After hesitating for a while, Chu Fei threw the menu aside, took out a pair of chopsticks, and sat down at the table.

Although it looks bright and colorful, it is not necessarily poisonous. If you don't eat this, you can't starve to death.

The current situation is that Chu Fei doesn't dare to go out at all, because it's pitch black outside, and only his palm-sized place is safe.

Since the restaurant was remodeled by the system, all the items in the original restaurant have disappeared. Chu Fei is either hungry all the time, or wants to eat these items.

Anyway, he has to eat it sooner or later, and Chu Fei doesn't care if it's poisonous or not, and the system doesn't even say that if there is a fatal danger, it will give a reminder.

Looking at the beautiful and delicious dishes in front of me, the red meat is wrapped in thick soup, which greatly increases the appetite.

The meat has distinct layers, the lean meat is brownish red, with a hint of golden yellow when you look closely, the fat meat is crystal clear, fat but not greasy, and the bottom is covered with a layer of maroon puff pastry.

Chu Fei picked up a piece with chopsticks and put it in his mouth. He sipped the meat until it reached the skin, and the meat melted in his mouth without any feeling of fat.

After chewing a few times, Chu Fei swallowed the meat. Unlike the pork he had eaten before, the goblin's leg meat was more tender.

Chapter 6 Gaining Powers

The taste was good, and it was also because Chu Fei was hungry. After a while, a plate of braised thighs was eaten up.

Chu Fei burped, and suddenly a warm current surged through his body, followed by severe pain.

The sudden pain caused the unsuspecting Chu Fei to let out a scream, beads of sweat appeared on his forehead, and he lay down on the table clutching his stomach.

Grass is indeed poisonous!I knew I would not eat it.

Chu Fei regretted it very much. This was not a normal pain at all, but an indescribable feeling.

It's like there are countless ants biting inside your body, tingling and excruciating pain, but you still can't pass out.

Chu Fei was lying on the table, his body trembling constantly, he didn't dare to move at all, the pain would be even more unbearable if he moved a little.

Could it be that there are parasites in the meat?Such doubts arose in Chu Fei's heart.

Although the meat has been cooked, the material is obviously not from the earth, and it is understandable that there are parasites that cannot be killed by high temperature.

Just when he didn't know what to do, he found that the pain gradually subsided. For a moment, Chu Fei lay weakly on the table, not wanting to move.

My body is no longer in pain, but it is very numb, as if I have lost all my strength, and I can't even lift a finger.

"Ding ~ Congratulations to the host for eating the stewed thighs and gaining the ability: Dali, do you want to include this ability in the menu?"

The system prompt sounded suddenly from Chu Fei's heart, and he lifted his head from the table with great effort, he was already numb to the suddenness of the system.

Reminiscent of the introduction that appeared in the menu before, Chu Fei seemed to understand something in his heart.

Was the pain just now not food poisoning, but the awakening of some special ability?

Chu Fei felt a little puzzled by this, and got up to find the menu with a thought.

Turning the menu to the page of braised thighs, Chu Fei confirmed it in his heart, and then saw that the font on the menu had changed.

Dish name: braised thigh

Rating: One-star cuisine

Efficacy: Strong (power)

Introduction: The ingredients are taken from the thighs of first-order goblin warriors, and made with special cooking techniques. It is said that people who eat this dish have a certain chance of gaining great power.

Looking at the menu in front of him, a flash of thought flashed in Chu Fei's eyes, is Dali supernatural?

Hearing the name seemed to increase his strength, but the feeling of powerlessness brought to him by the pain just now hadn't subsided, and Chu Fei was a little uncertain about whether his strength had increased.

I wanted to ask about the system, but considering the nasty nature of the system, I probably wouldn't get an answer if I asked.

"The host please respect the system. If you gain certain abilities, the system has the authority to give you simple answers."

Unexpectedly, the system would let go, Chu Fei was overjoyed, and asked the system in his heart: "Then what is the effect of this powerful ability?"

"Did the host feel the energy when he obtained the supernatural power? Distributing the energy to any part of the body with his mind can increase the power of the corresponding place. As the level increases, the supernatural power will produce various changes."

After listening to the system's narration, Chu Fei also had a general understanding of this powerful ability, as if thinking of something, he continued to ask in his heart: "Then, what changes will happen after the level is raised?"

"Subsequent changes, please understand the host itself."

Hearing that the system had returned to its previous attitude, Chu Fei pouted speechlessly, and did not continue to ask the system any more questions.

Thinking of the scene when he just finished eating, Chu Fei remembered a warm current pouring into his body, wondering if it was the energy that the system just mentioned.

After a while, Chu Fei regained some strength, calmed down, and felt a burst of energy from his lower abdomen.

This is an indescribable feeling, like a lump of air in your stomach. You can't see it, but you can feel its presence if you pay attention.

According to the system's previous introduction, Chu Fei used his thoughts to direct that energy into his fists, and he clearly felt a warm current flowing quickly from his abdomen to his fists.

As the warm current passed by, Chu Fei felt a wave of energy spreading to his body, but before he could feel it, he quickly flowed away with the warm current, and finally settled on his fist.

Chu Fei clenched his fists, and a powerful feeling came from his hands. He felt that the strength in his hands seemed to be able to kill a cow with one punch.

The strength gathered on the fist gave Chu Fei an awkward feeling, and he couldn't help the suppression of the fist, and punched the air in front of him, causing a burst of tearing wind.

Seeing the effect of his punch, Chu Fei nodded in satisfaction, the strength has indeed increased, and it has increased a lot.

Because he worked as a porter all the year round, Chu Fei was very aware of his body strength. If it was the past, he would definitely not be able to hit the punch just now!

Having just acquired this ability, Chu Fei happily used the energy in his body and punched vigorously.

This set of boxing techniques was summed up by him from countless big and small fights. It is not gorgeous, but very practical.

Because even if it was a fight before, he didn't dare to really hurt people very badly, so he mainly focused on subduing the enemy. Chu Fei also gradually discovered this problem, and frowned slightly.

The outside world has become like this, and there are still many people who can survive, and the supernatural ability he just obtained made Chu Fei change his previous concept.

This is no longer the world I was familiar with before, and the world has changed now, not to mention whether the Faxie still exists, or even if it is still there, I am afraid that I don't have that much control ability.

Moreover, Chu Fei had a vague feeling that the future world would become even more chaotic. If he still had the same thoughts as before, he might not live very long.

After figuring it out, Chu Fei began to improve his boxing skills little by little, no longer sticking to the restrictions of the law, and Chu Fei's moves became more and more fierce.

Locking the throat, inserting eyes, kicking the genitals, elbowing the temple... all the moves full of murderous intent were played out from Chu Fei's hands, and combined with the supernatural powers in his body, it made people feel an irresistible and invincible force!

After punching this preliminary modified boxing method several times, Chu Fei stopped his movements out of breath.

Reaching out for a few paper towels on the dining table, Chu Fei wiped the sweat from his forehead. His set of punches was relatively long in the first place, and he lost his strength after punching him twice in the past.

Just now he hit him five times!It seems that not only is there more energy in the body, but also his physical fitness should have improved, otherwise how could his endurance increase so much.

And there was that punch at the beginning. With his previous physical fitness, his arm couldn't bear such a strong force at all!

Dear judges, Xiaojin is ashamed to ask for recommendation tickets~ After all, it is a new book. If you vote for more recommendations, you will have more recommendation slots. If your grades are good, Xiaojin will be more motivated to write down, so please move forward. Xiaoshou, support Xiaojin for a while, thank you!

Chapter 7 The sun came out

In other words, before the fist was punched, his wrist and even his arm were broken by the force.

Chu Fei took out his mobile phone and looked at his watch, and found that it was already eleven o'clock in the evening. He looked around the store, feeling a little speechless.

There is no bedding, let alone a bed, so how can he sleep, he can't sleep on the floor.

After hesitating for a while, Chu Fei brought in the reclining chair outside the door, closed the door, and set the status of closing business.

This is what he saw in the blacklist function before. After setting the shutdown, nothing can enter the store.

This may also be a protection of the store by the system. After all, if there are more stores in the future and there are so many things in them, it is inevitable that there will be some acts of theft.

Putting the reclining chair in the front hall, Chu Fei came to the back kitchen to process the leftover ingredients for today.

In fact, he regretted buying so many ingredients. At first, the pictures on the computer were not big, and in fact there were not many ingredients, but the main ones were the legs of goblins.

Except for this leg, there are not many others. Chu Fei estimated that a large part of the energy must be spent on this.

The plan was good, but now there are so many dishes left that there is no way to store them.

You must know that this is midsummer, vegetables may still be stored for a day or two, but meat may not be eaten for a day.

There is no refrigerator in the back kitchen. I don't know if it is not unlocked due to insufficient authority. Anyway, Chu Fei did not find the refrigerator from the mall.

He does know some ways to preserve meat in summer, because there was no refrigerator at home before, and sometimes there would be some extra meat. Usually, he would steam the meat in a pressure cooker, but now there is no pressure cooker.

After thinking for a while, Chu Fei could only cut some salty cubes and grind them into powder, then spread the salty powder on the remaining meat ingredients one by one, and place them separately in a cool and ventilated place. In this case, they can be stored for one to two days Should be no problem.

As for the vegetables, he wasn't particularly anxious. Put them in a cooler place, and nothing would happen in a short time.

After packing up the rest of the ingredients, Chu Fei washed his hands and went back to the lounge chair in the front hall to lie down.

Chu Fei crossed his hands and rested his head on the back of his head. He didn't know what he thought of, and suddenly stretched out his hand to pinch the soft flesh on his arm, and gritted his teeth in pain.

It turned out to be true. Until now, Chu Fei felt like he was dreaming. The crowd went crazy, the sudden black sky, the inexplicable system, and the ability he just got, all of these were so incredible.

If these things hadn't happened, Chu Fei might still be a gangster on the street, relying on the unstable moving job to get by day after day.

If you are lucky, you may wake up one day, find a stable job, marry whoever you want, and if you do well, you may be able to buy a house, raise your children, and have a good death.

If he is unlucky, he may continue to mess around like this and continue to be a pile of garbage in this clean city. Maybe he will be hacked to death and thrown on the street one day, or he will be hacked to death and thrown into the law prison.

Even Chu Fei doubted whether the heavens really couldn't see him and left him here alone. The outside world was actually normal.

What he saw was just an illusion created by the sky. In fact, it was bright outside, and only his place was really dark.

However, it's good to be alone, at least unrestrained, and you don't have to force yourself to communicate with others, and there are no such messy things, let alone force yourself to face them.

Slowly closing his eyes, Chu Fei suddenly felt very tired, as if he had just finished unloading 20 tons of cargo, but it was not the same as that kind of tiredness, there was a slight gap.

The tiredness on the body will only be sore, but the tiredness in the heart is extremely depressing, so heavy that Chu Fei can hardly breathe.

But the strange thing is, the world has become like this, Chu Fei wants to live even more.

Even if he lived like weeds, even if he ate these wild foods that he didn't know where to come from, even if the world was full of crises, he still felt much better than before.

Freedom, which cannot be compensated by material or anything else.

After changing his posture, Chu Fei stopped his wild thoughts, it was already very late, it was time to sleep.


The next day, when Chu Fei woke up, it was already past ten o'clock in the morning, a ray of sunlight hit his face through the glass, Chu Fei moved his eyelashes, and slowly opened his eyes.

Chu Fei, who had just woken up, was still not very clear-headed, sitting on the recliner and yawning, suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly raised his head to look outside.

Sunlight!There is sunshine outside!

Chu Fei got a little excited, got off the reclining chair in an instant, opened the store door and ran out.

The sun was scorching outside, and the scorching sun shone on people, and the high temperature seemed to scorch the skin.

Chu Fei covered his forehead with his hands, and squinted his eyes to look at the sun. He never felt that what he could see when he looked up in the past was so beautiful.

Taking his eyes back from the sun, Chu Fei carefully observed the surrounding situation.

As the day passed, the outside became even more chaotic. On both sides of the road, there were overturned stalls everywhere, and blood and broken bones were everywhere on the ground.

This road is just a small road, and usually there are not many cars coming here. Even some people who are born and raised here don't know that there is such a road.

Therefore, there are only a few sparse cars on the road now, parked here and there, and he didn't see the lights of the cars yesterday.

Although there are not many cars on the road, there are many zombies. These rotten monsters are wandering in groups, filling every street and alley.

Apart from these zombies, Chu Fei didn't see any other moving creatures. Even the stray cats and dogs that were everywhere in the past didn't know where they went.

Maybe it was also eaten by these zombies, who knows if these zombies have any taboos.

There are no living people, no animals, not even insects. This city has lost its former vitality and completely turned into a dead city.

Standing at the door, Chu Fei changed the status to "Business" in his mind, and the three or five zombies around seemed to smell the smell, and rushed towards Chu Fei quickly.

This startled Chu Fei, and subconsciously tried to run, but suddenly realized that the zombies couldn't get in, so he stopped.

These zombies threw themselves in front of Lin Ran, as if they were blocked by an invisible barrier, unable to move forward at all.

Chu Fei endured his nausea, and observed the zombies at close range. These zombies all had a pair of off-white eyes, and their skin was an abnormal pale color, covered with large and small corpse spots.

Friends, don't stay up late to read books or do anything else. Your body is your own. You must take good care of it. It's late. It's time to sleep. Good night.

Chapter 8 Unexpected person Didi~ Didi

I don't know if it's because of the summer, but the wounds of these zombies have begun to rot, and some of the more serious ones even leak some pus along the skin.

Chu Fei looked at the mouths of the zombies. He was curious how these zombies managed to kill people with their blunt teeth.

Seeing the two rows of teeth of the zombie, Chu Fei suddenly realized that for some reason, the teeth of the zombie had mutated, becoming longer and sharper, just like the fangs of a beast.

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