This was not what surprised him the most. The owner of this restaurant must be of extraordinary strength, and the zombies couldn't break through, so it was not unusual to kill so many zombies.

What he didn't understand was why the shopkeeper wanted to hunt zombies. He also knew the explosion rate of crystal nuclei. Such hunting was time-consuming and laborious, and the efficiency was not very high.

If this was just a game for the shop owner when he was bored, then the change in the appearance of the restaurant really surprised him.

At this time, the entrance of the restaurant was covered by a dark blue light curtain, and the scene inside was blurry from the outside.

This is a very strange feeling. The light curtain is transparent, but no matter how hard you try, the scene in the restaurant is like a mosaic, and you can't see clearly.

After observing for a while, Mo Ran withdrew his gaze as if giving up. If he wanted to know what was going on in the restaurant, he had to go in and take a look, but he didn't know if the restaurant could withstand the attack of the tide of corpses.

If the restaurant has fallen, it will be dangerous to enter rashly!

While Mo Ran was wandering in the distance, he suddenly saw Chu Fei walking out from the blue light curtain, holding a black plastic bag in his hand.

As Chu Fei opened the door, the scattered zombies around smelled the smell of humans, and immediately gathered over, surrounding the restaurant tightly.

Chu Fei sighed helplessly. Every time he came out, it was like this. For some reason, he couldn't calm down to practice just now, so he went to the back kitchen to clean up the garbage.

Rotting vegetable leaves, shriveled fruit peels, slightly blackened seeds... all kinds of garbage from cooking were piled up in the trash can, exuding a faint stench.

Although Chu Fei didn't have too many requirements for the environment, he had to be clean and tidy, otherwise not only would it be uncomfortable for the guests to eat, but even he himself would not be able to bear it.

The black garbage bag was thrown into the group of corpses by Chu Fei casually, and a plastic bag of garbage was poured out instantly, rolling down the heads of the zombies and falling to the ground. At this time, Chu Fei also found Mo Ran not far away.

Different from the last time, there were only three people who came this time, but Chu Fei was a little strange. After only one day, they gathered enough crystal cores to consume?

If there is business to do, Chu Fei will definitely not refuse. Knowing that being outside the house will make it more difficult for them to come in, he didn't stay outside for too long, so he turned around and walked inside the house to wait.

After a while, Mo Ran led two people into the store, and seeing the environment in the store, they all opened their mouths in surprise, after all, it was very ordinary when they came here yesterday.

But today the restaurant has completely changed its appearance. Not only are there so many exquisite decorations, but even the area is much larger than yesterday, which makes Chu Fei's ability even more mysterious in Mo Ran's heart.

"Good morning, Boss Chu, your shop has been redecorated? It's very beautiful!" Although Mo Ran was surprised, he didn't say much, just a few polite words.

Chu Fei nodded slightly, with a smile on the corner of his mouth. The impression of Mo Ran in his heart has always been very good. Although they are all guests, they are more popular like this.

"Sit down casually, what do you want to eat today?" Chu Fei handed over the menu with a hint of weakness in his tone.

Mo Ran's heart moved slightly. It seemed that something terrible happened yesterday, and it seemed that Chu Fei was also injured. Although Chu Fei combed himself carefully, he still couldn't cover up the scar left by last night.

Through some ragged clothes, Chu Fei's body was covered with dense scars. Mo Ran, who had dealt with zombies for several days, naturally knew how these scars were left.

Thinking of the corpses of zombies whose heads had been ripped out outside, Mo Ran had a guess in his mind. Did the owner go out to find materials for decoration?

Such a huge group of zombies can't stop Chu Fei, and even the crystal nucleus has been taken away. Such strength really makes Mo Ran a little frightened.

"Give me a piece of braised thigh and a piece of stir-fried dragon liver. Boss Chu's dishes are still very effective." Mo Ran didn't open the menu. After all, he had already read it yesterday, and he wanted to consume it before coming here. up.

After ordering a good dish, Mo Ran counted twenty crystal nuclei from the pocket on his body and put them on the table. He didn't ask much about Chu Fei's injuries.

He just came to eat, the restaurant can bring him supernatural powers, and it can still operate normally, that's enough, other things don't have much to do with him.

Some things, it is better not to know too clearly, too much curiosity is not a good thing after all, and this matter, it is estimated that there will be no answer if asked, it will only increase boredom.

Chu Fei nodded slightly, stretched out his hand to put away the crystal nucleus, turned around and went into the back kitchen to get busy.

Mo Ran sat on the table chatting in every possible way, the wooden table and chairs were unexpectedly comfortable, and there was a very strange feeling, he couldn't describe what this feeling was, but he vaguely felt that it seemed to be a good thing.

This restaurant has become more and more strange. After Mo Ran went back yesterday, he told the boss about the situation of the restaurant, and the boss's reaction also made him puzzled.

It was as if the attitudes of the two had been changed. The boss was very eager before he came, but after he was also very excited to bring the news back, the boss just said it was good coldly, and let him take people out.

ps: His family is in the hospital these days, so Xiaojin is a little busy during the day, so he can only code at night, but everyone can rest assured that the minimum will not be less than two updates a day. Please understand that Xiaojin will work hard to update to compensate everyone when he stabilizes .

Let me explain to everyone here that Xiaojin is full-time. After this period of time is over, updating is definitely not a problem. After it is put on the shelves, Xiaojin guarantees that there will be at least four updates every day. This is Xiaojin's promise!

By the way, I recommend a friend’s book, a friendly recommendation, I haven’t read a lot: "End of the World Game from Zero", when God comes to the world, just a few words will transform the world into an end of the world game...

(End of this chapter) To read the latest chapter, please pay attention to WeChat account: rd444


Chapter 46 New Unlocked Features

With a wry smile, Mo Ran let go of the thoughts in his heart. He couldn't figure out the boss's thoughts. Instead of speculating here and getting no results in the end, it's better to work hard to do your own thing well.

Regardless of the young age of the boss, Mo Ran is convinced by his means and strength. Perhaps a person like that can lead them to break out of this troubled world.

I don't know who is more powerful than the owner of this shop?

Looking at the busy figure in the back kitchen, such a thought just appeared in Mo Ran's mind, and then he ruthlessly suppressed it. Although Chu Fei is very mysterious, maybe he is also a master, but how can he compare with his boss? ?

Mo Ran, who grew up with the boss since he was a child, knows that person's strength very well. In today's world, he still doesn't believe that anyone can surpass him in strength!

It has to be said that Mo Ran's admiration for someone can be said to be blind, just like a brainwashed church member worships their gods.

Because this time they were cooking two dishes, the waiting time was a bit longer than last time, but thinking of the tempting aroma yesterday, they all held their breath.

The two of them were there when Mo Ran came here to eat before, and they saw all the changes before and after, so they were extremely looking forward to the food that was about to arrive. .

After a while, Chu Fei walked to the dining table with two plates of dishes, and suddenly a strong aroma of the dishes rushed to his face. They swallowed a mouthful of saliva and looked at the food in Chu Fei's hands eagerly.

Chu Fei immediately felt a little funny, but he didn't delay on purpose. If the customer spends the crystal core, the food should be served as quickly as possible. This is the minimum principle of a restaurant.

Leaving aside the thoughts in his heart, Chu Fei put the food in his hands on the table, turned his head and walked towards the counter without saying a word.

"Are you going to wear this dress to receive guests?"

As soon as he walked to the counter, Chu Fei heard the voice in his mind. He couldn't help being taken aback when he heard the words, and replied with a wry smile: "Otherwise? There are no clothes to buy in the mall, and I can't get out of my current state. Letting others bring it back will only arouse suspicion."

"...Don't you turn on the computer to have a look? After the store is upgraded, some new functions will definitely be added. Do I need to remind you of this kind of problem?"

Damn it, being despised by the system again, Chu Fei pouted speechlessly, but he didn't talk back to the system either.

This matter, I was indeed negligent. The store has been upgraded, but I didn't think to see what functions were added. If it wasn't for the system prompt, I don't know when I would think of this.

Chu Fei secretly blamed himself, thanked the system, reached out and turned on the computer. Chu Fei was still very curious about what kind of functions would be added after the restaurant was upgraded.

The screen was still familiar, but the icons on it were different. Chu Fei clicked on a new icon that appeared, glanced at it quickly, and thought deeply.

The fashion function mentioned by the system, in Chu Fei's view, is more like an equipment store in the game. There are all kinds of clothes and jewelry in it, and most of them have magical effects.

Chu Fei chose a set of dark red robes for himself. The style of the robes is very similar to the ancient clothes in TV dramas. The patterns are not very complicated, and the sharp lines give people a very neat feeling.

Although wearing a robe is not suitable for cooking, Chu Fei likes this outfit very much, not only for its appearance, but also for its additional attributes.

Costume Name: Scarlet Moon (upgradeable)

Fashion introduction: Made from the silk of ice and fire silkworms, soaked in the blood of high-grade silkworms for 79 days, it is made by masters.

Fashion effect: within the appropriate range, water and fire will not invade, and increase the boiling and recovery speed of one's own blood.

The introduction in the mall is very vague, and the others are easy to understand, but what this upgradeable means, Chu Fei is not very clear.

As for the effect of increasing the boiling speed of qi and blood among its effects, Chu Fei was even more confused, but the system did not give a reminder, and what kind of effect it would have needs to be exchanged and slowly explored.

Although the specific effect has not been confirmed, it still can't stop Chu Fei's love for this costume, and it can increase the speed of blood energy recovery, which is simply made for his supernatural energy body.

It is a pity that there is an introduction on the mall that the fashion exchanged will only be effective for Chu Fei himself, even if other people wear it, it will have no effect.

Originally, he wanted to sell fashion to earn crystal nuclei, but this restriction turned Chu Fei's idea into a bubble. It seems that he can only open his own restaurant honestly.

However, what makes Chu Fei feel a little uneasy is that he is not very clear about the origin of the system until now. He seems to feel that there are some secrets in this system.

Food that can give people supernatural powers, decorations and fashions with attributes, and introductions from various strange planets, all of these are full of mysteries, and people can't help but find out.

If you ask the system, you will definitely not get any answers. Didn't the system say it before, when you have enough permissions, you will naturally know all this.

The highest level of crystal nucleus marked on the energy center is the ninth level, presumably by that time, the answers to all these mysteries will be revealed.

After thinking it over clearly, Chu Fei did not continue to investigate further. Anyway, the system is now beneficial to him and harmless. Instead of thinking about these incomprehensible things, it is better to use the system to improve his own ability.

After all, relying on external objects has a lot of restrictions, and one's own strength is the most real. Even if one day the system disappears or cannot be used for some reason, it will not make Chu Fei unable to survive.

The Scarlet Moon cost Chu Fei [-] points of energy, and the loan amount had been exhausted, so Chu Fei deducted [-] points from the energy in the restaurant to buy it.

Five hundred points of energy, converted into crystal nuclei, is five hundred. This made Chu Fei very painful. With so many crystal nuclei, he didn't know when he would be able to earn them back.

There are still customers in the restaurant, and Chu Fei is not very good at extracting fashions now, so he can only store them in the system for the time being, and then take them out and study them carefully when there is no one in the store.

After learning about the fashion system, Chu Fei checked the previous icons one by one. With the upgrade of the system, the previous functions may have some changes.

Chu Fei browsed through several functions very carefully, and the rest remained unchanged, except that there were more ingredients available for purchase, so that he could study new cuisines again.

Because the phone was broken, this chapter said that there is no way to reply, but I have read it, thank you for your concern, it is worthwhile to feel hard and tired in an instant, Xiao Jin will pay attention to his body, and please also pay attention to rest and wait for busy After this period of time, Xiaojin will work hard to update and ensure the quality of the article! ps: To tell the truth, Xiao Jin is not a master, and even the results of this book are only average. Maybe you can't imagine what your random word of encouragement means to me.

(End of this chapter) To read the latest chapter, please pay attention to WeChat account: rd444


Chapter 47 Potato Stew

There are several kinds of vegetables and meat newly added in the shopping mall. Besides, there are also some strangely shaped fruits, but there is no specific introduction on them, and Chu Fei doesn't know what they are.

Finally, new cuisines can be added. If the menu has not been updated, the regular customers in the store will be bored.

After all, most of them have awakened their abilities, and they can come to the restaurant to eat because of the energy and the taste of the dishes. If there are such a few dishes every day, I believe no one can stand no matter how delicious they are.

After picking out some ingredients at random, Chu Fei came to the back kitchen. He was a little hungry after working so hard, so he just took this opportunity to try out the cuisine.

Because he didn't know the taste of the new ingredients, Chu Fei didn't try it rashly, but picked the yam-shaped potatoes and some goblin leg meat that had been unlocked before, and planned to stew them together.

Potato stew is not difficult to make. This is a very common home-cooked dish, but it takes a little longer than other dishes.

Chu Fei is very weak now, so eat more meat to supplement, this is also Chu Fei's idea of ​​choosing this dish.

After processing the ingredients, cut the potatoes and leg meat into even small pieces, first blanch the meat pieces, cook the onion, ginger and garlic juice, fry the meat, fry the sugar color in another pot, and put the fried meat pieces into the pot , add dark soy sauce and salty block foam and stir fry.

Add water, bring to a boil over high heat, simmer for a while, then add potato cubes, after boiling, collect juice over low heat, season, thicken, pour oil out of the pan.

Put the prepared dishes into the soup plate, white potatoes mixed with dark red pieces of meat, the viscous soup was still steaming, which made Chu Fei's appetite greatly increased.

"Ding~ Congratulations to the host for researching a new dish, please name the dish."

"Potato Stew."

"Ding~ The dish has been named successfully. Would you like to add it to the menu?"


Adding potato stew to the menu, Chu Fei remembered the backpack left by Qian Jianming and others, and there seemed to be some instant noodles in it.

Chu Fei's heart skipped a beat, and he looked back to find it. He started the fire again and cooked some instant noodles with the remaining broth in the pot, and chopped some spicy vegetables for seasoning.

After preparing all the food, Chu Fei took the food out, but unexpectedly found that Mo Ran and others had begun to wake up.

Chu Fei didn't pay attention to the outside when he was cooking, and the two people brought by Mo Ran were really patient, and they managed to hold on without making too much noise, so he didn't notice it.

Chu Fei glanced curiously, and then looked away. He was not surprised that the two of them could awaken. After selling a few dishes, he had a general understanding of the awakening probability mentioned in the introduction.

In fact, the more he ate, the greater the chance of awakening. At least he saw several guests, and after each person ate a dish, they all successfully awakened.

This is good news, but Chu Fei didn't care too much about it. Compared with these things, Chu Fei wanted to solve his own food and clothing problems first.

Unless there are some force majeure factors, Chu Fei will never be distracted. Eating is eating, and anything else should be done after eating.

This is also one of the reasons why Chu Fei couldn't find a serious job before, so he could only work as a temporary laborer. After all, there is no place that can accept such paranoid and inefficient employees.

Chu Fei licked his chapped lips, and reached out to pick up the chopsticks on the table. It wasn't that he didn't have any water to drink, but it was hard for him to feel thirsty, so he often forgot to drink water. Long-term lack of water would keep his lips chapped status.

Yesterday's consumption was so huge, and it was already a bit late, smelling the aroma from the plate, Chu Fei felt a hunger in his stomach.

Impatiently, he picked up a piece of meat and put it into his mouth. Because the temperature of the piece of meat was still a little high just after it was made, Chu Fei was scalded unexpectedly.

After exhaling a few breaths, suppressing the hot feeling in his mouth, Chu Fei began to taste it slowly.

Unlike braised pork, stewed meat has a softer texture and a hint of potato fragrance. Although the recipe is somewhat the same, the taste is quite different.

After chewing and swallowing the piece of meat in his mouth, Chu Fei spooned some soup and mixed it in the instant noodles, which was also mixed with some potatoes and pieces of meat. This way of eating was Chu Fei's long-standing habit.

The slightly spicy boiled noodles greatly increased Chu Fei's appetite, and the rich broth was even more fragrant. He almost bit his tongue. Regardless of the presence of other people in the shop, Chu Fei swallowed without image.

The taste of the instant noodles slightly affected the overall taste, but the taste of the potato stew was really delicious. Chu Fei himself often made this dish, but he had never tasted such a delicacy.

Only the ingredients provided by the system can make such delicious food. Chu Fei devoured the delicious food in front of him, and suddenly felt that this kind of life is not bad, at least, it is much better than before.

The movements on Chu Fei's side naturally also affected Mo Ran. Seeing how delicious Chu Fei's food was, Mo Ran swallowed, regretting that he didn't read the menu. There was no such dish before.

Seeing that the two teammates around him were fine, Mo Ran hesitated for a moment, got up and came to Chu Fei's table and asked: "Boss Chu, what kind of dish is this, I haven't seen it before, can you show me the menu? "

When Chu Fei was interrupted while eating, he frowned and felt a little irritable. He pointed to the menu on the table with a displeased face, and motioned Mo Ran to go and see by himself, but he didn't respond.

Seeing that Chu Fei was a little upset, Mo Ran felt strange, but he didn't say much, just thought it was Chu Fei having a convulsion, smiled on his face, took the menu and looked through it.

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