All of a sudden, the entire Baiyu mulberry forest fell into a carnival, and many weavers and workers couldn't help setting off firecrackers. One can imagine how unpopular Tang Quanli is here.

Song Ankang not only got the cash cow of the white jade mulberry forest, but he didn't even lose the business of the processing workshop. From now on, his monthly income can reach at least 5000 taels of silver, which is equivalent to a monthly income of more than 2000 million yuan on the earth. , can definitely be called a high-paying class.

So much money is basically enough for Song Ankang to use during the nourishing qi period. As long as he doesn't squander pills and medicinal materials as much as he did during the body training stage, he shouldn't be short of money anymore.

And whether it is the business of the white jade mulberry forest or the business of the processing workshop, it will definitely continue to improve in the future, and Song Ankang will only get more money by then.

Tang Quanli really did a good deed this time, perfectly interpreting a sentence, that is, losing his wife and losing his army.

The tenants of Chaoyun Grange were about to arrive at Baiyu Sanglin, Song Ankang specially called Dong Xinjie, the second in command of Baiyu Sanglin, over: "Master Dong, I remember that the large open space to the east of Baiyu Town is still in the hands of our Baiyulou, right? "

Because the level of silk weaving is extremely high, it ranks among the top in the entire Xia Kingdom, so Dong Xinjie is called Master Dong.

At this moment, Dong Xinjie was wearing a plum green gown and a bamboo green long skirt, outlining her perfect figure. She looked extraordinarily beautiful and moving, giving people a sense of purity and desolation, which made Song Ankang immediately think of In a TV series I watched, the Leng Qingqiu in it was so cold and pure.

However, compared to the woman in the TV series, Dong Xinjie has a bit more fireworks, and the inadvertently revealed amorous feelings make people palpitate.

Dong Xinjie nodded: "Yes, that large piece of open land has not been sold, and the land deeds are all in our Baiyulou."

"Find some workers with good construction skills, and build some houses on that open space. The style is consistent with other houses in Baiyu Town." Song Ankang ordered: "I brought some people from Chaoyun Farm, and they Just live there."

Dong Xinjie understood this very well. Every forest owner who parachuted from other places would bring some confidantes with him. This is also a normal thing: "I don't know how many houses Song Lin will mainly build?"

"About more than 100 seats, you can discuss this with Qiu Shi." Song Ankang said.

"Er..." Dong Xinjie was stunned: "There are more than 100 seats. Could it be that there are more than 100 people who followed Linzhu Song to the Baiyu Mulberry Forest?"

Song Ankang nodded: "There are indeed more than 100 people, and the total number has exceeded a thousand."

Dong Xinjie bit her cherry lips lightly: "I remember that Song Linzhu should have been the owner of Chaoyun Farm before. There seem to be more than 100 tenants in Chaoyun Farm."

"That's right." Song Ankang nodded: "Thanks to the love of all the tenants, after learning that I'm coming to the Baiyu Mulberry Forest, all the tenants will come with them. They trust me so much, so naturally I won't turn a blind eye to it. .”

Dong Xinjie was stunned. She didn't know how long it had passed before she showed admiration: "Master Lin is truly amazing. I've stayed in the Tang family for so many years, and nothing like this has ever happened before. It can be seen that Master Lin has a lot of respect. We are very popular, and it is really a lucky thing for us to be the subordinates of Lord Lin."

Dong Xinjie said this sentence sincerely, without the slightest hint of absurd praise.

As Dong Xinjie said, let alone the Baiyu Mulberry Forest, even in the entire Tang family, such a thing has never happened.

When other landlords, forest owners, shopkeepers, etc. leave, it is already very good to have some of their confidants willing to follow, and it is already extremely popular to have a fraction of the tenants, mulberry households, etc. The tenants have to leave their homeland and follow Song Ankang to a strange place.

How much trust and courage is needed, or what kind of prestige and character Song Ankang needs, so that so many people willingly follow Song Ankang to the Baiyu Mulberry Forest. Just thinking about Dong Xinjie feels shocking .

Before, Dong Xinjie felt that she was very prestigious and popular in the White Jade Mulberry Forest. If she wanted to leave the White Jade Mulberry Forest, she should be able to take away dozens of weavers and buddies who trusted her very much.

But compared with Song Ankang, this is nothing. Moreover, Song Ankang has only been running Chaoyun Farm for a few months, but Dong Xinjie has been cultivating the Baiyu Mulberry Forest for more than ten years.

Chapter 086 Song's Processing Workshop

In just two months, he was able to gain the support of the entire Chaoyun Farm tenants. After realizing this, Dong Xinjie was speechless.

But soon she knew why Song Ankang was so popular. After confirming that the tenants of Chaoyun Farm were arranged in the east of Baiyu Town, Song Ankang said with a smile: "As for the needs of building these houses, I will pay for it from my monthly salary." Just deduct it, I should be able to advance three months of monthly salary, almost tens of thousands of taels of silver, enough to build these houses, right?"

"Enough is enough, more than enough." Dong Xinjie nodded again and again: "But this is not a small amount of money, does Master Lin really want to pay for it all by himself?"

Dong Xinjie's address to Song Ankang has silently changed from Song Linzhu to a more friendly Linzhu, and even the tone of her speech is much gentler. It can be seen how much Dong Xinjie's attitude towards Song Ankang has changed in a short period of time.

How can people dislike a boss who treats his subordinates so kindly.

Song Ankang nodded: "They trust me so much, they gave up their hometown where they have lived for many years in order to follow me. They can do this for me. Shouldn't I take out this little money?"

"Master Lin is kind." Dong Xinjie saluted.

As Song Ankang said, these tenants followed him to the white jade mulberry forest, and the business of the processing workshop will mainly be for him to make money in the future. Shouldn't Song Ankang invest in advance?

Compared with this little effort, the follow-up tenants of Chaoyun Farm will bring him more profits.

Moreover, these tenants are not wealthy families. Except for a few who can afford the money to build a house, they can't afford others. Song Ankang can't let them live in temporary tents all the time.

So after thinking about it for a while, Song Ankang felt that he had to pay all the money for building the house. This would not only buy the hearts of many tenants, but also buy the hearts of countless mulberry households in the white jade mulberry forest.

Even Dong Xinjie, who is the second in command of Baiyu Sanglin, admires him so much, let alone other people. Compared with such gains, the silver taels he paid are nothing.

Just as Song Ankang expected, when the news spread, it immediately caused a sensation in the entire Baiyu mulberry forest.

Even in this different world, a house is very important to every family. Its status is no less than that of the people on earth, or even worse. After all, there are no cars in this world, and the house is the only measure of many people. Status hardware standard.

The standard of the houses that Song Ankang planned to build for more than 100 tenants in Chaoyun Farm was better than those of other mulberry households in Baiyu Town, and better than the houses that [-]% of the tenants lived in Chaoyun Farm.

Think about what it would be like when the boss of the company gave you a house with three bedrooms and two halls worth more than one million when you were on earth, and you can know how the people here will feel.

This made Song Ankang's reputation in the white jade mulberry forest soar several times in an instant, and almost most of the mulberry households recognized Song Ankang as the new forest owner.

Moreover, Song Ankang's actions not only captured the hearts of many mulberry households in the Baiyu mulberry forest, but also tightened the hearts of all the tenants of Chaoyun Farm.

"Really...Really, the owner of the villa actually wants to provide us with a house in the white jade mulberry forest, and he won't let us pay a single coin."

"No, the owner is good enough for us, and it will be safer for us to move to the white jade mulberry forest. Many villagers and tenants around can't move to such a good place even if they spend their lives. The owner can take us there I have exhausted my benevolence and righteousness, how can the owner of the house pay for the construction of the house?"

"That's right. It is said that Baiyu Town near the Baiyu Mulberry Forest is one of the safest places near Kyoto. There are extraordinary monks sitting in the town. Many people outside of Kyoto can't squeeze in. We are already invited to go in. Fortunately, the owner of the house must not let the money for the house come out."

"I also ask all the stewards to tell the owner of the villa that we will pay all the money for the construction of these houses. Maybe some people still can't afford so much money. We can write the IOU first, and then return all the money to the owner of the villa after we earn money. .”


The tenants of Chaoyun Farm were unwilling to accept such a great gift for nothing, and they reported this matter one after another as soon as they came to the White Jade Mulberry Forest.

However, Song Ankang did not accept this, and even let it out: "If you are sorry, then I will manage the business of the processing workshop well, so that I can earn more profits, and it will be your rent. "

Seeing that Song Ankang insisted on not accepting the house, the tenants of Chaoyun Grange were very grateful, and they took the initiative to join the ranks of building houses, and they were the first to ask for the construction of a processing workshop, so that they could help Song Ankang make money as soon as possible.

With the efforts of more than 1000 tenants, the processing workshop was built in just a few days. Many apprentices in the processing workshop rushed to work day and night, thinking that they could process more medicinal materials and let Song Ankang earn more profits.

More tenants began to learn the methods and skills of medicinal material processing, and then joined the ranks of regular workers, and began to contribute profits to Song Ankang.

The business of the processing workshop increased dramatically in a short period of time, which made Song Ankang's daily income soar.

Song Ankang did not treat these honest and kind tenants badly, and directly doubled their wages.

Originally, Song Ankang's salary for these workshop workers was not low, but now it has doubled, and it has already caught up with the weavers of Baiyu Mulberry Forest.

You must know that these weavers are talents carefully selected by Baiyu Sanglin from all over the world, each of them is exquisite in craftsmanship, and their wages are already high, especially after Song Ankang doubled their wages.

Now the workers in these processing workshops have just mastered the processing of medicinal materials, and they can get such high wages, one can imagine how rich they are.

Many tenants of Chaoyun Farm were moved to tears, wishing they could die for Song Ankang immediately, and even changed the name of the workshop to Song's Workshop, which meant that the workshop belonged to both the Song family and Song Ankang.

This is almost independent of themselves and the processing workshop from Tang's business, which shows how much they respect and recognize Song Ankang, and they can even give up Tang's business for Song Ankang.

If Song Ankang raised his arms at this moment, these tenants of Chaoyun Grange would basically leave the Tang family and become part of Song Ankang's subordinates, and many of them would be able to work hard for Song Ankang.

Doing this in such a short period of time, not to mention shocking Baiyu Sanglin, even some high-ranking officials of the Tang family were dumbfounded when they heard about it.

Chapter 087 Going without hesitation...

Song Ankang's actions indirectly had the effect of buying horse bones with thousands of dollars, which shocked more than 1 mulberry households in the Baiyu mulberry forest, especially after learning about Song Ankang's actions from some tenants of Chaoyun Grange. for later.

Disregarding the future just to save an ordinary tenant, to protect the storehouse at the risk of ambushing a beast of unknown strength, using the risk of oneself as a bait to deal with the earthworms that sneaked into the farm, to look for a way out so that all tenants can survive and look for a way out, in Tongxin Town for Protecting the tenants and taking the risk of chasing and killing ghosts... and this time they took all their tenants to the Baiyu mulberry forest regardless of trouble, and even paid for the construction of houses for all the tenants.

Now the wages of all the tenants have been doubled, so that every tenant who follows can live a good life... One by one, the sum is enough to move any sang household.

And all this happened in just two months, Song Ankang was able to do so many things for them in such a short period of time, how could they not repay it with death.

Of course, Song Ankang did this not only to buy people's hearts, but on the other hand, after leaving Chaoyun Farm, these tenants lost important income from farming. Song Ankang always helped them make up for it, otherwise some people might be I can't go on.

Seeing that Song Ankang treated the tenants who had been with him for two months so well, and did so much for them, the mulberry households in the Baiyu Mulberry Forest were also very moved.

In particular, Song Ankang doubled their treatment as soon as he came, without any nonsense, and talked with real wages, so Song Ankang established his position in the white jade mulberry forest in the shortest time.

The enthusiasm of all the mulberry households increased at a speed visible to the naked eye, and they began to work hard for the white jade mulberry forest and Song Ankang, and some weavers and buddies who had left before also volunteered to come back at this moment, and some of them had some skills Astonishing.

Song Ankang naturally did not refuse anyone who came, and gathered many good players. The business of Baiyu Mulberry Forest in all aspects began to rise. In just a few days, he achieved certain results, which shocked many senior officials of the Tang family who paid attention to Baiyu Mulberry Forest. .

Tang Yelan certainly contributed a lot to this matter, but without Song Ankang's assistance, the effect would not have been so good.

Some senior members of the Tang family finally began to face up to Song Ankang, an unpopular son-in-law. Even though he hadn't shown his true strength, Song Ankang still impressed many people with his abilities and talents.

Responsible, responsible, charismatic, and capable... Compared with Tang Quanli, he is a thousand times better. Even in the eyes of many Sanghu, Song Ankang is the best forest owner in decades.

Gathering people's hearts and showing their ability, everything is developing in a positive direction. In just half a month, both the business of the white jade mulberry forest and the business of the processing workshop have been on the right track, and they can give Song Ankang every day. Bring in a lot of income.

Next, Song Ankang can be lazy for a while, and continue to improve his strength with all his strength. Although he spent most of this time on business, Song Ankang did not slack off in cultivation.

He has practiced the second stage of Qi storage in the technique of hiding the sky and the earth. He has basically been able to hide and disguise Song Ankang's current strength. Discover Song Ankang's true strength.

Taxue Wuhen is getting closer and closer to Dacheng, and in a few months or so, he should be able to reach the state of Dacheng, and Song Ankang has adapted to using true energy to motivate Taxue Wuhen and Qishang Boxing, which are extremely powerful Remarkable, it can be called invincible at the same level.

Under Song Ankang's hard training day and night, the boy's true qi in his body has reached 26 strands, which is very close to the second floor of nourishing qi. Even without the assistance of the book of defying fate, Song Ankang is sure to break through to nourishing qi within a few months second floor.

Although he didn't practice the side effects through breaking power in the past half month, Song Ankang didn't waste a single cent of the time and completely consolidated his cultivation foundation, and this period of time was also necessary.

In addition, Song Ankang has also stabilized his own backyard, and he will have an endless source of wealth when he practices in the future, which can be used to buy various resources.

So not only was there no time wasted, but the harvest was beyond imagination.

Now that the foundation is completely solid, Song Ankang has also adapted to the soaring strength, and has integrated his true energy into what he has learned before, being able to exert a combat effectiveness comparable to that of a third-tier monk who cultivates energy.

He didn't need to worry about the Baiyu Mulberry Forest and Song's Processing Workshop, so he should go to practice hard work, otherwise it would be a waste of time.

After careful consideration, Song Ankang still targeted an outsider as the target of his deeds, and this outsider was... a gentleman!

Song Ankang really can't do anything to his own person. Although he has this ability, Qiushi is still a while away, and some other Weaver Girls who covet him also have ulterior motives.

Some tenant girls in Chaoyun Farm also liked him very much and were willing to dedicate themselves to his practice, but since Song Ankang had no intention of marrying them, Song Ankang couldn't do that kind of thing that used others.

In this case, it is better to go to the cleaners in the city. They are clean and not responsible, and everyone gets what they need.

Fortunately, this world is tolerant enough for men, and Song Ankang's doing so is not considered a betrayal of his family and wife. After all, even Tang Yelan married Song Ankang with four housemaids, which means that Song Ankang suddenly became five Husband of a young girl.

Song Ankang did this not out of some messy thoughts, but for his cultivation and strength. Only in this way can he protect himself and the people around him.

This world is too dangerous, even the huge human race may face extinction at any time, let alone the Tang family and Song Ankang.

A lifetime is too long, who can guarantee that Tang Yelan and others will not encounter life-threatening danger. Song Ankang must have enough strength before that, so that he can have no regrets.

So since time travel, Song Ankang didn't dare to waste any time, and had done everything he could to improve his strength, even if he felt a little sorry for Tang Yelan and the others at this moment, he couldn't care less.

This is much better than Song Ankang being helpless when Tang Yelan and the others are in danger.

And now that he has severely offended Tang Quanli and other high-level officials of the Tang family, who knows if they will kill Song Ankang, the danger is imminent, and there is no room for Song Ankang to improve slowly.

Song Ankang believed that even if Tang Yelan, Qiu Shi, etc. knew about his difficulties, they would not stop him from going to the courtesan, so Song Ankang had no hesitation!

Chapter 088 The First Floor of Kyoto

But before going to break the merits, Song Ankang is going to dress up and change his appearance, adjust his appearance to avoid being recognized by others.

After all, this is not a glorious thing. I hid in the practice room and worked hard for a few hours, and soon a charming young man with a strange smile came out.

Looking at the face in the mirror that could be called the protagonist of a third-rate novel in ancient times, Song Ankang grinned wildly. He didn't have much charm, but instead made people feel like seeing a god of war with a crooked mouth.

Unable to shudder, Song Ankang hurriedly readjusted his appearance, and several hours passed before he knew it.

The evil and charming young man has become a domineering president, with a feeling of "my father is not short of money" rushing towards his face. He is a proper rich second generation, and his charm value has plummeted.

Song Ankang shook his head, and tidied up again. After all, it was the first time for two generations to experience short-term love, and Song Ankang also took it very seriously.

I don't know how long it has passed, but the person in the mirror finally satisfied Song Ankang.

The tall, well-proportioned muscular body exudes a touch of masculinity, which can easily attract the attention of girls.

The clothes are made of ice-blue fine white jade silk, the snow-white trim embroidered with elegant bamboo leaf patterns and the suet white jade hairpin on the head complement each other, subtly setting off the moving figure of a romantic nobleman.

The smile on his face was a bit of a flirtatious boy, his chin was slightly lifted, and the middle of the apricot-shaped eyes was as bright as a galaxy.

Wearing an ink-colored satin gown, with a silver hollow hibiscus border exposed inside the robe, a jade belt around his waist, and an ivory folding fan in his hand. On the front of the fan is written... holding the sun and the moon to pick the stars, and on the back is writing... Don't wait for nothing There are only half a sentence for flowers and branches, and only Song Ankang understands the meaning inside.

A flirtatious and handsome young man who is alive and well, only retaining some of the original owner's characteristics, even the closest people may not be able to recognize this handsome young man Zhao Xiyu who has changed greatly in appearance and temperament.

This kind of appearance and temperament is not only attractive, but also gives people a frivolous and uninhibited feeling. I have already told others that although I am attractive, I am not dedicated. If you are a good family, please stay away. It is quite suitable for a brothel. women's taste.

After all, those brothel women like this kind of handsome and unrestrained rich man who doesn't obsess over them, and it's not easy to cause any trouble, and Song Ankang doesn't want to give any real affection in the brothel.

Although there may still be some flaws and may even be ridiculed by some veterans, this is already the ultimate that Song Ankang can achieve. After all, it is the first time he has gone to such a place in two lives, and it is even the first time he has made a breakthrough. .

With a feeling of apprehension, Song Ankang used the excuse of retreating and hard work, telling no one to disturb him these few days, and then quietly left the white jade mulberry forest, heading towards Ancheng, the capital, several miles away.

If we were to talk about the nobles, Ancheng would naturally be the best, and it would be number one in the entire Xia Kingdom, and Song Ankang aimed at this place.

When leaving, Xiao Luzi, who was secretly protecting Qiushi outside the door, blinked, looked towards Song Ankang's practice room, and faintly noticed something, but was too lazy to move, rolled over and continued to sleep.

Song Ankang left the white jade mulberry forest in this way, his heart was beating extremely hard all the way, as if he was about to pop out the next moment, Chi Guoguo's rookie mentality.

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