Chapter 229 Rose's Help

In all fairness, Rose is not particularly beautiful. At least among the beauties Chu Fei has seen, there are a few who are far better than her. But Rose seems to have a particularly attractive temperament. Everyone is fascinated by it.

However, Chu Fei kept a distance from her. Even he couldn't resist this charm. He didn't want to scratch his hands dripping with blood just to pick this thorny rose.

"Tell me, what's the matter, if it's okay, I'll leave first." Chu Fei said in a low voice, turning around to leave, but heard a voice behind him complaining.

"I can send you to the City Guard." Putting away the hippie expression on her face, Rose spoke calmly, with a relaxed tone, as if she was talking about a trivial matter.

When Chu Fei heard this, a vague smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Sure enough, this woman was not as simple as she appeared on the surface.

"Is it difficult to join the City Guard Army? I don't think it's going to bother Ms. Rose." Having said that, Chu Fei turned around and stopped when he was about to leave.

Rose smiled lightly, and said, "If you want to join the City Guard Army, you must be introduced by someone who has joined the base for half a year, and after passing the assessment, this is also one of the base's methods of preventing foreign forces from molesting."

After a pause, Rose showed a serious expression on her face: "It just so happens that I know a lot of people in the City Guards, so I can find a way to let you join, and I will also give you some special convenience."

Hearing this, Chu Fei frowned. He didn't expect to be so troublesome to join a city guard. However, it shouldn't be a problem to find a survivor who joined the base for half a year.

"Miss Rose was joking. Joining the City Guard Army was just a whim by Chu. If it really doesn't work, there's no need to force it. I don't bother you." Chu Fei chuckled and clasped his fists.

He doesn't want to have anything to do with Rose, and the other party is not familiar with him, so he is so concerned about his affairs, there must be some plot behind it.

"Hehe, Mr. Chu is really careful. Although I don't know your real identity, you must not be just an ordinary fourth-order power user as stated in the information?" Rose smiled and continued: "According to statistics, on the first day Mr. Chu came to the base, he spent several high-level crystal cores. This is not something that an ordinary survivor can do."

In fact, the crystal nucleus is not something that makes Rose suspect, but Rose sent people to investigate Chu Fei's identity, but found nothing, as if it appeared out of thin air.

This made her a little suspicious. You must know that with the influence of Gunfire Rose, it is not so difficult to investigate a person. At least, there will be some news about this person before the end of the world.

It has to be said that thanks to the initial establishment of the origin base, it ventured into some cities and collected a large amount of police information. Therefore, many survivors were able to find out.

With Rose's status in the origin base, it is not difficult to enter the archives room to inquire, but there is no information about Chu Fei.

This is very unreasonable. Even if Chu Fei is not from this province, at least he will have some relevant information, unless Chu Fei came from other provinces and never stayed in this province before the end of the world.

But this is almost impossible to happen. The end of the world is not like the prosperity of the world. The distance between the two provinces is so far. Moreover, the origin base is still in the center of S province. risk.

And if they really came here from other provinces, their intentions are very doubtful.

"Miss Rose, what do you mean by that?" Chu Fei narrowed his eyes, looking at Rose with a dangerous look. This woman really surprised him.

He glanced at the surrounding environment without showing any traces. The surrounding area is relatively remote, and there are not many pedestrians, but he is not sure whether this woman came to him alone.

If he started rashly, Chu Fei was not sure if he could solve the battle quickly. If the battle lasted for a long time and he was in the center of the origin base, the situation would not be a good thing for him.

"Mr. Chu, don't worry, I don't care what your purpose is, I just want to make friends with you, and joining the city guard army is just a matter of little effort." Rose showed a foxy smile on her face: "Just look at Chu Mister did not agree."

As the sun sets, the white clouds in the sky are dyed a layer of golden-red by the sunlight. Rose's slender body is rendered like a person in a painting in the dusk of sunset. on the ground.

Chu Fei didn't show any expression, but he hesitated in his heart. He couldn't figure out what this extremely dangerous woman in front of him was planning.

However, the conditions offered by Rose are indeed attractive. If he cannot join the City Guard Army, Chu Fei's plan will not go ahead at all.

But if you agree to Rose, what's the difference between seeking skin from a tiger? Chu Fei doesn't want to think about things and is out of his control. Because of this, danger may occur due to various accidents.

"it is good."

A few minutes later, Chu Fei nodded lightly. In the end, he still agreed. After all, he has the initiative in this matter.

Even if something really happened, Chu Fei still had another way to go. With the mask of deception in hand, there would be almost no situation that could trap him. At least, it would not be a problem to escape calmly.

He also wanted to see what Rose was planning, maybe it could bring him some unexpected surprises.

"That's really great. After I go back, I will write a letter of recommendation and someone will send it to your house later. Probably tomorrow morning, someone will take you to the city guard hall."

Covering her mouth with a smile, Rose's expression also relaxed. After completing the task, she had nothing to do, said goodbye to Chu Fei, turned around and disappeared at the corner of the street.

Looking thoughtfully at Rose's figure, Chu Fei released his power state only when the other party disappeared completely. Now, Chu Fei can also confirm that besides Rose, there are more than a dozen six or seven hidden in the other party. level master.

Fortunately, he didn't make a move just now. If he really broke his face, Chu Fei would have some troubles to deal with this force. Besides, this is the origin base. The longer the battle drags on, the more unfavorable it will be for him.

And behind Rose, there must be a hidden force. The reason why she helped Chu Fei may have her own calculations. It's just a newcomer, without any clues, and Chu Fei knows nothing about this force.

But this time he accepted Rose's help, and he was not sure whether what he did was correct. The only thing Chu Fei could guarantee was that his own safety would not be a problem.


Chapter 2 Thirty City Guards

In the early morning of the next day, Chu Fei was awakened by a knock on the door, he answered, then stopped his practice, got out of bed and opened the door.

The introduction letter from Rose was delivered yesterday afternoon, and the letter was sealed, but Chu Fei still opened it to check it. Although he knew that there should be no accidents, if Rose wanted to do something, there was no need It was unnecessary to send the letter to him.

Sure enough, the letter was just a letter of introduction, nothing else was said, and the handwriting was pretty. It could be seen that it was written by a woman, but Chu Fei didn't know if it was Rose's own handwriting.

"Mr. Chu, Miss Meigui ordered you to come down again and take you to report to the city guard hall." Outside the door was a middle-aged man, as strong as a bear, but he spoke very politely.

Hearing this, Chu Fei nodded, but Chu Fei did not refuse. He simply tidied up and walked out of the corridor with the middle-aged man.

In the early morning, there were not many people on the street, only some stalls selling breakfast, most of which were fried dough sticks and pasta. It happened that Chu Fei had not eaten breakfast yet, so he talked to the middle-aged man, and the two settled for dinner question.

The reason why he chose to come here during this period of time was that the middle-aged man naturally wanted to spend a lot of money. Anyway, it would not cost much crystal cores, and Chu Fei was not stingy.

After breakfast, the two walked along the road to the city guard hall. Along the way, the middle-aged man briefly talked to Chu Fei about some things, and it was considered as repayment for the favor that Chu Fei had just paid for the meal.

From the mouth of the middle-aged man, Chu Fei also learned something that was not considered confidential. The so-called city guards were not as harmonious as they seemed on the surface, but were controlled by various families at the same time.

After all, it is an army whose fighting power cannot be underestimated. All the families want to join in, so that the strength of the city guard army is complicated. The more powerful the team of one's own family is, the more powerful the family's voice in the base will be. weighty.

Of course, if a certain powerful team is valued by one or more forces, then this team will naturally be scrambled for, and the final ownership depends on which force has the bigger and more powerful fist.

It is precisely because of these simple and rude unwritten rules that the seven most powerful families, without exception, occupy the seven teams with the best training and the strongest actual combat power in the city guard army.

Among the seven teams, the proportion of people with supernatural powers is the highest, and most of the personnel are adapted from the army before the end of the world. They are evenly matched in strength, and the monthly salary is also the best among the city guards. .

Qingyun Brigade, the former Spike Special Brigade, after the outbreak of the apocalypse, the awakening rate of abilities reached 70.00%, and its strength was relatively complete. Therefore, it ranked fourth in the city guard army, and the family that Rose belongs to controlled the seven major troops The Qingyun brigade among them.

Although after going through all kinds of battles, none of the original Qingyun brigade remained, but after a steady stream of backup personnel, it has firmly occupied the fourth place in these years and has never fallen behind.

Of course, the city guard army with a large number of personnel not only has these seven troops, but there will naturally be other teams in addition, but these teams are naturally slightly inferior to the seven major troops in terms of training results and the number of supernatural beings. insufficient.

However, such a large family looked down on such a team, but it became the core of other small families' robbing. With the evolution of this time, most of the troops controlled by the various families have also taken shape.

Although there are still some newly promoted families who will fight with other families because of robbing the team, but there is no one who does not have a good eye to provoke the seven families that have stabilized.

After all, let's not talk about whether their strength in the origin base can shake the seven major families. Even if they really have that strength, once they move the seven major families here, what awaits them is that the entire family may be uprooted by the origin base.

After all, to be able to get to the current position in the origin base, which family does not have some high-level executives behind them to support them in the origin base, this piece of water, ordinary people do not understand.

And the seven armies controlled by the seven major families are also the places with the best welfare benefits. Almost everyone who wants to develop in the city guards has sharpened his head and wants to join these seven armies.

As for those helpless ordinary survivors, the welfare benefits they receive will naturally be worse, but if they are lucky enough to awaken their abilities, it will be different from the past.

Of course, although the Qingyun Brigade is also the power of Rose's family, there are distinctions between high and low. The higher the military rank, the higher the monthly salary and treatment will be. There are only two ways to increase the military rank. kind.

One is to rely on their own strength. The members of the Qingyun Brigade can continuously improve their abilities and ranks by virtue of hard work. Of course, if they choose this way, if they are not strong enough to be excluded, there is absolutely no reason.

The other is the road of contribution. Survivors without abilities, or low-level abilities who have no confidence in their own strength, can obtain corresponding contribution values ​​by participating in various tasks, and finally rely on You can exchange for different positions by consuming contribution points.

Although the positions obtained by relying on contribution points do not have much rights, they enjoy more generous treatment, and even some high-level contribution points will be greatly respected in the army.

This kind of relationship is like the status of non-commissioned officers and officers in the army before the end of the world. There are two ways, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. The former is less dangerous and can rise quickly, but it is not stable. Thousands of difficulties.

However, with Chu Fei's current status, he is also a fourth-tier fire-type supernatural power user. Although he may not go far from the road of strength, it is not a problem to gain a firm foothold.

After all, he has just joined the City Guard Army, and his position is too fast, so there is no guarantee that he will not attract the attention of some interested people. Although it is a bit hard work, he may still get some unexpected gains.

Many things can only be seen clearly from the bottom. Most of the embankments of a thousand miles collapsed due to ant nests, but very few collapsed due to other reasons.

Of course, compared to some other survivors with no background, Chu Fei's treatment is much better than that of other troops, at least the food and training conditions are not comparable to them.

From this point of view, Chu Fei already has a higher starting point than some ordinary survivors. After all, the Qingyun Brigade doesn't just come in if it wants to.

Although the treatment of the city guards is much better than that of other troops, if it is too low-level, it is still not as good as the elite seven troops.

Through the brief introduction of the middle-aged man, Chu Fei also gradually gained a preliminary understanding of the general situation of the City Guard Army.


Chapter 231 Registration

And Chu Fei also had to admit that in the environment of Origin Base, the order and cohesion were much better than that of No. [-] Base, and the combat effectiveness of the troops was not comparable to that of No. [-] Base.

This is no longer a difference in the number of people. For a super-large survivor base, cohesion is an extremely important indicator, and reasonable rules are an important reason for improving cohesion.

Even if the strength of both sides is the same, the chances of winning the army with strong cohesion will be greater. What's more, the strength of the origin base itself is extremely terrifying, at least, compared with the No. [-] base, it is much higher.

"The hall of the City Guards is ahead, let's go to the hall to report together!" Stopping the verbal chat, the middle-aged man smiled and said to Chu Fei.

"Okay, I'm sorry to trouble you." Chu Fei also knew that time was extremely important to any supernatural being who survived in the last days, so he was not willing to waste the time of the middle-aged man.

After all, the other party also provided him with a lot of information, and besides, Chu Fei was not disgusted with this person, so naturally he would not show any face.

"It's nothing, it's just a matter of raising your hands, and I have to thank you for the breakfast you invited me to eat this morning." The middle-aged man smiled, turned around and led Chu Fei to the hall.

And he had never been in contact with the city guards before. Although Chu Fei had a preliminary understanding of the general situation through the middle-aged man, he knew that there must be many things he didn't understand. In order to avoid complications, he kept quiet , followed behind the middle-aged man, and walked towards the hall.

After all, it is not the normal conscription period, and there are not many people around. The front of the hall is very empty, with only a few passers-by.

Walking into the city guard hall, the relative popularity is a bit higher, but there are only a dozen people, most of them are the original reception staff of the hall.

At this time, when Chu Fei and the middle-aged man came in, there was no disturbance. The reception staff, after glancing at the two of them, looked away with disdain and continued with the work at hand.

But Chu Fei and the two obviously didn't take these gazes to heart, and went straight to the counter in the center of the hall. On the table there was a wooden sign with three large characters of registration office written on it.

"Hi, is there anything I can do to help you?" Before the two could speak, a sweet voice came out.

"I was entrusted by Miss Rose to bring my friends to sign up." Before Chu Fei could speak, the middle-aged man spoke first, took out his ID card, and handed it over respectfully.

Although the other party looks like an ordinary survivor, but to be able to sit here, there must be some kind of backstage, otherwise how can I find such a relaxed and good job.

Moreover, the attitude of the other party is very friendly, reciprocating, and the middle-aged man is also very polite. In this place, he does not dare to be presumptuous in the slightest. If he picks anyone at random, he may be someone he cannot afford to offend.

After receiving the middle-aged man's ID card, the girl checked it carefully, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong with it, she handed the ID card back to him.

"Did you just... mean Miss Rose?" After returning the ID card, the girl asked with a cautious tone, looking up at the middle-aged man.

"Yeah, what's the problem?" The middle-aged man couldn't help being taken aback when he heard the words, but still nodded.

"Oh, because the higher up specifically said hello, I am not in charge of this matter, so I cannot enter information for you here, please follow me to the back hall!" The girl stood up immediately and said to the middle-aged man.

"Miss Lao!" After the girl explained this, the middle-aged man naturally understood the reason, turned his head to signal Chu Fei, and followed.

Nodding his head, the middle-aged man didn't object. He grabbed Chu Fei and wanted to go to the back hall. It was getting late, and he wanted to complete the task earlier, and there were still many things waiting for him to do.

"Mr. Chu just come with me. After all, he is the only one who signed up to join the army." Seeing that the two wanted to enter together, the girl quickly reached out her hand to stop her, with a slightly embarrassed expression on her face. After all, only the internal personnel of the City Guard Army can enter the back hall.

And middle-aged men naturally do not have this qualification, so Chu Fei can only go by himself.

In the hall of the city guards, Chu Fei did not reveal his identity, so he was naturally not worried about the real danger. Seeing this, he patted the shoulder of the middle-aged man, followed the girl, and walked towards the back hall together. go.

With a rather helpless smile, the middle-aged man naturally knew about Chu Fei's special situation, so he had no choice but to stand where he was and wait for Chu Fei to return after completing his mission.

"That kid is Chu Ning? I heard that this guy just joined the Qingyun Brigade on the second day after entering the base."

"Yes, it is said that he is a fourth-level fire attribute user, and can withstand the pressure of the sixth level, so he must have good talent..."

"So what if the talent is good? I heard that he offended Mr. Sha in the army. Although at the conscription office, Mr. Sha didn't do anything to him because of Rose's face, but with Mr. Sha's temperament, I'm afraid he would never Will not let it go!"

Those staff who were attracted by the two heard Chu Fei's identity from the middle-aged man, and after Chu Fei left, they began to discuss in low voices. Obviously, although Chu Fei had just arrived, he had already fainted in the city guard army. With a thin name.

Following behind the girl, Chu Fei looked intently, only to find that the girl had no cultivation, and he couldn't help but be slightly taken aback. It was just an ordinary person, and the middle-aged man who brought him here before had such respect for her, so he must have some status.

This is a little different from other places. In most cases, supernatural beings are arrogant in front of ordinary people, unless the status of the two parties is very different, or there is some background that cannot be provoked.

And if there is such a person standing behind the girl, but she is just an ordinary receptionist here, this makes Chu Fei a little surprised.

At this moment, the girl turned around and seemed to want to say something. Looking at Li Yichen's expression, she immediately smiled and said, "Everyone in the Origin Base will be assigned a position. Even if you are the leader's friend, you can't eat here for free It's for nothing."

After the girl explained this, Chu Fei immediately came over with relief. In this case, the role of the base personnel can be fully utilized. It has to be said that this is a very good system.

But he was preconceived, thinking that if the backstage is tough, he doesn't have to work, which is obviously a mistake.

"I'm biased!" Thinking of this, Chu Fei couldn't help but smile awkwardly.

Chapter 232

"Actually, it's nothing. Most people who just came back from the outside will have such preconceived ideas. After all, the outside environment is very different from the inside of the base." The girl smiled slightly, expressing that she didn't care about it.

"It's just because you haven't completed the identity verification of the city guards, so according to the rules, I can communicate with you on an equal footing. After you complete the identity verification, I will immediately change my name to you, Master Chu."

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