For example, as the thirteen sources absorbed those many humane auras, the remaining humane auras became clearer, and he could see their essence more clearly.

And many of them are very bad.

Fear, famine, plague, war, death...

In addition to the sustenance of good things, people also have imaginations of bad things. In his eyes, they are equivalent to the garbage and filth born in the hot summer human world, and they need to be excreted.

These also have some concrete shapes, such as the famous four murderers, but he didn't intend to condense them.

If the birth of demons is caused by the information infiltrated from the outer layer, then what he sees at this moment is the internal cause, and the continuous birth of demons is due to the combined effect of internal and external factors.

The birth of demons has never stopped, just because of the strict precautionary measures in the Yanxia territory, as long as they do evil, they will be exposed, which is a situation of ten deaths and no life for them, not only the land, city god, mountain god, water god, etc. There are no gods around, and there are countless practitioners waiting to brush the demons to earn luck.

Because of such a harsh situation, except for a few who did not understand the situation and were punished, the other demons tried their best to escape from the border of Yanxia.

As for the treatment of these "filthy garbage" charms, Jiang Buku used the simplest method to deal with them.

His mind moved: "Decree: Exile."

Those filthy auras instantly disappeared from the aura world.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

It is necessary to clarify a concept first, that is, those filthy and containing too many negative things in the human spirit come from the human heart. As long as the related thoughts in the human heart cannot be eliminated, the birth of this kind of spirit will never stop.

Originally, all kinds of auras coexisted. Jiang Buku opened up the origin of the thirteen holy beasts, condensing and integrating most of the positive and positive auras. From another perspective, it also highlighted the dirty and negative auras.

If you ignore it, even without Jiang Buku using his authority, they will spontaneously condense some origins, because Jiang Buku opened up the origin of the thirteen holy beasts, which is equivalent to going from "0" to "1", from "nothing" If "there is" is opened up in it, then even those spirits that are not cohesive will have laws to follow and paths to follow.

On the other hand, qiyun is not qi, or even a real thing, it is more like the halo of civilization, the human heart in motion, and when thinking.

It is impossible to eliminate, nor can it be truly exiled, because of its characteristics, even if it is exiled to an unknown place by consuming a large amount of humanity points, it will soon reappear in this world of humanity.

The only way to eradicate it is to overturn the table and smash the chessboard.

The reasoning is like the only way to prevent filth from being produced in the human body is to eliminate the person.

Therefore, from the beginning, Jiang Buku's method of "Decree: Exile" was used in conjunction with another plan, otherwise the exile itself would be meaningless, and they would come back soon.

Opening up the source of the thirteen holy beasts itself also shows that although Qiyun cannot be eliminated or exiled, it is not impossible to think about it. In addition to condensing and integrating them into the source, you can also find a "container" to store them.

This is actually the thinking of the five holy beasts of the Beast Control Department. As long as they are compatible enough, they can even take the initiative to absorb some related auras. In the future, the relevant Qiyun will naturally forcibly transform them into a suitable appearance, but whether they are still themselves at that time is a philosophical question.

Doing this is less labor-intensive than Jiang Buku forcibly integrating the origin of the holy beast out of nothing in the Qiyun world, and the consumption of humanity points will be reduced by at least one or two orders of magnitude. What's more, it's too immoral to smear his face and change his consciousness for no reason, and it doesn't fit his three views.

And that brings up another plan.

It has been clearly stated in the previous article that from the perspective of Yanxia Humanity, the entire Yanxia territory, the government, the entire practice world, the newly born mermen, and the sea areas occupied by mermen are all within the care of Yanxia Humanity, there is no doubt about it.

But there is another group that is also within the broad category of Yanxia Humanity, that is, the demons born in Yanxia territory. Although they have left the territory and completely abandoned everything they used to, this is like rebelling against evil and going away to build a new foundation. It has nothing to do with the previous family's severance, but this still cannot erase the basic fact that their roots come from Yanxia.

For them, Jiang Buku has no sense of identity in any sense. Now that he has completed the "self-sublimation" cognitively, he no longer regards himself as a human being, and does not regard himself as a member of Yanxia, ​​of course he doesn't have to be against them. They take care.

His attitude is that if they do evil in the hot summer and happen to be seen by him, it can only be regarded as bad luck for them, but if they do evil outside the territory, then just ignore it, but at the right time, they might as well use it as a tool .

When they scattered and absconded out of the country one by one, all their information was blocked by the strong will of other camps, Yanxia Humanity did "lost contact" for a time, because they were too weak, like lighting up a hundred miles away under the dark night a match.

But when they gathered little by little, or actively or passively gathered outside the territory as "people in the Yanxia Demon Way", and gradually formed a general trend, Yanxia Humanity naturally noticed them. It was also a hundred miles away in the dark night, It's just that this time it's no longer a match, but a mountain fire, and it's hard for Yan Xia to ignore it humanely.

At some key points, Yanxia Humanity will save the records and include them in Yanxia Humanity's "Archives and Data Room". This is another wonderful use of Yanxia Humanity that Jiang Buku has discovered over the years. The audio and video materials related to himself, when helping others to delete and modify a large number of small videos, he gradually realized that other information that was not directly related to him but was recorded by Yan Xia Human Way, he can also watch it, only need to pay A little humanity worth the cost.

Isn't this the same as watching videos as a full member? Jiang Buku immediately found a channel to know all major events within Yanxia's human realm without leaving home.

Therefore, Jiang Buku can often see audio and video materials related to the Yanxia Demon Dao that has become popular outside the territory. Through their activities outside the territory, and the interaction with other camps Demon Dao or officials, they have also indirectly learned about the situation of some other camps. .

The global land hot summer camp accounts for [-]%, and all other camps share the remaining [-]%. The land accounts for about [-]% of the planet's surface area, and the other [-]% is all sea areas.

From top to bottom, Yanxia only focuses on one place, the ocean.

The combined power of other camps only accounts for 8% of the surface area of ​​the planet. The mentality of everyone in Yanxia from top to bottom is that you should be safe and honest, don't make troubles, and I don't bother to mess with you.

At least until 60.00% of the ocean has not been developed, there is no time to pay attention to them.

And through the frequent interaction and planning between people in Yanxia Demon Dao and other camps of Demon Dao, Jiang Buku saw one thing more clearly.

More than a hundred years ago, the Alpha Empire, which was jumping up and down, showing off its power and striving to be the policeman of the world, is coming to an end.

Although the Alpha Empire had already existed in name only, and became a paradise for a group of consortium oligarchs and religious leaders, but soon, they couldn't even keep their "name".

From a global perspective, the power of magic has been growing, and they are very united, at least at this stage they are very united.

The sudden birth of the magic way was affected by both internal and external factors. The penetration of information from the outer layer was the introduction, which is the so-called invasion of external demons, and the tendency of people's hearts in each civilization camp is also closely related. The more chaotic, the more worried people are about survival. Sheng, the chance of becoming a person in the way of the devil after being invaded by foreign demons is even greater.

Since realizing the beauty of a large population, other camps have never stepped on the brakes since stepping on the gas pedal more than a hundred years ago, especially other civilization camps are based on the belief in the true god. The more people, the stronger the power of faith, the true god The greater the power, the higher the upper limit of the faction. In this case, the brakes will only be stepped on when the brain is flooded.

The Yanxia camp occupies [-]% of the planet's landmass, with a population of three trillion. The lower level of the practice world has already become involuntary. Once the choice of the mermaids comes out, those practitioners who are congested in the middle and lower levels almost rush to the vast sea area with the trend of opening the floodgates. .

The other camps together account for only 1.5% of the land. According to the information collected from various sources by the government and the people over the years, it can be speculated that the total population of these camps is between 2 trillion and [-] trillion.

With just this data, one can probably imagine what kind of state the human beings living in the middle and lower levels of other camps are like. It must be known that since the new calendar, the development process of Yanxia in all aspects has far surpassed that of other camps, and the gap between other camps in all aspects At least 30 years behind Yanxia.

For high-level power holders, the greatest significance of a large population is a "battery", which provides greater power of faith for the true god, and they can also use this to become stronger.

At least 30 years ago, there was the option of population migration and evacuation, but since the growth of the planet stopped, the population growth has not slowed down, but there is no more land.

With such an atmosphere, one can imagine how rich the "filthy aura" in other camps should be. The most obvious example is that more and more demons have been born in these years.

As they grew stronger and were no longer content to lurk in the shadows, they needed a place to call their own.

In the first step, they excluded the Vatican camp, the Hope True God camp, and the Shaluo camp, because they all border Yanxia, ​​and they are looking for land for better development, not death, and of course they will not be neighbors with Yanxia.

Then there are only two targets to choose from, the Daxizhou camp and the Alpha Empire camp.

Without much thought, everyone ruled out the Daxizhou camp and set their sights on the New World.

No matter how you analyze it, New World is the best choice.

After more than 100 years of development in the new world, everyone has realized that the development of the civilization camp will be deeply affected by the civilization itself. The longer and richer the civilization, the greater the development potential will be. The shorter and poorer the civilization , then the development will be more limited.

Even, in the face of a situation where there is no way out!

Looking at the development of the major camps around the world, it goes without saying that Yan Xia stands out and leads the way. He has become the benchmark for other camps in all aspects. It is necessary for them to take out their small notebooks and carefully copy their homework.

The second is the Daxizhou camp. Excluding the hot summer factor, the comprehensive development of the Daxizhou camp is the best, followed by Vatican, Hope God, and Shaluo. Compared with the first two, Shaluo is slightly inferior, but he It is now more and more integrated with the Daxizhou camp, and it should not be humiliated.

And the most embarrassing, hip-pushing, and messiest is the New World Alpha Empire camp.

At the beginning, there were many achievements in genetic mutation, but as the upper limit of the world was raised again and again, those of them became pediatrics, and more importantly, they lacked the support of a system with a high enough upper limit.

As a member of the three camps of the God of Light, he is the one who thinks the most. When keeping the basic foundation of the God of Light, he has always wanted to find a system that belongs to him. After all, he is the boss of the old world, and he has a sense of arrogance in his heart. Many strange attempts, the closest to success is to pick up the civilizations that were slaughtered by them in the New World, and want to shamelessly recognize their ancestors and return to their ancestors according to the law. Unfortunately, because they were wiped out too thoroughly, We can only restore some scale claws sporadically and get some results, but we can't build a complete system after all.

Even better, he lives overseas alone, the farthest distance from Yanxia. Moreover, the Alpha Empire has always had a tradition of "being ruthless", or because the center lacks strong executive power, it is increasingly becoming a decoration. There must be a tacit understanding, anyone can be active there, so over the years, there have been many demons from the three camps of the Light Gods who have managed a lot of power in the New World.

Therefore, Newland was naturally targeted by the Global Alliance of Magic. He was no longer the world's hegemon, but a piece of fat.

Under such circumstances, it has become inevitable for the New World to change hands and become a paradise for the world of magic.

From the perspective of global humanity, demons cannot be eradicated.

From a global perspective, Jiang Buku substituted Blue Star's point of view. The development of the Alpha Empire camp in recent years is indeed unsatisfactory. Moreover, the New World is far away from the World Island and the farthest from the hot summer. There must be some big changes. Even if Yan Xia wanted to, she couldn't reach it.

From the point of view of the global joint fight against the threat of the outer layer, it is not allowed to have obvious shortcomings. Yanxia has contracted [-]% of the land, and will go all out to attack the deep sea.

The Alpha Empire's failure to live up to its expectations has become the most obvious weak point. There is a phrase called occupying the latrine and not pulling Xiangyang.

From this point of view, it is the best choice to switch to the magic camp with global humanitarian support to plug the leak.

After clarifying this idea, Jiang Buku felt that the value of Yan Xia Demon Dao as a tool man was still there. At least he could indirectly influence them within a certain range through Yan Xia Human Dao, but he could do nothing to the Demon Dao of other camps.

The filthy aura that was exiled by his "Decree: Banished" is like a disobedient son who has been kicked out of the house. As long as it is possible, it will never come back, unless it is absolutely necessary, there is really no way.

Therefore, after being blasted out of Yanxia Human Dao Qiyun World, these filthy auras instinctively began to look for "receivers". As long as the target is not so suitable, even if it is not so suitable, it will not care. Dirty auras are not very particular For these, let's find a place to live in first. As for the problem of whether the contract does not fit, it's not that important. Anyway, it can be reformed.

What's more, there are so many people in Yanxia Demon Dao, their compatibility with these filthy auras is far better than those fake holy beasts in Beast Control Valley.

The filthy charm that took the initiative to look for the "receiver man" to shelter him instantly connected to the Yanxia Demon, especially those who are big and bright, and the fit is almost perfect. At the moment of locking, they directly cross the distance of space and directly blend into the past .


New World.

Specter inspected the cathedral in front of him from afar, feeling the light breath from it that was naturally incompatible with him, and instinctively felt uncomfortable.

Turning her head, the woman next to her said: "This is the San Franciscan Church, can our family handle it? Do you want to discuss it with other parties?"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After years of development, the magic powers of all camps around the world have already completed the confluence. They have spread all over all the civilization camps except Yanxia, ​​and have completely controlled the underground world and hidden corners of each camp.

But at this point, the magic power has also developed to the peak of the bottleneck, and new breakthroughs must be sought, otherwise it will be difficult to develop at the same speed as before.

And with their growth, they have become more and more vigilant to the high-level forces of the various camps. Although these civilized camps are not as powerful as the Yanxia Center, they are not really good for nothing. In the headquarters of the Demonic Dao, what the top leaders of these camps like to do most is to deliver a thunderous blow, which is a precise strike.

As for the fact that the demon forces are widely rooted in the local human society, it is equivalent to kidnapping dozens or even hundreds of times the number of people. It is completely overthinking to make the relevant parties use this as a weapon. The most important thing for each camp is the population. Dozens or even hundreds of times the population paralyzes the magic forces and destroys its core leaders in a large area, then the top leaders of each camp are willing to make this exchange ratio.

After suffering a few losses in this regard, everyone in the Demonic Dao can only admire, if you want to say that it is you who are cruel, we are too pure to practice compared with you, so the Demonic Dao forces can only choose to be more dispersed , More secretive development.

Because once they are too dense and active in a certain area, wouldn't it be equivalent to telling others "I am here, I am here, come and hit me, come and hit me".

To break through this bottleneck, everyone has reached a consensus. It is no longer realistic to continue to hide and hide. Their existence has long been known to the world. Focus on knocking out an existing faction and gain a space for their own development.

The New World is their chosen target.

After careful analysis, everyone in the Demonic Dao discovered that the real hard bone is also the obstacle that they must knock down. There is only one, and that is the forces of the God of Light all over the New World.

There are now two cores of power in the New World. One is the consortium capital developed from various big conglomerates and chaebols before the change. They jointly control the lifelines of all walks of life in the New World. Improve the power of the God of Light day by day.

And in-depth analysis, it can be found that the only obstacle for the evil forces to take root in the New World is the light god force. As long as this hard bone is gnawed down, the consortium capital will not only not become their enemy, but it is very likely that they will join forces with them ——Oh, no, by then they will no longer be the magic way that everyone shouts and beat. They have already given themselves a new name, the saints. At that time, the pattern of the new continent will be that the consortium capital will actively kneel and lick the thighs of the saints. The clan still focuses on strengthening itself and promoting itself, and it is impossible to disperse too much energy on managing general affairs. Therefore, the two sides naturally have a basis for cooperation and coexistence.

Moreover, don’t you guys want to find a new system? The strongest ability of the saints is this. As long as you perform well, you will be given a chance to become a new saint. They believe that if such a condition is thrown out, they will fight against them The consortium capital can be devoured by other consortium capital without doing it themselves.

Therefore, the problem is very simple, quickly knock out the light god forces in the New World by means of blitzkrieg.

After careful study of this goal, everyone continued to decompose it.

The power of the God of Light in the New World can develop to the present level. First, it comes from the needs of the New World. In this new world where the weak are about to be beaten, it is necessary to have a complete power system.

Before the New World has yet to figure out its own growth system, the God of Light is a rigid need.

On the other hand, there is also support from Daxizhou.

Now, the high-level leaders of all camps already know that the competition in the civilization camp will ultimately fall into the competition of civilization background.

Needless to say Yan Xia, everyone is not playing the same game of cards.

The Vatican camp, I hope that the true god camp has nothing to say, they can only dig deep into their own potential and practice their internal skills hard.

And the Daxizhou camp has the most ideas, because no matter from any angle, the three camps of the Guangming God have a great chance to complete the merger, and the core position of Daxizhou after the merger is unshakable.If this step can be completed, the Light God camp will completely shake off the shame of being tied with the Vatican camp and the Hope God camp, and will follow the Yanxia camp.

In the past, there was a temporary confluence during the anti-flaming summer period, and until now, this confluence trend has been proceeding slowly, and the forces directly under the God of Light are the most active, because there is no doubt that the three camps of the God of Light The confluence of the universe must have the God of Light as the absolute core.

Therefore, the headquarters of the God of Light, the Daxizhou Church of the God of Light will spare no effort to support the Church of the God of Light in the New World and the Shaluo camp. As long as they have spare power, they will try their best to send people to support the two younger brothers even if they cut down on food and clothing.

The truth couldn't be more clear, the more support you have now, the more obvious the influence of the tendencies of the two younger brothers will be, the faster the speed of confluence will be, and the less friction will be generated. If the confluence can be completed without shed a drop of blood, That is a huge benefit for promoting the mighty power of the God of Light and improving the piety of believers.

Under such circumstances, if the Holy Clan wants to achieve the occupation of the New World, they must not only knock out the forces of the God of Light here, but also quickly!

The Daxizhou side must not react, otherwise when the reinforcements from the Daxizhou camp and the Gazaro camp arrive, the saints will fight three times. What else can they think of except rushing to the street? !

Moreover, if their ambitions are exposed, they will inevitably be encircled and suppressed by the forces of various camps. All parties have become vigilant. If they want to do similar things, the difficulty will be multiplied by at least ten.

Therefore, after the saints from different camps determined to conquer the New World, they formulated the "comprehensive blitz plan". Give the other forces of the God of Light in the New World time to prepare, and their attack will become more difficult. At the same time, the Daxizhou side will also be alert. At that time, they will have a great chance to meet the rescue team of Daxizhou. In addition, the forces of the God of Light in the New World, The capital of the consortium that follows the wind, in such a situation, it really has no choice but to run away.

To avoid this situation, they have to fully bloom, even if they must pay a more painful price because of the dispersion of power, but this is necessary.

Full blooming does not mean all unfolding without distinction. With the huge background of the power of the God of Light in the New World, if the power of the holy clan is too scattered, it will be delivered to others.

In the end, the Holy Race determined the first batch of attack targets, twelve cathedrals scattered throughout the New World.

These cathedrals are not only the core of the head of the God of Light forces in a large area around them, they are the strongest and most concentrated, and they can also communicate directly with relevant parties in Daxizhou.

The saints born in the three camps of the light gods, many of them have taken root in the New World many years in advance, and they are regarded as internal thieves. After their analysis, if the saints can show absolute strength, the twelve gods of light will be killed immediately. The cathedral is taken away, and they are very sure to persuade some of the consortium capital to participate in the cleanup of the sporadic and scattered churches of the God of Light. In this way, it is like a snowball. It will become more and more unstoppable.

In the end, even if reinforcements from Daxizhou arrived, what they were facing was a new continent that was completely sanctified, and they who traveled from afar became rootless duckweeds, and there was no other way but to retreat.

The core issue has changed from destroying the forces of the God of Light in the New World to quickly capturing the twelve cathedrals.

Everyone quickly reached an agreement. Although everyone is a holy race, they happen to come from the six major camps. The easiest way is to fight two for each camp.

There is no forced distribution or random distribution by lottery, but the combat power of the twelve cathedrals is clearly laid out for everyone to choose by themselves.

The first ones to choose were the leaders of the Holy Race from the Vatican camp and the Hope True God camp. There is no foundation at all, and it is not wise to fight too many cards in their hands in order to prove their ability on the eve of the dawn. Therefore, they have a tacit understanding and chose the four cathedrals with lower combat power.

The Holy Clan forces of the three camps of the Light God seem to follow the etiquette of being guests from afar, and hand over the next choice to the Yanxia Saint Clan. The ghosts are similar to the leaders of the Vatican camp and the Hope True God camp. It is not easy to count family property, and the situation is so hot in summer, it is even more difficult. All the saints in the world can hear the misery of sad listeners crying. He does not want to save his family property for decades for the sake of face honor Take it all in.

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