What's more, I don't know the actual effect of Hawkeye's ability, and it may not be effective for me. Moreover, the ratings of the two dishes are both one star, so there must be no big difference between the effects.

After thinking clearly in his mind, Chu Fei sent a request to the system to refuse to cover, and then felt that the energy in his body no longer collided, and the part belonging to the eagle eye became softer, and it was slowly summarized into the Juli in his dantian. in energy.

Chu Fei was stunned for a moment, but he didn't know what was going on. He asked the system and didn't get an answer.

As the two energies slowly merged, Chu Fei felt that his strength had grown a little more, and a feeling of fullness surged in his body.

It seems that the supernatural power has been strengthened. After the energy in the body was completely fused together, Chu Fei clenched his fist and punched the air in front of him. The force of the fist was much stronger than last time.

Chu Fei nodded in satisfaction. He didn't know why this happened, but his ability has increased, which is a very good thing.

After a simple experiment and a general understanding of the enhancement range of the ability, Chu Fei then turned around and picked up the backpacks left by those people to check.

There are four large backpacks left by Qian Jianming and the others, and a tattooed man was thrown into the group of zombies by himself. Even if the group of corpses disperses, there should be nothing to get back.

There are a lot of things in the four backpacks in a mess, but most of them are eating and drinking. It is estimated that they have just searched for supplies before coming, so they have such a rich harvest.

Chu Fei checked the backpacks one by one. Most of them were compressed biscuits, instant noodles, bread and other easy-to-carry items, occasionally mixed with some high-calorie snacks such as chocolate and sugar.

It seems that this group of people is quite smart, and they know how to take these things. It happens that there is no staple food in the store, so they can eat bread or something as a staple food.

In addition to food and drink, Chu Fei also found a cigarette by accident. This was really a surprise. His cigarettes were almost gone. With this one, he could hold on for a long time.

Excitedly, he sorted the items in these backpacks and put them in the back kitchen. Chu Fei packed up the dishes on the table, and carried the recliner to the door.

The zombies that had been attracted before had not completely dissipated. In fact, Chu Fei was particularly curious about how Qian Jianming and the others left here. At this time, a circle of zombies was piled up outside Chu Fei's shop.

As Chu Fei opened the door, these zombies smelled the aroma of human flesh, roared in unison, and rushed towards Chu Fei at the door of the shop with bared teeth.

Chu Fei glanced lightly at the seven or eight blocked zombies, feeling as if a military parade appeared in his heart, and he couldn't help but see the appearance of zombies standing at attention in a square formation in his mind.

Amused by his weird thoughts, Chu Feixian was extremely bored, picked up some stones on the ground at random, and threw them towards the zombie's open bloody mouth.

In a convenience supermarket not far away, a group of people were searching for things. One of the boys, who had just finished carrying a box of drinks, accidentally saw Chu Fei throwing stones.

His eyes widened in disbelief, the little boy swallowed a mouthful of saliva, pulled a middle-aged man who was seven to eight points similar to him and said, "Dad, look over there, that man is surrounded by corpses." people."

At first, the middle-aged man thought that some survivor was trapped, so he casually looked in the direction the boy pointed out, and immediately opened his eyes wide in disbelief.

Blinking, Lin Ran was still sitting on the recliner, throwing stones at the zombies boredly. There seemed to be a defensive barrier in front of him, and the surrounding zombies couldn't squeeze in at all.

The middle-aged man shivered all over, dropped the items he was carrying, loudly called the people around him, and briefly explained the situation to them.

Chapter 11 The Infected Guest

Following the publicity of the middle-aged man, this group of survivors soon discovered this special storefront, and couldn't help but squeeze over to watch it curiously.

Suddenly, an older man said, "Is this direction the light we saw in the dark sky?"

Following the reminder of the older man, several people thought about it carefully and said: "That's right, this direction is where the light was before, what's going on there, isn't there a power outage?

The older man thought for a while, reached out his hand to stop everyone's discussion, and then said: "I don't know if you have noticed that zombies can't get in that restaurant. Let's discuss it, should we ask that person? If we know how to block zombies like him, our safety will be greatly guaranteed."

The older man's words also caused a lot of discussion, and then most people chose to support the older man's idea, but a few people raised objections.

These objections are also very reasonable. Some people worry that if Chu Fei doesn't open the protection after passing, it will be very dangerous for them to face so many zombies.

The older man thought about these opinions carefully, and felt that what these people said made sense, and then he said: "That's it, I'll touch it quietly to see if I can talk to this person, and you guys are right here." Wait for my news here."

As soon as the words fell, everyone objected. Although this suggestion sounds good, the elderly man who is the executor has to take a big risk. After all, the shop is now surrounded by zombies.

The middle-aged man who spoke just now said: "Jiangcheng, it's too risky for you to go alone, why don't I go with you, so that we can take care of each other in case something happens."

Jiang Cheng shook his head and said, "No, it's not easy to get along when there are too many people. This matter has nothing to do with the number of people. I'll smear some zombie blood on it later. I don't think there will be any big problems."

Jiang Cheng's words made everyone hesitate. Maybe this news was too important to them, so the middle-aged man didn't insist on it. He sighed and helped him disguise it carefully.

After getting ready, Jiang Cheng grabbed the fire ax that had been placed aside just now, smiled at everyone, turned around and walked out of the convenience store without saying anything.

Although the disguise had been re-disguised, Jiang Cheng didn't dare to be careless. He carefully picked up a place where there were few zombies, and slowly moved towards Chu Fei's storefront. It took a while before he found the vicinity.

When he got near the storefront, Jiang Cheng was even more careful, his heart was pounding, there were too many zombies here, he didn't know if he could get through the encirclement of zombies.

Chu Fei, who was basking in the sun at the door, also noticed Jiang Cheng. Although this man was covered in blood, and there were many carrion and viscera of zombies hanging on his body, his smooth movements let Chu Fei know that he was a human being.

It seems that this person's destination is his own store, does he want to come in?Chu Fei narrowed his eyes slightly, got up and walked into the shop, completely hiding his smell.

Jiang Cheng hid not far away, thinking about how to get in, when he suddenly noticed that the group of zombies made a slight commotion, and then wandered around. There were many gaps in the densely packed storefronts that were originally besieged.

Jiang Cheng's eyes lit up. Although he didn't know what happened, it was a very good thing for him. He stopped hesitating and walked cautiously towards the store with the fire ax in hand.

Although there are many disguises on his body, he will still be smelled when he gets close to the zombies, and there are too many zombies around. When he was halfway to Jiangcheng, he encountered a serious crisis.

A zombie seemed to have discovered something was wrong, roared at Jiangcheng, and walked slowly from not far away. Following the roar of this zombie, the surrounding corpses also began to commotion, and they all slowly moved towards the city. Come in this direction.

Jiang Cheng was anxious. If these zombies got close, they would definitely recognize him. Surrounded by so many zombies, he would have no way to escape. It would be impossible to retreat. As long as he ran, he would definitely be caught by the people behind him. Zombie found abnormality,

Gritting his teeth, Jiang Cheng bowed his legs slightly, raised all his strength, and quickly ran forward. At this time, the store was only 500 meters away from him. If he was faster, he could still catch up with the zombies surrounding him. Time to run in.

However, Jiang Cheng still underestimated the speed of the zombies. Seeing Jiang Cheng start to run, the surrounding zombies roared and surrounded him as if they had been shot with stimulants.

When it was less than [-] meters away from the store, Jiangcheng was surrounded by zombies, and the distance that could be run in a dozen seconds was so difficult to reach now.

With a roar of anger, Jiang Cheng firmly grasped the fire ax in his hand with the determination to die, and swung it vigorously at the surrounding zombies. Even if he died, he would take away a few more monsters!

But there were too many zombies around, and Jiang Cheng couldn't compete with them at all. In just a few moments, large and small wounds appeared on his body.

The aroma of human flesh and blood made the group of zombies even crazier, and each of them rushed towards Jiangcheng as if they had taken a stimulant.

Seeing that he was about to be unable to hold on any longer, Jiang Cheng was filled with despair, but suddenly found that the attacks of the surrounding zombies slowed down, and some even stopped attacking, and ran back. Seeing this situation, Jiang Cheng's heart ignited again. hope for life.

Holding the ax in his hand, Jiang Cheng was drenched in blood, chopped down several zombies in front of him, and squeezed desperately through the gaps in the corpses.

Following Jiang Cheng's intrusion, there seemed to be an invisible barrier blocking the dense crowd of corpses behind him. Seeing that the zombies behind him were blocked, Jiang Cheng heaved a sigh of relief and sat down on the ground.

Chu Fei looked at the embarrassed man in front of him. The white T-shirt on his body was dyed blood red, and there were some scars left by zombies on his exposed skin. He frowned. The bloody smell from Jiang Cheng's body was overwhelming. Chu Fei was very unhappy.

But the visitor was a guest, Jiang Cheng tried his best to get in, and Chu Fei was too embarrassed to drive him out.

Feel free to wipe off the non-existent dust on Zen, Chu Fei said lightly: "Welcome, come in and order food."

Jiang Cheng was sitting slumped on the ground at this time, panting heavily, and raised his head in doubt when he heard Chu Fei's words.

order?The store in front of me... is it a restaurant?

But the world has become like this, who will open the door for business?

Ask for comments and votes, because the restaurant is still a very weak seedling, and it needs everyone's love to thrive. If you don't bother, vote for recommendation or comment, it will increase the popularity of the book, that is It helped Xiao Jin a lot, thank you for your support!

Chapter 12 Fruit Platter

Jiang Cheng was a little puzzled, but he didn't say much. He clearly remembered the purpose of coming here this time. At this time, Chu Fei was willing to let him in, so he would naturally not refuse.

After Chu Fei pushed open the glass door, Jiang Cheng looked at Chu Fei in front of him. He was 1.7 meters eight or 1.8 meters tall, with half-length black hair neatly tied behind his head by a hair rope. Very young, but surprisingly not showing a trace of childishness.

Maybe it's because of Chu Fei's camisole and big flower pants, his whole demeanor and attitude is a dull feeling, more like an old man spending the rest of his life, but he looks only in his 20s look.

Jiang Cheng looked Chu Fei around, and found that he was thinking about something with his head down, and he didn't intend to speak at all. After hesitating for a while, he couldn't help but ask, "Are you the boss here? May I ask how you let the zombies enter?" came here?"

It seemed that Jiang Cheng's words brought Chu Fei back to his senses. Chu Fei raised his head and did not answer Jiang Cheng's question. He pointed to the seat next to him and said indifferently, "Are you here for dinner?"

Seeing that Chu Fei didn't answer his question, Jiang Cheng didn't care, and he didn't expect to get an answer by asking himself, so he walked to the red fast food table next to him and sat down, and replied, "Do you have food for sale here? So how do you pay for it?"

"Of course the restaurant will sell food." Chu Fei raised his eyebrows, and his tone became slightly frustrated: "If there is a fee, I have a menu here. You can see what you want to order first, and finally pay with the crystal core."

Jiang Cheng was a little puzzled when he heard Chu Fei's words. Crystal nucleus, what is that? It sounds like a kind of crystal. Could it be the crystallization that their team found when they collected the blood and internal organs of zombies?

Seeing the puzzled look on Jiang Cheng's face, Chu Fei patiently explained: "Don't you know what a crystal nucleus is? It's a kind of crystal in the head of a zombie. You don't...you don't have a crystal nucleus?"

Chu Fei's words made Jiang Cheng confirm the thoughts in his heart. He nodded suddenly and said to Chu Fei, "So this thing is called a crystal nucleus. I collected some. Let's take a look at the menu first."

Hearing that Jiangcheng had crystal nuclei, Chu Fei did not refuse his request. He turned around and found out the menu and handed it to Jiangchengdao: "The store has just opened, so the dishes are a little limited, but it will definitely be improved gradually in the future."

Jiang Cheng opened the menu and looked at it, feeling a little speechless. There were only two dishes on the huge menu, but they still looked delicious.

"Ding~ In order for the host to better develop the store, the system friendly reminds that the customer in front of him is infected with the virus. If it is not treated in time, it will soon mutate. It is recommended that the host recommend the fruit in the store, which will inhibit the virus."

Hearing the system's words, Chu Fei was stunned for a moment, and asked the system in his heart: "Can eating fruit make people who have been infected by the virus recover?"

"It won't fully recover, but it can play a suppressive role. To completely clean up, the host needs to unlock more advanced ingredients. Now customers can eat it every other day, and the virus in the body will not recur."

Chu Fei nodded thoughtfully. He still had some questions in his mind, but at this moment, he should serve the customers in front of him well.

Thinking of this, Chu Fei turned to Jiang Cheng and said, "Sir, were you attacked by zombies just now? If you don't treat it in time, you will soon become a zombie."

Jiang Cheng was flipping through the menu, when he heard Chu Fei's words, his heart skipped a beat, and he said in a panic, "Will you become a zombie if you are attacked? I really don't know about this, so what should I do now?" ?”

Chu Fei smiled slightly, and said in a relaxed tone: "Of course there is a solution. The fruit platter provided by our restaurant can relieve the virus in your body. You just need to eat it every day."

Hearing what Chu Fei said, Jiang Cheng felt a little skeptical, but he didn't dare to be careless as this matter related to his own life.

"Do I have to eat it every day? Is there a way to completely remove the virus?"

Knowing that Jiang Cheng was misunderstood by his words, Chu Fei raised his eyebrows and explained: "Because the restaurant has just opened and some ingredients are not available yet, so I can only alleviate your virus first, but there must be a way to completely cure it when it is perfected in the future."

Jiang Cheng gritted his teeth, took out three zombie crystal cores from his pocket, and handed them to Chu Fei, "That's all I have. I don't know if it's enough. If not, I'll give it to you next time."

Chu Fei hesitated for a moment, but reached out to take it, and said to Jiang Cheng, "The fruit platter is sold as a set of ten crystal cores. You can make up for it when you come over tomorrow."

Seeing that Chu Fei agreed, Jiang Cheng also felt relieved. He lifted his clothes and took a look at his wound. Some blue veins had already appeared on the skin around the wound.

Thinking of the tiny blue veins on the zombie's skin, Jiang Cheng believed in Chu Fei's words even more. This symptom seemed to be the prelude to becoming a zombie.

Through the glass in the back kitchen, Jiang Cheng saw that Chu Fei was busy cutting a black pineapple into small pieces, wait...a black pineapple?

Jiang Cheng was puzzled. He had never seen a pineapple before, but he had never even heard of a black pineapple. His thoughts changed slightly. Maybe this is the reason why the zombie virus can be cured.

With a shopfront that can stop zombies and ingredients with special effects, this small shop in front of him made Jiangcheng feel more and more unusual.

Although Jiang Cheng was very curious about these secrets, he didn't dare to act rashly. Not to mention that he had to rely on the boss of this store to treat his injuries, but with the boss's confident attitude, Jiang Cheng didn't dare to mess around here.

Dare to open a restaurant in the center of the city. The owner of this restaurant is definitely not easy to deal with. Before finding out the details, Jiangcheng decided to establish a good relationship first.

Perhaps because he knew that Jiangcheng's time was precious, Chu Fei came out with a plate of fruit in no time and placed it in front of Jiangcheng. Then he turned around and went to the counter to look at something without saying a word.

Regardless of Chu Fei, Jiang Cheng looked at the fruit platter in front of him. Although the recipe was not particularly complicated because he was in a hurry, the style was very beautiful.

A dark red orange was cut into six petals, the front of the peel was slightly separated from the flesh, and the bottom was joined together to look like a lotus flower.

The center of the open orange is dotted with a white strawberry, which seems to be the core of a lotus flower. The lotus flower is surrounded by cut black pineapples, and at the end is a circle of white strawberries cut from the middle.

Although some complain about the strange color, the fruit platter is very beautiful and beautiful, and the variety is not small, and the matching is very reasonable.

Kneel in a row in a team, and each person holds a card with a QR code on it to ask for tickets, collect them, and ask for rewards

Chapter 13 The mysterious origin of ingredients

Jiang Cheng already felt a little uncomfortable in his body, and even his mind was a little blurred than before. Fearing that the zombie virus in his body would explode, he reached out and grabbed the lotus orange, and stuffed it into his mouth very rudely.

Jiang Cheng chewed the fresh oranges a few times, and a trace of cool juice flowed into his throat, slightly sweet with a hint of sourness. I don't know if it's due to psychological reasons, but Jiang Cheng felt much more comfortable in his body.

He ate the oranges in threes and fives, and Jiang Cheng continued to eat the pineapple in the outer circle. The taste of pineapples and oranges was not much different, but the sweet and sour taste was stronger.

After eating the pineapples on the plate, Jiang Cheng obviously felt that the discomfort in his body was subsiding, and he immediately relaxed, and his hands were not as anxious as before. After all, this fruit plate is worth ten crystal cores, and ghosts know how difficult it is to find crystal cores. .

Bit by bit, he ate the strawberry in his hand. It was completely different from the ones he had eaten before. It seemed that the white strawberry was more hydrated, and besides the sweetness of the strawberry, it was also full of this faint milky fragrance.

Not to mention the special function of the fruit plate, just because of the taste of this fruit plate, it will be liked by many people before the end of the world. Jiang Cheng suddenly found that his ten crystal cores were not very bad.

After a while, Jiang Cheng finished eating the fruit on the plate, looked at Chu Fei who was still busy at the counter, remembered his purpose of coming to this store this time, hesitated and asked:

"Boss, to be honest, there are still many people outside waiting for me to go back. I came this time to ask you how to prevent zombies from entering..."

Chu Fei, who was studying the menu with his head down, frowned when he heard Jiang Cheng's question, and said in a cold tone: "I welcome you at any time if you come to eat, but I will definitely not tell you these things."

Jiang Cheng choked on his words, and continued unwillingly: "Boss, the world has become like this. You have a solution to the zombies, so why don't you share it? You know, many people outside are still struggling... "

Throwing away the menu irritably, Chu Fei raised his head, his eyes became colder and colder: "Your life and death are none of my business, I'm starting to bother you now, do you want to get out by yourself or should I throw you out?"

Chu Fei's unceremonious tone made Jiang Cheng very ashamed and annoyed, and his face turned red, but he couldn't figure out the details of Fei, so he didn't dare to be too presumptuous.

Suppressing the anger in his heart, Jiang Cheng didn't say much. He took a deep look at Chu Fei, got up and left his seat, opened the door and walked out.

Seeing Jiang Cheng leave the store, Chu Fei shook his head speechlessly, and continued to look at the menu in his hand.

Dish Name: Yingri Lotus

Rating: One-star cuisine

Efficacy: detoxification

Introduction: A fruit platter made of a variety of fruits. The ingredients are all taken from the distant planet Arag. It is said that eating this platter will have a certain effect of inhibiting toxins.

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