He didn't see her figure, maybe he had already fallen asleep, so Chu Fei put the chair where it was, set the restaurant as closed, and went to the bed to lie down.

Perhaps it was because of today's battle that made Chu Fei a little tired, and with the dark red lights, he soon fell asleep.


When I woke up the next day, it was already bright outside, and there was a group of figures standing at the door, they were guests who had come to eat.

They knew Chu Fei's temper, and they were afraid of disturbing his rest, so they did not make any noise, led Longhu's team with their bald heads, and stood silently at the front.

I didn't see Bai Yue, and my bald head was a little upset. On the way back last time, I was ambushed by Bai Yue, and several brothers died.

Thanks to the bald head's strength, he led his team to kill them. These days, the search teams sent out by Longhu are often ambushed by these people.

But Bai Yue is as cunning as a rabbit, and the trap that Longhu specially set up for him has never succeeded, which makes everyone in Longhu hold their breath.

The bald head, who was thinking about something in his heart, suddenly felt the door in front of him fluctuate, and immediately knew that the restaurant was open.

With a yell, a group of people rushed in, followed by a few scattered teams behind.

Chu Fei rubbed his sleepy eyes, and handed out the menu, his hair was a little messed up and scattered behind his head.

After a while, after everyone finished ordering, Chu Fei took back the menu and went back to the back kitchen to prepare. Lin Meng was woken up by the loud noises outside, and sat up dazedly.

Yawning continuously, Chu Fei was absent-mindedly cooking, wondering if he should wait for Bai Yue.

They just ate fruit yesterday afternoon. If they come again, it will probably be very late. If they go out after they come, it may be too late.

After all, besides going to the mall, Chu Fei has more important things to do.

But if they don't wait, Bai Yue's illness will be delayed. If Chu Fei goes out, he probably won't be able to come back for a while.

Thinking of this, Chu Fei became a little irritable, and turned over the iron pot in his hand a few times as if to vent. The force was too strong, and some dishes fell on the table.

Chu Fei frowned, picked up the ingredients on the table with a spoon, and put them back into the pot, and what went in with them was still a little filthy.

As the dishes came out of the pan, Lin Meng brought the dishes one by one to the front hall. Suddenly, there was a crisp sound from outside. It seemed that the plates were cracked.


Chapter 89 Reasonable?

Chu Fei's hands paused, followed by a burst of noisy voices, followed by Lin Meng's soft-spoken apology.

Frowning, Chu Fei dropped the spoon, stepped out of the back kitchen, and saw the scene in the front hall, his face darkened involuntarily.

At the entrance of the restaurant, a team of three or four people surrounded Lin Meng. There were broken plates on the ground, and the dishes were splashed everywhere along with the soup.

Chu Fei was very unfamiliar with this group of people. It should be the first time he came to the restaurant. Among them were two supernatural beings with obvious physical changes.

The expression on Lin Meng's face was as if she was about to cry, apologizing repeatedly, and her delicate appearance was endearing.

The bald head was watching the development of the situation. When he saw Chu Fei coming out, his eyes flashed a hint of ambiguity. He waved his hand and led the team members forward with Chu Fei.

The one in the lead was a woman, wearing exquisite makeup, she looked very pretty, with a tight vest, blue denim shorts, and black stockings that perfectly outlined her round thighs.

Looking at his clothes, they were relatively clean, with no blood stains, and even very little dust. The only place that could be considered dirty was the sneakers under his feet.

In the last days, those who can keep clean are either well protected by others, or they are supernatural beings. Judging by the energy fluctuations on their bodies, they obviously belong to the latter.

Noticing Chu Fei and others approaching, the woman frowned secretly. The man's aura made her a little unpredictable.

Chu Fei's face was gloomy, and without saying a word, he walked into the encirclement of several people. It seemed that the two people in front of him blocked his way. He grabbed and pulled them casually, and threw them against the wall with great force, and he fainted.

This was naturally done by Chu Fei on purpose. He really made these people popular. Even Lin Meng couldn't bear to scold him, but he was taught a lesson by these ignorant people!

But he didn't want to kill people. There were so many customers in the restaurant, if he killed people rashly, he would definitely leave a bad impression, so he just taught him a lesson.

Unexpectedly, when Chu Fei said to do it, he would do it. The woman was shocked, it was a supernatural person!

Immediately, they secretly accumulated energy in their bodies, wanting to see Chu Fei's movements, they had no fear in their hearts, and they were still very confident in their team.

Chu Fei slowly walked into the encirclement, walked up to Lin Meng and knelt down, gently stroked her head, and said softly, "What's going on, is someone bullying you? Tell your brother."

The corners of Lin Meng's eyes were a little red, she shook her head slightly, bit her lip, but said nothing.

In an instant, the anger in Chu Fei's heart became more intense. He stood up, blocked Lin Meng behind him, and looked at the woman coldly, as if he wanted an explanation.

Seen by Chu Fei, she was a little guilty. The woman bit her head and took a step forward: "Just now she broke the plate, and then the vegetable soup splashed all over me! The pieces even scratched my stockings!"

After finishing speaking, the woman turned her left leg sideways, revealing her stockings with a small hole, as if to prove what she said just now.

Glancing at his lips in disdain, Chu Fei's eyes flashed with amusement, and he calmly said, "So?"

"So I argued with her, and it turned out to be my fault?" Stimulated by Chu Fei's mocking expression, the woman said unconvinced.

Chu Fei shrugged his shoulders helplessly, and grasped in the air with his right hand. A big bloody hand came out and grabbed a man in his team.

He had noticed Chu Fei's movements a long time ago, but the giant hand was so fast that the man had no chance to dodge. He was caught by the big hand in an instant, and suddenly, a khaki-yellow light burst out from his whole body.

The members of his team were also shocked, and urged their abilities to attack Chu Fei. Chu Fei was a little surprised, but there were only seven or eight people, and more than half of them were people with abilities.

But it didn't have much effect. Chu Fei casually swayed an energy light curtain to block the attacks of several people. He lightly held his hand, and there was a scream from the powerful hand, accompanied by the sound of bones breaking.

The corner of Chu Fei's mouth curled into a sneer, and he casually threw the man out of the door. The man's rag-like body flew across the air with blood, and the blood splashed down and landed on the open space in front of the restaurant.

"You mean...reasonable?" Chu Fei turned his head, a strange red flashed in his eyes, and looked at the woman in front of him with a slightly distorted expression.

Everyone looked at Chu Fei in horror. With so many supernatural beings, they couldn't break through Chu Fei's defense. How terrifying is this man's strength.

Seeing that the woman didn't reply, Chu Fei snorted coldly: "My sister is also a supernatural being, can she not even hold a plate? If you want to be reasonable, then I will reason with you. If you can be reasonable Come, I don't want to kill you."

The woman looked at Chu Fei in horror, her soft and beautiful face was full of panic, and her clear and crisp voice changed a little: "But the truth is like this, everyone has seen it!"

As the woman's words fell, the customers in the store quickly denied it, saying that this matter had nothing to do with them. This kind of reaction made the woman a little desperate.

Yes, she did something wrong, but these people definitely wouldn't notice it. They thought they had a reason, and could lure the rest of the survivors to fish in troubled waters, so as to find out the details of the restaurant.

But he didn't expect that Chu Fei's strength was so terrifying. Their small team was already the majority of the team's strength, and they didn't even have a chance to resist.

Chu Fei was disdainful in his heart. He had already retrieved the records of the chandelier for what the woman did before, and he could easily know what happened in it.

It's just that I don't know which team came up with the idea of ​​a restaurant. It seems that with more and more supernatural beings, some people have begun to feel uneasy.

"Tell me, who told you to come, tell me, I don't have to kill you." Chu Fei looked at these people in front of him, feeling irritable and losing patience.

The woman became anxious immediately, and began to explain endlessly. Chu Fei became more irritable, and burst out several energy threads, flying towards the woman.

Confused by the sudden attack, the woman quickly mobilized the energy in her body, a light blue light flashed, and a wall of water emerged from the air.

However, how could the second-level attack be blocked by the mere first-level defense? The energy thread passed through the earth wall as if nothing had happened, and came near the woman's head, circling continuously.

"Who instructed you to come here!" Chu Fei said with murderous intent in his eyes, his tone was cold, and he threatened nakedly.

Frightened by Chu Fei, the woman murmured, but kept evading, not wanting to expose the team behind her.

Chu Fei suppressed the impatience in his heart and waited for a while. Seeing that the woman couldn't say anything, he frowned, stretched out his right hand and pinched it, and the energy thread shrank suddenly, cutting off the woman's head.


Chapter 90 Returning to Longhu

In an instant, the blood mixed with the brains burst open in the air, seemingly unintentionally, some splashed on the faces of the other team members, and they all felt hairy.

This man was simply a demon. A living human life was crushed to death like an ant in his hands.

Chu Fei was expressionless, controlled the energy thread, wrapped the head of the next person, and said mechanically: "Say, who sent you here!"

The energy thread wraps around the head and wriggles slowly. This is an older man, feeling the threat of death, he was frightened and begged for mercy.

"Don't! Don't kill me! I say! It's the dam! We are the people of the dam!"

Hearing the man's answer, the corner of Chu Fei's mouth curled up into a sneer, and then he remembered what he told himself before the bald head, and continued to ask: "Which team is in the dam?"

"Everyone is involved! All the teams are involved! A man named Yan Wang has integrated all the teams in the entire dam!"

Nodding thoughtfully, Chu Fei withdrew his control over the energy, and the energy threads dissipated immediately. The middle-aged man breathed a sigh of relief, and sat slumped on the ground dripping with cold sweat.

"Baldhead, do me a favor and kill him." Chu Fei turned around and walked towards the back kitchen holding Lin Meng's little hand.

Following Chu Fei's footsteps, there were several soft sounds from behind. Except for the middle-aged man, countless blood arrows shot out from the bodies of the rest of the people, all of whom exploded to death.

The middle-aged man had just stepped out of the shadow of death when he heard Chu Fei's words, followed by his companion's tragic death. He was terrified and quickly got up from the ground.

"No! You can't kill me! You promised me not to kill me! I've already said it!" The middle-aged man's miserable cry sounded from behind, with a strong sense of unwillingness in his voice.

Without saying a word, Chu Fei dragged Lin Meng to the back kitchen, washed his hands from the tap, and carefully wiped the vegetable soup off Lin Meng's clothes.

As for the promise, Chu Fei still pays great attention to it. If he says he won't kill him, he will definitely not kill him himself (▼ヘ▼#).

Although he has been with Chu Fei for so long, this is the first time Lin Meng sees Chu Fei angry, and he is very scared, but thinking that it is for himself, he feels warm again.

Letting go of Lin Meng's hands, Chu Fei smiled and continued to come to the stove. The rest of the guests were waiting for their food, so he sent them away quickly, and they still had to go shopping in the afternoon.

The sound of the collision of pots and spoons in the back kitchen sounded again, and the smell of food wafted from the back kitchen, mixed in the air mixed with the smell of blood, which greatly increased people's appetite.

The customers were either waiting slowly, or suffering from the awakening of their abilities. By the time everyone left, it was already past two o'clock in the afternoon.

After Lin Meng cleaned up, Chu Fei came to the counter, took out a pen and paper from the drawer, wrote a few lines, and walked out of the restaurant.

Finding a conspicuous place, Chu Fei rolled the paper into a long tube and stuffed it, then called Lin Meng, and rode on the electric bicycle next to him.

Lin Meng quickly got ready. The two rode on the electric bike and disappeared into the distance. There was silence near the restaurant, except for a rolled up paper tube stuck at the door.

Chu Fei galloped down the road on his electric scooter. When the electric scooter started, the sound wasn't very loud, but Chu Fei didn't deliberately hide his figure, so it still attracted a lot of zombies.

However, most of these zombies were ordinary zombies, occasionally mixed with a few first-order zombies, which did not pose much threat to Chu Fei.

It seems that the level of zombies is generally not very high. The third-level mutated plants that Chu Fei encountered before may be an exception.

The speed of the electric car was very fast, and it didn't take long to arrive at Longhu. Before going to the shopping mall, Chu Fei wanted to go to some survivor forces to spread the news of the restaurant's takeaway.

The scenery of Longhu Lake is still much the same as before, full of dead branches and leaves, but there are many more mutated insects than last time, and occasionally a few green plants can be seen.

These plants have obviously mutated, but they are not very aggressive, at least they don't have much reaction to Chu Fei passing by.

Chu Fei frowned. Maybe the plants that still have vitality are all mutated?

Those that didn't mutate, all withered?

In this case, Chu Fei couldn't even imagine what the earth's ecological environment would be like.

It was still too early to think about these things, and Chu Fei had no solution to this, so he kept this phenomenon in his heart and drove to Longhu.

The gatekeeper had already changed, but he seemed to know Chu Fei. He was slightly surprised at his arrival, and looked at the electric car under Chu Fei's seat with flickering eyes.

Riding the electric bike into the gate, Chu Fei slowed down slowly, and parked steadily at the gate post. The car stopped, but Chu Fei didn't come down: "Is the leader of your base there?"

The gatekeeper was a burly man with short hair. Hearing Chu Fei's question, he quickly replied: "I should be there, may I contact you?"

Nodding his head slightly, Chu Fei put his hand on the electric scooter, lit a cigarette, thought about it, and gave one to the short-haired man.

The environment at Longhu Lake is much better than that of the restaurant. After all, the number of zombies is very small, and the rancid smell in the air is not that serious.

Therefore, Chu Fei was also in a very good mood. He was suffocated to death after staying in the restaurant all day. When he came out this time, he also wanted to take a breather.

The short-haired man took the cigarette, thanked him, walked a little further away, took out the walkie-talkie and said something.

After a while, the short-haired man came back and said with a smile: "Boss is in the villa, come with me, I will go with you."

Chu Fei nodded lightly, set up the electric car, took Lin Meng's little hand, and walked towards the villa with the short-haired man.

Except for himself, no one can drive the electric car away. The system once told Chu Fei, so he is not worried about the electric car being stolen.

The villa where Zhai Hong lives is in the very center, not too far from the door, and the two of them just walked for a while before they arrived.

From a long distance, Chu Fei saw the beautiful woman from last time, waiting at the door of the villa. After approaching, Chu Fei nodded his head as a greeting.

"Mr. Chu, please come in. Brother Zhai is already waiting inside." With a smile on her face, the woman bowed her waist slightly, her attitude was very respectful.

The short-haired man resigned, and Chu Fei dragged Lin Meng into the villa.

The entrance is a vermilion door screen, bypassing the barrier, and behind it is a somewhat luxurious living room, where Zhai Hong is sitting on the sofa, pouring tea.

Chu Fei glanced at the decoration of the living room. The last time he came here was at night, but he didn't see the decoration of the villa clearly. Now it seems that this person is enjoying it very much.

Noticing the movement at the door, Zhai Hong stood up from the sofa, warmly greeted him, and guided Chu Fei to his seat.


Chapter 91 Conversation

A few people were polite and sat on the sofa in the living room. After Chu Fei sat down, the beautiful woman picked up the teapot, and the people with elegant movements filled it with tea.

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