With a cold look in his eyes, Hei Wuchang waved his hand and condensed a flaming blade, galloping towards the woman like an arrow.The woman reacted in an instant, and dodged to the side, and the flame blade passed by her side, taking off a piece of torn clothes.

"Huh? I let you hide." Hei Wuchang muttered something, and at this time she also saw the enemy's appearance clearly.

This is a girl about seventeen or eighteen years old, very young, with a head of capable short hair, phoenix eyes and a beautiful nose, and two dimples at the corners of her mouth, she is a rare beauty.

"Giggle~ What a beautiful little girl, it's a pity to kill her." Hei Wuchang let out a string of laughter like silver bells, but his hands were not vague at all. A fiery red flame emerged from Hei Rose's hands, and instantly screamed Girl drowns.

A burst of emerald green light suddenly burst out from the flames, accompanied by horrific screams.The strength of the girl's struggle became weaker and weaker, and her screams became smaller and smaller. How could she, a first-level supernatural being, resist the second-level power of Heiwuchang!

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew away the flames on the girl's body. The girl's body tilted and fell to the ground.Because of the flames, the girl's clothes and hair were all burnt to nothing.

Hei Wuchang froze for a moment, looked at Bai Yue who was walking not far away, and said dissatisfiedly: "Old Bai, why stop me? Could it be that you fell in love with this little girl?"

"Let's lock her up for now, and ask what to do when the adults come back." With a bright smile on her face, Bai Yue looked at Lin Jiu on the ground, wondering what she was thinking.

Hei Wuchang muttered, and with a wave of his slender hand, several figures suddenly appeared nearby, lifting the girl out of the field.

After dealing with all this, Hei Wuchang looked a little regretful, looked at the girl who was carried away, and said, "It's a pity, it's not the third-order supernatural being who came this time, he only caught a few small fish, and wasted here for nothing." So many troops."

Bai Yue chuckled and said to Hei Wuchang. "It doesn't matter, Yan Wang has already gone to his house in person, do you think that with Yan Wang's strength, he will not be able to deal with a third-level supernatural user?"

That's right, that's not your boss, so you don't have to worry about it, the Hades boss has just been promoted to the third rank!

"Let's go, we will know the final result when the boss of Hades and your lord come back." Hei Wuchang dissipated his energy and turned around.

Bai Yue sneered disdainfully, but didn't continue to argue, and followed Hei Wuchang to Zhai Hong's villa.


Chapter 123 Receiving the Net

Yan Wang has already arrived at the villa where the target is. Originally, he was waiting for other people in Zhai Hong's villa, but Bai Yue and Hei Wuchang came back suddenly and said that there was one person they couldn't solve.

They are all the best among the second-order superpowers. If they can't be solved, it is probably another third-order.

This was an intelligence error. Yan Wang didn't inform Chu Fei, and asked Hei Wuchang the location of the third-level superhuman, and wanted to solve it himself.

Through the window of the villa, Yan Wang observed the scene inside. A young man in his 20s was sitting on the sofa. On the table in the restaurant, there were several dishes made of canned food, as if he was waiting for someone .

The man in the house stood up, holding a glass cup in his hand, and walked to the water dispenser in the living room. Hades mobilized the energy in his body and condensed a crystal energy sickle in his hand. With a movement of his figure, he broke through the window like a humanoid lightning.

The sudden attack made the young man startled, he had no time to dodge, he could only hastily stretch out his left hand.

Hmph, is this the only ability for a third-order supernatural being?Yan Wang was disdainful in his heart, a mocking smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he attacked the young man unabated.

A huge scythe shining with ice-blue light, with terrifying power, slammed at the leader of the young man, but stopped in mid-air when he saw the imminent method.

It wasn't that Hades stopped on purpose, but that there seemed to be a layer of invisible defense in the air. No matter how hard Hades put in his hands, he couldn't move forward.

Because of the nature of Hades' energy, a layer of blue-white mist slowly emerged in the air, revealing a semicircular defensive cover.The air 'sizzled', as if frozen in ice.

It's a long story, but in fact all the confrontation was completed in the blink of an eye, the young man quickly backed up a few steps and opened the distance between the two, only then did Hades have time to see this person's appearance clearly.

The young man was wearing a white shirt and a pair of dark suit pants. He looked ordinary, and he didn't panic at all when he was attacked. He didn't even put down the glass in his hand.

According to the information Wang Song gave before, the owner of this villa should be Lin Ran, the newly replaced captain of the fifth team, and it is said that he has a good relationship with Zhai Hong.

"Who are you, why are you attacking me?" Lin Ran frowned, and his words were full of doubts. He was sleeping before, and the sound insulation of the room was good, so he didn't know the disturbance in the base.

Hearing Lin Ran's question, Yan Wang twitched the corner of his mouth, showing a somewhat stiff smile, waved the scythe in his hand, and an icy blue tidal energy rushed towards Lin Ran.

Skill, Ice Tide!

Lin Ran's heart trembled, and he didn't dare to be careless in his heart. He waved his hand and pulled out a transparent energy wall, erecting it in front of him.

The ice-blue tidal wave hit the energy wall, causing a series of sonic booms in an instant. The huge force from the wall made Lin Ran unable to hold on.

No... This power is too powerful!

With two legs firmly on the ground, Lin Ran gritted his teeth secretly, but in the end he couldn't withstand the huge force, Lin Ran's body was forced to move backwards, plowing two clear furrows on the floor.

A cold air filled the air, and he could feel the extremely low temperature through the defensive wall. It seemed that even the blood in his body was about to freeze.

Seeing the sneer on the corner of Yan Wang's mouth, Lin Ran felt an ominous premonition in his heart.

Before Lin Ran could react, Yan Wang moved his finger, and a huge ice coffin appeared above Lin Ran's head, enveloping him.

Skills, funeral!

An icy blue flashed before Lin Ran's eyes, and his whole body was locked in the ice coffin. In an instant, a heart-freezing cold enveloped Lin Ran's whole body.

This cold air invaded his body, making Lin Ran shiver. He was a little puzzled, not knowing what Yama meant by trapping himself in it, but soon, he understood Yama's intention.

A handful of sharp ice edges emerged from the space inside the ice coffin, densely packed with innumerable numbers, and under the reflection of the ice coffin, they shone with blue-white light.

Lin Ran was terrified in his heart. He ignored the consumption of energy in his body and tried his best to activate his abilities. Dozens of transparent energy threads condensed around his body.

The dense four lines of energy gathered in Lin Ran's hand. Lin Ran clenched his fist with five fingers, surrounded by energy, and smashed hard towards the ice wall next to him.

'boom! ' With a loud noise, Lin Ran's fist landed on the ice wall, leaving a shallow white mark on it, and then, the energy threads wrapped around frantically pierced towards the ice wall, within a second or two, the ice wall A spider web of cracks appeared.

Lin Ran bombarded the ice wall again and again, feeling more and more anxious. Some of the ice blades on his back broke through the defense he had set up earlier, and landed on his back, leaving a bloody scar.

Fortunately, Lin Ran's attacks were not in vain. With each attack, the crack on the ice coffin suddenly expanded, and then burst open, revealing a huge gap.

Lin Ran was overjoyed, and escaped from the ice coffin by rolling and crawling, but as soon as he got out of the ice coffin, many ice hands transformed from energy appeared on the floor, grabbing Chu Fei's feet.

Being restrained at this time is really a terrible thing, Lin Ran secretly gritted his teeth, gathered all the energy in his body, and attacked Hades with all his might.

The surrounding air twitched for a while, as if there had been some changes that were invisible to the naked eye. Yan Wang's legs sank suddenly, and he suddenly felt a heavy pressure, forcibly interrupting the skills he was concentrating.

Skills, Gravity Domain!

Seeing Hades being temporarily trapped by his skills, Lin Ran broke free from the icy hands that restrained him, turned over and escaped from the window of the villa, and hurriedly disappeared into the night outside.

There is not much energy left in his body, and he is not sure to kill Hades at all. If he does not take advantage of this time to escape, once the control effect ends, he will have no chance.

Seeing Lin Ran fleeing, Yan Wang was unwilling to control the energy sickle to fly towards Lin Ran, but under the effect of the gravity field, the flying trajectory of the sickle was extremely slow, and there was no way to stop it.

Moments later, Yan Wang's body resumed his movements, and he cast a gloomy look at the direction of Lin Ran's escape, dissipated the energy scythe, and walked out of the villa.

It's too late to pursue now, the opponent's speed is not slow, and Hades is not familiar with the surrounding terrain, so go back to the assembly point and talk to the boss about this matter, let's see how to deal with it.

Walking on the cobblestone path outside the villa, Yan Wang put his hands in his pockets, a ray of morning sun emerged from the sky, and the fog rising around made people feel like they were in a fairyland.


About readers who watch pirated editions

There are pirated copies of every book, and there are people who read them. I am not ashamed to say that Xiao Jin also read pirated copies. My family did not have any money. You may not believe me when I was in high school. The most money is 50 yuan.

It’s okay to watch the pirated version, after all, I’ve seen it myself, there are many people like Xiao Jin, who have no money, and I won’t say anything else, forcing them to watch the genuine version, or scolding them, it’s not necessary, because I myself It used to be a member of piracy.

But after becoming an author, I started to have a little money on hand, so I started to watch the genuine version, and I don’t force those who read the pirated version to give me a reward or something, as long as you are free, come to qq Just read the original and give me a recommendation vote.

Of course, if you have so much money to give a reward, you can also give a reward. One piece is not too little, and one hundred is not too much. It depends on the volunteers. After all, the results of this book are really not ideal. I am tired every day. It is also very uncomfortable to get such a result after exhausting updates.Hope you readers can understand.

Do you know what I thought the moment I saw my grades.

The whole person is decadent, I don't want to do anything, and there is only one thought in my heart, it's all over.

If it weren't for the support of some book friends, maybe I would have to forcefully end it.

Forget it, it's useless to talk too much, let's do this, this book will not be eunuchs, and it will not be unfinished, this is the only promise Xiao Jin can make.

There is still half a day, I hope a miracle will happen, I wish you a happy reading.


Chapter 124 Return

Sitting on the sofa in the first seat, holding a cup of hot tea, Chu Fei was able to rest for a while after working all night.

When Hades came back, the matter would almost be over, but what made Chu Fei puzzled was that Wang Song couldn't be seen for some reason.

Thinking of what the man said to him before, some doubts arose in Chu Fei's heart, but if it was true what the man said, what was the significance of Wang Song's doing so?

Chu Fei took a sip of tea, thinking quietly in his heart, Hei Wuchang and Bai Yue stood beside him, and there was a girl with burnt skin beside him.

After a while, there was a slight noise from the window, and Chu Fei and the other three turned their heads vigilantly, and saw Yan Wang coming in from the outside.

Walking up to Chu Fei and standing still, a look of guilt flashed in Yan Wang's eyes: "Boss, let him run away."

Sitting on the sofa, Chu Fei paused while drinking tea, and frowned slightly.He is clear about the strength of King Hades. Ordinary third-order supernatural beings should be able to solve it alone.

Putting down the teacup, Chu Fei looked a little unhappy: "Run away, it's okay, but why didn't you notify me at that time?"

Hei Wuchang and Bai Yue stood aside, silent like cicadas.

"I'll go after him." Hades said with a blank expression on his face.Chu Fei thought for a while, then waved his hand: "I won't look for it, I can't find it, and he will come out when the time comes."

The matter on Longhu's side has been dealt with. Regarding Wang Song, Chu Fei has no news about him for a while. Enough time has been spent, and Chu Fei doesn't want to delay any longer.

"Longhu will be handled by you. I'll wait for you in the restaurant." Chu Fei calmly glanced at Yan Wang, and slowly uttered such a sentence, and walked out of the villa without looking back.

It was already bright outside, and the sun was a little dazzling.Having not slept all night, Chu Fei was a little tired, and now he just wanted to go back to the restaurant and have a good rest for a day.

Following the soft stone path, Chu Fei came to the gate of the villa area. At the security room of the gate, the electric car was parked on the side, the keys were still inserted in the car, and there were several figures of men and women standing beside it.

Many people were unaware of the chaos last night. After all, it was a high-end villa, and the sound insulation effect was very good. It was just that the people who woke up felt an atmosphere that was not quite right.

The usual patrol members were gone, and the withered grass on both sides of the road was crooked as if trampled by the crowd.

Even the team that came to the gate guard to change shifts was a little puzzled. The team on duty last night had all disappeared, and their captain hadn't come either.

"Good morning, everyone." Chu Fei was in a rare happy mood, and he came forward to greet him with a smile. Someone recognized Chu Fei, and his face was full of surprise.

Just yesterday, their captain told them that they were going to attack Chu Fei's restaurant in the near future.

Seeing that these people did not respond, Chu Fei shrugged helplessly, rode on the electric scooter beside him, turned the key, and the electric scooter flew out like an arrow.

Several people at the guard waiting for their shift looked at each other, not knowing how to deal with this situation.

After all, they didn't receive an order to attack Chu Fei. They were afraid of affecting the leader's plan, so they naturally didn't dare to reveal anything.

In fact, they also knew that it would be difficult to keep Chu Fei with just such a few people.

Riding an electric bike, the sound of howling wind rang in his ears, and a smile appeared on the corner of Chu Fei's mouth.These people don't know what happened in Longhu yet. I really want to see their expressions after they know the news that Longhu has changed hands.

The journey back to the restaurant from Longhu was not particularly smooth. The road in the end of the world was already very difficult, and there would be some small groups of zombies from time to time. When Chu Fei returned to the restaurant, it was already around ten o'clock.

Some people were already waiting at the door of the restaurant. Even though the restaurant was not open, these people still refused to leave, muttering, squatting or standing at the door, talking to each other.

Seeing Chu Fei's electric car, these people hurriedly stood up. It was not the first time for them to come to the restaurant, and they all knew that this electric car was Chu Fei's car.

It's just that the electric car, which is faster than a car, makes them murmur in their hearts, but the end of the world has happened, what else can't happen.

Chu Fei parked the tram aside, nodded at the guests, and came to the steel fence beside him.

Because of the human smell outside the door, the howling of the zombies never stopped, but because of the obstruction of the bar, they couldn't escape at all.

Suddenly, Chu Fei was stunned, and his eyes fell on a scratch on the steel fence.This scratch almost penetrated the iron plate, forming a sharp contrast with the shallow white marks around it.

This is definitely not what ordinary zombies can do. This strength is probably close to that of advanced zombies.

Chu Fei frowned, his eyes scanned the group of zombies, his face was a bit gloomy.These zombies have always been under his supervision and have not received any energy supplements. Why is this happening?

Could it be that zombies don't need other things, they just need time to upgrade?Then this is really a painful thing.

He only stayed outside the bar for a while, and Chu Fei turned around. The zombie matter can be dealt with at any time. The restaurant still has customers, and he will deal with these matters after receiving the guests first.

After turning the restaurant back into business, Chu Fei opened the door and walked in first. As soon as he entered, he was hugged by a soft breast.

"Brother Chu Fei, why have you been here for so long?" Seeing the guests coming in one after another, Lin Meng was a little shy, and asked softly as she let go of her arms around Chu Fei's waist.

When the guests saw this scene, there were faint smiles on the corners of their mouths, and no one disturbed this poetic and painting-like scene for a while.

Chu Fei stretched out his hand and stroked Lin Meng's beautiful hair. He didn't reply, but his mood became much brighter.

"Go and order food. When you're done, my brother will cook something delicious for you." Withdrawing his big hand from Lin Meng's head, Chu Fei explained to Lin Meng and walked towards the back kitchen by himself.

Lin Meng was already very familiar with the matter of ordering meals for customers, but it was a bit difficult to collect the crystal cores. After all, Chu Fei had been doing this matter before.

Fortunately, these guests were not the first time, and they knew Lin Meng more or less, and no one would deliberately do anything to the crystal nucleus.

It's just a meal, and it doesn't take many crystal nuclei. If you offend the shopkeeper because of this incident, where to find such a magical restaurant in the future, even if you can save some crystal nuclei, it will not be worth the loss.

ps: Everyone, Xiao Jin is back. On this day of the college entrance examination, let’s not say much. During the college entrance examination, there will be three or more changes. I wish all book friends who took the college entrance examination a smooth exam. Even!


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