"Bah!" Seeing that Chu Fei didn't make a move, the bald man glanced at Bai Yue and the others, smiled evilly, and spit out a mouthful of thick phlegm on the fruit.

Before he came, he didn't expect that Bai Yue and the others were there, and their strength had improved so much. Because of Longhu's matter, the two parties were already dead.

But relying on these people brought by him alone, there is no way to kill Bai Yue and the others. They can only use this method to try to drive them into a desperate situation.

The bald man's actions naturally aroused the anger of Bai Yue's subordinates. This is the fruit they regard as their life, and the bald man trampled on it like this.

"Liu Feng, you're going too far! Don't think you're great just because you have a crystal nucleus!" Team Baiyue, a young man in his twenties, couldn't bear the humiliation, pointed at the bald man, and said uncontrollably.

The bald man stretched out his hand and pushed the chair beside him, the supernatural power surged in his hand, and the veins on his arm bulged: "Sorry, it's great to have a crystal nucleus."

The young man was angry, and just about to say something, Bai Yue stopped him with a wave of her hand, Bai Yue knew that it would be useless to keep pestering him like this, as the zombie virus in their bodies could no longer be suppressed.

Immediately, without saying anything, Bai Yue walked slowly in front of the bald man. The bald man was on guard, and the atmosphere began to become tense.

Bai Yue's next action was beyond everyone's expectations. Bai Yue squatted down, slowly picked up a piece of fruit, wiped off the dust on it, and put it in her mouth.

"Boss..." The survivor of Baiyue's team looked excited. Once upon a time, he, who was handsome, was bullied to such an extent.

Bai Yue moved slowly, picking up the fruits on the ground piece by piece, filling her mouth, and chewing slowly, without any expression on her face.

Seeing Bai Yue squatting on the ground, his subordinates seemed to understand something, walked slowly behind Bai Yue and squatted down, picked up the fruit on the ground and stuffed it into their mouths.

The bald man smiled wildly, his face was full of playfulness, and he said teasingly: "Bai Yue, Bai Yue, haven't you always wanted to win Longhu back? Why? You don't even have the right to stand and eat in front of me!"

Bai Yue acted as if she had never heard of it, and continued to pick up the fruits on the ground. Her movements were slow and firm, with a deadpan expression on her face.

Seeing that Bai Yue didn't reply, the bald man was bored, and looked around at the several people squatting on the ground: "Instead of doing this, your team might as well break up. Follow such a big guy, shit you guys."

Lin Meng came out from the back kitchen at this time, holding a plate of food in his hand. Seeing such a scene, his small body trembled. This bald head is so scary.

She didn't know why Brother Chu Fei made such a principle, but she must have her own reasons, but she still had some sympathy for Bai Yue's experience in her heart.

Holding the food in his hands, Lin Meng walked to the bald table, put the food on the table lightly, and said as always: "The food...here comes, please take it slowly."

The bald man got up quickly, reached out to take it, thanked Lin Meng politely, and looked at Bai Yue and the others defensively.

Seeing that the food was coming, the bald head had no intention of entanglement with Bai Yue and the others, and sat back in front of his seat. According to the previous distribution, this dish should belong to him.

Whether this is an ingredient from the earth, he knows, he has read the menu before, but these are not important, as long as it can have the effect mentioned above, even if it is human flesh, he will eat it without hesitation.

However, it seemed that it was still delicious. Smelling the aroma of the food, the bald head moved his index finger, picked up a piece of fat and thin leg meat, and put it in his mouth.

The appearance of the bald head sitting on the table eating the braised thighs was in sharp contrast to Bai Yue and the others. Everyone felt a little cold and disappointed with this restaurant.

But there is only such a restaurant that can be special, and they have no choice at all. They can only come to this restaurant for supernatural powers, energy, or other effects.

Bai Yue and the others quickly finished the fruit platter, without saying a word, they led the people out silently, and the food for the rest of the people gradually came up, and the aroma of the food instantly wafted in the air.

One person from the bald team came out and carefully cleaned the previously dirty ground. The few teams who had no place could only squat in the aisle and eat their meals.

This episode was quickly forgotten, but the bald head did not dare to take it lightly. Bai Yue and the others might ambush them somewhere.

Fighting is prohibited in the restaurant, but outside the restaurant, the owner has nothing to do with it. If Bai Yue ambushes them outside, they will get no benefit.

In a short while, Chu Fei finished all the meals, dealt with the messy stove, picked up the towel beside him, and wiped his hands.

"Brother, why didn't you stop that bald uncle just now, he bullied people so much." Lin Meng's soft voice sounded, causing Chu Fei to pause.

Chu Fei looked at Lin Meng indifferently, and stroked her head habitually: "This is how the end of the world is..."

Hearing Chu Fei's answer, Lin Meng tilted her head in confusion. Such words made it difficult for her who did not understand human nature to understand.

Without explaining anything, Chu Fei raised his feet and walked towards the counter. The bald man gave him the crystal nucleus, but he didn't do anything too outrageous, so he naturally didn't care about it.

Human nature is so


So too.


The guests left one after another, some excited and some disappointed. Chu Fei charged the phone and devoured the small balls on the screen one by one.

He is greedy for snakes, he will never get tired of playing.

The big snake eats the small snake, and the small snake accumulates slowly, imagining that one day it will eat the big snake, maybe the small snake will die thousands of times without success once, but the big snake must always pay attention, a negligence may lead to a big mistake.

embankment of a thousand miles,

Collapsed in an ant nest.

Isn't life the same? If you want to live in this world, who can say it's easy for you?

That is to say, Lin Meng, ignorant of understanding, would ask why such words.


Chapter 76 New cuisines

After playing with the mobile phone for a while, it was already getting dark outside, the customers had already left, and Lin Meng's small figure was busy in the store.

Chu Fei threw the phone on the table, a little bored, and began to sort out the gains of the past few days.

The clothes belonged to Lin Meng, and Chu Fei didn't need such things.

A few plastic basins for washing your face, or doing something else.

Mobile phone chargers, gel pens, notebooks, and other miscellaneous things.


There are too many to count, and they are piled up in the drawer, so full that they seem to overflow!

Most of it is the income from the restaurant today, as well as the crystal nuclei sent by the people from Longhu, the harvest is still very huge.

The energy of the restaurant has paid off the loan, and there is not much left, and it will be replenished later.

He glanced at Lin Meng casually. At this time, there probably won't be any guests. Let's replenish energy while we have time.

He took down the golden toad and put it directly in the drawer, a familiar scene emerged, and traces of crystal clear energy flew towards the golden toad's mouth.

The radiance of the crystal nuclei in the drawer gradually dimmed, and most of them lost their energy and lost their original function in a short time.

"Brother Chu Fei...the table has been cleared." A soft voice sounded, and Lin Meng wandered over to Chu Fei's side.

Nodding in a subtle way, Chu Fei signaled that he knew, his gaze was still fixed on the computer, and the energy on it was rising little by little.

50.00%...eighty...one hundred!

It has been replenished, and there are still a lot of crystal nuclei that are glowing. According to energy calculations, there are more than 600 crystal nuclei this time.

Just for such a day, it is even more terrifying than the crystal cores earned in the previous week, and Longhu should take a lot of credit for this.

Just for the small bag of crystal nuclei, there are more than 100 crystal nuclei, plus the normal income of the restaurant selling dishes, more than 600 crystal nuclei, it seems quite normal.

Picking out the crystal nuclei that had lost energy, and then going to the back kitchen to put them away, Chu Fei was also very satisfied with today's harvest.

Buy a refrigerator from the mall in a few days, and the leftover ingredients can be placed in the refrigerator, so you don’t have to worry about wasting them. Just pay attention to that black cat, it might steal it by then.

Taking a light look at the mutated black cat lying in Lin Meng's arms, Chu Fei wondered if the meat of the mutated animal was edible, and he could try it if he had the chance.

As if sensing something, the mutated black cat's hair stood on end, its body trembled, and it looked at Chu Fei with lingering fear.


Feeling that his dignity had been violated, the black cat howled "viciously" at Chu Fei, and raised its sharp cat claws shining with cold light in demonstration.

Chu Fei frowned, and a look of coldness appeared in his eyes. This black cat became more and more rampant.

One person and one cat looked at each other for a few times, and the black cat was defeated. It let out a weak cry, lay its head between Lin Meng's legs, and covered the cat's face with its paws in a humane manner.

Well... I can't afford to offend, can't I hide?

It seemed that Chu Fei also felt that it was silly to compare himself with a mutated animal, so he silently turned around and turned on the stove.

Let's cook, there are customers in the store at noon, and I forgot to eat for a while, but now I am a little hungry.

There are too few dishes in the store, and the menu has only a few dishes until now. Chu Fei wants to add some new content to it.

Opening the system mall, Chu Fei picked and picked for a long time, selected several ingredients from it, tried the flavors one by one, and had already made a decision in his mind about the cuisine to be prepared.

A strange fish with ferocious fangs, shaped like a magpie, with ten pairs of wing-like fins on its back, which will be used for sweet and sour later.

A football-sized vegetable with black and white stripes interspersed vertically and horizontally. It tastes like cabbage and will be fried later.

Squid egg, this understanding, but this egg is too big, several times larger than ordinary squid eggs, the whole body is white, each piece is scale-like, and it feels soft.

Uh... such a big egg, let's use it for stewing soup later.

Handle the ingredients, start the pan, add oil, cook, and take out the pan...

The recipes of these dishes are very simple, but it is a test of a chef's ability to control. Although Chu Fei is not a serious chef, he has a lot of cooking experience.

He can control all these things, and the taste and appearance of them are probably not much different.

Smelling the aroma of the food, Lin Meng had been waiting in the back kitchen for a long time, and as the dishes came out of the pot, Lin Meng continued to take the dishes out.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for cooking a new dish, please name the dish."

The familiar system sounded, and what was different from before was that a virtual panel appeared in front of Chu Fei, showing a few dishes he had just made on it, and a sequence of 123 was arranged on it.

After studying the newly discovered function for a while, Chu Fei didn't find anything special, and immediately became indifferent.

"A fish jumps over a dragon's gate, a blue sky falls into a yellow spring, and a cuttlefish's egg."

"The naming is successful, may the host add the three dishes to the menu?"


As a waste of names, Chu Fei didn't realize it at all. After pondering for a long time, he came up with three dish names that he thought were quite meaningful, especially the last one, which was simply the finishing touch.

After simply tidying up the stove, Chu Fei also walked out the door. The hunger in his stomach became stronger. He hadn't eaten for a day, and he was really hungry.

Two dishes and one soup,

Very rich!

Looking at the food on the table, Chu Fei moved his index finger, took apart a pair of chopsticks, and put a piece of fish into his mouth.

The entrance is lubricated, with a slight salty smell, combined with the sweet dark red skin of the fish, giving people a sense of ultimate enjoyment.

Chu Fei has already used auxiliary ingredients to remove the fishy smell, but the salty smell seems to be innate and cannot be removed at all.

Fortunately, it has not affected the taste, but it has a unique flavor.

Chu Fei, a fish, doesn't like to eat it very much. The reason why he chooses this ingredient is because of the peculiar appearance of this fish, so special, there must be differences.

After all, it is the most expensive second-tier ingredient, and Chu Fei still has a glimmer of hope for it, and the restaurant is also short of a famous dish to fill its appearance.

Although I don't know the specific effect, the taste alone did not disappoint Chu Fei. The fish meat is white and tender, without a single fishbone in it, and the only skeleton is connected in one piece. The towering curvature gives people a special sense of beauty.

The sweet and salty taste also made Chu Fei want to stop. After eating half a fish in a row, he reluctantly extended his chopsticks to another dish. The fish was delicious, but he also wanted to try other flavors.

Another dish that tasted like cabbage was fried and found to be different from what I thought before.


Chapter 77 Return of Wang Song

This dish turned a light yellow color after it was fully cooked. Chu Fei made it by stir-frying, so it wasn't because of the condiments.

The color is not a big deal, the main reason is the light stench emanating from it, like a rotting corpse, making it difficult to smell it.

Although he knew that the ingredients produced by the system tasted very good, Chu Fei still didn't dare to use his chopsticks. After all, there are exceptions to everything, and the smell of this food is not delicious.

After hesitating for a while, Chu Fei tore off a small leaf of the vegetable and had already cooked it, so he had to taste it anyway, it would be a pity if he didn't taste it.

When the vegetable leaves were put into the mouth, a faint smell spread, but it was not annoying, on the contrary, it had a special fragrance.

The taste is as soft as fried tofu, a little juice fills the mouth with chewing, and it also has a slightly spicy taste.

The way of stir-frying is not to put chili, that is the spicy taste of the dish itself, mixed with a faint smell, combined into a strange fresh fragrance, which blooms in the mouth.

It's a little familiar... it's stinky tofu, but there seems to be something else.

Chu Fei couldn't explain this feeling. Before the end of the world, he liked to eat stinky tofu. Now his eyes are naturally bright, and he frequently picks up vegetable leaves and puts them in his mouth.

Seeing Chu Fei's movements, Lin Meng looked at Bi Luo Huang Quan in a dazed manner. For the first time, she had doubts about Chu Fei's taste.

As if unable to bear the curiosity in his heart, Lin Meng also took a piece and tasted it, and then his eyes lit up, and he also started to gobble it up.

system produced,

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