By the way, according to Song Ankang's understanding of the two strange gods, if his conjecture is correct, the strange god Curse Well may fall in love with the strange god Bixian, especially the white-clothed woman who is one of the components of the strange god Curse Well , and is extremely crazy about the strange god pen fairy.

Although I don't know how the white-clothed woman combined with the Guaishen Bixian, but under the backstab of the Guaishenbixian, both the white-clothed woman and Hei Shenjing were easily captured by Song Ankang and became his servants.

Under the influence of the imperial decree, as time goes by, Guaishen Manjujing and Guaishen Bixian will be completely loyal to Song Ankang little by little, and will never betray the slightest bit.

And Song Ankang's doing this can be regarded as helping the two monster gods. Since they have feelings between them, Song Ankang will not break them up, but will add fuel to the flames. Let's see if the combination of the two monster gods can produce even more weirdness.

Once successful, Song Ankang will be able to harvest a quasi-slave with amazing potential, and the two descendants of strange gods, their talents and aptitude should not be too bad.

Happily putting away the well of strange gods, Song Ankang looked at Zhu Lianke who was prostrate in front of him: "Your Majesty, thank you for your life-saving grace. I don't know if ordinary people can know the name of My Majesty. I will recite it every day in the future. I am grateful." Endless."

"There's no need for the name. Be careful in the future." Song Ankang waved his hand, and it disappeared into a stream of light.

Behind him, Zhu Lianke looked at Song Ankang who was going away, and the strange magic pen fairy who followed Song Ankang respectfully, his face was full of shock.

If he didn't guess wrong, or basically can be sure, the one just now is the hidden god of the human race that has been widely rumored during this period of time.

You must know that before this, several gods in Kyoto teamed up to take down the curse well of the strange god, including the middle god, but they failed to win the curse well of the strange god who had just been promoted, and lost a small god instead.

From here, we can know how strong the strange god curse well is, but in front of this hidden god, he was easily taken down without even blocking ten breaths.

The strength of this Yinshen Mianxia is so strong, I am afraid that he is also the top among the Central Gods. With this Mianxia secretly guarding the capital, everyone in the entire capital can breathe a little easier.

It's just a pity that I didn't ask the identity of this hidden god. By the way, this matter should be reported to Dajijiu immediately to let him know that the demons and ghosts have been eyeing the Imperial College. Bo, even a well-known strange god took action.

If it hadn't been for this hidden god's attack, once he was completely swallowed up by the strange god's curse well and his memory was obtained, the consequences would be disastrous.

Chapter 266 I'm Really Too Poor

Although Zhu Lianke's guess was correct, there was indeed a monster staring at the Guozijian, but he exaggerated the situation in his imagination. It wasn't that there were many monsters and ghosts who were staring at the Guozilian.

But even so, if Song Ankang hadn't acted in time, I'm afraid it would be difficult to keep the Guozijian this time.

A seriously injured Central God, together with a group of Qi-refinement monks from Guozijian, couldn't resist the complete strange god curse well.

After learning about what happened to Zhu Lianke and confirming it based on the clues left at the scene, the Grand Priest of the Imperial College was also horrified.

Because this time is really too thrilling, they almost all finished.

This matter was soon reported by the Dajijiu, so Song Ankang's identity as a hidden god became more and more resounding, and after the confirmation of the Guozijian Dajijiu, Song Ankang's combat power was definitely above the Central God, so there was no longer any doubt.

The Guozijian and the imperial court began to honor Song Ankang as the new patron saint. Many families secretly set up longevity tablets, but they didn't know that Song Ankang hadn't yet realized that he was a patron saint. He did so mainly for himself.

But unintentionally, he became the new patron saint of Kyoto and even the entire human race, and according to many people who were saved by him, Song Ankang, the hidden god, can be said to be impartial and selfless. He did not hesitate to fight countless demons and goblins, and even risked his life against the monsters alone.

In a short period of time, according to what the rescued human race said, Song Ankang, the hidden god, had taken down two monster gods, and made a great contribution to the human race.

After all, every seventh-rank demon and ghost is like a natural disaster for the human race. Song Ankang's actions are equivalent to eliminating two natural disasters for the human race.

However, under Song Ankang's deliberate actions, it seems that the two monster gods were killed by him, and he concealed the imperial order and slavery. Naturally, this was done to prevent the matter from spreading and being known by demons and ghosts. , affecting his follow-up to continue to enslave demons and ghosts.

Moreover, being able to enslave demons and goblins will also be one of Song Ankang's trump cards. It is better to hide as long as he can, which will be more beneficial to him.

Therefore, in other people's eyes, Song Ankang took down the monster god cleanly and neatly twice, without any muddle in the water, and mistakenly thought that Song Ankang's combat power was monstrous.

But he didn't know that Song Ankang forcibly enslaved the two monster gods through the imperial scriptures, but this seemed to be more difficult than simply defeating the two monster gods.

After taking down the Weishen Curse Well, Song Ankang got a lot of good things from it. Unfortunately, although he has been a god for a hundred years, there is no seventh-rank artifact in the Weishen Curse Well, which shows that artifacts are rare.

However, there are many other good things, and together they are worth at least tens of millions of low-grade spirit stones. As expected of a god, the accumulation is strong. Although the strange god mantra well has only become a god for about a hundred years, it is far more than the strange god pen fairy .

The accumulation of the strange god pen fairy is only tens of millions of low-grade spirit stones, which is nearly twice the difference from the strange god mantra well. The combined wealth and resources of the two strange gods barely exceed [-] million low-grade spirit stones, which is enough for Song Ankang to buy many panaceas. , Supporting his practice for several months.

It might sound a bit small, but after stepping into the realm of the seventh-rank gods, the eighth-rank panacea basically has no effect on him, and he can only take those seventh-rank panaceas and magic medicines.

The price of each of these magic pills and medicines is quite considerable, and basically they need to be purchased with high-grade spirit stones, and a high-grade spirit stone can be exchanged for at least 1 yuan of low-grade spirit stones, and there is no market for the price.

In other words, Song Ankang's [-] million low-grade spirit stones will only be about [-] high-grade spirit stones after conversion, and the cheapest magic pill will cost hundreds of high-grade spirit stones.

Even if all the spirit stones on Song Ankang's body were used up, he would only buy about twenty pieces of magic pills and medicines at most. How long would he be able to support Song Ankang's practice?

Fortunately, the potency of the magic pills and medicines is quite large, and it takes a certain amount of time to digest them. If you save a few days, one pill is enough for Song Ankang to take for several months.

But if Song Ankang wants to take it every day, I'm afraid he will last even less time.

Song Ankang, who had just searched for two strange gods and thought he had gotten rich, realized at this time that he was still so poor.

At any rate, his fighting power was comparable to that of Zhongshen, but he didn't even have a single divine weapon in his body, and all he used were some spiritual weapons. The sum of all his wealth was just over [-] high-grade spirit stones, and he could even take the magic pills and medicines every day. less than.

You must know that whether it is the practice of the Seven Scars Demon Sutra or the practice of the Sacred Heart Jue, it needs the support of a lot of magic pills and medicines, so that it can improve super fast. The current resources and wealth can't support Song Ankang's rapid progress improve.

Fortunately, the boy's magic skills can be improved rapidly through broken skills. Otherwise, if Song Ankang wants to keep pace with energy and spirit, it will only be more difficult. At that time, he might choose one or two aspects of hard work, and then practice after the improvement other aspects.

Song Ankang only knew at this time. No wonder, according to some classics of the Japanese Patrol Division and the Night Watch Division, many practitioners will concentrate on raising the power of the true soul after stepping into the realm of the gods. As for the improvement of true energy and body It will slow down a lot, barely able to keep up with the practice of the real soul, and there are often several small realms between the three.

The physical strength of a small god is not even comparable to the eighth-rank medium spirit weapon. The level of inferior artifacts.

It is not impossible for some human gods whose true soul power has reached the middle god level, but their physical fitness is only at the level of an eighth-grade spiritual weapon, and their true energy cultivation is only at the level of a small god.

There is no other reason, it is really too poor, coupled with the lack of time and energy, and only cares about improving the power of the true soul. After all, in the realm of refining gods, the power of the true soul is the root, and it is the core that determines the spirit and spirit. .

Many gods often raise the true soul first, and wait until the true soul encounters a bottleneck, and then polish the body and improve the true energy.

After realizing that he was still a poor man, Song Ankang rekindled his fighting spirit again. Fortunately, the servants of the two monster gods were able to separate themselves into thousands. With such abilities, they obtained a lot of useful intelligence and information.

Song Ankang had just taken down the well of the strange god curse, and there were two pieces of information in his hand that made Song Ankang very excited, and then he immediately started to act.

Chapter 267 You Catch Me

When Song Ankang was crying poor, he didn't think about one thing, that is, looking at the huge human race, when many gods are practicing, how many of them can take the magic medicine every day to practice, and even a few days can't guarantee it.

Under normal circumstances, a human god, whether it is because of his wealth or because he is afraid of taking too many magical medicines and causing his foundation to be unstable, so he basically only takes a single magic pill or a plant for a few months. The magic medicine is used for practice.

How could they be as extravagant as Song Ankang, and they didn't care about the side effects of the magic pills.

So under normal circumstances, [-] high-grade spirit stones are enough to support a small god's practice for decades. It is already very good that the strange god mantra well can accumulate tens of millions of low-grade spirit stones after becoming a god for a hundred years.

After all, this is the territory of the human race, and it is quite unfriendly to demons and ghosts. Relatively speaking, the demons and ghosts here are also much poorer.

Whether it is the strange magic pen fairy or the strange god curse well, Song Ankang has seen something similar to the earth, which makes Song Ankang more certain about one thing, maybe the world where the Xuanhuang Continent is located is really It is a parallel world of the earth.

It's just that the earth doesn't have the aura of heaven and earth, so it can't develop the extraordinary, but here is an extraordinary world with the aura of heaven and earth, so the development situation is completely different from that of the earth.

There is also the strange god that Song Ankang will enslave next, which also has similarities with some myths and legends on the earth.

In the western suburbs of Ancheng, Lanruo Inn.

Song Ankang concealed his true soul and true energy by using the technique of hiding the gods and storing qi in the technique of hiding the sky and the earth, and disguised himself as a martial artist with strong qi and blood in the Earth Pass realm by using the technique of hiding the form, or a A handsome young scholar, pretending to be rushing to Kyoto from other places to find opportunities, happened to pass by the Lanruo Inn.

Seeing that it was getting late, Song Ankang entered the Lanruo Inn, found a complete room, lit a bonfire, and prepared to take a rest.

As the name suggests, Lanruo Inn was a good inn several decades ago, but because of the haunting, the inn fell into disrepair. Dozens of rooms became dilapidated because no one took care of them all the year round.

People who live nearby basically don't come here, only those outsiders occasionally stay in Lanruo Inn due to darkness and rain. There were people who left Lanruo Inn alive before, but in the past year or so, they stayed at Lanruo Inn. Almost none of the outsiders survived.

According to the information obtained from the strange god Mantra Well, there is indeed a ghost in Lanruo Inn, and it is a ghost serving the strange god Heishan Old Demon. Energetic, used to strengthen oneself.

The black mountain old demon is half demon and half ghost, because of the special treasure turned into weirdness, the talent and aptitude are extremely amazing, and he was promoted to the ranks of the gods in just 3000 years, which is one of the great troubles of the human race.

A few months ago, the great god guarding the capital of the human race was seriously injured, which had something to do with the old demon of Montenegro. It was the old demon of Heishan who joined forces with several demons and ghosts of the middle god level to ambush the great god of the human race. At this moment, the only great god guarding the capital, but he failed to kill and devour him.

Although this ambush failed, it also made Kyoto lose the only top combat power, and gave many demons and ghosts a chance.

The Black Mountain old demon was also severely injured in this ambush, and has not recovered so far. He had to mobilize a large number of monsters and ghosts enslaved by it to hunt human races everywhere, devouring their energy and spirit to recover from their injuries.

At this moment, Song Ankang was pretending to be a prey, and was going to hunt down the Montenegro old demon in turn.

In the first half of the night, Song Ankang wandered around the inn, exposing himself as much as possible, and at the same time full of energy and blood, lest the surrounding ghosts and ghosts would not notice.

It's a pity that I couldn't wait for what I wanted to wait for, and I pretended to be asleep in the middle of the night, giving the other party a better chance.

This time, the ghost with limited IQ didn't let go of the prey it brought to its mouth. Wearing a white dress with a fairy air, it came to Song Ankang's window purely and picturesquely.

Seeing Song Ankang "sleeping peacefully" lying on the broken bed, feeling the qi and blood on his body, the pure female ghost smiled slightly, and turned into a white mist to cover Song Ankang, bewitching Song Ankang with spiritual illusion.

Song Ankang let him do what he did, gave up resistance, and soon entered a festive illusion.

In the illusion, he was dressed in fine clothes, and he was marrying a beautiful lady, surrounded by gongs, drums, and bright lights, which can be said to be extremely lively.

The first bow to heaven and earth, the second bow to the high hall, the husband and wife bow to each other... and then they are sent to the bridal chamber.

Song Ankang smiled all over his face, as if he had been completely bewildered. With a smile, he lifted his lady's hijab, and a peerless beauty who was as picturesque as a poem, as fairy as a dream, couldn't help being slightly taken aback: "My lady, you are so beautiful. Angels descend to earth!"

"Husband is too much, how can Xiaoqian be so beautiful." The bride in red makeup said with a smile.

Song Ankang was stunned. It's okay to look like the star surnamed Wang, and even her name is Xiaoqian. It really deserves to be a parallel world of the earth.

However, Song Ankang did not show his surprise at all, still looking confused, he smiled and wanted to catch his wife: "My lady, let's go to the bridal chamber."

"Husband, according to our rules, there is a small game to be played before the bridal chamber." Xiaoqian laughed.

Song Ankang asked, "What little game?"

"Catch me, as long as you can catch me, I'll let you...hehehe..." As she spoke, Xiaoqian stood up mischievously and ran around the room.

Song Ankang smiled and nodded: "Okay, okay, then I'll catch you."

While talking, Song Ankang grabbed Xiaoqian. At the same time, under the influence of Xiaoqian's phantom, Song Ankang's body also started to run, and soon left Lanruo Inn with a silly smile on his face. He ran towards the huge black mountain behind Lanruo Inn, seemingly unaware of the abnormality of his actions.

Song Ankang assigned some real souls to play games with Xiaoqian, and most of the real souls were watching everything around them coldly, observing the movement around them, ready to launch a fatal blow at any time.

After these days of painstaking practice, the imperial scriptures have been practiced by him to the point of a small success, and the condensed imperial orders have become stronger and stronger, and under the influence of the imperial scriptures and imperial orders, Song Ankang not only did not become crazy and his true soul was muddy , On the contrary, he became more sober, his mental will was very firm, and the power of the imperial order was naturally stronger.

In this way, under the confusion of the female ghost Xiaoqian, Song Ankang's body ran faster and faster, farther and farther, and soon went deep into the Black Mountain.

Chapter 268 Conquering an Legion

In a trance, he passed through layers of fog, and there were fluctuations in the god-level formation around him. Obviously, the residence of the old demon in Montenegro has been operated for many years, and it can be said to be as solid as gold.

If he hadn't hid his true soul and true energy through the technique of hiding the sky and the earth, and disguised himself as a bewildered little warrior, with Song Ankang's current strength, he would not be able to enter the residence of the old black mountain demon at all, let alone get close to the old black mountain demon.

As for the eighth-grade spirit tool Hei Luozhong, it basically doesn't have much effect in the face of such a divine formation.

As expected of a long-established old middle-ranked monster, Song Ankang is still unable to determine the specifics of the lair of the old black mountain demon even after staying awake. Location.

No wonder the old Black Mountain demon has been able to rule Xia Kingdom for so many years and has not been killed so far. With such a secret and powerful lair protection, it is difficult for even a few great gods to kill the old Black Mountain demon.

Fortunately, the technique of hiding the sky and the earth is powerful enough. Even the god array did not detect Song Ankang's abnormality. He also regarded Song Ankang as an ordinary warrior. Under the "guidance" of the female ghost Xiaoqian's illusion, Song Ankang went deep into the Arriving at the lair of the old demon in Montenegro, he came under a large locust tree covering an area of ​​tens of thousands of meters.

Then the female ghost Xiaoqian made a deep salute under the big locust tree, controlled Song Ankang to walk towards the big locust tree with illusion, turned around and prepared to leave here, continued to confuse the next target, brought a meal for the grandma of the locust tree, and restored the locust tree Grandma's injury.

On the body of this huge locust tree, there are clearly visible knife wounds, the wound is as large as a kilometer. It is located in the center of the big locust tree, and red and green blood is constantly flowing out, which shows that the old demon of Montenegro was seriously injured.

From time to time, there will be ghosts and monsters around, bringing people who are either unconscious or sluggish, like Song Ankang, and there are some monsters and monsters, come under the big locust tree, and kill these prey Dedicated to the old demon of Montenegro.

The black mountain old demon's eyes were closed tightly, and the roots of his body spread out, rolling these prey around, sending them into the wound, and melting them to heal them.

Looking at the human beings that were caught near the wound by the roots of the pagoda tree and melted alive, Song Ankang also felt chills in his heart, and an inexplicable anger surged up. Maybe this is because things hurt other people.

Song Ankang didn't show the slightest abnormality, and let a locust tree root grab him, and stuffed it towards the huge wound, which was about to be melted by the red and green blood in the wound, and used to heal the old black mountain demon.

Song Ankang suddenly opened his eyes at this time, and the long-condensed imperial order shot into the wound of the old black mountain demon like lightning, and when he was caught off guard, he rushed into his true soul and began to approach the core.


The old Black Mountain demon roared like a ferocious beast, shaking the entire Black Mountain, causing the mountains with a radius of hundreds of miles to shake.

At the same time, thousands of roots and countless locust tree leaves shot out at the same time, shooting towards Song Ankang, trying to beat him to death, and he could no longer manipulate the imperial order.

But at this moment, the strange god Bixian and the strange god curse well who were hiding in the storage ring jumped out together, blocking the overwhelming locust tree roots and leaves.

"Bang bang bang bang bang..."

"Dangdang, dangdang..."


The slaves of the two monster gods fought frantically with the severely injured old Heishan demon, and soon fell to the disadvantage. In the case of such a heavy injury, he was able to suppress the two monster gods, and the strength of the old Heishan demon was undoubtedly displayed.

Fortunately, the two monster gods bought Song Ankang a certain amount of time, and the power of the true soul and the imperial scriptures were exerted to the extreme. Finally, in just a few breaths, they penetrated deep into the depths of the true soul of the Montenegro old demon, and began to interfere with its performance. The servants of the two monster gods also breathed a sigh of relief.

Otherwise, if they continue like this, I'm afraid they won't be able to withstand it anymore, and then the old Black Mountain demon's attack will fall on Song Ankang, how can they enslave the old Montenegro demon.

Now the three are effectively cooperating, bit by bit suppressing the severely injured Heishan Old Demon, even though Heishan Old Demon tried his best, but was suddenly attacked and completely at a disadvantage, and was slowly captured by Song Ankang's true soul ocean.

Fortunately, the Black Mountain old demon didn't have a seventh-grade artifact on him, let alone an extremely precious true soul artifact, otherwise today's events would be hard to say.

Of course, it was precisely because he learned this from the strange god Mantra Well, otherwise Song Ankang would not have attacked the old Black Mountain demon.

After more than an hour, Song Ankang finally took down the exhausted Black Mountain old demon and made him his new servant, a servant of the Central God whose overall combat power was still higher than Song Ankang's.

Seeing the black mountain old demon prostrating in front of him, Song Ankang, who was almost exhausted in his body, smiled slightly, and finally heaved a long sigh of relief.

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