But from the beginning, Chu Fei didn't want to rely on Huang Quan's skills to kill the enemy. As long as he could delay the mutated dogs for a while, Chu Fei's goal would be achieved.

Just when the dogs were blocked by Huang Quan, Chu Fei gathered all the remaining energy in his legs, kicked hard, and rushed towards the factory quickly, with an instant burst of speed, even dragging afterimages in the air.

Seeing the prey escaping from their mouths, the mutated dogs let out bursts of angry roars. A strong khaki-yellow light rushed from the pitbulls, and the strong energy fluctuations instantly shook away all the annoying sand grains around them.

Immediately afterwards, the Pitbull's radiance remained undiminished, and it rushed out with the group of mutated dogs. Although the group of dogs responded in a timely manner, the skills of Huang Quan still slightly blocked their footsteps.

300 meters...200 meters...100 meters...

For Chu Fei, who was at full speed, the distance of 500 meters was rushed over in the blink of an eye.However, the power consumption in Chu Fei's body reached a terrifying number at this moment.

The environment in the factory is gloomy. On the roof of the factory building, there are some white spider webs, and several mutant spiders the size of a fist are crawling on it. The discarded equipment around is piled up on the ground, covered with a layer of dust.

Chu Fei rushed into the factory building, quickly hid behind a machine, and squatted down, but there was too much dust on the factory floor, and as Chu Fei entered, two strings of clearly visible footprints were left on the ground.

"Transporting, please stop the host temporarily to avoid interruption." The system's voice sounded, and a ten-second countdown appeared in front of Chu Fei.

It turned out that it only took ten seconds. Chu Fei breathed a sigh of relief. If there were no accidents, the time would probably be enough.

As soon as he breathed a sigh of relief, Chu Fei heard a barking of dogs, and the barking was getting closer and closer. It seemed that a group of vicious dogs were rapidly approaching the abandoned factory.

Chu Fei's heart hung up again. He didn't expect this group of mutant dogs to come so fast, and the skills of Huang Quan didn't trap them for long!

The countdown of the countdown had already reached six, and he only needed to hold on for another six seconds before Chu Fei could get out of danger and return to the restaurant.


The group of mutated dogs had already rushed to the gate of the factory, with a clear goal of attacking the place where Chu Fei was hiding.Even if there is a mutation, the mutant dog's ability to find prey is not lost.


Chapter 113 Fleeing from Danger

I just don't know if they are distinguished by smell now, or something else.

three two……

The countdown was about to end, and the group of mutated dogs had found Chu Fei and was rushing towards him.Even Chu Fei saw their cold claws and ferocious fangs.

He has no doubts at all, if he is attacked like this, he is not sure whether he can return to the city, and at least half of his life will be lost.

One... Teleportation begins!

The mutated sharp claws were about to fall on Chu Fei's body, and Chu Fei could feel the sharpness coming from the claws, like a glow in front of him, and goose bumps all over his body.

But he didn't dare to take any action at all, suppressing the fear in his heart, he knew that if he didn't move, he still had a chance, if he moved, everything would be over!

When the countdown of the system ended, a dazzling light burst out from Chu Fei's body.The sharp claw passed through Chu Fei's body as if there was nothing, but it missed nothing, and what it caught was only an afterimage.

There was a burst of angry dog ​​barking in the factory, which lasted for a long time, but Chu Fei could no longer hear these.

Familiar scenes around him emerged, and Lin Meng was standing aside, looking at him dumbfounded.The chunky man had already left, and there were no other guests in the restaurant.

Chu Fei breathed a sigh of relief, his mind suddenly relaxed, a strong sense of fatigue came, and Chu Fei's body was a little limp.

Sensing the discomfort in his body, Chu Fei hastily stretched out his hand to hold the table and chair beside him, and barely supported his body.

It was too thrilling, just a little bit, he was going to be scratched by a mutant dog and smashed his head.The taste of the rest of his life after the catastrophe made Chu Fei unable to calm down for a long time.

I don't know what happened to King Hades. Although most of the mutated dogs chose to chase him, the few that were separated should not be underestimated.After all, those who can catch up with the two later have at least reached the second level.

Seeing that something was wrong with Chu Fei's state, Lin Meng quickly stood up from the dining chair, stepped forward to support Chu Fei, her small face was full of worry.

Chu Fei waved his hand, indicating that he was fine, and with Lin Meng's support, he walked slowly towards the bone bed.

He wasn't physically injured, but he was a little out of strength for a while, coupled with the ups and downs of his mood, that made his spirit so trance.

As long as he rests for a period of time, his body will naturally recover. Chu Fei sat cross-legged on the bone bed, holding a crystal nucleus in his hand, silently recovering the energy in his body.

Although there are still many doubts in his heart, now, Chu Fei wants to wait for his condition to recover before asking about these things.

This was the second time he lost his strength. Chu Fei squeezed the crystal nucleus hard, and a trace of hostility rose from the bottom of his heart. This feeling of powerlessness was very bad, and he didn't want to have it again!

Strength... In the final analysis, it is still strength. As long as the strength is enough to ignore everything, such things will not happen again.

Without strength, when something happens, he can only run away in embarrassment like today. If it wasn't for the sudden teleportation function of the system, he would have almost died there!

Thinking of this, Chu Fei felt deep hatred towards Yan Zhengfeng.It's just that Yama is not here now, and Hei Wuchang doesn't know where he has gone. He doesn't know about Yan Zhengfeng at all.

Yan Wang still doesn't know if he can come back. When he recovers, he must inquire about Yan Zhengfeng's news. Even if he is far away, Chu Fei will kill him with his own hands!

It is Chu Fei's character to take revenge for revenge.As long as someone provokes Chu Fei, even if the other party is much stronger than him, he will immediately find a way to take revenge.It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge in ten years. This is an excuse for a coward to justify his own incompetence!

Because of this character, before the end of the world, many people who were more powerful than Chu Fei would not easily provoke him. After all, no one would want to offend such a lunatic who must revenge.

After a long time, a few waves of customers came to the restaurant in the middle, but because Chu Fei set a closed business status, these customers could not come in and could only wait at the door.

Chu Fei was a little surprised. According to the news Wang Song gave him, Longhu should have blocked the nearby roads, and no one came to the restaurant for the past two days. Only Bai Yue had to come because of the zombie virus.

But today, I don't know why, the passenger flow has suddenly become so large.Even better than when Longhu was not blocked.

But his body hadn't recovered yet, and Chu Fei didn't turn on his business status, so he sat on the bed and practiced silently.The people outside the door couldn't find a way to enter the restaurant, and they kept circling outside the door, wandering around and studying something.

There were even those who were idle and bored, holding a handful of stones picked up from the side of the road, and throwing them at the group of zombies that Chu Fei kept in captivity, attracting waves of roars from the zombies.

Unlike Yan Zhengfeng, they attacked zombies as soon as they came up.These zombies looked like they were raised in captivity, otherwise how could they be surrounded by such neat steel fences.Although I don't know who it is, but this bar must not have come from the hands of ordinary people.

Most of the people who came to the restaurant at this time were attracted by the lights last night, and many people didn't know the existence of the restaurant. Even if they heard about it, they wouldn't know too much about it.

In such an unknown place, no one would be willing to offend a supernatural being who could not determine his level.The apocalypse broke out for more than two months, and those who can live to this day are not fools.

After a long time passed, Chu Fei recovered some energy, just now he stood up from the bed, tidied up his clothes, and set the restaurant to open.

He saw a familiar figure, it was Bai Yue, and he had to open the door to help Bai Yue suppress the zombie virus in her body.

Bai Yue has been to the restaurant many times. As soon as the restaurant opened, Bai Yue sensed it, greeted the team members quickly, and walked in first.

The rest of the guests were either talking or teasing the zombies.Seeing Bai Yue's movements, they were taken aback for a moment, gave up on what was in front of them, and followed Bai Yue in.

With the influx of people, the restaurant became crowded. Looking at the unfamiliar faces in front of him, Chu Fei muttered in his heart, signaling Lin Meng to come forward to help the guests order food.

In fact, without Chu Fei's signal, Lin Meng had already stepped forward, holding a menu in his hand, like a little waiter in a restaurant before the end of the world.

The people who came in were first attracted by the unique decoration of the restaurant, and then noticed Chu Fei and Lin Meng, with such expressions on their faces.

They have tried many methods outside the restaurant before, but they can't get in.Combined with the zombies kept in captivity outside the door, they all had guesses in their hearts.

Someone must have taken over here.It's just that they are a little strange. Although this place is not prosperous, it is still a residential area, and there are not many zombies nearby.


Chapter 114 Resume Business

Moreover, the unit building opposite and the road outside seemed to be bombed by something, with potholes, which made them even more vigilant.

The person living here must be a high-level supernatural being.

Therefore, these people were very polite to Chu Fei and Lin Meng, with smiles on their faces.But Chu Fei acted like no one should enter, and no one took the initiative to say hello.

Lin Meng handed the menu to everyone, and everyone was a little puzzled, not understanding what it meant.Following Lin Meng's narration, they all showed a strange expression. In the last days, there are still people opening restaurants?

Thinking of the light emitted last night, these people pondered for a while, maybe there is such a possibility, after all, the restaurant has electricity, maybe there is really something to sell.

Thinking of all kinds of dishes before the end of the world, everyone felt a sense of anticipation in their hearts. Impatient, they had already taken the menu in Lin Meng's hand and put it on the table to watch.As he watched, there were bursts of exclamations in his mouth.

Seeing that the matter in the front hall was settled, Chu Fei smiled slightly, turned around and entered the back kitchen.Bai Yue had given him the crystal nucleus before, and now he is going to prepare a fruit platter for them.

In a short while, the fruit platter was ready, and Lin Meng was still busy in the front hall.Chu Fei personally carried the fruit, came to the front, and put the fruit on the table of Bai Yue and the others.

Except for Bai Yue and the others, the other guests surrounded Lin Meng, asking a bunch of questions in a hurry. Some of them kept asking questions, and Bai Yue also gave some proofs.

It seems... the credibility is still very high, the guests are a little hesitant, and they are going to order a one-star cuisine first, to see if it works.

Anyway, there are only ten first-order crystal nuclei. At this time, the team that can come to the restaurant has more or less one or two supernatural beings. Ten crystal nuclei are not a problem for them.

Chu Fei collected the crystal nuclei one by one. Although the price of a one-star cuisine is not high, but there are many customers ordering, it is naturally a considerable income.

When the dishes were all served, Chu Fei stopped paying attention to these guests.With so many people, there will definitely be those who have successfully awakened their abilities. As long as it works, these customers will continue to consume.

After walking to the counter and standing still, Chu Fei called the system a few times. He was a little confused about the new teleportation skill.

When the restaurant was upgraded to the third level, he browsed through all the functions, and there was no way he could miss any of them. The system never mentioned this teleportation function to him at all!

"This function existed when the restaurant was still at the first level, but the host has never met the specific conditions, so it has never been activated."

The system's answer made Chu Fei a little puzzled. He didn't know what the specific conditions mentioned by the system were.

"For example, the teleportation skill, as long as it encounters an irresistible danger, the teleportation skill will be activated. In addition to this, there are other skills that need to be explored by the host."

Originally, he didn't expect the system to answer him, and Chu Fei just didn't ask. Unexpectedly, the system took the initiative to explain to Chu Fei.

It turned out to be like this. After listening to the system's answer, Chu Fei suddenly realized.I don't know how many functions of his system have not been excavated yet.

"There is something wrong with that factory." Suddenly, the system came up with such a sentence.Chu Fei was taken aback for a moment, then frowned and pondered.

Gradually, he also noticed something was wrong. There were too many mutant dogs there, and their ranks were all ridiculously high.

The end of the world has only erupted for a month. Except for those dogs, the highest level Chu Fei has ever seen is a third-order mutant creeper.And these mutant dogs even have the existence of the fifth order.

And before the mutant dogs rioted, Yan Zhengfeng had already fled to the vicinity of the dog factory. These mutant dogs seemed to have not noticed him until he attacked the dog farm later, and the mutant dogs rioted.

Moreover, after the mutated dogs came out, the first target did not choose Yan Zhengfeng, but set the target on him and Yan Wang, who were much farther away.

Yan Zhengfeng has a problem!It is the biggest dog factory in l city, he must know about it, fleeing there, he definitely lured them there on purpose!

And ever since he entered the restaurant, Yan Zhengfeng had shown a strong sense of hostility.It was understandable at the beginning, after all, he and Yama did not get along, but the final conflict seemed to be deliberately caused!

After all, Yan Zhengfeng himself is also a supernatural being. Even if the short and fat team member reacted a little more when he awakened his supernatural power, he shouldn't have acted so recklessly.

This is a purposeful conspiracy!Chu Fei sorted out his thoughts in his mind, but he still couldn't figure out how Yan Zhengfeng avoided the mutated dogs.Even abilities such as invisibility will not have any effect in front of such a super high level as the fifth level.

He intends to ask the system, but the system has committed the problem of ignoring people again, no matter how much Chu Fei calls, it does not answer.It seems that it is impossible to get any answer from the system.

While Chu Fei was talking to the system, some guests in the restaurant also started to wake up.When the abnormality first appeared, these people caused some confusion, but seeing that others were doing the same, the rest of the people were slightly relieved.

Many of them have supernatural powers, and most of them understand the signs that will appear when awakening supernatural powers. Right now, these people have obviously awakened supernatural powers.

The effects mentioned on the menu are all true, and the chance of successfully awakening seems to be very high!This news made the rest of the people slightly excited.

They have seen all the functions of those high-star cuisines on the menu. Although the price is a bit more expensive, if it really has that effect, it is worth it!

In a short while, everyone's abilities were successfully awakened. A few anxious people tried it out, feeling the powerful energy in their bodies, and there were thick smiles on their faces.

What is most important in the last days?Only strength is the most important thing!Although it is only the first level, at least when encountering advanced zombies, they have some self-protection power.

God knows what the world will look like in the future. Judging from the current trend, it is impossible for ordinary people without supernatural powers to survive.

Seeing the effect, the remaining people who were still hesitating immediately became enthusiastic, and ordered some more dishes in a hurry, even including second-tier cuisines.

After harvesting a large number of crystal nuclei, his mood improved a lot, and Chu Fei also put on some smiles on his face.

After all the guests had left, it was already afternoon, and Hades still hadn't come back. It looked like it was getting cold.


Chapter 115 The Return of Hades

He sighed helplessly. Although he doubted the purpose of Hades seeking refuge with him, Chu Fei still admired this young man. He felt a little pity that he just died like this.

But...it's just a pity.

Chu Fei returned to the bed, held the crystal nucleus and began to practice. Among the crystal nucleus used by these guests for payment, there was even a second-order crystal nucleus, which surprised Chu Fei a little.

Is there anyone who can hunt Tier [-] zombies now?

It was the king of Hades first, then the leader of Longhu, and Yan Zhengfeng. Before he knew it, Chu Fei's level lead was about to be overtaken by others.

The appearance of these people also brought a sense of urgency to Chu Fei, and he couldn't help speeding up his cultivation.The cultivation of the second-order crystal nucleus is much faster than the first-order crystal nucleus.

When fighting with the mutated dogs before, between life and death, Chu Fei also had a sense of comprehension, like an opportunity, which made him clearly feel the third-order barrier.

He has been at the peak of the second rank for a while, but he has never been able to find a way to advance. With such an opportunity, Chu Fei only needs to practice quietly, and it is only a matter of time before he enters the third rank.

And this time will definitely not be too long. After all, Chu Fei has accumulated enough before, like a dam, and now a gap has opened. What Chu Fei needs to do now is to break through it.

And Chu Fei obviously felt this way, and now he is constantly accumulating energy, trying to break the dam, but it seems that the sum of energy is not enough, and there is always a feeling of powerlessness during the impact.

After trying for a long time, Chu Fei didn't gain much, so he had no choice but to give up for the time being. He practiced for several hours and didn't eat at noon. He was a little hungry now.

Opening his eyes, he saw Lin Meng standing beside him, reading with relish the book "I Have a Restaurant in the End Times" brought back by Chu Fei. Chu Fei smiled softly, got out of bed and put on his shoes.

"Don't be so close to the book, it will be bad for your eyes." Touching Lin Meng's head habitually, Chu Fei suddenly remembered the original owner of the book. Presumably no one would come to the restaurant at the risk of a book. Bar.

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