"I didn't exist as Chen Xuanqing's substitute, but I lived in this world once in the identity of Taiyi."

Chen Xuanqing's eyes flashed, "Is this your purpose?"

Tai nodded slightly, "Although it is cruel, but in this case, at least the history of this world will remember me."

"Whether it's notoriety or infamy, it doesn't matter to me. As long as someone remembers me, it proves that I have existed and lived."

"Perhaps dying silently and without a name is my destination, but occasionally, I also want to be willful once in a while."

Even if you drag all the demon cultivators to be buried with you.

Looking at the corpses everywhere, Chen Xuanqing raised the sword silently, and Taiyi also closed his eyes silently at this moment.

This time, it's really over.

As Chen Xuanqing slammed down the sword, he used all his strength to activate the immeasurable sword intent, and directly carried Wanjun's strength, and slashed down!

puff! !

With the sound of flesh and blood being torn apart by a sharp weapon, Chen Xuanqing cut off Tai Yi's body from the head in an instant, directly splitting him in two!

Including the face of the blood spring, it was also instantly shattered into two halves.

As a stream of blood sprayed out, Tai Yi's body slowly dissipated, and then instantly turned into two gleams of light and poured into Chen Xuanqing's body.


The two merged once again, Chen Xuanqing closed his eyes tightly, and an unknown memory instantly merged into his mind.

That was when he was facing the way of heaven, Taiyi regained his consciousness, and happened to meet Jiuyi who had just left the way of heaven.

After Jiuyi looked at Taiyi, he didn't feel surprised. On the contrary, he seemed to have been prepared, and he took the initiative to find Taiyi and said something.

"I don't know if you are the same, but I can feel that you are exactly the same as him. If you fail this time, I feel that there is nothing I can do in the future."

"But I once heard the leader mention the three words candlestick, and he didn't seem to know what it meant. I can always feel that the leader seems to have forgotten something, or that he doesn't belong to this place at all. era."

"It's not referring to the identity of an extraterrestrial demon. What I really thought of was actually reversing time and going back in time..."

"If you are not alone but are connected, can you do me a favor and lead the leader to the Candle Altar. I believe that there must be a shocking secret hidden in the Candle Altar. Perhaps, the zero-and-one attempt is also the result of this. I can't even tell."

How to find the Candelabra?

"The face of the blood spring can use other people's supernatural powers, take my heart, and you can naturally find the candlestick."

Why don't you go find it yourself?

"Because of me, I can't face the leader. If you have the same ability, then I will give my hope to you, which may be the most correct choice."

"But if you are all alone, then just treat me as a messenger and relay these words to the leader."

I chose the former, because he's probably going to make up his mind soon, so at least let me do something at the end.

Although I am Chen Xuanqing, I have never lived with this identity. If so, let me live with the etheric identity once.

This time it was not someone's order, everything was his own plan.

He didn't kill Chen Xuanqing for the purpose of killing the master, because he knew he couldn't do it, so he just wanted to kill himself vigorously, at least a little more decently.

I don't want to die in obscurity, I don't want to be forgotten.

All he asked for was this.

What happened to him 1000 years later, he doesn't know, maybe he also has the same idea, but he wants to die with all his strength and no regrets.

But the bigger reason is probably just to make Chen Xuanqing make up his mind to kill himself.

After Chen Xuanqing saw this, he grabbed half of the face of the blood spring flying in front of him, and the other half was completely annihilated into ashes because of Chen Xuanqing's excessive force.

At the same time, Chen Xuanqing included the Supreme Buddha in the storage ring.

Then slowly, he put the half of the Blood Fountain Mask on his face.


Chapter 382 The Candle Dragon Appears!

As Chen Xuanqing put that half of the mask on his face, he saw Bai Di suddenly rushing over from below, as if there was something important.

"I have something very bad to tell you."

"The seal of the Candle Altar may not be able to be maintained."

Chen Xuanqing turned his head when he heard the words, half of his face was covered by a mask, his left eye turned blood-colored, and the left half of his hair directly turned into snow-white long hair.

"Can you strengthen the seal?"

Baidi shook his head, "I'm afraid it won't work. This seal was not done by manpower, but Zhulong himself added it to himself. There is no way for us to repair this seal."

"What's next?"

How to do?

Chen Xuanqing glanced at the group of monks below, more than [-]% of the monks on their side survived, and there were quite a few survivors among the demon cultivators.

Now they have fled everywhere, but they don't have the energy and time to get rid of these fish that slipped through the net.

However, there is a woman who has been standing on the Candle Altar, and never moved a step until Tai Yi died.

That woman should be Taiyi's apprentice, Zhou Shihua.

Chen Xuanqing ignored her, but turned to look at Baidi, "If Zhulong comes out, then I will kill him immediately."

Baidi thought for a while, "How sure are you?"

Chen Xuanqing stretched out a finger, "I'm only [-]% sure."


Here, Bai Di was about to say something, but at this moment, a loud noise suddenly reached everyone's ears!

Everyone looked down together at this moment, and saw the candle god stand under Zhou Shihua's feet instantly shattered into ashes, and a huge eye suddenly emerged from the ground!

Zhou Shihua's footsteps trembled, and then she fell into the huge pupil in an instant, and disappeared directly from then on.

But before Chen Xuanqing and others could react, everything in this world suddenly stopped functioning, all sounds disappeared, and everyone's movements stopped.

It was as if time had stopped.

Everyone froze in place, and all kinds of expressions were also frozen at this moment. Only Chen Xuanqing could clearly realize that time was frozen at this moment.

But like everyone else, he couldn't move his body, and he couldn't even open the system.

In this silent world, there is a huge figure slowly swinging its body.

Then tear the seal!

Boom! !

Large pieces of rocks burst out, but in the end they were all suspended in the sky, standing still, and there was no follow-up sound.

Chen Xuanqing stared wide-eyed like this, watching the entire barren rock mountain crumble inch by inch before his eyes, revealing scales, claws, and a body as tall as mountains!

The entire barren rock mountain turned out to be the body of Zhulong!

The shock in Chen Xuanqing's heart is beyond doubt, the entire barren rock mountain is huge, but in terms of length, it is enough to span across Central Continent!


Suddenly, a flame illuminated the gloomy world!

In front of Chen Xuanqing's eyes, a huge figure rose from the ground, and finally lowered his head slowly, looking at Chen Xuanqing statically.

This is……

Candle Dragon?

It was a huge human face, but under it was a dragon body, beside this human face was covered with dragon whiskers, and there were two pairs of blade-like horns, and a ball of fire essence shone in the two pairs of horns. Light up everything.

Shine like the sun.

Perhaps because he realized that he was too huge, he saw Zhulong suddenly turn around, shrinking his body continuously, and finally shrunk directly to a size of more than ten meters.

There seem to be countless stars and worlds in his eyes, and they contain a unique power of law.

But now the candle dragon is stretching out a paw and putting it on the lower jaw, as if thinking about something, "So it's you."

it is me?

Chen Xuanqing was stunned for a moment, not understanding what the candle dragon was referring to. Could it be the release of the candle dragon?

He wanted to open his mouth to speak, but he couldn't.

Seeing this, Zhulong didn't say much, but stretched out a finger silently, and saw an invisible force condense out of his fingertips in an instant, "As a punishment for breaking the deadlocked agreement, I should erase the existence of human beings. "

"But since it's you, let's forget about it. After all, the future depends on you, but since I wake up early, I can't fall into a deep sleep again without doing anything, so I will give you the source of time." Bar."

"This power is enough for you to reverse the future twice. That is to say, you still have the chance of trial and error, but don't use it lightly. Even a small change in the past is enough to subvert the entire future."

"Remember, remember, if you really cross the long river of time, part of your memory will definitely be used as a price, and will always stay at a certain moment in the long river of time."

"Of course, if you use all four time powers, then [-]% of your memories will remain in the long river of time. Therefore, before using it, think about why you don't hesitate to cross the long river of time."

After finishing speaking, I saw a little star light from Zhulong's fingertips sinking into Chen Xuanqing's forehead in an instant, and then, everything seemed to be reversed in time, and the cracked rocks gradually returned to their original positions.

Everything seemed to be turned upside down, and Zhulong's figure gradually returned to its original position, and the original seal was strengthened on it again.

The Candle God Stand was intact again, but Zhou Shihua, who was standing on the Candle God Stand, disappeared completely.

Everyone felt as if they had just woken up from a dream, and they all looked around with puzzled faces. Among them, Baidi was the leader, "What's going on, why did the seal become intact in an instant?"

Seeing everyone's puzzled looks, Chen Xuanqing didn't say much, but slowly stretched out his fingers to touch his forehead.

The power of time still exists, it is enough to cross the long river of time, why did Zhulong give this power to him?

And judging from Zhulong's expression, he seems to know something in the dark, which is really unbelievable.

However, the cost of crossing time turned out to be memory.

These two opportunities are absolutely crucial, Chen Xuanqing has not found the need to use it in a short time, but since it was given to it by Zhulong, there must be an opportunity to use it.

It's just that the time should not be now.

Thinking of this, Chen Xuanqing looked at everyone, "In this battle, the battle of Yunqi, the devil Taiyi was wiped out by us, Jiuzhou is peaceful, the world is blessed, everyone, you have worked hard."

"It's all thanks to your help this time."

Everyone was taken aback when they heard the words, "No, we didn't actually do anything, it's mainly thanks to the saints!"


"If Zuo Jianxian hadn't conspired and directed us, we would never have killed Tai Yi so easily!"

"Zuo Jianxian is a celestial genius, and he is sure to be expected in the future. I will congratulate Zuo Jianxian in advance if I get a glimpse of the realm of Tianzun!"

"In any case, the seal of the Candle God Stand has not been broken. This is really a blessing in misfortune."

"After this battle, all sects and sects have been seriously injured, but they don't have the strength to fight among themselves. It's better to take a long-term view and meet the monster race that will come again in 1000 years."

"I agree."


"Then let's swear together, all of you make an oath together, within a thousand years, no one will fight for the life and death of the sect again!"


Chapter 383 500 years later!

Zhongzhou, Tianshan.

Tianji Pavilion.

In a secluded and secluded place, in a bamboo forest, two figures sat cross-legged in the bamboo forest and were playing chess with black and white.

Patriarch Tianji raised his head, "Fellow Daoist has improved his strength by leaps and bounds today. It's really gratifying to congratulate. You must be able to step into the realm of law in a short time."

Patriarch Tianji, the other man has half black hair, half white hair, with half a blood-colored mask on his face, holding a sunspot and slowly falling down, "Not so fast, it will take at least a hundred years to enter the realm of law. "

Ancestor Tianji smiled, "Fellow Daoist is humble. If you want to break through the realm of fusion, you must fuse the primordial spirit into one to complement the spiritual roots of the five elements. Fellow Daoists are born with five spiritual roots, and they all have the posture of heaven. They are superior to others, and the realm of one body is not easy for fellow Taoists."

The man on the other end chuckled twice, "Maybe, but speaking of it, the situation in Jiuzhou has changed a lot."

Ancestor Tianji nodded, "Indeed, although we made an oath together 500 years ago to stop fighting each other, but this only limits the conquest by force."

"Just like fellow Taoist, you ruled Mu Xianzhou. You don't have blood to fight. If you miss you, Zuo Jianxian, the other sects know that they are invincible, so they directly belong to Taiyi and become subordinate sects."

"Now, both Muxian Continent and Dongji Continent regard you as the co-lord. Fellow Daoists are in the heyday of the limelight. I don't think there was such a big commotion when Emperor Baidi ruled Xiji Continent and Genghuang Continent."

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