I expected."

In the previous life, the human civilization rebuilt on the ruins relied on indomitable perseverance and endless creativity. It took 20 years to truly obtain the law of the spirit of all things.

In this life, it only took two years.

Moreover, the will of the planet will get rid of chaos, and the time sequence will be reset faster than in the previous life.

In the previous life, in the 30 years of the new calendar, human beings were able to achieve the current achievements.Moreover, apart from the higher level of cultivation than the current human beings, the underlying potential in all aspects is far inferior to the current one.

After returning from rebirth, Jiang Buku realized that what he could do alone was very limited.Let the Yanxia official do it for you.

Not only did it change the fate of more than two billion people in Yanxia, ​​but also the fate of all mankind, and even the fate of the planet.

"If I really have merit and good luck, just relying on that spoiler post, I will be able to transcend the ordinary and become a saint!" Jiang Buku imagined in his heart.

His current strength has reached the B+ level, and he can drive the strength in his body into the interior of any object within a hundred steps, and implode it into powder.

Completely inhumane.

As early as the beginning of last year, he was already in this state. The reason why he has not been able to break through until now is because he has reached the current upper limit of talent, and there is no way to advance and no way to advance.

He looks up at the sky at a 45-degree angle in the small courtyard every day, watching the changes in the sky and the earth, and he knows that this bottleneck will not limit him for a few years.

His house is hidden in a corner of the collection room, watching the old students leave and the new students come.

Excluding some outstanding individuals, the average talent of the new class will always be stronger than the old one.

With their help, his talent is also slowly improving, the upper limit of his strength is gradually raised, and the bottleneck in front of him is getting thinner little by little.

Although most of the time he hides in the collection room, he occasionally travels far away when he wants to.

With his strength, his speed is faster than a galloping horse, his endurance is better than a machine, he can walk in the wilderness like walking on flat ground, and he can run thousands of kilometers in one breath. He has traveled almost all camps of human civilization.

Not only the several civilizations in the World Island were favored by him, because the planet "healed", the famous Sui Canal had disappeared, and the Yuan Continent and the World Island were once again connected as one. Jiang Buku even traveled to the Yuan Continent in person. , Witnessing with my own eyes those black-skinned human beings using all kinds of hot summer kung fu to roam the vast land, hunting fierce beasts, eradicating the source of chaos, chic and fearless, and free and unrestrained.

Many times, Jiang Buku felt that this was the correct way to open up Yan Xiafeng, and the system developed by Yan Xia's native martial arts was clumsy compared to it.

Yuan Continent is just the opposite, lost in Piao.Too floating, the root is not stable and the foundation is not firm.

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