As soon as the words fell, the hall was silent, and all the beauties opened their mouths wide, looking at Song Ankang in a daze.

These two poems are really good, but... But this is a bit exaggerated, how could they be so good.

Song Ankang selected four poems from the Song of Everlasting Sorrow for the Earth and gave them to these beauties. After all, it would be unexplainable to read the whole poem, and Song Ankang didn't write down the whole poem, but only remembered some of the more famous poems.

Among them, these four lines of poems are the most impressive, because these four lines of poems have written the beauty of Yang Yuhuan to the extreme, making people feel refreshed and happy, and they can't wait to see each other immediately. This is also one of the strongest poems in ancient times to praise women's beauty.

Even though most of the beauties here have limited appreciation of poetry, they can still feel the power of these four lines of poetry, and they are momentarily shocked into silence.

That's great too!

I don't know how long it has passed, a group of beauties rushed towards Song Ankang like crazy.

"Mr. Lang, this poem is amazing. Thank you for writing this poem for us. From now on, we will do whatever you ask us to do, and we will never disobey Mr. Lang."

"I want to give all the dowry I have saved over the years to Mr. Lang. With this poem, even if he dies immediately, he is willing to die now. However, Mr. Lang is too boastful of us. How can we outshine all the fans in the world. "

"This poem will definitely be passed down through the ages, and it is a great honor to be subtitled. Even if we die in the future, the world will remember us. The talent of a gentleman is truly unparalleled in the world."

"Natural beauty is hard to give up on. When you look back and smile, you are full of beauty. The world has no color... Although there is no specific description in a single sentence, every sentence is swaying. It is better than thousands of detailed descriptions. It is like a beautiful woman in the north." Like Peng Xuan'er, she really brought fiction and realism to the extreme."

"No, after I go back, I will copy this poem a hundred times, and then post it all over the Shengyun Tower, telling everyone that this poem was written by Mr. Lang for us."


Faced with these four verses that have been passed down through the ages on the earth, the beauties in Shengyun Tower are already crazy, and they can't wait to give everything they have to Song Ankang immediately.

The previous worries were gone, and all the beauties were honored. They didn't calm down until Song Ankang took them back to the room.

After a sleepless night, Song Ankang's face was pale the next day, and he almost couldn't stand. He lay on the bed obediently and enjoyed Peng Xuan'er's feeding. What he ate was precious medicinal food worth a hundred taels of gold. brought over.

As for those beauties, they were excitedly showing off the poem "Story of Shengyun Tower" at this moment, and soon hundreds of beauties in the entire Shengyun Tower knew about it, and then many guests, and then moved towards the entire capital at an astonishing speed. , The entire Xia Kingdom spread.

Because this poem is so good, the originally too long subtitle not only did not become a burden, but became a good talk, and it was even hailed as the longest subtitle in the world, or the number one title in the world.

Although there are not many people who use this title now, as time goes by, if it is not done well in the future, it will be famous for thousands of years. Of course, Song Ankang's reputation as a romantic talent will also be left in history.

No, it should be Zhao Xiyu, not Song Ankang.

Song Ankang has always been honest and devoted, and he only loves his cheap wife Tang Yelan wholeheartedly, as well as the housemaid Qiushi, the housemaid Chunhua, the housemaid Xia Chan, and the housemaid Dongxue... Zhao Xiyu has a romantic nature, so shut him up. What's the matter with Song Ankang.

At this moment, Song Ankang has regretted it a bit. Yesterday, he came up with such a long subtitle. Isn’t this telling others that he has relationships with so many beauties, but it’s impossible for every beauties to send a poem. Well, Song Ankang hasn't memorized so many poems about beauties.

Forget it, that's it, don't care about him, as long as Song Ankang's true identity is not exposed, it is Zhao Xiyu who is ashamed, not Song Ankang.

So Song Ankang calmed down and was about to continue enjoying Peng Xuan'er's feeding when he received news that Li Xiaoqing, the owner of Shengyun Building, brought several stewards to visit Song Ankang.

Naturally, Peng Xuan'er did not dare to stop her. After seeking Song Ankang's opinion, she quickly brought Li Xiaoqing and his party to Song Ankang.

"I've seen Mr. Zhao, I'm already polite." Seeing Song Ankang, Li Xiaoqing smiled sweetly and saluted Song Ankang charmingly.

Several of her stewards followed closely behind and saluted Song Ankang.

After thinking about it for a while, Song Ankang knew what was going on, so he smiled and asked them to get up.

After a short exchange of greetings, Li Xiaoqing said in a charming voice: "Mr. Zhao is really talented in literature. The song "Sheng Yun Lou Ji" simply praised the girls to the sky. Since ancient times, there has never been such a moving poem that can make me win the girl of Yun Lou. portrayed to such an extent."

"The main reason for coming here today is to thank Mr. Zhao for writing the story of Shengyun Tower for me. With this story of Shengyun Tower, my Shengyun Tower will surely become famous all over the world. This is all thanks to Mr. Zhao. A small thank you is not a respect, I hope Mr. Zhao will accept it."

While speaking, Li Xiaoqing respectfully handed over a gift with both hands.

Seeing that Li Xiaoqing was so sensible, Song Ankang secretly praised him, no wonder Li Xiaoqing could become the owner of Shengyun Building, this kind of knowledge and interest is really beyond the reach of ordinary people.

After thinking about it for a while, Song Ankang still accepted the gift: "Mr. Li is very polite. I also want to thank Mr. Li for taking care of me during this time."

"These cares are obtained by Mr. Zhao himself, not by the concubine taking care of Mr. Zhao on purpose." Li Xiaoqing said with a smile: "There is one more thing I want to tell Mr. Zhao, if Mr. Zhao wants to redeem Miss Xuan'er in three months' time , You only need to pay 5 taels of gold to take Miss Xuan'er away, instead of the 15 taels of gold marked now, of course this discount is only for Mr. Zhao, and no one else has such a discount."

Hearing these words, Peng Xuan'er's bright eyes next to him showed a hint of joy, obviously a little moved, she looked at Song Ankang quietly, not knowing what she was thinking.

Chapter 103

Opening the box that Li Xiaoqing sent, Song Ankang was surprised to find that there were 10 taels of silver bills inside, which was more than the sum of all the wealth Song Ankang had earned since crossing.

But this gift is just an addition, the most important thing is the discount for redemption.

Under normal circumstances, if Song Ankang wanted to redeem Peng Xuan'er after three months, he would have to pay thirty times the dowry price. However, because the dowry gift Song Ankang gave was a poem, it was impossible to judge the specific value.

Therefore, after some consideration, Sheng Yunlou took 5000 taels of gold, which was the second most expensive dowry gift, as the threshold. Therefore, if Peng Xuaner was to be redeemed after three months, the price would be thirty times the 5000 taels of gold.

15 million taels of gold!

Worth 1500 million taels of silver, if converted into the earth's currency, it would be a huge sum of over 200 billion.

Is it expensive to buy a nobleman with so much money? Of course it is expensive, and it is not so expensive. From this price, you can clearly feel the black heart of Shengyunlou.

But think about it carefully, with Peng Xuan'er's excellence, is it difficult to make money not only in Xia Kingdom, but on Earth?

It's really not difficult at all. Peng Xuan'er can easily become the top superstar on the earth and create amazing wealth. Although it may not reach 200 billion Chinese yuan, it should not be too far behind.

Therefore, although the price marked by Shengyun Building is exaggerated, it still makes sense when you think about it carefully.

Now that two-thirds have been cut off in one go, only Song Ankang needs to pay 5 taels of gold to take Peng Xuan'er away, which is really a special discount.

But when you think about it, 5 taels of gold is not a small number. It is equivalent to 500 million taels of silver and 50 billion copper plates, which is about 80 billion Chinese dollars of the earth.

This is not a small number for Song Ankang, and it is basically impossible to make up enough in at least three months.

Thinking about Tang Quanli sitting on the white jade mulberry forest with astonishing profits, spending several years and exhausting all kinds of methods to greedy more than 140 million taels of silver, you can know how amazing 500 million taels of silver is.

And so much silver, if all of it is used to improve Song Ankang's own strength, at least it can raise him above the Qi nourishing period, or even to a higher level. Is it really necessary to pay so much gold for a pure man?

Song Ankang was a little hesitant, and even more distressed, but compared to not even thinking about it before, it should be better now, at least Song Ankang has begun to consider the possibility of redeeming Peng Xuan'er.

A couple of days of kindness, Song Ankang can feel that Peng Xuan'er really likes him, and these days he is taking care of him in every possible way, trying his best to satisfy Song Ankang.

Song Ankang is not hard-hearted, how could he not have some feelings for Peng Xuan'er.

Before, Song Ankang felt that there was no hope, so Song Ankang never considered the possibility of redeeming Peng Xuan'er's life, but now that the price of redemption has plummeted, Song Ankang felt that he could think about it, but at present, he just thought about it.

When Li Xiaoqing left with the stewards, Song Ankang handed the 10 taels of bank notes to Peng Xuan'er: "Xuan'er, you take these bank notes for future expenses."

"No, I can't take these bank notes." Peng Xuan'er resolutely declined: "My husband has paid a lot for us, how can we let him spend money, so I can't take these money."

Song Ankang said: "But you probably don't have much silver taels there, you spent so much silver taels on me these days, how can I continue to spend your money."

"Husband, don't worry, although I don't have much money here, those sisters do." Peng Xuan'er said with a smile: "My husband has also helped them improve so much, so they should give something, so I have collected a lot during this time The silver taels are used for the husband’s daily benefit.”

"Eh..." Song Ankang was a little speechless, so he had to take back the 10 taels of silver notes, but he didn't know what was going on, and he always felt a little weird, as if something was wrong.

But it is said that he has stayed in Shengyun Building for more than half a month. Not only did he not spend much money, but he made friends with so many girls and earned nearly 20 taels of silver in resources and wealth. Fei.

This can no longer be described as prostitution for nothing, it's obviously a waste of food and a lot of things to bring.

A scumbag, kind of like it!

But the beauties all like him, respect him, and love him so shouldn't be counted, and there are more beauties who want Song Ankang to scum them.

Afterwards, Song Ankang concentrated on accompanying Peng Xuan'er in the room, and had nothing to say for several hours...

In the middle of the night, Song Ankang began to attack the bottleneck leading to a higher level following the reminder in the book of defying fate.

After these days of painstaking (breaking) cultivation (kung fu), Song Ankang's strength has reached the acme of the fourth level of nourishing qi, and it is time to attack the fifth level of nourishing qi.

The injury recovered quickly, and the foundation became more and more stable. It was one of the best among monks of the same level, and it was time to welcome the arrival of the boy's true energy.

The mist of true qi that was dense to a radius of three meters continued to rise, becoming more and more powerful and purer, but when it reached a certain level, it couldn't expand.

This is a bottleneck!

Song Ankang paused and began to accumulate strength. When the boy's true energy reached its current peak, he controlled most of the boy's true energy and launched an attack on the bottleneck.

Feedback from side effects is still coming in a steady stream, and it can make up for the consumed boy's true energy at any time, so that all the boy's true energy can maintain the strongest power.

After the improvement of talent and aptitude, the difficulty for Song Ankang to break through the shackles of the bottleneck has also been reduced, especially when practicing yang attribute skills, the difficulty of breaking through will be even lower.

This time, after only dozens of impacts, cracks should appear on the bottleneck embankment, and the breakthrough is close at hand.


At a certain moment, when the turbulent boy's true energy hit the bottleneck dam again, the bottleneck dam suddenly collapsed, and Song Ankang's strength jumped to a higher level.

Five layers of Qi nourishment!

Although he just stepped in, the boy's true qi in Song Ankang's body far exceeds that of monks at the same level of nourishing qi in terms of purity and strength. Compared with the monks at the lower level, one can imagine how strong Song Ankang's foundation is.

Feeling the surging boy's true energy in his body, Song Ankang smiled all over his face, and continued to absorb the feedback from the side effects to consolidate his current cultivation realm. After the consolidation was completed, he began to improve his own strength to avoid unstable foundations.

Chapter 104 Refining Qi and God

After the feedback of the boy's true qi was over, the mist of true qi in Song Ankang's dantian was already close to a radius of four meters.

Maybe some people think that a person's body is only so big, and the area it occupies is no more than a meter square, why the true energy in your body can reach nearly four meters square.

This is because after stepping into the realm of the extraordinary, through the tempering and upgrading of true qi, the dantian, meridians, and spiritual sea of ​​the practitioner are all between the virtual and the real, and can be infinitely large or infinitely small, so this phenomenon occurs. A seemingly incongruous situation.

About [-]% of the meridians through which true energy flowed out of the body were opened up, which greatly increased the speed of Song Ankang's practice of boy kung fu.

But no matter how fast the speed is, how can it catch up with the feedback of side effects, so breaking power is the main way of Song Ankang's practice.

As soon as the boy's true energy feedback was over, the talent feedback followed one after another, which made Song Ankang's talent and aptitude increase a bit, and his whole body became more transparent, which was really refreshing.

After this wave of feedback was over, Song Ankang did not sit idle, nor did he try to break his skills immediately. Instead, he began to practice the Seven Injuries Demon Sutra, carefully polishing every part of his body, so as to improve his physical fitness.

In the process of practicing the Seven Injuries Demon Sutra, with the assistance of the boy's true energy, the efficiency far exceeds that in the state of body training, and of course the side effects are even greater.

After the transformation of the Book of Rebellion, all these side effects turned into positive effects, which made Song Ankang's cultivation foundation and spiritual will improve rapidly.

The Boy’s True Qi effectively broadened Song Ankang’s physical limits. For a long time, Song Ankang didn’t have to worry that his physical improvement would be slowed down due to the obstacles of the limit. Improve physical fitness.

The cultivation bases of body refining and Qi refining are steadily improving, and their foundations are extremely solid.

In Xuanhuang Continent, the realm of body training is mainly divided into four stages of outer forging, four stages of inner refining, and ground pass realm, while the realm of Qi refining is mainly divided into three stages: the tenth stage of nourishing qi, the stage of foundation building, and the nine stages of golden elixir. Because the main practice of these three stages is the true qi in the body, they are collectively referred to as the great realm of qi refining.

The Great Realm of Body Refinement is also called the Great Realm of Refining Essence, and the path of cultivation in the Xuanhuang Continent is to refine essence, refine qi...refine God!

Ninth-rank refinement, eighth-rank refinement of qi, seventh-rank refinement of gods... For the small realm, it is the fourth level of outer training, the fourth level of internal refinement, the ground level, the tenth level of nourishing qi, the foundation building period, and the ninth turn of golden core...

Song Ankang's current strength is only in the first stage of Qi Cultivation, and he has just stepped into the fifth level of Qi Cultivation. There is still a long way to go before reaching the ultimate level of Qi Cultivation.

While practicing diligently, one must naturally not forget to drink and have fun. Doing so is also for the sake of self-cultivation, so even drinking and having fun is also a kind of practice.

In the evening, after drinking some wine, Song Ankang, encouraged by a group of beauties, started to play the game of eagle and chicken.

In this game, Song Ankang plays the role of the eagle, and the 36 beauties play the role of the chick. The eagle has to catch people blindfolded. Once they catch someone, they will perform a show that makes the eagle satisfied and comfortable. It is considered a pass.

If the eagle can't catch it for a long time, you have to agree to a request from the chicks. Since Song Ankang sent the story of Shengyun Tower to some girls, the bamboo forest Xiaoxuan where Song Ankang lives has become more and more lively.

Song Ankang was busy playing the game of eagle catching chickens, while the two rich daughters outside the door were playing a game of dressing up as a man.

"Second Sister, we...are we really going to enter Shengyun Tower?"

The rich daughter who spoke was wearing a blue men's clothing, her face was small and round, she looked delicate and cute, and she exuded a fresh and moving aura all over her body.

There is an Adam's apple looming on the neck, which is obviously a disguise, and the appearance is only a little female, so it will not insult the audience's IQ like in some film and television dramas on the earth. It is obvious at a glance that it is a woman disguised as a man. No one can see it.

The rich daughter who is called the second sister is dressed in white, looks chic and suave, exudes a bookish atmosphere, like a scholar who is going to Beijing to rush for an exam, her appearance is not inferior to Song Ankang's.

The second sister in white nodded: "Go in, you must go in, if you don't go in, how can you meet Mr. Zhao Xiyu, a master of poetry who turned out to be born out of nowhere."

"Didn't you just write two poems about Feifei? Second sister, you are too obsessed with poetry. You actually have to come to see him in person because of this. Are you not afraid that the news will spread and affect your reputation?" Tsing Yi The younger sister curled her lips and said, "Others say that I act recklessly and boldly, but I think you are the one who acts recklessly and recklessly, Second Sister."

"Two poems of Feifei?" The second sister in white was stunned for a moment, then looked at the young girl in Tsing Yi and said, "Little sister, these two poems are not Feifei's poems. The second of the best poems about women, especially Peng Xuaner, a beautiful woman in the north, has written the beauty of women to the extreme."

"If there are no accidents, these two poems can be famous for thousands of years, and they will not decay in the past tens of thousands of years. There has not been such a good poem in the Xia Kingdom's poetry circle for hundreds of years."

"Ah..." The little girl in Tsing Yi opened her mouth wide: "Is that an exaggeration? I think that's it."

The second sister in white smiled and said: "You are ignorant, so you can't discover the power of these two poems, but you always know that these two poems have only been born for about half a month, and now they have spread all over the capital, and they are being used in the future. It is spreading to the entire Xia Kingdom at an extremely fast speed."

"If these two poems are not good, how can they spread so fast, and they are still spread by word of mouth, and no one deliberately contributes to the flames. After so many years, which poem have you seen can spread so fast?"

The little girl in Tsing Yi was speechless, and only then did she faintly realize the power of these two poems.

"Let's go, you can imagine how talented Zhao Xiyu is to be able to write such two good poems." The second sister in white smiled sweetly: "I naturally want to see such a hero in the poetry world, if possible If so, I would like to discuss with him the way of poetry, which will definitely be of great help to me."

Seeing the second sister's resolute attitude, the little girl in Tsing Yi had no choice but to nod: "Okay, let's go in, but we must not let others know, especially the eldest sister, if she finds out, I'm afraid they will beat me again Put me in confinement, and then I will say that I encouraged you to come to this kind of place, second sister."

"Don't worry, a good man works like a good man, even if he is found out, I will take it on my shoulders." The second sister in white said with a smile.

The little girl in Tsing Yi curled her lips: "You have made me take the blame more than once, so I don't believe you, and you are not a good guy, second sister!"

Chapter 105 Three Poems of Ankang Fighting Wine...

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