What a mess, delaying Lao Tzu's output, Chu Fei pursed his mouth, pointed his gun at the tide of corpses with a serious face, and the heavy machine gun roared like unwilling to be lonely.

Seems to have found a pattern in the continuous shooting, Chu Fei gradually killed some zombies, every time the bullets hit the zombies, Chu Fei's eyes would flash with excitement.

Guns are the dream of every boy when he was young. Killing zombies with guns is much more refreshing than using abilities.

As time went by, there were more and more zombie corpses under the city wall, and the tide of corpses finally became sparse.However, silently, some changes took place in the tide of corpses.

At this point in the battle, the level of the zombie tide has been raised by a stage, and it is difficult to find ordinary zombies anymore.

Most of the zombies that were still charging at the city wall were advanced zombies of the second and third ranks. Although the number of injuries had been reduced, the actual combat effectiveness of the zombie horde hadn't weakened at all.

At this time, these advanced zombies, stepping on the dirt slope formed by the corpses of their companions, bravely attacked the city wall, and the ordinary thermal weapons became weak.

Except for some weapons with heavy firepower, ordinary automatic rifles and even light machine guns can cause negligible damage to zombies, and even a shuttle of bullets can't cause much damage to zombies.

In the battle of the last days, hot weapons have never been the main theme.

And this change also caused casualties to the soldiers defending the city at the base. Unlike ordinary zombies, these advanced zombies do not lack the means of long-range attack.

I saw beams of energy beams shooting towards the top of the city, colorful, but under the beautiful colors like fireworks, there was a strong murderous intent hidden.

There were screams one after another, and the wounded soldiers were constantly replaced, but even more, there was no chance of being injured, and they turned into corpses directly.

In order to prevent them from turning into zombies and causing immeasurable consequences, under the command of a nearby officer, each corpse was shot in the forehead, and then thrown out of the city.

This is not the first time Base No. [-] has experienced a tide of corpses, but the scale has never been so large, and it has its own set of procedures for dealing with the dead.

Although, such an approach cannot be said to be humane, but when life is at stake, no one cares so much.


A loud roar from the zombies reminded him that a few tall figures gradually appeared behind the zombies, and the aura exuded from them made Chu Fei's heart tremble.

Tier [-], a total of eight Tier [-] zombies!

Sensing the aura emitted by these zombies from a distance, Chu Fei's face was solemn. It's not that these fifth-orders are difficult to deal with, but the number of these fifth-orders gave him an ominous premonition.

High-level zombies have a strong territorial desire, so high-level zombies are rarely able to gather together, unless there are higher-level zombies who gather them.

That is to say, besides these fifth-order zombies, behind the group of corpses, there will be sixth-order or even higher existences.

It was not only Chu Fei who noticed this problem, in fact, most people thought of it.

With the appearance of several fifth-rank zombies, the soldiers guarding the city turned pale. They knew very well what it meant after wandering around for so long in the last days.

Behind the tide of corpses, several fifth-tier zombies moved. They were terrifyingly large, with muscle knots on their bodies, bulging like hillocks, and rushed towards the base like human tanks.

Following their impact, the tide of corpses was cut open like sea water, and then quickly closed again. A burst of flesh and blood flew across the body. The fifth-order zombies crushed countless companions, and with an unstoppable momentum, they slammed into the city ​​wall.


There was a deafening sound, and the city wall collapsed. Under the full impact of the fifth-order zombies, the thick city wall built with painstaking efforts was as fragile as paper!

The speed was so fast that almost as soon as the defenders noticed the charge of a few zombies, the city wall was attacked the next moment, and they didn't even organize any effective resistance.

With the sudden attack, it was beyond everyone's expectations. During the previous attacks by the corpse wave, such a situation had never happened before.

Although there will also be high-level zombies, the highest level has never surpassed the fourth level, and they appear as commanders. The scale of the zombie wave is not as huge as this time.

"Da da da……"

The rich combat experience made the soldiers guarding the city react instantly. The bullets were poured on the fifth-order zombies as if they were free of money, causing a series of sparks.

But this has no effect. Once the zombie reaches the fifth level, ordinary thermal weapons can basically not cause damage to it.

And powerful thermal weapons, such as magic crystal cannons, have no effect because the range is too short. In the case of the base lacking high-end combat power, these fifth-level zombies are like entering an uninhabited land , Breaking through the line of defense in an instant.

"Snipers! Quick! Stop them!" At this chaotic moment, an order came. On the battlefield where the gunfire was densely packed, the sound could not travel very far, but this voice seemed to have a certain quality, and it spread instantly. Every corner of the battlefield.

Fortunately, the snipers had already arrived on the battlefield at this time. After hearing this order, they quickly climbed up the wall, set up specially modified firearms, and opened the scope to aim at the fifth-level gun less than 20 meters ahead. zombies.

The number of snipers in the base is very limited, and there are only more than 20 special sniper armor-piercing bullets. The cost of each bullet is very expensive and will not be used easily.


Chapter 163 He's Not Strong, He Has Always Been

Therefore, there are only a few snipers who are qualified to use these bullets. They are all the baby lumps of the No. [-] base, and they are specially used to deal with high-level zombies. Get them involved.

Amidst the dense gunfire, a distinctive gunshot rang out. The fifth-order zombie seemed to sense the danger, and quickly raised its arm to block it in front of the forehead.

The bullet with the bright streamer landed on the zombie's thick arm, blasting a big hole the size of a human head, and it landed on the ugly head of the fifth-order zombie with its lingering power undiminished.


The severe pain stimulated the fifth-order zombies, and I saw energy surges on their bodies, and clusters of powerful energy clusters fell on the city wall like raindrops, causing a bloody storm.

"Shoot quickly, we must not let these zombies continue to attack, if this continues, our place will fall!" The voice was just now, with a trace of panic, and continued to issue orders to the sniper.

The strange gunshots continued to sound on the field, but the fifth-order zombies were prepared, and even though they were shot several times, there was no fatal danger.

It was just because of being shot too many times, one of the fifth-order zombies, the entire upper body, was blasted into debris, only a head, which was still intact, and kept spitting out energy light balls on the ground.

With more than 20 specially made bullets, only one fifth-level zombie was killed. This is really a sad result.


The tragic death of his companion obviously stimulated the remaining seven fifth-rank zombies. They even gave up their previous attack on the city wall. With a leap of their legs, they jumped into the air, and their hands sank deep into the city wall like tofu.

After several climbs, the fifth-tier zombies leaped onto the top of the city, which could not be stopped at all. Flesh and blood flew all over the city wall. The fifth-tier zombies were in the middle of the crowd, crazily waving their hammer-like black giant palms.

In a few seconds, dozens of people were massacred!

"Should we shoot?" A voice sounded from Wang Lang's side. He was the master who gave the order just now, and he was also the supreme commander in charge of base defense.

Wang Lang frowned, hesitant about the situation in front of him.Rationally speaking, one should shoot without hesitation at this time. The longer the delay, the greater the loss.

However, there are hundreds of people around those fifth-order zombies!If the magic crystal cannon is used, none of these people will survive.

The fifth-order zombies jumped onto the city wall, tearing a big gap in the base defense, but at the same time, they also entered the attack range of the magic crystal cannon.

Under the city wall before, the magic crystal cannons couldn't attack at all, otherwise they wouldn't be allowed to be so arrogant.

"What time is it? If we don't attack, none of us can live!" Beside Wang Lang, a middle-aged man carrying a major's epaulettes roared, and kicked the magic crystal cannon operator who didn't know whether to fire. On one side, the muzzle was aimed at the group of fifth-order zombies ahead.

With a loud bang, the muzzle of the magic crystal cannon emitted a bright light, and a cannonball left the cannon barrel with thick white smoke, and fell into the group of zombies with its tail flame.

A violent explosion sounded, and the entire base shook a little. A shock wave visible to the naked eye spread out, bringing out a scarlet mist of blood, mixed with countless broken limbs.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on the center of the explosion, wanting to see the final result. The middle-aged man quickly loaded the shells, and was unable to launch a second attack for a while.

After a while, the dust cleared, and the scene in the field was also revealed. In the vagueness, there were five huge figures that were extremely hideous,

Wang Lang's face turned pale. The magic crystal cannon was so powerful that it couldn't do much damage to the fifth-order zombies. This result made him unacceptable.

In fact, how can a shell that can't even collapse the city wall solve the fifth-order zombies? It can only be said that Wang Lang is too whimsical.

"Is there any hope for us?" Seeing the middle-aged man still adjusting the magic crystal cannon, Wang Lang's face was filled with bitterness, and he muttered, he suddenly felt that this world was so hopeless.

"Yes, is there someone still alive!" Suddenly, the voice of the adjutant came from next to his ear, with infinite surprise, even Wang Lang, who was absent-minded, was taken aback, and hurriedly looked in the direction of the fifth-order zombie .

Chu Fei glanced gloomy at the direction the shells were coming from, dropped the heavy machine gun in his hand, and tore off the broken military uniform on his body, revealing the scarlet robe underneath.

At this moment, Chu Fei was surprisingly angry.

Although he knew that these people were targeting the fifth-order zombies in front of him, Chu Fei was still very upset. The situation was so sudden that he had no time to react.

If it wasn't for Chu Fei barely holding up a defensive light curtain when he was in danger, the attack just now might have killed him!

Evolved people don't have the tyrannical desires of zombies, even Chu Fei can hardly resist the power of the magic crystal cannon.Just being on the battlefield, Chu Fei couldn't say much.

Suppressing the anger in his heart, Chu Fei took a few deep breaths, held his hands empty, and imagined a blood-red scimitar made of concentrated energy, pointing at several fifth-order zombies from a distance.

After the previous battle, the fifth-order zombies also suffered serious injuries. Chu Fei didn't have much pressure to deal with it, so he didn't want to give up the few crystal nuclei he got.

From the beginning of the outbreak of the end of the world, Chu Fei has always had the mentality of muddling along. Having obtained the restaurant system, he has no sense of tension in the end of the world at all.

Although various functions can disappear when the restaurant is upgraded, Chu Fei has never faced this problem squarely. He thinks that as long as he is careful, he will not be in any danger in this last world.

After awakening to the underworld, with the electric car and the teleportation function in his hands, Chu Fei and other ranks have been improving very slowly. Of course, there is a reason why he cannot fully absorb high-end ingredients, but it is more of a problem with his own mentality.

Especially after leveling up, with powerful power in his body, he can easily crush any high-level beings he encounters. Chu Fei's longing for power has calmed down, and he is even a little complacent, thinking that he has reached the pinnacle of the world. could be harmful to him.

It can be said that Chu Fei has always faced the apocalypse with a mediocre mentality. He has no great ideals, and he has no real goals of his own.However, the magic crystal cannonball just now woke up Chu Fei completely.

He's not strong, always has been!

If he can't even guarantee his own life, how powerful is he? If he doesn't have an electric car, does he have to be careful about the dangers around him every time he takes a step?


Chapter 164

With the help of foreign objects, it is not his own strength after all. This is what Chu Fei has always thought, but he did not expect that he himself was confused by the strength brought by foreign objects.

At this moment, Chu Fei suddenly remembered what the system said: When you are strong enough, I will tell you everything.

In this way, the current him is not considered strong in the eyes of the system, or even weak.

He finally understood why the system would ignore him every time he asked questions.Presumably, it is also very disappointed with its master.

It's ridiculous, he's still doing nonsensical things here, even wearing a military uniform he picked up, playing with toys.

But outside the city, there is an army of countless zombies!In front of him, there are seven fifth-order zombies!

These are countless crystal nuclei!The ones they will slaughter are also survivors who can bring him countless crystal nuclei!

At this moment, Chu Fei's belief was extremely firm, and his eyes did not hesitate. In front of the huge body of the fifth-order zombie, Chu Fei's figure was thin, but powerful.

As if aware of the strangeness behind them, the group of fifth-order zombies slowly turned around, dragging their injured bodies, with excitement flashing across their faces.

One of them, the body has already begun to mutate, smelling the aroma of the flesh and blood of the evolutionary in front, the desire in the eyes even reached the point of madness.

In fact, it can't be regarded as a fifth-level zombie, and even some sixth-level zombies that have just advanced are not much stronger than it. In fact, it has already half-stepped into the sixth-level domain.

The fifth-order zombie raised its head and let out a roar. A bloody seam across the entire abdomen was suddenly split open on its bare chest, and countless granulation sprouts gushed out of it, which were respectively held in the seams on both sides, and slowly pulled apart. , like a huge bloody mouth, exposing the bloody internal organs inside.

Perhaps it was stimulated by the attack just now, or because of the pressure from Chu Fei, this zombie forcibly evolved during the battle!

It is about to become a sixth-order zombie, a real sixth-order zombie!

If there is no Chu Fei.

Just when the fifth-order zombie had evolved halfway, Chu Fei descended from the sky, and a blood-red scimitar was inserted from its eye socket, directly piercing through the entire brain, and nailing it to the ground.

Because of the evolution of the fifth-order zombies, they couldn't make any effective resistance at all. Chu Fei's speed was too fast, and the surrounding zombies didn't react much.

The comrades were killed right under their noses, which made the surrounding fifth-order zombies extremely angry, roaring and rushing towards Chu Fei. Following their footsteps, the city wall shook and was on the verge of falling.

Chu Fei's eyes flashed violently, and he swung the bloody scimitar in his hand. With his fierce force, there was a whistling wind, and scars deep enough to be seen on the body of the fifth-order zombie were drawn.

Seeing that the fifth-order zombies were suppressed, Wang Lang was no longer in a hurry. He pressed the middle-aged strong man next to him who was about to fire the magic crystal shells, and directed the chaotic soldiers to continue to organize the defense.

Outside, there are still countless zombie armies, and there is no room for negligence at this juncture.

As if he knew the power of the fifth-order zombies, Chu Fei was a chicken thief, like a loach, attacking around the zombies.

Although the great power was replaced, Chu Fei still practiced the set of boxing techniques he summed up in his spare time, and he didn't appear flustered in the fight with the fifth-order zombies.

This is different from the usual battles. Now there is no protection from the electric vehicles. If they are really attacked by them, with the power of the fifth-order zombies, even Chu Fei can't bear it.

The scimitar swung vertically and horizontally, and in less than half an hour, he had already decapitated two fifth-rank zombies. His actions finally led out the zombie leader hidden behind the scenes.

Thousands of meters away, on a small hill, a zombie who was no different from a normal person was sitting on the floor. There was a small square table in front of him, and a human was standing beside him. If Chu Fei was here, he would definitely recognize who he was.

"Yan Zhengfeng, your information is not very accurate. It seems that my subordinates can't do anything to him." The leader of the zombies spoke slowly, covering his head with a black hood, revealing only two scarlet eyes. ,

When Chu Fei was mentioned, there was a bone-chilling hatred in his voice.

"My lord, the information I inquired about is absolutely accurate. There must be something wrong. How about I notify those people in the city and ask them to help?" Yan Zhengfeng's voice trembled, and the expression on his face was a little panicked. Thinking that Chu Fei could have such a strong combat power.

However, the information obtained earlier is obviously only the fourth level, even if there is any support, it is impossible to be so terrifying!

After pondering for a moment, it seemed that the zombie leader was thinking about something, and the scarlet light in his eyes kept flickering.

"Forget it, let's withdraw the army. Even eight fifth-level zombies can't kill him. What do you think is the use of those rubbish?" The leader of the zombies spoke slowly, raised his head to the sky and screamed, and gave the order to retreat.

The zombie army stopped collectively when they heard the order, turned around and evacuated to the opposite side of the base, and the remaining fifth-tier zombies who fought against Chu Fei also paid some price and forcibly retreated.

Seeing the zombies withdrawing, cheers erupted on the city wall, like a celebration, the magic crystal cannon fired continuously, bombarding the retreating zombie army, blooming brilliant sparks.

Although they didn't know what happened at all, and couldn't figure out why the zombies withdrew their troops, it still couldn't affect their happy mood.

If you survived, that's enough!

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