It has been so long since the end of the world, and the zombies on the street are still as dense as before, and the number cannot be seen to have decreased much at all.Just like the sea, although a lot of seawater is evaporated by the sun every day, it is still so vast.

If there were any changes, it would be that the level of the zombies was much higher than before.Up to now, advanced zombies can be seen everywhere, and even third-level zombies can be encountered occasionally.

Chu Fei took Hades with him, and the two galloped along the road. Because no one repaired it for a long time, the road was bumpy and difficult to walk, and the surrounding facilities were already a little dilapidated.

The intersection of the air-raid shelter is right in front of us. It is on a mound with a square entrance in the middle. The stone at the entrance has collapsed in half, and a few Chinese characters written in chalk can still be seen on it.

"It is strictly forbidden to bring fire inside."" Chu Fei stepped forward, reading the blurred handwriting, while stroking the rough stone with his hands, he couldn't help feeling a little emotional on his face.

Chu Fei is quite familiar with this place. When he was very young, he often came here to play.Even at that time, he kept imagining that he could find some treasure in the cave, and then he could sell it for a lot of money, so that he and his grandma could live a happy life like others.

But in the end, he couldn't pick up any treasures from it. Except for various bugs and hardened shit, there was nothing else in it.

Yan Wang followed Chu Fei quietly, feeling a little puzzled in his heart. He had never seen such an expression on Chu Fei's face, as if he was remembering something.

Looking around for a week, there are only withered weeds and messy stones around. He has never been to such a desolate place before the end of the world.

Although it was strange why Chu Fei didn't go in, Yan Wang didn't bother Chu Fei, but just followed behind silently.Originally, he was seldom talking, but after losing his right eye, he didn't even want to communicate with others.

After pausing in front of the stone gate for a moment, Chu Fei collected his mood, without saying a word, he raised his foot towards the dark cave, and walked in.

There is no going back, the world has become like this, how can cowardly people survive in this fragmented world.

The two walked into the cave quietly, because there was no sunlight for a long time, and there was a musty smell in the cave.Chu Fei turned on the flashlight he had prepared earlier, and a beam of light shone from the lamp head.

The faint light gave Chu Fei a sense of solidity. As the two of them went deeper, the space in the air-raid shelter gradually widened.

There was deathly silence all around, the faint heartbeats of the two of them echoed clearly in the ears, and occasional sounds came from a distance, like some animals passing by, which made people feel a little numb.

Both of them are Tier [-], and they can even fight with a Tier [-] existence, but in this dark air-raid shelter, an inexplicable feeling of guilt arises.

This is a kind of fear of the unknown, even knowing that there will not be too high-level existence in the air-raid shelter, after all, there was a survivor force stationed here.

I don't know how long I walked, and in this closed space, I completely lost the concept of time.This air-raid shelter is very large, and its total length does not know how many kilometers. At least Chu Fei has never reached the end.

"Ding dong!"

Suddenly, a crisp voice sounded, and Chu Fei and Yan Wang immediately became vigilant.


How can there be water here!

A beam of light shines in the direction of the source of the sound. A military kettle stands impressively on a protruding stone. A drop of water slowly condenses on the stone wall. The drop becomes bigger and bigger, and finally takes shape, dripping onto the in the kettle.

The water in the jug was already full, and the water dripped into it, making a small splash, but more spilled, leaving a trail of water on the stone.

There are people in here!Yan Zhengfeng hasn't left yet!

Chu Fei's eyes turned cold, and he walked over first, touching the wet stone surface with his hands. The kettle should have been here for a while, and Chu Fei was a little unsure whether it was Yan Zhengfeng who forgot to take it when he evacuated, or he Still staying here and not leaving.

"Let's look for them together. They are probably nearby. It is impossible to hide people in such a narrow cave." Chu Fei and Yan Wang confessed without deliberately lowering their voices.

The cave was only more than two meters wide, and Chu Fei needed to use a flashlight to illuminate it, so he couldn't hide his tracks at all.

Holding the flashlight, the two walked forward cautiously for a while, and saw some light coming from a distance.The light was a little faint, like a candle, flickering from time to time.

Really here, a cruel smile appeared on the corner of Chu Fei's mouth, this Yan Zhengfeng is really careless, don't you think you can't kill him?


Chapter 117 Is this also called a person?

Yan Wang naturally also saw the light in front of him, and a flash of hostility flashed in his eyes. Yan Zhengfeng almost killed him. If this kind of life-and-death enmity met, he would definitely kill him at all costs!

Like a cheetah seeing its prey, the two quickened their pace and rushed forward.Yan Zhengfeng's speed was so fast, Chu Fei was afraid that he would run away again this time.

As they approached, the scene ahead gradually became clearer. After seeing the scene in front of them clearly, Chu Fei and Yan Luo stopped in their tracks for an instant, staring blankly at the front.

There is no Yan Zhengfeng ahead, only a group of 'monsters' in human skin.

On the aisle more than two meters wide, there are some half-length white candles. These candles seem to be used for funerals. Matching the scene ahead, they add a little bit of gloom.

In the open space in front, there was a blazing bonfire. Above the bonfire, some meat was strung with branches, and thick bones were exposed at the fracture of the meat.

A few middle-aged men were sitting around the campfire, staring weakly at the barbecue on the fire, and a half-dismembered woman was placed not far away.

The woman's head was still intact, with a pair of lifeless eyes protruding outwards, staring fixedly at the top of the cave. It was impossible to live like this.

Surrounding the corpse, there were a few quite young girls who were tied up with ropes. The rough ropes left red marks on the naked bodies of the girls. Congealed semen spots.

When Chu Fei walked over, he didn't hide his movements at all, not to mention the light of the flashlight, which was shining on a man's sluggish face like a mockery.

These men turned their heads away and gave Chu Fei a blank look. As if perfunctory, they weakly picked up the knife and stick that was thrown aside, and stood up from the ground.

"Who are you?" A scruffy man who looked like a leader took a step forward.The man was dressed in ragged clothes, with large black filth on his body, and his hair was a little long, messily draped behind his shoulders, as if it hadn't been taken care of for a long time.


A bloody light flew past the back of the man's neck, cutting off a long section of hair. The sharp feeling made the scruffy man gasp.


These two people are supernatural beings!


The iron knives fell to the ground with a crisp sound. These men threw away their weapons without any bones and knelt down.They are just a group of ordinary people. How dare they dare to resist after seeing the power of the supernatural beings!

Pressing the palm of Yan Wang's gleaming ice-blue light, Chu Fei glanced at Yan Wang.Yan Wang's face was still calm, but in the depths of his eyes, there was a monstrous anger hidden.

"Why stop me, these people deserve to die!" Yan Wang's tone was a little cold, with slight dissatisfaction towards Chu Fei.

In his opinion, the group of 'people' in front of him can no longer be called human beings, they are even zombies covered in human skin.No, to say they are zombies is an insult to zombies, they are even more disgusting than zombies!

He patted Yan Wang's palm lightly, but he didn't see Yan Zhengfeng. He still wanted to get some clues from these people, but don't let Yan Wang, who was dazzled by anger, do anything.

Of course these people are not stupid. Seeing Yan Wang and Chu Fei's actions, they naturally understood what they wanted to do, and not only felt a sense of despair in their hearts.

Supernatural beings, if they want to kill them, they have no way of escaping. The gap between supernatural beings and ordinary people is really too big!

"Are you from Yan Zhengfeng?" Chu Fei took a step forward, and said in an indifferent tone. He is not good at interrogation, but the state of Hades made him feel uneasy, so he could only bite the bullet and ask. .

Glancing at Chu Fei, the sloppy man laughed, and simply lay down on the ground with his head resting on a stone, and even raised his legs: "Kill me, anyway, I've had enough of this man's days of neither human nor ghost. !"

Chu Fei frowned at the rascally attitude of the scruffy man, and asked in a cold tone, "Do you want to die?"

As if he heard some joke, the man laughed even more unscrupulously: "Could it be that if I kneel down and beg you now, hold your thigh and cry bitterly, you will not kill me? Don't be funny, you won't let me go, anyway, you You wanted to kill us from the beginning, didn't you?"

After a pause, the sloppy man continued: "You want to know the news about Yan Zhengfeng? I know, but I won't tell you, so why not, send me on my way!"

Chu Fei's face turned cold, the man's attitude made him a little difficult, but what he said was right, even if he said it, Chu Fei and Yan Wang would not let them go.

"You want to die, this is not an easy thing, I suddenly felt that it is a pity to let you die like this." Just when Chu Fei was thinking about what to do about this matter, Yan Wang spoke from the side .

Chu Fei almost glanced at Yan Wang. At this moment, Yan Wang had a cruel smile on his childish face, with an inexplicable look in his eyes, and continued: "I don't know if you know about the ten tortures. , each of them is a way to make the world's strongest tough guy feel worse than death."

After a pause, Yan Wang continued to speak with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "But among these criminal laws, I like skinning and Ling Chi the most. I even think that these two methods can be superimposed and executed together. What do you think?"

After all, a shrunken version of the sickle appeared in Yan Wang's hand, as if treating a lover, Yan Wang obsessively stroked the blade of the sickle.

"Usually this weapon of mine is very big, but the next action is too big and may not be easy to control, so I shrunk it down. Don't worry, my control over energy is not bad, so the next move Actions should be pretty standard."

Although he still kept his legs crossed, the scruffy man's body began to tremble slightly, and deep in his eyes, there was a deep sense of fear.

"Are you ready? I will perform the skinning first, and then I will cut the knife from your spine, split the skin on your back in half, and then slowly use the knife to separate your skin and muscles. Next, your body will Tear apart like a bat spreading its wings. This way, you will have to wait at least a day before you die, and then you can execute Ling Chi."

The king of Hades became more and more excited as he spoke. The sloppy man couldn't keep his composure any longer. He knelt down and begged desperately for mercy. The filth on his face was washed away by tears and snot, revealing some clean skin.

"This Lingchi is a bit difficult, but don't worry, I will try my best to make you suffer more pain, and when I finish peeling your skin, I will start cutting from your feet, so it will not be easy for you Die, I have to cut a total of [-] knives, that is, to cut off [-] pieces of meat, I promise, that piece of meat is definitely thinner than the beef in a certain state ramen!"


Chapter 118 Human Nature

Seeing Yan Wang who looked a bit crazy in front of him, Chu Fei couldn't help stretching out his hand.He had some doubts, if this continued, what would happen to Hades.

"Devil! You kill me! You are a devil! Do you have any humanity!" The slovenly man seemed to be epileptic, and he reached out to pick up the machete on the ground, wanting to end his life.

Naturally, Chu Fei couldn't do what he wished, a big bloody hand appeared out of thin air, patted aside what he saw, and then pinned the sloppy man to the ground.

"Human nature? Are you worthy of talking about human nature with me?" As if stimulated by the sloppy man's words, Hades stopped talking and glared at the man viciously, with a ferocious gleam in his eyes, like a wild beast staring at its prey .

"For a beast, I don't think my actions are cruel. If this is also called a devil, then it's better to be a devil, at least it's much better than being those disgusting hypocrites."

Seeing that the situation was about to get out of control, Chu Fei took a step, inserted between Hades and the sloppy man, looked at the man expressionlessly and said, "This is the last chance, tell me the information you know, and let you die happily. "

Although he couldn't survive in the end, it was already a luxury to die happily.When the sloppy man heard Chu Fei's words, there was a trace of longing in his eyes.

"Yan Zhengfeng left a month ago and never came back. He didn't say what he was going to do. We were just the survivors he rescued, or slaves. It was impossible for him to tell me his whereabouts!"

Seeing Yan Wang's cold face, the slovenly man hurriedly said: "But he had been in contact with a certain faction before, and even provided them with weapons to attack a place called Longhu."

Dragon Lake?Zhai Hong's Dragon Lake?

Chu Fei's heart skipped a beat, this was unexpected news, why didn't he think of it at first!

Connecting all the clues together in his heart, Chu Fei became clear in his heart, how could a group of prisoners have powerful standard weapons, it must be provided by Yan Zhengfeng.

Moreover, Yan Zhengfeng came to the restaurant, probably with the intention of probing. After all, he is the peak of the second order, and there are so many team members holding hot weapons to help, even if he loses, it is not a problem for him to run away.

No wonder, Longhu has been slow to attack the restaurant, as if he was afraid of something, and he is about to make a move recently, probably because he has the strength to deal with him.

"Which unit is this Yan Zhengfeng from?" Thinking of the standard weapons in the hands of Yan Zhengfeng and the others, Chu Fei felt suspicious. Could it be that these people came from the army?

Hearing Chu Fei's question, the sloppy man was taken aback for a moment, and replied honestly: "They don't seem to be soldiers. I often listen to them chatting. It seems that they are some kind of mercenaries before the end of the world."

mercenary?Isn't it just a group of thugs who take money to do things?Chu Fei curled his lips in disdain, and asked a few questions, but did not get any useful information.

Seeing that there was no news from these people, Chu Fei turned his head and gave instructions to Hades: "You handle it, but try not to go too far. If you really do what you say, then what you do , and how is it different from these beasts?"

After finishing speaking, Chu Fei turned his head and walked out of the cave door.Hades can just deal with it, the smell here makes him feel a little uncomfortable.

Yan Wang responded, watched Chu Fei go away, and then turned around, a stern light flashed in his eyes.

In a short while, Hades finished dealing with several people, walked over to the girls, and loosened the ropes that bound him.With the ropes untied, the girls were free.

However, their feelings are even a little unclear. Thinking about it, they are tied up here like piglets every day, waiting to be slaughtered, and they are even humiliated every day. A normal person will collapse.

Glancing at the girls in front of him, Yan Wang sighed, turned and left, sympathizing with what happened to them, but there was nothing he could do about it.

After all, Chu Fei didn't say how to deal with them, just let them fend for themselves, even though he knew that these girls might not survive a day if he left them alone now.

The moment Hades turned around, a girl with disheveled hair raised her head, her beautiful face was exposed to the air, although her face was filthy, she still couldn't hide her beautiful face.

The girl brushed her hair back to her shoulders, and looked at the leaving figure of Hades calmly. The look in her beautiful eyes was like two stars, even the thickest darkness could not hide the light from them.

Yan Wang walked out of the air-raid shelter and saw Chu Fei leaning on the stone at the entrance of the cave with a cigarette in his hand.

"Is it over?" Chu Fei blew out a smoke ring, turned his head to look at Hades, and asked in a flat tone.

Nodding his head, Yan Wang didn't reply, and waited for Chu Fei by the electric side with deep tiredness in his eyes.For so long in the last days, he has killed many people, and he has never expected any light. It's just that the darkness like today makes him feel like a heavy stone is weighing on his heart.

Gently patted Hades on the shoulder, Chu Fei didn't say much, there is no legal constraint, and in such an environment, such things are not exceptions.

In the peaceful age when the law is sound, there are various rules, and all kinds of things will happen, but in the last days when the law collapses, the things that happen will only be more excessive.

In the final analysis, human beings are just animals, bloodthirsty, cruel, and the strong prey on the weak. They are beasts, and they are also the instinct hidden deep in the heart of human beings.

But the reason why human beings are called human is that they stand out from thousands of creatures and reach the peak of the food chain with the weakest physique.

It is because people have kindness, unity, tenacity and unyielding, this is the so-called bottom line.

If these bottom lines are crossed, then human beings can no longer be called human beings. Instead, they will become things that are not like human beings, nor ghosts like ghosts.

When the end of the world collapses, Chu Fei can't control other people, but he can always stick to his bottom line and rely on his own ability to do something.

Indifference is not distortion. Although the world is not very good to Chu Fei, Chu Fei never wants to destroy it.

Even if human beings were destroyed in terms of benefits, Chu Fei would not be able to survive.The lips are dead and the teeth are cold. In fact, anyone's protection is forced.

Leaning on the electric scooter, Chu Fei lit a cigarette, watching the rising smoke, and was lost in thought for a while.

Yan Wang stood silently at the side, not saying a word, even what happened in the cave, he didn't mention much.

After smoking the cigarette in his hand, Chu Fei threw the cigarette butt to his feet and stamped it out. There were many thoughts in his mind, but the last thing he could say was only a sigh.

"Come on, let's go."

Chu Fei turned his head and called Hades, with an inexplicable feeling on his face.

ps: The previous post was blocked, please change it temporarily, sorry for the inconvenience caused, thank you!

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