It's a pity that I originally set my heart on Mingyue, but Mingyue shines in the ditch, Peng Xuan'er still misunderstood him and betrayed him to countless girls.

Now that they have been ravaged, one or two are also ravaged, and ten or eight are also ravaged, so let's make the ravages even crazier.

Song Ankang began to indulge himself, now that he can take Peng Xuan'er away from Shengyun Tower, he doesn't need to stay here anymore, Baiyu Sanglin, Dong Xinjie and Qiushi are waiting for him, Song Ankang should take care of himself.

Song Ankang, who came from modern times, is still not used to such a crazy life after all. It is good to have some experience for a while, and if there is more, he will be full.

What's more, he still practiced boy magic kung fu, Peng Xuan'er alone is enough to help him break the kung fu, not to mention Dong Xinjie and Qiu Shi's assistants, if there are more, the breaking is too powerful, and other aspects can't keep up.

Don’t you see that after practicing for so long, Song Ankang’s cultivation level has improved rapidly, but other aspects have been lagging behind, not to mention the stepping snow Wuhen and evil swordsmanship, even the Qishang Demon Sutra used for body training has been improved It's getting slower and slower.

So even if it is for the sake of practice in the follow-up, he can no longer be so indulgent, not to mention that he is not such a person in the first place, it is really too much to bear.

After searching for a period of time and with the help of a broker, Song Ankang finally found a suitable courtyard and brought Peng Xuan'er here.

The courtyard is located in the inner city of Anseong, surrounded by branches of the Day Patrol Division and the Night Watch Division. The security is extremely guaranteed, and of course the price is also very guaranteed.

This courtyard is nearly a thousand square meters, and it is a large courtyard with three entrances and three exits. The gate is located on the east side, and the inverted house is next to the gate. It is very tastefully furnished.

After entering the gate, what comes into view is the screen wall, next to the screen wall is the screen door, and the first thing you see after entering the screen door is an outer courtyard, and the second door is in the middle of the outer courtyard.

After entering the second gate, there is the inner courtyard. There are rockery and flower beds in the inner courtyard. The scenery is particularly elegant, far surpassing those mansions on the earth.

On the left and right sides of the inner courtyard are the West Wing and East Wing. If you continue to walk inside, you will find the corridor. Behind the corridor is the main room, which is also the residence of Song Ankang and Peng Xuan'er.

There are side rooms on both sides of the main room, and the third entrance courtyard is behind it. There are also many potted plants around the main room, and there are gurgling water passing by. The beauty of the scenery is beyond imagination.

The layout and pattern here are not inferior to the owner's mansion in the white jade mulberry forest, and Peng Xuan'er was also dumbfounded: "Husband, this...such a mansion is located in the inner city, at least it costs a few thousand taels of gold, right? "

"It's only more than 1 taels of gold, which is not too expensive. After all, this is the inner city of Kyoto." Song Ankang stopped Peng Xuan'er with a smile: "And there are the stations of the Day Patrol Division and the Night Watch Division nearby, which can be said to be quite safe. , worth the price."

"In the future, you can feel more at ease when you live here. You don't have to worry too much about the harassment of demons and ghosts. I will often come and live here. If you have anything to do, just send me a message as soon as possible. As long as there is nothing to do, I will be the first I'll come to you in no time, so don't worry too much."

Chapter 152 Underestimating Zhao Langjun

"From now on, this mansion will be called Anxuanju, and it has been written under your name. Afterwards, you can find some suitable servants and maids, and you can practice here with peace of mind."

Song Ankang grasped Peng Xuan'er's little hand, looked at her and smiled.

Peng Xuan'er's bright eyes widened: "I can't accept such a good mansion. I have already made my husband spend so much to redeem me. This mansion still belongs to my husband's name."

"It's just a mansion, it's nothing to me." Song Ankang refused with a smile: "You gave me everything, and now I'm penniless, so naturally I can't just sit back and watch, besides, we are husband and wife, why should we share so much?" clear."

Peng Xuan'er's bright eyes turned red: "Husband..."

In the flowing water of the small bridge, Peng Xuan'er rubbed herself into Song Ankang's body, and in the mansion he just bought, Song Ankang's child magic skills were broken again.

On the second day, Song Ankang took Peng Xuan'er to say goodbye to the girls in Shengyun Tower. Many girls stepped forward to hug Peng Xuan'er, obviously reluctant, especially those girls who grew up with Peng Xuan'er.

Because of this farewell, I'm afraid that many girls will never see Peng Xuan'er again.

There are rules in the brothel, once the women here are redeemed, they will try their best to break the connection with this place in the future, and they will try their best to stop interacting with each other.

After all, the experience in the brothel is not a good thing for most women, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a scandal. Now that you have left this sludge, you should try your best not to have anything to do with it.

They can also understand each other, because basically all the women in the brothel do this after being redeemed, and the women who are still in the brothel will abide by the rules and will not contact these women who have left.

In addition, after these girls left, they would find a way to cut off all kinds of contact methods, so after this farewell, Peng Xuan'er and most of the Shengyunlou girls might never have the chance to meet again.

This is obviously a good thing.

The only connection between the two parties may only be through Song Ankang as a guest, or in the future only Song Ankang will contact the girls in Shengyun Building, and Peng Xuan'er may not have any contact with these girls again.

What they don't know is that even Song Ankang won't have much contact with them in the future.

"Sister Xuan'er, take care, congratulations on being redeemed by your husband, and you will never have to float in the mud again."

"Sister Xuan'er is lucky to meet such a good man as Lang Jun. Unlike us, each of them has been listed for a long time. I am afraid that no one will redeem themselves in this life. We can only wait until the old age fades away." Go out and find an honest man to marry."

"Sister, you must wink when you go. For a strange man like Lang Jun, his regular wife must be extraordinary, and he needs to get along well."

"Sister Xuan'er, keep it. A small gift is worthless, just take it as a thought. I'm afraid we won't see each other again in the future, but let the gentleman come more."

"What are you talking about, I'm not afraid that sister Xuan'er will be jealous. Lang Jun has sister Xuan'er, so I don't know how often he will come here."


A group of girls bid farewell to Peng Xuan'er one after another, and even Li Xiaoqing, the owner of Shengyun Building, and a group of stewards also came and gave some exquisite gifts.

Peng Xuan'er didn't tell them where she lived now, obviously after leaving Shengyun Building, she didn't plan to have any contact with this place again, so as not to be involved in some disturbances and make Song Ankang angry.

As a brothel woman, it is easy to provoke right and wrong, and attract some wild bees and butterflies. If she doesn't know how to measure it, isn't it clear that she is waiting to be kicked out of the house.

Although Song Ankang treated her very well, Peng Xuan'er did not want to be arrogant, so she naturally had to be cautious so as not to cause any trouble.

The farewell lasted for a long while, and then the curtain fell. Looking at the many beauties who were reluctant to part, Song Ankang thought for a moment, and still smiled: "I'm leaving today. I don't know when we will meet again, so I will see you off." It’s a poem for a girl, I hope we will meet again.”

As soon as the words fell, many girls cheered.

"Come on, come on, I'm just waiting for Lang Jun's poem."

"I didn't expect to have such an unexpected harvest. Hurry up and write, Mr. Lang, it's best to praise us."

"It's already said that it's a farewell poem. How could it be a compliment to us? Just write us in the subtitle, and I invite you to write it."

"That's right, Mr. Lang's handwriting is also very good, at least at the level of everyone, let him write quickly."


Looking at the pen, ink, paper and inkstone that was ready soon, Song Ankang smiled slightly, and began to write on the big paper. The first thing to write was naturally the title: "Shengyun Tower to Ju Jinger, Lin Mingcai, Wu Chuanlan, Shu Chang, Wang Zuxian, Guli Naga, Dili Hot Gua... Farewell!"

For just one title, Song Ankang wrote thousands of words, basically including all the girls in Shengyunlou, and these girls were all girls who had a close relationship with Song Ankang. I remember correctly, and I didn't miss a single one.

Seeing Song Ankang write their names one by one on the huge rice paper, many girls inexplicably felt their eyes began to heat up, tears dripped down unconsciously, and a bad premonition arose in their hearts.

Why do I always feel that if I leave today, not only will I never see Miss Xuan'er again, but I may never see Mr. Zhao Xiyu again. If not, why did Mr. Zhao write down their names one by one.

It's just that there are so many charming girls in Shengyun Building, and more fresh girls will come in the future. Will Zhao Langjun really be willing to leave here?

It should... probably not!

Many girls think this way, and don't think Song Ankang will have such great perseverance. After all, if Song Ankang is really amazingly persistent, he wouldn't have slept all over the Shengyun Building these days.

So they can still see Zhao Langjun, but not as frequently as now. They believe in their own charm and underestimate Song Ankang's perseverance.

Men, no matter how fragrant the home flowers are, how can they be as delicious as wild flowers.

Although I feel sorry for Miss Xuan'er, how can such a good man like Zhao Langjun be bound to a few women? More sisters should taste it.

There was silence inside and outside the Shengyun Building. Everyone was watching Song Ankang writing, until the long title was finished, and the long-awaited text finally came out.

Many girls couldn't help holding their breath, as if they were afraid of disturbing Song Ankang, and some brothels around saw the strange scene here, and couldn't help but come over.

Tang Mingyue and Tang Liuli, who had just arrived nearby and wanted to visit Song Ankang, also encountered such a scene and couldn't help but hurried over.

Chapter 153 You Wrongly Read Mr. Zhao Lang

With all the attention, Song Ankang began to write the text.


Wang Qing is so precious

Spring breeze is coming

full moon wine

After writing these four poems, Song Ankang took Peng Xuan'er's hand and left: "The green mountains will not change and the green water will flow forever. If we can meet again in the future, we will have a good time drinking and talking. I hope all the beauties will cherish it."

Amidst the words, Song Ankang and Peng Xuan'er left the Shengyun Tower and disappeared among the flowers. There was silence for a long time in front of the Shengyun Tower, and everyone's eyes fell on the four lines of the poem.

Although most people are not very good at poetry, it does not prevent them from realizing the beauty of this poem, which seems simple but actually has a profound charm.

"Good poetry! Good poetry! Great poetry!"

It wasn't until the voice of Tang Mingyue, who was disguised as a man, sounded that everyone came back to their senses.

Tang Mingyue came to the poem excitedly, and stretched out her hand to touch it, but she was worried that doing so would damage the poem, so she didn't touch it: "Once this poem comes out, I'm afraid few of the farewell poems can touch it." On a par with it, Master Zhao deserves to be No.1 in the poetry world, every poem is so amazing."

"Hmph, I think it's a playful person." Tang Liuli who was beside her focused her eyes on the title of this poem. There are thousands of words and more than a thousand names. Zhao Xiyu must be too playful.

Tang Mingyue glared at her fiercely: "Master Zhao is a romantic talent. If they are not romantic, how can they write so many good poems? Almost every capital can be famous for thousands of years."

"Furthermore, from this poem and everyone's actions just now, I can feel that after today, everyone may never come to Shengyun Tower again."

"How is it possible!" Tang Liuli's bright eyes widened: "He is so playful, how could he not come to Shengyun Tower, there are so many beautiful girls here."

Tang Mingyue sneered: "I told you a long time ago that Mr. Zhao is not the kind of person who is philandering. The so-called philandering is just for writing poems. What you said just now and this poem are obviously not ordinary farewells. If you don't believe me If so, you can come to Shengyun Tower to ask more questions in the future to see if everyone in Zhao still comes to Shengyun Tower."

Tang Liuli was silent, speechless for a while.

The girls around were also silent, and after a long time, many people shouted.

"Impossible, how could Mr. Zhao not come to Shengyun Tower, so many of us are waiting for him."

"Yes, yes, Mr. Zhao Langjun is romantic and affectionate. He doesn't need to spend money to come to Shengyun Tower. Even the whole Qinhuai River is open to him for free. How could he not come? I don't believe it."

"Qinhuai River has thousands of charming girls, can't they keep Zhao Langjun?"

"I think what she said makes sense. You guys forgot how we got together with Zhao Langjun back then. If it wasn't for sister Xuan'er's help, I'm afraid we wouldn't have the chance to be with Zhao Langjun. Now sister Xuan'er has left , do you think Zhao Langjun will still be with us as a person?"


A certain girl's words reminded everyone, and made many girls in Shengyun Building silent, and everyone's expressions changed for a moment.

Seeing this scene, Tang Liuli couldn't help asking: "Why, didn't he take the initiative to be with Zhao Xiyu?"

After hearing Tang Liuli's words, Yang Ying next to her smiled wryly and said, "Zhao Langjun only took the initiative when he was treating sister Xuan'er. As for us, if sister Xuan'er didn't help, I'm afraid we wouldn't even have the qualifications to approach Zhao Langjun. .”

The other girls also yelled: "That's true. Since Zhao Langjun entered Zhulin Xiaoxuan, he didn't come out very often at the beginning. Even if he came out, he didn't come to us. No matter how hard we tried, Zhao Langjun didn't come out. Mr. Lang just smiled, never being tempted by us."

"Later, Miss Xuan'er was unwell and betrayed Mr. Zhao, so we had a chance. Otherwise, Mr. Zhao would ignore us until now. We have been in Shengyun Building for so many years, and we are still the first This is the first time I meet such a man, I don't even want to post it, and I finally got Zhao Langjun."

Tang Liuli was stunned. She never thought that the truth of the matter would be like this. Originally, in her opinion, Zhao Xiyu was clearly a womanizer who harmed so many girls in just a few months, but she never thought that it was these girls who harmed her Zhao Xiyu.

To be able to do this in a brothel, even if Tang Liuli is a woman, she knows how difficult it is, at least the Tang family does not have such a person.

Tang Mingyue was also a little surprised: "I didn't expect that I guessed wrong, even romantic and affectionate is an illusion, everyone Zhao is so brilliant."

Suddenly, Tang Mingyue seemed to have thought of something, and couldn't help but exclaimed: "If this is the case, doesn't it mean that Mr. Zhao may never come to Shengyun Tower again, so how can I ask him for advice on poetry?" , No, I'm going to get his residence location."

As she spoke, Tang Mingyue quickly ran towards the place where Song Ankang disappeared, and Tang Liuli quickly followed, but after running to the flowers, she found that there were only a few flowers and leaves moving in the wind, and she couldn't find her again. To the trace of Zhao Xiyu.

Tang Mingyue couldn't help jumping up, ignoring the woman's image, her eyes wandered around, but she still couldn't see Zhao Xiyu and Peng Xuan'er.

"Second Sister, have you found it?" Tang Liuli also landed on the branch, looking for Zhao Xiyu, but also found nothing.

Tang Mingyue's face was full of disappointment, and her heart was empty: "I can't find it, I'm still a step too late, what should I do now, the teacher will go to the front of heaven and man in a few days, but the poems I want to give to the teacher are still missing. I didn’t do it well, I originally thought I could get advice from Master Zhao, but now what to do.”

"Maybe everyone in Zhao will return to Shengyunlou, Second Sister, don't worry so much." Tang Liuli comforted. After knowing that Song Ankang is not that kind of womanizer, Tang Liuli's name for Song Ankang has changed.

Tang Mingyue said with a wry smile: "If there was no poem today, maybe Master Zhao might still come back, but with the appearance of that poem, it means that Master Zhao will never return to Shengyun Tower in the future. What does this mean? You can still see it."

"Then what should we do now?" Tang Liuli frowned slightly: "But even without Zhao Xiyu, there are still many poets in Kyoto, we can go to them for help and see if we can write this poem well .”

Tang Mingyue sighed: "This is the only way to go now, but I still can't give up on Mr. Zhao's side. After returning home, tell the family members to pay attention. Mr. Zhao should still be in the capital, and the possibility of finding them is very high."

"Leave this matter to me. I have a much wider circle of friends in the Tang family and in the capital than you do." Tang Liuli patted her small breasts and said boldly, even a man's outfit couldn't hide her exquisiteness and cuteness.

Chapter 154

Shengyunlou bid farewell to Ju Jinger, Lin Mingcai, Wu Jilan, Shu Chang, Wang Yuxian, Guli Naga, Di Liregua... This poem once again spread throughout the entire capital, and then spread to the whole city at an alarming speed. Xia Guo spread the word.

It was only then that everyone discovered that Zhao Xiyu's strength in other types of poetry was astonishing, in addition to men and women, which was far beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Among them, the mountains and rivers meet each other, and the two lines of Wangqing cherish more are very popular, and soon became popular, and became the two lines that many people must say when they say goodbye.

For the spread of this poem, Song Ankang didn't take it seriously, and he didn't even take the previous few poems to Song Ankang's heart.

After all, they are all poems he copied from the earth, no matter how widely spread and how much they are praised, it has nothing to do with Song Ankang, and he still uses the pseudonym Zhao Xiyu, even his appearance is fake.

Song Ankang didn't know what happened in front of Shengyun Tower, and he didn't hide from Shengyun Tower on purpose, but he just happened to walk a little faster so that no one could find him.

It's just that Song Ankang didn't expect that on the day he left Shengyun Building with Peng Xuan'er, his second sister-in-law Tang Mingyue and younger sister-in-law Tang Liuli would come to him just in time. This is the first time I came to see Song Ankang.

And from the few lines of Song Ankang's poems, Tang Mingyue actually saw Song Ankang's intentions, and knew that he was not a flirtatious person, but just a little bit affectionate.

And Tang Mingyue still thinks that the reason why Song Ankang was able to write such good poems is because of this little bit of sentimentality, and she doesn't take it to heart. Instead, she feels that compared to such good poems, that little bit of sentimentality is nothing at all .

As Tang Mingyue said, if we leave today, we may never see each other again. At least for many girls in Shengyun Building, this should be the last time they see Song Ankang.

Back at Anxuan Residence, Song Ankang didn't do anything bad, but accompanied Peng Xuan'er to clean the place well.

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