At the same time, the news that Chu Fei had killed the high-level mutant beast quickly spread among the base's top brass. It was confirmed that the wolf corpse was the mutant wolf king on Yalu Mountain.

The fifth-level mutant wolf king was killed, which was not a trivial matter. Chu Fei also came into the sight of many high-level people, and the information was quickly spread among these people.

Although it was the same isolation, Chu Fei's isolation time was much shorter this time. After a few hours, Chu Fei came out of the isolation room, and the soldiers who had been waiting on the side greeted Chu Fei respectfully.

After extracting the previously stored wolf carcass, Chu Fei carried it to the mercenary union, handed over the mission, and exchanged the reward for the mission. As if he was in a hurry, he left the No. [-] base in a hurry.

Chu Fei left so quickly, which caught the base's senior management by surprise. They wanted to use the hands of others to try and make contact, but they didn't expect to miss it directly, and they all felt a little regretful.

As for these things, Chu Fei didn't care about them. He was really in a hurry. City Y wasn't too close to here. It was already around four o'clock in the afternoon. He didn't know if this task could be completed today.

There are not many zombies on the road, but the road is a bit difficult to walk.Fortunately, Chu Fei is an electric car, which can handle many road conditions.


Chapter 47 City Y, breakthrough!

The reason why Chu Fei was a little anxious was that he seemed to have found some breakthrough opportunities in the previous battle with the wolf king.

The opportunity this time was different from usual, and a large part of the credit still had to be credited to the prop Andrew's watch. When Chu Fei used the watch to imprison time, he instantly found a way to break through the fourth order.

It turned out to be so simple.Chu Fei was a little stunned, but he didn't rush to break through, but wanted to borrow the watch to fight again to confirm this feeling.

Before the sun set, at dusk, Chu Fei finally arrived at City Y, the place designated by the mission.

Although this place belongs to the suburbs, the number of zombies is not small. The abandoned vehicles all over the street also show the prosperity and prosperity here before the end of the world.

It's a pity that all these things don't exist now, and this place has become a paradise for zombies.

And if you observe the zombies here carefully, you can obviously find the difference. Compared with the zombies elsewhere, the zombies here seem to be scattered, but their movements are very regular, and they are evenly distributed.

Chu Fei had seen such a situation before in the shopping mall in L City, but it was not so obvious at that time. Such a situation also meant that there must be high-level zombies here.

The information given by the No. [-] base is not false, it is just a high-level zombie of the spiritual department. This is the first time Chu Fei has heard of it, and he does not know the corresponding physical characteristics. In this dense sea of ​​corpses, it is impossible to distinguish.

A sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, Chu Fei turned the handle of the electric car without hesitation, rushed out of his hiding place, and rushed into the dense sea of ​​corpses.

After all, these zombies are all younger brothers of that high-ranking zombie. Then, if all these zombies are killed, will that zombie come out?

This kind of low-level zombies are not opponents of high-level power users at all. The reason why high-level power users are unwilling to provoke the zombie group is because they are afraid of the zombie virus in the zombie bodies.

Although there is a huge difference in strength, it is impossible to be trapped in a group of corpses without being injured at all, and as long as they are caught and bitten by zombies, even high-level supernatural beings will be in danger.

Chu Fei has no such scruples. After integrating the system, he himself will not be invaded by zombie viruses, let alone have the invincible attribute of electric vehicles.

Surrounded by a large number of scarlet energy threads, the electric car rushed into the crowd of corpses together with the electric car, like a tiger entering a herd of sheep, and instantly harvested a large number of zombie lives.

The group of corpses was dispersed in an instant, one person riding one horse, with such terrifying power, this caught the spiritual zombies in the dark a little off guard, and they couldn't organize an effective confrontation for a while.


Chu Fei's provocation angered the high-ranking beings in the group of corpses. In an instant, more than ten figures flew out in the air, crossed the group of corpses, and directly attacked Chu Fei in the middle of the group of corpses.

Looking closely, these zombies are all fourth-order zombies, and there are more than ten fourth-order zombies here.

Chu Fei couldn't miss the crystal nucleus delivered to his door. Facing the attack of more than ten zombies, he didn't show any panic. He activated Andrew's watch instantly and activated the time stop special effect, freezing the fourth-order zombies in midair.

Skills, Huang Quan!

It was a bit difficult for Chu Fei to stop so many zombies at one time. You must know that most of the zombies below were of the second level, and even mixed with the third level. This was much more difficult than the previous mutated wolf pack.

Therefore, Chu Fei also had to use his Huangquan skills, trying to quickly get rid of these fourth-level zombies. Once these fourth-level zombies were dealt with, there was no danger of leaving only a fifth-level zombie.

The familiar scene reappeared, and the figure of the fourth-order zombie was instantly swallowed up, and after struggling for a while, there was no movement.

So far, there is nothing that can resist the power of Huang Quan's skills.The plan seemed to be going smoothly. More than a dozen fourth-order crystal nuclei were frozen in midair due to the effect of space stillness, shining brightly in the underworld.

However, Huang Quan was still galloping, the giant crab with six pincers was roaring in Huang Quanquan, and his ferocious figure was looming.

The underworld is getting bigger and bigger, passing over the corpses, leaving a lot of bones on the ground, the giant crab opened its mouth wide, and sucked all the crystal nuclei into its belly, its body became more solid, and it let out a cheerful roar, making waves in the underworld.

Mom, yeah, something happened, Chu Fei was anxious, the energy in his body was quickly drawn away, at this speed, he would be drained of energy in a short time, and he had no idea what would happen then. end.

But in the face of such a situation, he has no countermeasures, Huang Quan is out of control at all, and the energy in his body doesn't seem to belong to him.

The effect of time stillness had also passed, and there were no zombies around Chu Fei. Standing among countless white bones, Chu Fei was sweating profusely, and the surface of his body emitted a strong scarlet radiance.

A strong sense of crisis forced Chu Fei to enter the advanced state. He had already met the advanced conditions, but he couldn't suppress it anymore.

When the severe pain hit, Chu Fei was in a trance for a while, the energy in his body seemed to break through something, and there was a sound of a membrane breaking, and his body shook and relaxed.

And breaking through the shackles of the third level, the energy in the body is still soaring, breaking through the middle level of the fourth level in an instant, reaching the peak of the high level, and then stopped.

With a lot of accumulation, the energy that Chu Fei had not digested from the energy items he had eaten before was manifested at this time, which made Chu Fei almost directly enter the fifth-order realm.

It wasn't until this time that Chu Fei understood why the level was raised so slowly before. It was only because the level of the food was too high, and the energy in it could not be completely absorbed by Chu Fei, and a large part of it was accumulated in the body.

And with the promotion of this level, all this energy burst out, allowing Chu Fei to reach the top and reach the peak just as soon as he broke through the fourth level.

Breaking through the first level naturally helped Chu Fei out of the current dangerous situation. Because of the increase in energy in his body, Chu Fei could control his skills more easily, and he took back his Huangquan skills without much effort.

The giant crab with six pincers roared unwillingly, and its body became blurred for a while. With the skills of the underworld, it slowly disappeared, but there was no crystal nucleus in the underworld.

Now, Chu Fei can finally see the rank of the six-clawed giant crab, and he no longer has the palpitations he had before.It's just a sixth level. Sure enough, what people fear is always the unknown.

Feeling sorry for the crystal nucleus swallowed by the giant crab, Chu Fei condensed a long bloody whip that almost pierced through the world, and under the angry gaze of the giant crab, he whipped it hard on the body that was about to disappear.


With this blow, Chu Fei didn't hold back his hand at all. The whip fell on the hard crab shell, leaving a clear mark. The strong force smashed the crab shell to pieces.


Chapter 48 What are you?

Just kidding, when Chu Fei was at the third level, he was able to be strong at the fifth level. Now that he has reached the peak of the fourth level, a cancer that is as strong as the sixth level can't bear Chu Fei's full blow.

Cancer, Huang Quan is slowly disappearing, as for what's going on in his heart, no one knows.

With the ravages of Huang Quan's skills, the group of corpses had already been severely impacted. With a sneer on the corner of Chu Fei's mouth, he casually took care of a few approaching zombies and walked into a unit building.

Chu Fei, who had been in the state of supernatural powers, found some unusual signs at this time. Because of the huge number of corpses before, he didn't find this clue for a while.

When the number of zombies decreased, the sign became clear. In the unit building, among the many lifeless blood, there was a constant flow of fresh blood, like a living person.

But is it possible for zombies to coexist peacefully with humans?If this is the case, then there will be no end times.

The owner of this blood must be the fifth-order zombie who has been hiding behind the scenes!

This is an ordinary residential building. The walls are covered with blood. It has not been used for a long time. The iron handrails are coated with a layer of dust, and there are already spots of rust on them.

According to the position given by the power state, Chu Fei climbed all the way to the fifth floor, kicked open the anti-theft door, and a stench came over his face.

The scene in the room surprised Chu Fei.

The layout of three bedrooms and two halls, the arrangement of furniture is a bit chaotic, but it is still clean, as if it is often cleaned by someone. To Chu Fei's surprise, there is more than one person, forehead, or dead body in the room.

The abnormal noise at the door startled the zombies in the room, and a shrill corpse roar entered Chu Fei's ears. It seemed that there was some kind of attack effect, which shocked Chu Fei's eardrums a little.

Inside the house, a female zombie was tied up on the coffee table in the living room, and a child in her teens was staring at the door in horror, her empty eyes were colorless.

"You are, what?" Chu Fei hesitated. The fresh blood belonged to a boy, but the boy was just an ordinary person, and the fifth-level aura emanated from the female zombie beside him.

As for ordinary ropes that can trap high-level zombies?If someone had said such a thing to Chu Fei before, he would have scoffed.

But this kind of fantasy is now vividly placed in front of him, which makes him hesitate and can't figure out the current situation.

"Don't hurt my mother!" The boy suddenly let out a shrill cry, and his small body rushed towards the direction of the source of the sound, holding a fruit knife that might only be used to peel apples in his hand.

Chu Fei frowned, and stretched out his hand to pull out a blood-red defensive cover. The boy bumped his head against it, let out a scream, and fell to the ground with his head bleeding, crying uncontrollably.

Although Chu Fei didn't deliberately attack, the powerful energy on the defensive cover was still not enough for an ordinary person to bear.


As if stimulated, the maternal zombie let out a roar, broke away from the comfortable rope in an instant, jumped over the boy vigorously, and rushed towards Chu Fei.

Um?Really alive?Can it still move?

Chu Fei was a little dazed, and subconsciously stretched out his hand to grab it, and a huge energy palm emerged out of thin air, grabbing the maternal zombie tightly.

Although it is the fifth level, the physical strength of the maternal zombie is not high, and it is easily controlled by Chu Fei, and the strength of the struggle is pitifully small.

However, although the mother and son were easily controlled, Chu Fei was hesitant about what to do next.

This zombie is a bit different. It can easily break free from the rope, but it is willing to be controlled by an ordinary person, and it has no desire to attack humans.

If Chu Fei hadn't injured the boy, I'm afraid this maternal zombie would still be tied in place like a log.

After hesitating for a while, Chu Fei condensed a giant hand again, grabbed the little boy in his hand, and came downstairs with the two goods behind him.

Let's leave this kind of headache to the No. [-] base. Anyway, what Chu Fei wants is only the crystal core. These two people should be more valuable alive than dead.

After this delay, the remaining scattered zombies downstairs gathered again, forming a small wave of zombies.Chu Fei killed it casually, rode on the electric bike, and drove away.

The sun was about to set, and it was not early. It was impossible to finish the task of investigating port G today. This was somewhat different from the plan.

Mainly because it took so long to find the wolf king during the first mission that it was so procrastinated that the second mission was barely completed until now.

The sky gradually darkened. In the apocalyptic night, the road was even more difficult to walk. Fortunately, Chu Fei walked it once during the day, and he still had some impressions of the general road in his mind.

Chu Fei turned on the headlights of the electric car, and a beam of dazzling lights rose. Chu Fei followed the logic in his memory and galloped towards the base. I don't know if it was because of the fifth-order spirit-type zombies. The zombies he encountered along the way , a large number of them all desperately attacked Chu Fei.

The idle fish naturally had no effect on Chu Fei. To Chu Fei's surprise, although there were a lot of zombies, there were not a few high-level ones among them.

Looking at the maternal zombies and the little boy floating behind him, Chu Fei was thoughtful, probably because he was afraid that the high-level zombies would be summoned and hurt the little boy.

From this point of view, the intelligence of this zombie is probably not low.

After about two hours, Chu Fei finally rushed back to the base, and the sky was completely dark at this time. The light of countless flashlights in the base illuminated the surroundings as bright as day, and there were rows of patrolling soldiers standing on the city wall. At night, the guards are even tighter.

Chu Fei's figure also attracted the attention of the soldiers guarding the gate. They shouted from a distance, and after confirming that they were alive, they did not attack and watched Chu Fei come to the city gate vigilantly.

But Chu Fei's appearance made the guards feel a little creepy.

It's not that there's anything wrong with Chu Fei. Although he looks weird, at least he looks normal. It's not that there are people wearing robes in the last days. It's understandable to ride an electric car, after all, batteries are easier to find than gasoline.

Moreover, many strong people have some weird hobbies.

What surprised them a little was the two big bloody hands floating behind Chu Fei. Under the illumination of the flashlight, they radiated the light of evil spirits. In the center of their palms, each was holding a human being.

Um, maybe one of them is no longer a human being, and every feature of its body indicates its identity as a zombie.

It seemed that he recognized Chu Fei. One of the soldiers whispered something in front of the officer. The officer's eyes lit up, he quickly opened the door, and ran out himself.


Chapter 49 Buying and selling

This person is the strong man who just hunted and killed the fifth-order mutant wolf king this afternoon. The high-level executives of the base have already ordered him to come down. If this person comes back, he must not be neglected.

"Oh, Mr. Chu, you're back, who is this?" The leader who came out to greet him was wearing a military uniform, but he couldn't see a trace of a soldier on his body, but he looked a bit like a hooligan.

Chu Fei got off the electric car, the road was too dark at night, and he didn't bring a flashlight, so he could only rely on the electric car's lighting, so he didn't park the electric car outside.

"This zombie is a little different. I was originally on the second mission of the mercenary union. Find someone who can take charge and see how to deal with this zombie."

Having completed the two missions, and it is possible to make a deal, Chu Fei is in a very happy mood, and even has a much more friendly attitude towards the officer.

Given Chu Fei's order, the officer naturally did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly brought Chu Fei into the city, and went through the formalities for entering the city quickly and easily.

And isolation is naturally an indispensable part. After all, Chu Fei has just returned from the outside, and no one knows whether he will have the zombie virus on his body. It is related to the safety of the base, and no one dares to be careless.

Just as Chu Fei crossed his legs and was drinking tea in the luxurious isolation room, the door was opened, and a young man in military uniform walked in.

As if he didn't see the giant bloody hand floating behind Chu Fei, the young man calmly walked up to Chu Fei and stretched out his palm: "Hello, Mr. Chu, I am the chief of staff of the base, Mo Luo."

Putting down Erlang's legs, Chu Fei stood up, shook hands with Mo Luo, and looked at the man in front of him curiously.

He is about 1.8 meters tall, with short hair and flat head. He is not handsome, but he is very good-looking. The military uniform on his body makes him look very martial.

The chief of staff of the base should be a fairly high position. Chu Fei is not particularly clear about the military system, but he has some impressions of this position.

"Mr. Chu, I came here after receiving news from the soldiers. I heard that there is something special about the two zombies behind you?" After shaking hands with Chu Fei, Mo Luo calmly sat opposite Chu Fei, his eyes wide open. With curiosity, he glanced at the two bloody giant palms behind Chu Fei.

Before he came, he did some research on Chu Fei's deeds, and naturally found out about the restaurant based on the information network of the No. [-] base.

And Chu Fei coincided with the characteristics of the restaurant owner, which made some people in the No. [-] base have other thoughts.

But for these people's proposals, Mo Luo resisted all opinions and resolutely opposed it.

The reason for the objection is also very simple. Chu Fei is a high-end fighter himself, and has no conflict with No. [-]. He even helped the base solve the problem of the mutant wolf king.

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