Pursuing existence, continuing to exist, and becoming a longer and stronger existence is the instinct baked into their bones.

This is inevitable.

The instinct of their birth cannot be to let them kill themselves immediately - even if there is such a thing, they have already solved themselves for the first time, and it is impossible to appear here.

Therefore, as long as they can live, they will never take the initiative to seek death!

Even at certain times, from the overall situation of a big world, they actively choose to die, and it is the best way for the big world to immediately establish a new owner.

But they will never think so, as long as they think there is still a chance, as long as there is still a way to go, as long as the world has not come to an end, they will definitely continue to go on!

Even if the road is different from what they originally expected, they will try their best to keep going.

Instead of saying, "I don't want to go this way, you guys are going to abolish me."

Even if the road they are walking is far from as wonderful as originally imagined, as long as there is a way to go, they will definitely continue walking!

This is the foundation of all Jiang Buku's plans.

The "detonator" in his hand can only threaten the will of these worlds, not the worlds themselves.

Even if he really chooses to detonate it, it will not be able to bring fundamental help to the Blue Star World.

This "detonator" gave him the greatest reliance, which was to calm them down, and then try to sell them another way.

They are now being silenced by their own use of nuclear weapons. Later, it is up to him, a rookie, to come on stage and try to provide them with a new option. He believes that as long as this plan does not clearly bankrupt them, they will Tend to agree - because I always hold the detonator in my hand.

Thinking of this, he wanted to pass on the reading to them.

But they found that they were too different from each other. It was thankless to do so, but it would make them further realize their own weakness.

So, he finally remembered Lanxing Sun who had always stood by his side, told her all his plans, and hoped to get her cooperation.

When she handles housework internally, she will be very emotional sometimes, but at this moment, like the will of other worlds, she maintains a setting that is lofty and indifferent, overlooking all living beings.

After receiving Jiang Buku's request for teleportation, he only responded lightly, and then projected a thought to the wills of the nine worlds including Manghuang Sun.

A Kyushu world appeared directly in their thoughts.

Jiang Buku cooperated and explained: "In this situation, Blue Star World and Manghuang World want a new start, as a member of the entrants, rather than simply being the prey of the concentrated fire attack, isn't it too much?"

As he said that, the singularity of will in his hand flashed in conjunction with it, as if to remind you big brothers, be careful what you say, I will explode.

And Mang Huangyang, who had already had this idea in his heart, felt really sleepy and came to deliver the pillow, and quickly responded: "Yes, yes, we should start again, we can't play more and less!"

The other eight bosses ignored this idiot, remained silent, said nothing, and did not respond.

If you don't say no, it's an approval.

Jiang Buku continued: "In the beginning, you were just greedy for the Blue Star World family, but in this situation, the gathering of ten big worlds is unprecedented. From your point of view, I'm afraid you don't think much about the Blue Star World. One family is in your eyes, and to become the big winner who laughs last among the ten big worlds, is this your ultimate wish?"

You guys still don't speak, just keep silent.

What Jiang Buku said was a very simple truth. As early as when so many strange big players had entered the game, what they considered the most was no longer the battle with the Blue Star World, but how to compete in such a big world. Have the last laugh.

That's the key!

Jiang Buku continued:

"Right now, Blue Star can't be a battlefield for so many big world confrontations, but we took the initiative to provide such a battlefield in consideration of your actual needs.

We directly divided the origin of the world, I integrated myself into it, and recreated a Kyushu world, how about everyone move here to play cards? "

You guys are noncommittal about his reluctance to open the Blue Star World to become the core of the conflict. As long as he is rational, it is impossible to allow this level of collision to happen within his own house and become a public platform for all worlds!

And Jiang Buku held the detonator in his hand, and it was really not too much and reasonable to make such a request.

However, when they followed the induction and truly "saw" the Kyushu world, which was cut from the inside of the Blue Star world and whose world origin was extremely thin, they were not interested at all.

In such a world, they are not even qualified to wake them up and take a look.

Jiang Buku seemed to know what they were thinking, and gently pulled the silk thread connected with the singularity of will in his hand. Extract the original power of their thoughts and galaxies in the universe.

The warning signs in their thoughts quickly filled up, and huge pressure instantly poured on Jiang Buku.

Jiang Buku didn't struggle, nor did he make any further moves.

On the contrary, Blue Star Sun once again sent them an image in their minds.

I saw nine big suns suddenly appeared in the sky above the world of Kyushu.

Upon closer inspection, the nine big suns are bound together by strands of silk threads.

And while these strands of silk threads pass through the nine days, there is a little bit of the origin of the world, like the blood of nine suns, seeping outward along the silk threads, turning into the origin of the world like drops of water Pearl.

Because the silk thread itself is criss-crossed, these "blood" permeate out of the sun along the silk thread, and the breaths are mixed with each other, and they are fused together to form pearls of the origin of the world.

Every pearl of the origin of the world is jointly created by the blood provided by the nine suns!

Jiang Buku cooperated with the screen and explained:

"Since you decide to go to the table, of course you have to be prepared to win or lose. Since you have to win or lose, you have to have chips. These world origins are what everyone wants, and they are also the most important chips for you?"

"Even if you use other methods to confront each other, you will end up fighting for the origin of the world!

That being the case, why not use it as a bargaining chip from the beginning? "

"Moreover, there are too many uncertain factors in other ways. It is very likely that the success or failure of a big world is determined by some trivial matters or bloody accidents. If you are the loser, will you feel willing? ?”

Although you guys don't think that you will lose, you agree with this truth.

They all have absolute confidence and absolute confidence, so they naturally hate situations such as probability, luck, accidents, and variables.

Very annoying!

For example, the scene that is happening now is a typical unexpected variable.

They who have felt it once don't want to feel it a second time.

Jiang Buku continued to promote:

"I don't think it's fair to lose a comeback because of one oversight.

The struggle in the world is the absolute collision of hard power, how can accidental factors determine the final success or failure?

The advantage of this plan lies in this. For your world, this little pearl of the origin of the world is just a drop in the bucket. Even if you lose a few times occasionally, as long as you have confidence in your own world as a whole, then there is nothing to worry about... ...isn't it enough to win more?

This will completely eliminate the situation where the origin of the entire world is lost due to some accidents. "

As he spoke, the screen changed.

These pearls of the origin of the world are scattered in the Kyushu world like stars and rain.

Every pearl of the origin of the world can independently form a world.

And because they are all contaminated with the original aura of the nine worlds, although the aura is extremely heterogeneous, its initial state is absolutely fair to each party.

The creatures of their respective big worlds are drawn by the original breath of the world, and will naturally cross into it.

The picture suddenly shows one of the small worlds. Creatures from the nine big worlds entered together. They started to explore and develop this world in their own ways, and finally, a war broke out.

This is a protracted and tragic battle, and each side has a steady stream of vital forces behind it.

Therefore, the fight for every inch of land is full of blood.

But since it is a life-and-death battle, there will be winners and losers.

The winning side is not only destroying the other party's vitality, but also refining and purifying the original breath of the world.

When there is only one power left in this world, the originally complex world's original breath becomes pure again.

This pure world's original breath is drawn by a sun of the same origin in the sky, and finally merges into the body of this sun.

Originally, He only provided one-ninth of this pearl of origin of the world, but now, the entire pearl of origin of the world is his breath.

made money!

Moreover, the profit is not double or double, but a full eight times of the capital!

However, for the other eight suns, it is equivalent to permanently losing one-ninth of the world's original pearl.

The screen suddenly expanded, and the countless pearls of the origin of the world represented countless small worlds engaged in fierce and bloody battles.

The background of each world is unfathomable. If you lose this round, you will win that round.

If you lose, you win!

Therefore, the final picture is that the nine suns are being bound with silk threads to forcibly draw blood, but on the other hand, those beads of the world's origin that have been purified from the same source melt into the body like raindrops.

Not only did it not suffer any damage, but it also benefited greatly!

Every world sun who saw this scene clearly knew that this was a trick played by the little thing in front of him, how could it be possible to win all nine, and whoever wins must lose.

The more the winner wins, the worse the loser must lose, and even the whole sun will be drained!

However, even if they all know this little trick, they are very confident that, based on the background of our world, it must be the one who wins the most.


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Jiang Buku's action plan has two core purposes. One is not to let the battle break out inside the Blue Star World. Once this situation is formed, no matter how long the Blue Star World can last, when this situation is formed, the Blue Star World It was basically doomed to failure.

Another one is to try to avoid becoming a pre-dinner dessert in other worlds.

Because all other worlds are attracted by the resonance of a certain path in the Blue Star World, the Blue Star World is naturally the crossroads where the ten worlds gather, the center.

Even if something happens between other worlds, it still cannot avoid the blue star world in the middle. Therefore, to invite them out, nuclear deterrence alone is not enough, and they must be provided with a solution.

Otherwise, the situation will always be deadlocked here, and no matter what the outcome of the stalemate is, it will be harmful to Blue Star World.

That's why he used the nuclear detonator as a deterrent, and at the same time tried his best to sell them a new battle plan.

On the other hand, regardless of the internal thoughts of many great worlds, as far as the will of these worlds is concerned, the situation is very simple and clear.

If they can monopolize the big fat of the Blue Star World, they can go all out even more, but the reality is that no matter how confident they are in their own world, they know that it is unrealistic to monopolize the Blue Star World.

Not to mention that if a single family can eat a third, or even a quarter, it will definitely be targeted by the joint fire of other big worlds.

Because their eyes are already in the longer future, the blue star world is just an appetizer, and other big worlds are hard dishes, and at the same time, they are also hard bones.

Eat more of the Blue Star World now, and it will lay a greater advantage for future games. The other big worlds are not stupid, so naturally they won't just look at it like this, even if they join forces, it will interrupt this momentum.

Now that they have thought of this level, they won't be so stupid as to be the early birds who want to eat alone.

Otherwise, the encounter of the wild sun is the best example, inexplicably turning himself from a hunter into a prey.

Therefore, in the competition for the Blue Star World, the most ideal harvest, which can also avoid the distribution plan that caused fierce conflicts in the early stage, is that everyone eats one-eighth or even one-ninth of each.

When you understand this point, the attractiveness of this piece of fat in the Blue Star World will drop a lot.

Therefore, when part of one's life is held in Jiang Buku's hands, it is not a big problem for them to temporarily give up eating only one-ninth of the fat.

What's more, Jiang Buku thoughtfully considered alternatives for them.

Even, based on their own perceptions, when they are extremely confident in the background and path of their own world, they still appreciate this mode of fighting.

Although there are not many worlds to win each time, the victory does not require them to end in person, and the influence of accidental and unexpected variables is eliminated as much as possible. It is really a competition between background and road.

Therefore, after understanding the entire model, they even had a bright feeling, thinking that this model might be more suitable.

Although they have met other big worlds before because of the similarity of their paths, they are all disputes between the two big worlds. Both the enemy and us are very clear about it, and there is nothing to say.

When you meet on a narrow road, the brave wins, either you die or I die.

Anyway, in the end, the winners develop and grow, and the losers integrate and become part of the new world.

Because of the difference in the world, the fate of the loser will also be different. Either they will be cleaned up by the plow court sweepers, or they will learn from each other to develop a new path. The biggest benefit is the whole world itself.

This is a simple linear thinking, you only need to think about winning, and you don't have to think about anything else.

But this does not apply to the current situation at all. If we still adhere to the principle that the brave wins when we meet in a narrow road, then the first to stand out will definitely enjoy the same "collective hospitality" as the wild sun!

Draw out a battlefield, and then everyone will be honest, soldier against soldier, general against general, you will come and go?

--how is this possible!

There are bound to be countless accidents and variables beyond their control, both internal and external.

And what they hate the most are accidents and variables, whether internal or external!

Now, Jiang Buku provides a new solution with clear rules and seems feasible, so that the whole situation can be under their control as much as possible.

So, roughly speaking, there is nothing wrong with this plan, and it can even be said that they are already ready to play a few games at the poker table to find out the feeling - anyway, the net worth is rich, even if you lose a few games in the early stage. Summarize lessons learned.

However, there is nothing wrong with it in general, but there are many problems with details.

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