"Go after him, don't worry about it here." Chu Fei took out a crystal nucleus from his pocket with a gloomy expression, held it in his hand, and said to King Hades.

Although Chu Fei's condition is not very good, but because of the previous mutated dog meat, the energy in his body has also recovered a bit. It is impossible for him to chase Yan Zhengfeng, but it will not be impossible for him to fight back.

Since Yan Zhengfeng dared to appear this time, he simply looked for an opportunity to see if he could be killed. Keeping this person would be a very troublesome disaster after all.

He glanced at Chu Fei worriedly, Yan Wang gritted his teeth, kicked the ground under his feet, and chased in the direction where Yan Zhengfeng was escaping.

With Hades leaving, Chu Fei stood like a statue at the door of the restaurant, slowly adjusting his state, waiting for a possible ambush.

Different from the last time, Yan Wang has been promoted to the third level, which is much faster than a month ago. Although Yan Zhengfeng has improved during this period, he is still at the second level after all, and he cannot escape the pursuit of Hades.

The closer the two got to Yola, Yan Wang calmed down a little, his eyes showed bloodthirsty excitement, this place is not very far from the restaurant, he slaughtered Yan Zhengfeng, and immediately went back to the store, even if there was an ambush over there It was all in vain.

Even if the boss temporarily loses his combat power, Hades is not afraid of anything. Ordinary third-order supernatural beings are no match for him at all, not to mention that according to the boss, his body has recovered a little.

As for the fourth-level power users, Yan Wang never thought about the difficulty of advancing from the third level to the fourth level. He is very clear. In a short time, there will be fourth-order supernatural beings appearing.

The distance between the two was less than 50 meters. Yan Wang licked his chapped lips, stretched out his hand and summoned an ice-blue sickle, and quickly cut it at Yan Zhengfeng's head.

He could already imagine the scene where Yan Zhengfeng's head was cut open, it was bloody, but it must be beautiful.


Suddenly, a loud roar sounded, and the building on the side was knocked away by something. Amidst the dust, a black shadow rushed out and knocked Hades away from the middle.

The speed was too fast, Hades couldn't react at all, only had time to see a blurry black shadow, a strong force struck, spit out a mouthful of blood with a 'wow', and the whole person was slammed into the air.


Chapter 133 Sneak Attack

Consciousness was blurred, and there was pain in his back, as if he had crashed into something. Yama mobilized the scattered energy in his body, subconsciously pushed his hands to the side, and grabbed a hard object.

It was the load-bearing pillar. Yama's consciousness gradually became clear, and his vision recovered a little. At some point, he was knocked into the building. The energy in his body was still tumbling, and the force had not dissipated.

In a few tenths of a second, the load-bearing column couldn't support the impact force, and the entire column broke and collapsed.The high-rise building suddenly shook, as if a corner of the building blocks had been pulled out, and it collapsed. Hades' eyes went dark, and he was buried underneath.

There was darkness in the field of vision, and there was a 'buzzing' sound in my ears, like the tide, and I could vaguely hear my own heavy breathing, mixed with the sound of rolling stones, and there were tearing sounds from all over the body of Hades. pain.

He was not in a hurry to go out, Yan Wang held his breath and gathered the scattered energy in his body. Although he didn't know what the sneak attack was, he thought that with this force, the attacker's level might not be low, so going out rashly would not be a good idea. s Choice.

The stone layer above kept shaking, and there was a sound from time to time, as if a huge object was moving above, Hades did not dare to make a sound, the bent posture made him a little uncomfortable.

I don't know how long it took, and I couldn't feel the passage of time in the darkness. Hades finally stabilized his body. The noise from above continued and got closer, as if he wouldn't stop until he was found.

A huge icicle slowly appeared in his hands. Hades slowly grasped it with both hands, trying to suppress the energy fluctuations to the minimum, waiting patiently, waiting for the moment when the attacker finds him, it will be an excellent opportunity.

It was already close, so close, and Yama's spirit was so concentrated that he could hear the 'hissing' sound of saliva flowing, and the heavy breathing.

The one on the head is probably a gigantic monster!


The stone was suddenly pushed away, and a beam of sunlight shone in, which was a bit dazzling. Hades squinted his eyes uncomfortably, and there was a huge silhouette in front of his eyes, like the head of some animal, with long snouts covered with Ferocious fangs and scarlet eyes showed its identity.

Mutant beast!

The moment the ice edge stabbed out, Hades only had time to flash such a thought in his mind, and a crisp sound came, and the moment he was about to succeed, the giant beast in front of him actually had its eyes closed.

The eyelids are like two pieces of armor, covering the fragile pupils. Hades' icicles fell on them, only a burst of sparks splashed, but there was no real damage at all.

Tier [-]!It turned out to be Tier [-]!

The attack was blocked, and Hades had no time to regret it. There was a storm in his heart. The fourth-order mutant beasts were beyond his ability to deal with. What's more, because of the sneak attack of the fourth-order mutant beasts, Hades suffered serious injuries.


Such a thought flashed in his mind, King Hades didn't dare to delay at all, turned around and ran out of the ruins, the scene outside came into view.

The ground was no longer what it used to be. The road on both sides seemed to have been hit by a heavy truck. The whole building fell to the left, leaning against the upper building beside it.

There was ruins on the ground, and one-third of the entire high-rise building collapsed. There were still a few huge footprints on the ruins. The claws were a little strange. At least Yan Wang didn't know him very well. Yan Zhengfeng's figure had long since disappeared.


A roar that shocked the world came from behind, and King Hades was running away, glanced back, and saw the appearance of the attacker clearly.

It was a crocodile, a full 20 meters long, strong in build, ferocious in appearance, with a tail like a steel whip, dragging a series of sparks on the ground behind it.

Why did such a ferocious thing appear in the city!Yan Wang complained in his heart, he didn't have the mind to contend at all, and ran forward desperately.

He didn't dare to lead the crocodile to the restaurant. The restaurant might also be fighting. If he led the mutated crocodile there, the boss might have no choice but to make the situation worse.

He knew about the situation of the boss, and if he said anything to reassure him, he was just holding on.

Fortunately, the mutant crocodile's speed is not very fast. Although it is the fourth-order, it is a little slower than the third-order Yan Luo. Although there is no way to compete, it is only a matter of time before it escapes.

But the most scarce thing right now is time!I don't know what's going on with the boss, and whether he can survive until he goes back to support.

Hades was a little worried, and frantically increased the speed of his feet, but for a while, he couldn't open the distance between him and the crocodile.

In a hurry, Yan Zhengfeng hid in a dark alley in a blind spot of Yan Wang's vision, with a gloomy expression, muttered something in his mouth, turned around to leave, and habitually put his hands in his pockets.

Suddenly, Yan Zhengfeng's movements stopped, and he took out his pockets in a panic, as if he was looking for something, but he couldn't find it after searching.

Immediately, disregarding Hades and the fourth-order mutated crocodile that was chasing after him, Yan Zhengfeng chased out like crazy, looking for something on the ground with his head down, his face was a little crazy.

Yan Zhengfeng's actions caught Yan Wang's attention. Seeing the culprit, Yan Wang's eyes were about to split, but he couldn't care about him at all while fleeing, and could only watch Yan Zhengfeng swaying under his nose.

Naturally, the crocodile also noticed it, but it didn't pay special attention. A red light beam came out from its mouth, and it continued to chase Hades without stopping.

The person in front of him actually attacked it. If it hadn't reacted quickly, it would have been blinded in one eye. No matter what, the bug in front of it must be crushed to relieve its hatred!

The red light beam came to Yan Zhengfeng in an instant, and the speed was extremely fast. Yan Zhengfeng only had time to turn his body to the left. The red light beam passed through his shoulder blades, and a sharp pain came.

Yan Zhengfeng is only a second-level supernatural user, and even if a fourth-level attack is just casually launched, he cannot stop it.Fortunately, he turned his body at a critical moment, otherwise what would penetrate now would not be the arm but the heart.

Enduring the severe pain from his shoulder, Yan Zhengfeng's body shook a little, but he didn't retreat at the first moment, and was still persistently looking for something.

You know, a fourth-order mutated crocodile in front of you can die if you are not careful. It's hard to imagine that there is anything more important than life.

After a long time, Yan Zhengfeng stopped his movements and picked up an inconspicuous stone from the ground. There were some fresh bloodstains flowing on the stone. The strange thing was that the bloodstain did not slide down the arc of the stone, but hovered over it all the time. with.


Chapter 134

Holding the stone under the sun, Yan Zhengfeng carefully identified it, heaved a sigh of relief, put the stone preciously into his personal pocket, and turned away from Hades' sight.

Seeing Yan Zhengfeng swaggeringly leave from under his nose, Yan Wang was furious, but he couldn't pull away, so he could only grit his teeth and abandon it, and fled desperately forward.

Get rid of the mutated crocodile as soon as possible and go back to the restaurant, and make a decision after seeing the situation with the boss.

At the moment when Hades was fleeing, Chu Fei was sitting outside the store, sitting opposite a man with two chairs and a table, sipping a cup of fragrant tea.

This tea is good, with a mellow aroma that moistens the throat. Although he is not good at tea ceremony, Chu Fei can still tell the basics of good or bad.

Around the two of them, stood a group of people holding guns, most of them were ordinary people, some of them were empty-handed, exuding a tyrannical aura of supernatural beings.

At this time, these people seemed to be facing a big enemy, standing behind the man opposite Chu Fei, with the guns in their hands all the time, and their faces were full of vigilance.

Not long after Hades left, these people suddenly appeared and surrounded the restaurant. The leader was Wang Song, whom Chu Fei still knew, and who had never appeared.

Chu Fei didn't recognize the team standing behind him, but the guns in his hands were very similar to those in Longhu. Chu Fei remembered what that man said before he died, and I'm afraid what he said at that time was actually the truth.

"Wang Song, I underestimated you before. I brought so many people here because I wanted to kill the lord?" Chu Fei put the teacup on the table and turned it lightly. His tone was indifferent, as if he was telling another thing that had something to do with him. irrelevant things.

Damn it, he should have noticed this matter a long time ago. All the clues were connected together, and the fog was lifted immediately. Chu Fei also understood all the puzzles.

Even after the Longhu incident, he was wary of Wang Song and took advantage of it at this time, which caught Chu Fei by surprise.

After following Chu Fei for so long, he also knew a thing or two about the restaurant Wang Song, but he definitely didn't know the news that the restaurant was temporarily closed. Since Wang Song proposed to let Chu Fei leave the restaurant to negotiate, he had already indicated a lot of things.

Although there were many people brought by Wang Song, most of them were ordinary people and low-level supernatural beings. It should be noted that there were only seven third-level supernatural beings.

Gently turning the teacup in his hand, Chu Fei asked the system for the time. He had been procrastinating for a while, and the restaurant was not far away from being upgraded.

"My lord, you are joking. Song is not a cat or dog. How could he have an owner? The reason why he plotted against you like this is just to survive." Wang Song remained calm as before, sitting upright on the chair, waiting for Chu Fei's reply .

He naturally knew that Chu Fei was delaying time, but Wang Song was wrong, thinking that Chu Fei's purpose of delaying time was to wait for Hades.

It is impossible for Hades to come back. After carefully sorting out the plan before and after, there will be no mistakes. Even if Hades comes back with a fourth-order mutant crocodile, he may lose his fighting power.

Thinking of this, Wang Song calmed down, looking at Chu Fei in front of him, a coldness flashed in the depths of his eyes.

Chu Fei must be killed, this person is too dangerous!It's just that before killing him, find a way to apply the method of making special food.

Cursing his lips, Chu Fei was noncommittal to Wang Song's words. For a while, both of them remained silent, and the atmosphere suddenly became a little dull.

"My lord, please give me the method of making special food. Song is just a good intention, and I don't want to embarrass you. It's just that I am not the only one who makes the decision, and I must also consider the brothers around me."

After a pause, Wang Song continued: "As long as you give me the method, my lord, Song promises that I will never have any impact on my lord if I leave City l in the future and never take another step. This is a win-win thing, my lord." Why don't you agree?"

Raising his eyebrows, Chu Fei snorted coldly: "This small group of people wants to threaten me? Wang Song, do you think you can do it again?"

Not angered by Chu Fei's words, Wang Song looked at Chu Fei calmly with a smile on his face. He had done a lot of homework before, and he didn't think there was anything wrong with his plan.

Although in Longhu, Chu Fei killed several third-order supernatural beings by himself, but most of them used sneak attacks, and they were killed separately. If these third-orders gathered together, it would be impossible to say who would win. allow.

After all, it hasn't been long since Chu Fei has just been promoted to the third rank. Even if he can fight, where can he fight and escape from the siege of so many people?

"I can't believe you. I want to negotiate. It's fine. Let your men put down their guns first." After a moment of silence, Chu Fei changed the subject and said somewhat calmly.

Shaking his head slightly, Wang Song looked at Chu Fei with a smile that was not a smile: "My lord, you are joking, Bie Hu has to be anxious, you should make a decision quickly."

"It's not a big deal to give you the method of making special food. Anyway, I won't have any loss, but you have to pay something, right?" Chu Fei's face was a little gloomy, with a tangled expression, as if he had given up A lot of determination.

Hearing Chu Fei let go, Wang Song was slightly proud. As long as Chu Fei was willing to hand over the method, the rest of the matter would be much easier.

No matter what the conditions are, agree first, and then kill Chu Fei after verifying the method. Mastering the method of special food is equivalent to controlling an army that can mass-produce supernatural beings!

In this way, he can do a lot of things, and even if he is given time, he may not necessarily become the overlord of the last days. This kind of temptation makes Zhang Song feel as if he is being scratched by a cat constantly, with an unbearable itchiness.

"As long as the adults tell me the method, I swear that I will not invade you again, and I will send two third-order, forty second-order, and [-] first-order crystal nuclei to the restaurant. This is Song's entire possession " Unable to bear the excitement in his heart, Wang Song's tone was a little urgent, but he didn't feel the same calmness as before.

Hearing that there were so many crystal nuclei, Chu Fei was also very surprised. He thought for a while and said, "I will teach you the method immediately when I see the crystal nuclei."

After all, Chu Fei sat on the seat with a teacup in his hand, his expression was a little slumped, Ren Wangsong was eloquent, but he didn't pay any attention to it anymore.

After a while, seeing Chu Fei's resolute attitude, Wang Song called a young man and whispered a few words in his ear. The young man ran to the back, brought out a group of teams, and disappeared at the end of the road.

Wang Song told the truth about these crystal nuclei. This is all his property accumulated through hard work. Anyway, it will be his in the end. It doesn't hurt to let Chu Fei take a look at it before he dies.

The process of getting the crystal nucleus was very slow, Wang Song chatted with Chu Fei about some meaningless things, but Chu Fei didn't answer, just sipping the tea in the cup.


Chapter 135 I Said, How Charming

To make fun of himself, Wang Song lost the desire to speak, fell silent, and waited silently with Chu Fei.After a long time, there was the sound of a car starting on the street, and a large truck drove slowly from the street, followed by a large group of zombies.

No hot weapons were used, and the highest level of these zombies was only the second level. There are so many supernatural beings here, and dealing with such a group of zombies is just a matter of hand.

After the zombies were dealt with swiftly, several figures jumped out of the truck. They were those who had left before, all carrying silver suitcases in their hands. Seeing these people walk in, the corners of Chu Fei's eyes twitched slightly.


There was a sound of unlocking the password box, and the suitcase was opened. The inside was covered with dense crystal nuclei, the big ones were the size of a fist, and the small ones were no bigger than walnuts. They radiated colorful light and were extremely eye-catching.

"My lord, this is the crystal nucleus. Please check it. If there is no problem, you can give me the method of making special food." Wang Song looked at Chu Fei with a half-smile, and his tone was very relaxed.

Chu Fei slowly stroked the box full of crystal nuclei, the uneven, slightly hard feel was fascinating.

"How charming." Chu Fei watched the colorful rays of light emanating from the crystal nucleus, and whispered softly, his voice was like a mosquito.

Sitting opposite Chu Fei, Wang Song couldn't hear clearly. He moved his upper body up with some doubts and asked, "My lord, what did you say?"


Raising his hand to press Wang Song's head on the table, the veins on his hand were bulging, scarlet energy surged, Chu Fei lowered his head, leaned into Wang Song's ear and said, "I said, how charming."

After all, Chu Fei pressed his palm hard, Wang Song's head looked like a smashed watermelon, red and white flowed all over the table, and an invisible momentum rushed from behind Chu Fei.

"Ding~ The restaurant has been expanded successfully. This is the rough layout. If there is any modification, please go to the mall to make your own choice."

The system's icy electronically synthesized sound, to Chu Fei's ears, was extremely beautiful at this time.Chu Fei's movements were quick, and everyone had just reacted by this time.

After all, they still had the upper hand in the negotiations at the previous moment, and who would have thought that Chu Fei would turn his back if he said so.

There was a noisy sound, someone pulled the trigger in his hand, someone condensed a light cluster composed of energy, and various attacks fell on Chu Fei's body in chaos, making a "clink clang" sound.

Seeing that Chu Fei was being attacked, Lin Meng, who had been hiding in the back kitchen, ran out hastily, ignoring Chu Fei's instructions, with blue energy surging in his hands, and a gust of wind blew up on the field, blowing away most of the attacks.

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