Ignore those headless gamblers, they can't escape, or no one can escape tonight.

The female ghost Bai Jingyue who was bleeding all over slowly walked towards Kong Sheng: "Husband, why don't you come to sleep with concubines? Don't you like to sleep with concubines the most? You also like to let others sleep with concubines. Come quickly!" , I can’t wait any longer.”

"No, no, my lady, I know I was wrong, please forgive me this time, I will never dare again." Looking at Bai Jingyue whose body was soaked in blood, Kong Sheng shook his head again and again, pleadingly. with.

The female ghost Bai Jingyue said with a smile: "Husband, this should be the first time you have confessed to the concubine. I didn't expect that what you couldn't get in life would be available after death. It seems that the concubine should die sooner."

"But since you admitted your mistake, you must have an attitude. What is your attitude?"

"I... I will redeem Jingjing and Yanyan tomorrow so that you mother and daughter can be reunited." Kong Sheng said hastily: "I will never beat you or scold you again, let alone let you go. Another man slept with you, please give me a chance."

The female ghost Bai Jingyue glanced at the few dozen taels of silver left in his hand: "But you don't have much money anymore, how can you redeem Jing Jing and Yan Yan?"

"Didn't I have you? As long as I have you to help me, a mere 200 taels of silver is nothing." Kong Sheng licked his face and said, "Lady, you can help me get a few hundred taels of silver, and then redeem Jing Jing and After Yanyan, we still have money to live a good life, what do you think, in the future I will definitely change my past, be a good husband, and take good care of the three of you, mother and daughter."

Chapter 181 You Can't Threaten Me

Seeing Kong Sheng who was about to cry bitterly, the female ghost Bai Jingyue sighed: "Husband, if you said that before I was alive, I don't know how happy I am, and I will treat you well."

"But the concubine is dead, isn't it too late for you to say such things again, and you are still so shameless up to this moment, how can the concubine let you go and let you be alone in the world of mortals."

"I was wrong, please forgive me..." Kong Sheng sensed something was wrong, knelt down and begged for mercy, but watched in horror as the bloody hair of the female ghost Bai Jingyue suddenly shot, entangled him layer by layer, and then bit by bit tighten up.

Kong Sheng's face was full of fear, and he almost collapsed: "Miss, forgive me, I will never dare again, please give me a chance, and you will not be afraid of killing me, and no one will redeem Jing Jing and you." Yanyan, what will happen to them if something happens to them in the future?"

"I remember my husband said when we got married, I wish I could be tied to my concubine day and night, regardless of you and me, and now my husband's wish is finally coming true." The female ghost Bai Jingyue continued to force, Kong Bloodstains soon appeared on Sheng's body.

Kong Sheng's eyes turned red: "I was wrong, I was really wrong, my lady, please forgive me, I forgot to tell my lady, I sold Jingjing and Yanyan to a brothel painting boat in Kyoto, that's why I sold so many Qian, if you don't let me save them, they will have a hard time in the future, do you really want to see them being slept by thousands of people?"

"Kong Sheng, you are still so shameless and ruthless until you are about to die." The female ghost Bai Jingyue slowly shook her hair, and cut off the flesh and blood of Kong Sheng bit by bit, making him suffer a thousand cuts "Don't worry, Jingjing and Yanyan have been entrusted to Lord Lin, and Lord Lin will find them in the future to take care of them and let them live a good life, so you can die with peace of mind."

Kong Sheng's bleeding eyes widened: "How is it possible, how did you, a female ghost, get on with Master Lin, and how could Master Lin agree to help you find Jingjing and Yanyan again."

"Die at ease, I will take good care of Bai Jingyue's daughter." Song Ankang moved, landed in front of Kong Sheng, looked at him expressionlessly and said: "You have to forgive others and forgive others. Women are so vicious, Kong Sheng, you deserve to die."

Looking at Song Ankang in front of him, Kong Sheng was struck by lightning: "You... you colluded with ghosts and humans. If the court finds out about this, you will all die."

"Lord Song Lin, if you want to atone for your crimes, kill this female ghost, otherwise she will definitely kill everyone in Baiyu Sanglin, and you will be the executioner who helps the evildoers."

Song Ankang grinned, ignored him, and stood in the corner of the gambling house, calmly watching the female ghost Bai Jingyue take revenge.

"Lord Song Lin, what you do is violating the criminal law. Not only will the court not let you go, but the Tang family will not let you go either."

"Lord Song Lin, help me, how can you let the female ghost harm me, I am your Sanghu."

"Since ancient times, there have been two conflicts between human beings and ghosts. Master Song Lin, you can't just ignore death."


Kong Sheng screamed and felt the pain of being cut off bit by bit. After realizing that Song Ankang would not save him, and the female ghost Bai Jingyue would not let him go, he immediately revealed his true colors and began to yell at the two.

At the same time, many gamblers also ran towards Song Ankang, yelling at Song Ankang.

"Lord Song Lin, there are more than 100 people in the gambling house, all of them are mulberry households from the white jade mulberry forest. Are you going to watch the female ghost kill us?"

"The matter of Bai Jingyue has nothing to do with me. I have never slept with Bai Jingyue, nor have I spread rumors about her. Please let me go."

"I'm innocent, I'm really innocent, today is the first time I've come to the casino, please let me go."


A group of gamblers either begged or threatened... Wanting Song Ankang to save their lives, Song Ankang turned a deaf ear to it. Since he had already promised that the female ghost Bai Jingyue would sit back and watch this matter, it would depend on Bai Jingyue who deserved to die and who should not die. .

And from the behavior and words of these gamblers, Song Ankang could find that most of the gamblers were not good people, especially the managers in the Black Fish Casino, they were basically damned.

"Bai Jingyue, Song Ankang... Even if I'm a ghost, I won't let you two go, ah..."

In the endless pain and despair, Kong Sheng was cut into thousands of pieces alive, turned into a pile of rotten meat and fell to the ground.

As for his soul, although he persisted in turning into a ghost, it was just a low-level ghost of the ninth rank. He was chewed up and eaten alive by the female ghost Bai Jingyue just after he was born, which was equivalent to dying again.

Since then, Kong Sheng's family has died, and the three beasts who had forced Bai Jingyue to death died completely in endless regret and despair.

But this revenge is still not over, and those beasts who encouraged Kong Sheng to betray his wife are still alive, and those who have defiled Bai Jingyue are still alive, and there are many in Heiyu Casino.

The bloody hair danced ferociously, pounced on the gamblers who encouraged Kong Sheng and tarnished Bai Jingyue, and cut off their heads one by one amidst the terrified cries of these gamblers.

Soon, there were only a dozen or so living people left in the huge gambling house, and they were all frightened to the point of tearing their livers apart, and they almost turned into fools.

Then the female ghost Bai Jingyue stopped, and went to the next place of revenge.

Before leaving, Song Ankang looked at the dozen or so living people who were already insane, but he still didn't kill them all, even though doing so might cause him trouble.

But think about it, these people are innocent people after all. Although they have the bad habit of gambling, they are not damned. They are also the mulberry households of the White Jade Mulberry Forest.

And now that they are all crazy, their words will not be believed, so don't worry too much.

Shaking his head, Song Ankang left this place anyway, and continued to follow behind the female ghost Bai Jingyue, watching her kill each courtyard and kill those enemies one by one.

In just over an hour, nearly 200 people were killed. Although there may be people who are not guilty of death among them, Song Ankang still did not stop him.

Compared with the destruction and killing caused by the female ghost Bai Jingyue's rioting in the Baiyu mulberry forest, the casualties are really nothing.

A duel between two strong men who are comparable to half-step golden elixir can destroy everything in a radius of a thousand meters with a single gesture, and tens of thousands of people will die easily at that time, which is very small in comparison.

What's more, since you have insulted Bai Jingyue, you must be prepared to take revenge after the other party dies. None of the people killed by Bai Jingyue is innocent.

Heaven's Great Fortune

Some people may say that if you spend money to buy sleep, but now you end up in a terrible end, how can you not be innocent.

But Song Ankang didn't believe that they would not know that Bai Jingyue was unwilling before spending money on sleeping.

Even if you don't know it before, can't you see it or feel it in the process?

If he could see it and feel it, and then retreated, Bai Jingyue's revenge would not be ushered in tonight.

There may be innocent people, but they basically don't exist, so Song Ankang just watched with cold eyes and didn't intervene.

However, if the female ghost Bai Jingyue killed innocent people indiscriminately, Song Ankang would not let it go. Fortunately, after absorbing the power of that orb, Bai Jingyue's intelligence was quite extraordinary, and he was not blinded by hatred and killing.

After killing all the enemies, the female ghost Bai Jingyue stopped, as if she was sleepwalking, staring blankly at the bloody Baiyu Town, where she had lived for nearly ten years.

Although this grievance has been avenged, Bai Jingyue has also become a ghost, and it will be difficult to turn over forever.

time to go!

When there was a commotion in Baiyu Town, it was obvious that someone had noticed the abnormality, and the female ghost Bai Jingyue woke up, turned around and walked towards the depths of the Baiyu mulberry forest.

Song Ankang followed and came to the abandoned well.

"Thank you Lord Lin for helping me get revenge!"

Standing on the edge of the abandoned well, the female ghost Bai Jingyue knelt down towards Song Ankang and respectfully kowtowed three times.

Song Ankang helped her up: "It doesn't have to be like this. I also want to thank you for not killing innocent people indiscriminately and destroying the white jade mulberry forest. Now that you have avenged Qiu Xue, where are you going to hide next?"

"Lord Lin is so kind and virtuous, I can't repay you, so please accept Master Lin!" The female ghost Bai Jingyue did not answer Song Ankang's question, but smiled slightly, with a relaxed and relieved look on her face.

Immediately under Song Ankang's horrified gaze, the female ghost Bai Jingyue wrapped the orb on her forehead, turned into a black streamer and rushed into Song Ankang's body.

Before Song Ankang had time to react, he clearly noticed that the female ghost Bai Jingyue was burning everything in her body, arousing the boy's true energy in Song Ankang's body that had reached the ultimate foundation establishment, causing it to rotate and condense at an astonishing speed, turning it into a brilliant Can Jindan.

As the female ghost Bai Jingyue burned her energy, the orb on her forehead erupted with terrifying power, far surpassing the boy's true energy in Song Ankang's body, and it was easily compressed and condensed.

Song Ankang didn't think much about it, and immediately sat cross-legged, began to run the boy's magic skill, and condensed the boy's golden pill, and at the same time something horrified him.

The most yin orb!

Tiancaidibao, which is comparable to a divine weapon, can refine the top divine weapon, which is filled with the power of the most yin, and it is also one of the top forces in the world, as famous as the true energy of the most yang.

If there were no accidents with that orb, it should be the most yin orb. That's why Bai Jingyue was able to ascend to the sky in one step and become comparable to a half-step Jindan real person just after he turned into a ghost.

If the female ghost Bai Jingyue can fully exert the power of the most yin orb, she will definitely be able to become a female ghost of the most yin, with a bright future and more than [-]% chance of becoming the king of ghosts and gods.

But at this moment, as the female ghost Bai Jingyue burns her energy, the power of the most yin in the most yin orb is frantically pouring into Song Ankang's body, assisting Song Ankang to achieve the golden core at an astonishing speed, basically Effortless.

Originally, there was only more than [-]% certainty, but it jumped to [-]% all of a sudden, and because it was compressed and condensed with the help of the most yin energy, the seeds of the most yin power already existed in the depths of the boy's golden elixir.

When the boy's golden elixir reaches a certain level, it will be able to naturally grow from positive to negative, and become a yin-yang golden elixir, which is also one of the most powerful golden elixir in this world.

Such a chance, not to mention being in Xia Kingdom, even looking at the huge Xuanhuang Continent, it can be called a first-class fortune.

If it wasn't for the female ghost Bai Jingyue's selfless dedication to repay her kindness, Song Ankang would not have such a good luck. this level.

As one of the top forces in the world, the most yin power has its own spirituality. It is difficult to achieve, difficult to control, and difficult to sacrifice one's life to help others, let alone the mutually opposing yang attribute power.

Therefore, without the female ghost Bai Jingyue's burning energy and spirit, and unreservedly infusing the power of yin, Song Ankang's boy golden pill will not leave yin seeds.

Under normal circumstances, if you want to have positive and negative life, even with the help of the Heavenly Book Against Fate, Song Ankang will have to practice hard for thousands of years, and the chances are not high.

Now with the introduction brought by the female ghost Bai Jingyue, the follow-up of positive and negative life will be a matter of course.

The day when the body of the nine yangs is achieved and the true qi of the most yang is born may be the day when the yang and yin are born.

The boy's golden elixir was quickly achieved, tempered and compressed with the power of the most yin, this golden elixir became stronger and more terrifying, although there was still a big gap with the Zhiyang golden elixir, but looking at the huge human race, this boy's golden elixir was also It can be called top grade.

The rest of the most yin powers are turned into seeds and integrated into the depths of the boy's golden elixir, waiting for the day when the boy's golden elixir will become the most yang golden elixir, so that yin and yang can be united and transform and sublimate again.

The female ghost Bai Jingyue had disappeared. After burning all her energy and energy, she smiled and left with peace of mind, without any doubt about Song Ankang's promise.

There is no other reason. Song Ankang has always kept his promise in the Baiyu mulberry forest these days, and has never deceived any mulberry households.

As the owner of the forest, Song Ankang has treated the mulberry households well enough. There are so many tenants in Chaoyun Grange who can testify, and the many mulberry households in the Baiyu mulberry forest who have been favored by Song Ankang during this period can testify. What worries the female ghost Bai Jingyue .

Just from Song Ankang sitting back and watching her avenge her revenge, willing to accept the upcoming family punishment for this, the female ghost Bai Jingyue has already trusted Song Ankang extremely.

Seeing the female ghost Bai Jingyue slowly dissipating, Song Ankang didn't care about stabilizing his cultivation foundation, got up and saluted the female ghost Bai Jingyue, thanking her for burning everything to bring him such a great fortune.

Song Ankang is also very grateful for knowing the gratitude so far.

After all, to him, whether it was helping the female ghost Bai Jingyue with a little effort, or helping her find her two daughters so that they can live a good life, these are nothing but trivial matters to Song Ankang.

But because of these small things, the female ghost Bai Jingyue brought him such good luck, and even sacrificed herself completely, how could Song Ankang not be grateful.

Chapter 183

Don't say thank you for your kindness, I will remember it in my next life!

Among the floating crystal ghost dust, Song Ankang saluted upright, and did not get up slowly until the figure of the female ghost Bai Jingyue disappeared.

The most yin orb also dissipated along with the female ghost Bai Jingyue, and the most yin energy inside had been integrated into Song Ankang's body, and even the entire orb was burned by the female ghost Bai Jingyue, making the most yin seeds more pure. I can't save it.

Looking at the brother-in-law Song Ankang who was surrounded by ghost dust, his sister-in-law Tang Liuli didn't know what was going on, but suddenly felt her eyes were wet, and tears flowed down unconsciously.

It is said that humans and ghosts are different from each other, but sometimes even ghosts know how to repay favors better than humans.

People know that ghosts are scary, and ghosts know people are poisonous.

The brother-in-law made such a decision with deep affection and righteousness regardless of the difference between human and ghost. That's why the female ghost Bai Jingyue's repayment of kindness at this moment has obtained such a fortune.

Looking at it now, not only the eldest sister alone is far from worthy of her brother-in-law, even if the three of them are tied together, they are probably not worthy of her brother-in-law Song Ankang.

In this case, even if brother-in-law Song Ankang finds more wives and concubines, it doesn't matter. As such a brilliant man, shouldn't he.

It seems that in the future, I will find a way to tie my brother-in-law Song Ankang properly, otherwise what will happen if my brother-in-law Song Ankang leaves.

My sister-in-law Tang Liuli's bright eyes were shining brightly, and she was thinking of some weird ideas.

On top of the abandoned well, Song Ankang sat cross-legged and began to consolidate the boy's golden core that had just been formed in his body to prevent it from falling.

Breaking through from the Foundation Establishment Stage to the Golden Core Stage was originally going to be a fierce battle, but with the help of the female ghost Bai Jingyue, it would be so easy to collapse. It couldn't be easier, even Song Ankang found it incredible.

Moreover, the boy's golden elixir formed by compressing and condensing the power of Yin is extraordinarily powerful and mellow, and it is also pure and terrifying. It is one of the top-grade golden elixirs. up.

On the boy's golden elixir the size of a soybean, there is faintly a circle of lines resembling a scorching sun, which is a sign of the golden elixir's turn.

Compared with before the breakthrough, the purity of the boy's zhenqi condensed into a solid golden core has increased by more than ten times, although the strength has only increased by several times, but the future is promising.

The boy's zhenqi flowing in the meridians is like a solid crystal, shining with a faint silver light. Although it is not as bright as the silver light shining on the boy's golden pill, it lasts for a long time.

Song Ankang's strength has increased by dozens of times at least. From the foundation-building stage to the Jindan stage, the gap is still bigger than Song Ankang expected.

When Song Ankang got used to the skyrocketing strength, his combat power was so strong that he might be able to catch up with a real person who was around the fifth rank of Jindan, and crossed several realms to fight against the enemy. This is the power of top-grade Jindan.

Feeling the powerful and terrifying boy's golden pill in his body, Song Ankang couldn't help showing a slight smile at the corner of his mouth. Fortunately, he had a good thought, which is why there is such a great fortune and great opportunity.

Otherwise, if it is a normal breakthrough, Song Ankang will at most achieve a top-grade golden core, and be able to cross one or two realms to fight against the enemy, instead of fighting the enemy across three or four realms like now.

Although he has just stepped into the golden elixir stage, he is already comparable to many veteran golden elixir real people.

Driven by the breakthrough in cultivation base, Song Ankang's spiritual will has also received a lot of nourishment, especially the great nourishment from the most yin energy, which has increased by more than several percent compared to before.

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