
In the vast chaos, Chen Xuanqing opened his eyes with a confused face, and saw the whole Jiuzhou presented in front of his eyes at this moment!

Chen Xuanqing looked at her hands slowly, "Did you succeed, but why am I here?"

In the vast chaos, there is only Chen Xuanqing alone, but he is the body of a true god, so he is not afraid of the erosion of chaos.

But at this moment, Chen Xuanqing suddenly discovered a huge creature in the chaos. The size of that creature was unbelievably large, even bigger than the Jiuzhou Realm!

Chen Xuanqing looked at the creature in front of him and was stunned for a moment. The creature had six wings on its back, its whole body was red like a bag, and it had no face. Nine huge heads and an extremely long tail suddenly grew out of its figure. !

"Another human being, hehe."

As the monster spoke, a pure black beam of light suddenly shot out from one of its heads, hitting Chen Xuanqing's chest directly! !

Boom! !

A huge roar exploded in the chaos, but it didn't spread at all, it just exploded in Chen Xuanqing's ears.

However, this attack seemed to be powerful, but it did not cause any harm to Chen Xuanqing. The monster was stunned when he saw this, "No, you are not a human being, but you are also an ancient god?"

Chen Xuanqing looked at the monster upon hearing the words, "Who are you?"

The monster grinned when he heard the words, "My name is Di Jiang. I happened to see some food here, so I had a full meal. I didn't expect you to be a god. I'm rude."

Had a full meal?

Chen Xuanqing frowned, "That is to say, all those Heavenly Venerates who ascended to Chaos entered your stomach?"

Di Jiang grinned, "Exactly."

For some reason, at this moment, Chen Xuanqing's eyes suddenly burst into a killing intent, "Really, then I have to put aside your stomach and see what you have eaten!"

puff! ! !

After Chen Xuanqing finished speaking, he suddenly threw out his arm, and saw the endless power of chaos instantly condensed in his hand, and transformed into a sword of chaos that could tear apart Jiuzhou!

This is exactly the sword that Immortal Master Hidden Sword realized. Without saying a word, Chen Xuanqing immediately swung the sword to cover his ears and cut off all nine of Di Jiang's heads at once!


Di Jiang's eyes widened instantly when he saw the nine heads, but soon, his nine heads grew back again, "It's useless, as a god, don't you know, our innate gods don't die off."


Chen Xuanqing grinned when he heard the words, "That's right, then try the sword!"

Absolutely kill and activate!


Without further ado, Chen Xuanqing immediately slashed out with another sword, but the momentum of this sword was extremely terrifying, compared with the sword just now, it was a world of difference!

Seeing this, Di Jiang was dumbfounded, "No, this is..."

puff! ! !

Just hearing the sound of flesh and blood being pierced, Di Jiang's body was instantly torn apart by Chen Xuanqing's sword, and never healed again!

The huge figure fell down in the chaos, and the immortal god of the ancient times, Di Jiang, died.

Chen Xuanqing slowly dispersed the sword in his hand, and at this moment, countless spiritual breaths burst out from Di Jiang's body, and these spiritual breaths were all human spiritual breaths.

"Poor people, there must be something to hate, that's all, it's not your fault in the end, so let's save you and wait."

"Take it as a test of supernatural powers. After all, I have never used this supernatural power. The supernatural power of transcending tribulations lasts forever!"

I saw Chen Xuanqing stretch out his palm fiercely, and saw the countless spiritual breaths hovering in an instant, and they directly condensed into human figures!

This is the supernatural power that Chen Xuanqing realized after going through the ninety-nine-day calamity. It lasts forever. It has the magical power to change fate against the sky. It can truly bring the dead back to life. Speaking of it... what he was looking for at the beginning was not like this power?

As figures emerged from the chaos, Chen Xuanqing swept across their faces. Without exception, these people were all powerful in the Heavenly Exalted Realm.

"Wait, why didn't he die?"

"Who saved us?"

"This is……"

"Is that you, senior?"

"Dare to ask senior's Dharma name?"

"Is the senior an immortal from the upper realm, who came to lead us into the immortal realm?"


These guys haven't given up yet.

Chen Xuanqing frowned, "My name is Yuanyuan, I am not an immortal from the upper realm, and there is no so-called fairyland, so let's go back, the storm is over, you are not a real fairy, if you continue to stay here, you will eventually be annihilated in the chaos again .”

"There is no fairyland?"

"how is this possible?"

"I don't believe it!"

"Has the storm calmed down?"

"Impossible, I don't believe it!"


Chen Xuanqing snorted coldly, "I'm good at persuading you, don't you know how to flatter me."

One of the immortals gritted his teeth when he heard Chen Xuanqing's words, "I don't believe it, we risked our lives to cross the calamity and ascend to this place, but the result was that the bamboo basket fetched water in vain, how could I be reconciled!"

"I won't go back, even if the wind disaster is over, so what, there will still be floods and fires, I must find the fairy world!"

After finishing speaking, the immortal reverend turned his head and rushed out. Seeing this, the other immortal reverends looked at each other, and finally turned around silently, and continued to march towards the vast chaos.

Seeing them like this, Chen Xuanqing had nothing to say, and could only go with them. Looking at the body of Di Jiang falling in the chaos, Chen Xuanqing suddenly thought of something, and finally activated his magical powers again, directly resurrecting Di Jiang.

But this time, he directly rewrote Dijiang's memory, "From today onwards, you are no longer Dijiang, but the patron saint of Jiuzhou, Jiutian."


Chapter 523: The Death of Lian Tianxian Zun!

There is no concept of time in the chaos, and Chen Xuanqing no longer knows how many years have passed since he sat in the chaos. He just sat quietly like this, and Di Jiang, who was resurrected by him, was quietly waiting by his side.

The wind disaster has subsided, but the world's membrane is extremely fragile at this time, Chen Xuanqing dare not tear the void easily and return to Jiuzhou. If he tears the void and returns to Jiuzhou during this period, a little carelessness will cause the wind disaster again.

Therefore, Chen Xuanqing chose to wait.

And just as he fell into the long wait, some of the Heavenly Venerates who had penetrated into the chaos ran back, crying and begging Chen Xuanqing to save them.

Their bodies had been eroded by the void beyond recognition, and just when they were about to lose themselves in the void and turn into monsters, they found Chen Xuanqing.

And begged to be rescued by Chen Xuanqing, Chen Xuanqing finally chose to help them, he resurrected these people again with magical powers, but these people went deep into the void again after the resurrection.

In this way, in the long time, Chen Xuanqing witnessed the death of countless celestial beings, and also witnessed their rebirth, because the existence of Chen Xuanqing made these celestial beings begin to look down on death.

Whenever they fell into a dead end, they would tacitly find Chen Xuanqing and pray for his salvation.

Chen Xuanqing saved them again and again, which made them more unscrupulous, thinking that Chen Xuanqing would definitely not refuse to save them, or even fear death.

Anyway, Chen Xuanqing was there...

They thought this way until that day came, when those innocents dragged their broken limbs back to the starting point, ready to seek Chen Xuanqing's redemption.

But on that day, Chen Xuanqing... disappeared!

All the Heavenly Venerates were dumbfounded when they heard the news, they frantically searched for Chen Xuanqing, and finally, they learned from Jiutian that Chen Xuanqing had left them a sentence.

"You are hopeless. I can't save you, and I don't want to. I have given you many chances, but unfortunately, you don't know how to cherish them."


After getting this news, all Tianzun collapsed.

"No...Yuan, don't leave us...don't, leave me..."

"I... know I was wrong, resurrect me, primitive... resurrect me, why not, no, resurrect, I... you must... fell asleep, in that abyss... fell asleep..."

"Original, you, just like that, abandoned us?"

At the last second when all the celestial beings were completely eroded by chaos, they all repeated the last sentence frantically, and just like that, step by step, they became monsters.


At this time, Chen Xuanqing had already returned to Jiuzhou. Since the end of the typhoon, nearly 1 years have passed in Jiuzhou.

The five continents were completely torn apart, and the Nine Continents took shape.

And the first thing Chen Xuanqing learned after returning to Jiuzhou was the fall of the Immortal Lord Lian Tian. It was rumored that the Immortal Lian held a grand ceremony after refining the Ten Immortal Artifacts to announce the Ten Immortal Artifacts to the world. The advent of the Great Immortal Artifact!

He used the mountains, rivers, and universe as his array map, and guided by the immortal artifacts of the ten directions, he guided a burst of miraculous and indescribable power!

That is, the power of the demon!

But very soon, Immortal Venerable Liantian realized that this power would become a signal to completely transmit the information of Jiuzhou to the chaos through the sun!

This is equivalent to passing the position of Kyushu to all the terrifying existences in the chaos. Only then did he realize that he was completely wrong!

The Ten Immortal Artifacts are definitely not magic weapons to save the world, but a key to open the door of destruction!

This thing must not stay in Jiuzhou!

Immortal Venerable Liantian soon understood the mistake he had made, but it was too late, and as a last resort, he had no choice but to forcibly dismantle the Ten Immortal Artifacts regardless of his life!

But the formation has reached the end, which undoubtedly caused him to suffer a terrible backlash, and this is also the root cause of the downfall of Lian Tianxian Zun!

After that, he told the truth to some people he trusted, and said something like this, "The sky is full of strange splendor, just like the power of the Holy Spirit, even thousands of suns can't compete with it, we It is Death, the sinner of this world."

After saying this sentence, the life of Lian Tianxian has also come to an end, he has no ability to destroy this creation created by himself, which was once praised by him as something beyond the fairy weapon, at this moment, Branded as a murder weapon by himself!

He frankly told the world about his crimes, and the people who didn't know the truth gave him a disparaging title, the ancestor of the devil, the ancestor of the blood demon, this title is not groundless.

In fact, after the death of Yuan Ling Xianzun, Lian Tianxianzun has fallen into madness in order to forge the ten weapons. He does not hesitate to forge the ten weapons even at the cost of blood sacrifice!

And this is the origin of his scorn.

But before Lian Tianzun died, he found ten people he trusted and asked them to destroy the top ten weapons!

At this moment, he no longer has the ability to destroy the creations he created, so he can only entrust his hope to the ten most famous immortals in the world!

The face of the blood spring was given by him to the disciple of the Yuanling Immortal Venerable, that is, the disciple that Chen Xuanqing personally sought out for the Yuanling Immortal Venerable. At this moment, he has also been promoted to the Celestial Venerable, and his title is bullying the sky.

He left Qizong and returned to Jiutian Peak to set up the gate of Taixu Immortal Sect. However, although he opened a sect, it only occupied a title. There was not a single disciple in the sect. I took in a few disciples in the year, but also, don't ask.

But no matter what, his departure was indeed the root cause of the downfall of the later generations of Qizong.

After accepting the face of the blood spring, the bully Tianxianzun did not neglect, after all, the Liantianxianzun is Yuanling Xianzun, that is, his master's younger brother, he can be regarded as his martial uncle, how can he refuse the entrustment of his master's uncle at the end of his life ?

And the first method he thought of was to use the power of Heavenly Tribulation to destroy the face of the blood spring!

The second Tianzun entrusted by Lian Tianxianzun is a fledgling Tianzun who rose in Tianzhu Continent. He is known as the number one genius in the world. He has encountered many adventures along the way. .

He obtained the Kuva Divine Store that could rot the sky and devour the earth, but he didn't think about how to destroy the Kuva Divine Store, but refined it for his own use.

The same is true of the other Tianzun except the bullying Tianzun. They have no idea of ​​​​destroying the murder weapon, but instead use it for their own use.

The disciple of the Immortal Master Lian, the Taoist Burning Mountain, the Immortal Master of Blood Refining obtained the Death Thought Killing Spirit that can grow infinitely, and with this, he became the title of Demon Lord of Blood Refining in later generations.

The Pure Land Immortal created Buddhism, and the Liantian Immortal gave him the Jiutian Yueying, which can pause time, but never thought that the Pure Land Immortal would go to the Great Wilderness to teach thousands of demons in later generations, and leave the Jiutian Yueying to the demon clan.

Sword Patriarch Wang Chunfeng, the eldest son of Hidden Sword Immortal, and the current city lord of Emperor Wudi City, obtained the White Bone Rakshasa made from his father's bones. He couldn't bear to destroy it, so he kept it for generations.


Chapter 524 The starting point!

However, the body of Tai Sui, which is said to be immortal, and the Supreme Buddha, were finally handed over to two little-known Heavenly Venerates. Their strength was not strong, which aroused Shangguan's coveting with swords in later generations.

Their ending was extremely tragic. At the end of the ten-party demon emperor, the demon king who was in charge of the Supreme Buddha was beheaded by the Shangguan with a knife, and the Supreme Buddha was taken away, but the Taisui body was at a loss.

The Soul Slayer Chang Luo, who can devour souls, was handed over to a universal immortal. His name was Hongchen Xianzun, and he was also the Hongchen Demon Lord of later generations.

In order to revive his beloved woman, he traveled all over the world to search for the method of bringing the dead back to life, and finally went deep into the underworld. It was taken away by Yan Luo in the temple.

Huan Hai Nie Chi was handed over to a female Celestial Venerable, who made amazing achievements in the way of illusion by studying Huan Hai Nian Chi, and finally set up the Illusion Sect, but in the end because of being targeted by the Shangguan with a knife Doomed to die.

But the last murder weapon, the Nine Surprised Profound Orb, which can allow mortals to cross the chaos, was handed over to the Immortal Lord Peeping Heaven, the current Pavilion Master of Tianji Pavilion, Nine Doubts.

But what Lian Tianxianzun didn't know was that long before the hurricane disaster, Jiuyi had launched a battle against the heavens. They went to crusade against the heavens, but they were finally stopped by another Chen Xuanqing, and countless Tianzun died.

And the so-called ascension scam was also proposed by him. After obtaining the Jiuju Xuanzhu, Jiusu made a plan, opened up the first direct road to chaos in later generations, and pretended to take all his personal disciples with him to ascend. Fairyland.

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