The Yuan Xia Federation in the World of Myriad Tribulations has accumulated countless commodities suitable for the Xuanhuang Continent, and this moment is the time when these commodities will come into play.

Soon a large number of electronic products, daily utensils, entertainment facilities... were taken out of the world of myriad calamities, and under the impetus of the Xuanhuang Business Alliance, they began to dump the entire Xuanhuang Continent.

These products were developed by Song Ankang's professional team according to the needs of various ethnic groups in the Xuanhuang Continent. They are of high quality and low price, and have strong applicability. The strength of the Federation can easily defeat the products of all races in terms of price, and the economy of the Xuanhuang Continent may collapse at that time.

Let's start with some products that can't affect the various races, and then slowly sell the products of those inherent industries in the follow-up. The drizzle will silently change the commercial structure of the Xuanhuang Continent, so that it will not cause any trouble.

With the dumping of these commodities, all ethnic groups in the Xuanhuang Continent are also amazed. They did not expect that there are such exquisite and practical commodities in the world. pocket.

Among them, the products with the most explosive sales are those electronic products that have never appeared in the Xuanhuang Continent, such as electronic watches, such as electric lights, such as trams... These products that have never appeared in the Xuanhuang Continent and are particularly practical, once they are released It was so popular that it attracted all races in Xuanhuang to buy frantically.

Moreover, these electronic products basically do not need wires and the like, because with the special resource support of Xuanhuang Continent, only a small battery is needed to make these products run for thousands of years, which is far better than the earth.

The technology of Yuanxia Federation has developed to a point beyond imagination. Household appliances basically do not need wires, such as washing machines, TVs, and refrigerators. They only need to put a thumb-sized battery inside, and they can run normally for several days. Ten years, or even longer, depends on whether there is such a need.

The latest generation of super batteries can even allow a spaceship to fly for more than a thousand years. It is conceivable how much energy it contains.

All kinds of household products are the first step of the Yuanxia Federation's dumping on the Xuanhuang Continent. The price is not expensive, but the profit is at least several times higher. One can imagine how far the Yuanxia Federation has lowered the cost.

With the dumping and popularization of these household products, all ethnic groups in the Xuanhuang Continent were also shocked.

"Xuanhuang Business Alliance is too powerful, how come it sells so many useful things, my favorite is the lighter, and I will no longer need the troublesome flint when lighting the fire in the future, it only needs to be lightly pressed to light it Yes, it's really convenient."

"Don't you think the tram is very powerful, it runs faster than a galloping horse, and it's so cheap that we ordinary people can afford it, and we don't have to follow caravans when we go out in the future, and it's very fast."

"I just bought a refrigerator. Even in the hot summer, I can eat cold ice cubes. The Xuanhuang Business Alliance is really amazing."

"I bought a hundred electric lights and put them in my house to make the house very bright, just like daytime."


All kinds of modern commodities have spread to all races in the Xuanhuang Continent at an unimaginable speed, triggering wave after wave of buying frenzy. Although it will inevitably have an impact on some industries, they are still within the control range, and Song Ankang cannot guarantee It will not have any impact on the businesses of various ethnic groups in the Xuanhuang Continent.

These products have some knowledge and information about the human race, which is a kind of soft cultural invasion. Once the Xuanhuang Continent adapts to these products of the Yuanxia Federation, it will be more difficult to get rid of them.

At the same time, many products are also reminding all ethnic groups in the Xuanhuang Continent that the Xuanhuang Continent is a whole, and everyone must love each other to promote common development, and to prepare for the unification in the future.

Among the many electronic products, the one that shocked the various races in the Xuanhuang Continent the most was the mobile phone.

Before the release of these electronic products, especially before the release of mobile phones, Song Ankang had built many signal stations all over the Xuanhuang Continent. Thanks to the highly developed fantasy technology of the Yuan Xia Federation, although the entire Xuanhuang Continent is huge, it is only Tens of millions of signal stations are needed to cover all areas. One can imagine how powerful these signal stations are.

There are only tens of millions of signal stations. Dozens of holy masters will work together to build all the signal stations in about a year. It doesn't take much time.

Needless to say, how useful the mobile phone is, everyone on earth knows it.

The bow-headed race is not only the mainstream race of the earth, but also the mainstream race of the Xuanhuang Continent at an extremely fast speed. It is favored by countless races and practitioners. They love it and don't want to let it go.

Chapter 909 The Last Dao

Before the release of the mobile phone, Song Ankang had asked the relevant personnel of the Yuanxia Federation to produce a large number of APPs. These APPs include news, short videos, and social entertainment... They look varied, but they have one thing in common, that is, guide All races are united and friendly, and at the same time promote the Xuanhuang Business Alliance.

Whether it is the release of mobile phones or the release of these apps, they are all in the name of the Xuanhuang Business Alliance, which is to prepare for the future unification, and this unification will also start from the economic point of view, moistening everything silently clan united.

Cultural means, entertainment means, and economic means are the main means, and what is hidden behind the good is absolute force, but Song Ankang will not use force easily unless he is forced to, because the loss will be great, and the loss is all his own wealth.

In addition, the Xuanhuang Business Alliance is also forming its own armed team, temporarily hiding in various ethnic groups, and dispatching in the name of each ethnic group to conquer those underground spaces and sky spaces. The countless underground layers and the countless layers above are not just for fun Play, but indeed there are so many layers.

There are thousands of races in the Xuanhuang Continent. Although most of them like to live on the surface where the aura is the most abundant, there are also many who like to live underground and in the sky.

After all, compared with the surface world of the Xuanhuang Continent, the aura of the environment underground and in the sky is much worse.

With the release of mobile phones, it seems that a new world has opened up, leaving people of all ethnic groups and practitioners speechless in shock.

"This mobile phone is really fun. It's really interesting to be able to watch things on it, such as TV series, movies, and variety shows."

"The Shaking Hand app is the most fun. There are many short videos posted by practitioners on it. It's amazing to be able to see so many beauties from so many ethnic groups without going out."

"I still like the game above. I can actually command the immortals to gallop freely. I'm just a little god."

"The Xuanhuang Business Alliance is so powerful, it actually produced such a good thing, this Xuanhuang mobile phone is amazing."


The Xuanhuang Continent quickly blew up a storm of mobile phones, which spread to all ethnic groups at an astonishing speed, changed the life and entertainment habits of countless ethnic groups in the Xuanhuang Continent, and gave birth to a large number of mobile phone fans. Can be seen everywhere.

After all, the price of mobile phones is not expensive, and ordinary families can afford them, and there are various subsidies, which can basically guarantee that every family has one.

The Xuanhuang Chamber of Commerce will release various information through mobile phones, such as weather, news, health, cultivation... There are so many things to see, and it can also bring help to life and cultivation, so there are a lot of buyers.

Through various APPs on mobile phones, people of all ethnic groups and practitioners can also see the situation of other races, and know the affairs of the world without going out. The most important thing is that everyone starts to get acquainted. That is inevitable.

Of course, it is inevitable that the people and practitioners will post some confrontational and inciting hatred videos. Song Ankang asked the relevant departments to severely crack down on this. What the Xuanhuang Continent needs at present is peace, unity, friendship, and unity... not Fighting and killing, waste of resources and wealth for nothing, these resources and wealth belong to Song Ankang.

Song Ankang is also using various means to search for the wealth in the hands of the people and practitioners, various household products, various APP consumption, and various cultivation resources... Through the Treasure Hunt Mall and Pinduoduobao in the mobile phone, the people of Xuanhuang Continent and Practitioners can buy the goods they need without going out, and the price is much cheaper than before.

This allows the people and practitioners to happily invest their wealth and resources into it, so that everyone has no money to fight and kill, start wars and so on.

In addition, at the request of Song Ankang, all the tribes in the Xuanhuang Continent are cracking down on this matter, and all the tribes in the Xuanhuang Continent become united as never before, and everyone honestly enjoys the benefits of the Xuanhuang Business Alliance. A product, temporarily abandoning those messy things.

Of course, there are many demons, ghosts, and special races in the Xuanhuang Continent. These are pure destroyers for the Xuanhuang Continent. Song Ankang focuses on such races and lives.

At the same time, doing so can also train soldiers, so that the legions under their command will not lose their fighting spirit, so even if the future is really unified, and all ethnic groups unite and love each other, the Xuanhuang Business Alliance will not lack fighting and fighting.

Moreover, there is such a big threat as the destruction of the cave, and the various clans cannot help fighting.

Seeing that everything was going on in an orderly manner according to his own arrangement, Song Ankang also felt relieved and continued to practice with concentration. Next, he was going to comprehend the tenth rule of the Great Dao.

Fusion Avenue!

One of the most high-speed railways, the three thousand avenues are ranked in the top ten or so avenues, and they are also the best auxiliary avenues in the Taoist realm. There is no such thing, especially for practitioners who want to break through the second rank and promote to the first rank .

As the name suggests, the Fusion Dao can help practitioners integrate various Dao rules, making it easier for practitioners to break through the shackles of the past and the present, and to advance to an unprecedented level.

Even if Song Ankang had the Book of Rebellion in hand, he would not dare to be careless. After all, the Xuanhuang Continent has developed for tens of billions of years, and so far no Taoist master has been able to advance to the level of first-class creation. From here, we can know the difficulty Just how big.

Therefore, in order to reduce the difficulty of being promoted to the first rank, Song Ankang decided to choose Fusion Avenue as the last avenue rule.

Since then, Song Ankang's ten avenue rules for promotion to the first rank have been perfected, namely, the avenue of swallowing, the avenue of space, the avenue of time, the way of martial arts, the avenue of destiny, the avenue of light, the avenue of darkness, the avenue of destruction, the avenue of earth, and the avenue of fusion... as long as you understand After understanding the fusion avenue, then it is time to consider the fusion avenue.

The ten avenues are all high-speed railways, ranking in the top ten of the three thousand avenues, and the worst can be ranked No. 16. Once they are all integrated, the power can be imagined.

Moreover, these ten avenues are quite high in phase, and their power is sufficient. If they can really be integrated to form a fundamental avenue, there is a great chance that they can support the body world, turn it into the avenue of creation, and break through smoothly to The level of Yipin Creation helped Song Ankang step into a new level.

However, Song Ankang is also a little worried. After all, his own body world is too huge, and he doesn't know whether the fundamental way formed after the fusion can successfully support the body world.

By the way, basically every world has this fundamental avenue, and the Xuanhuang Great World also has it. It is above all other daos, governing three thousand avenues and infinite trails. It is generally called...the way of heaven!

Chapter 910 Heavenly Dao Supernatural Powers

The way of heaven is vast and endless, ranking above all the ways in the world, and it is the root of one world.

The favor of the will of heaven is also called the son of luck, the son of destiny, the son of destiny, etc., and it is the core of a world.

Once the law of heaven is born, even if Song Ankang, the master, has no time management, he can operate on his own, constantly improve the big world of the body, clean up the poisonous substances in the world, and truly be independent of the sea of ​​​​chaos, with incredible effects.

The Dao of Heaven also has a name, that is Ruyi Dao, which can be transformed into three thousand avenues and infinite small avenues to support the operation of the world, and then gradually improve the rules of the world, and after they are perfected, they can become independent and specialize in controlling all Dao.

And this perfect process, relying on Tiandao alone will take a lot of time, but with the assistance of Song Ankang, constantly comprehend various Dao rules, and then integrate into the world, then the speed will be very fast.

Moreover, after the formation of the Dao of Heaven, various supernatural powers are often born. This kind of supernatural power is superior to the great supernatural powers. It is known as the supernatural power of the Dao of Heaven and has incredible effects.

The so-called Heavenly Punishment is just the lowest level of divine power, and also the most common divine power. Basically, every divine power can be born and mastered.

And with the development and expansion of the world, more supernatural powers will be born in the Dao of Heaven. Of course, if it is the Dao of Heaven with a master, the practitioner as the master can also practice and gain more supernatural powers.

These supernatural powers all act on one world, and can exert the power of the entire world. That kind of power is simply beyond imagination.

Naturally, Song Ankang can also sublimate the supernatural powers and secret arts he is practicing now, so as to turn them into heavenly supernatural powers, but this is relatively difficult, and some supernatural powers and secret arts may not have such potential, no matter how they can be upgraded, they will not be able to ascend.

After choosing the last Dao rule, the next thing to do is naturally to understand.

With one order, a group of Holy Master avatars and Daoist avatars who had comprehended the Dao of Fusion were brought over. Song Ankang spent several years devouring them, and his mastery of the Dao of Fusion quickly reached level 94. , the remaining levels are relatively easy peripheral branches, and it is extremely difficult to comprehend them.

However, in order to consolidate the foundation of cultivation, Song Ankang deliberately slowed down and spent a certain amount of time consolidating it. It took another few years to successfully complete the enlightenment of the Dao of Fusion.

Lord of the Ten Directions!

Since then, Song Ankang has stepped into the level of the Taoist Master of the Ten Directions, and he is in charge of the ten iron rules of the Dao. He has incredible power, and his combat power has surpassed any Taoist Master.

Song Ankang is confident that he can defeat Houtu, who has integrated the five Dao rules.

The world of myriad calamities has expanded to 1 square kilometers, more than ten times that of ordinary Taoist masters, and its vastness is beyond imagination.

Thanks to the resources and treasures of various tribes attacking, especially the resources and treasures earned through the Xuanhuang Business Alliance, the world of Myriad Tribulations has been filled with various resources and treasures, forming hills, and the resources and treasures per unit area Although it is not as good as some of the top ten Taoist masters, it is almost the same.

Especially in terms of the total amount of resources, it has already crushed any Taoist master, even Shouhoutu, Satan, Emperor Fengdu... Compared with them, they are still far behind.

By the way, the resources and treasures in the body world of many Taoist servants such as Satan, Fengdu, Di Jun, etc. were searched by Song Ankang. After searching, the resources and treasures per unit area of ​​their body world could not catch up with Song Ankang. In terms of total volume, the difference is even greater.

It is thanks to the help of these Taoist servants that Song Ankang's body world can develop at an astonishing speed, with such abundant resources and treasures.

At the same time that Song Ankang comprehended the rules of the tenth avenue, the Xuanhuang Business Alliance was also officially made public, announcing its existence to all races in the entire Xuanhuang Continent.

Afterwards, the super races headed by the Demon Race, Hades Race, Witch Race, Monster Race, etc. announced to join the Xuanhuang Business Alliance and became a part of the Xuanhuang Business Alliance. The entire Xuanhuang Continent was in an uproar. The case where clans belong to the same organization.

However, because of the previous foreshadowing, all ethnic groups declared that this was just an economic barrier, so the rebound was not large, but there were still some fighting and wars. After all, many ethnic groups had deep hatred before, and now they see their own ethnic group and the enemy. Join the same organization, how can you not be angry.

Fortunately, they are all within the acceptable range, so that they will not cause too much damage. What the Xuanhuang Business Alliance and Song Ankang need to do later is to slowly resolve these contradictions like boiling frogs in warm water, so as to avoid causing too much damage.

The various tribes in the Xuanhuang Continent have fought and fought for many years, and the accumulated hatred can be imagined. If nothing else, let’s just talk about the Hades and the Yaozu. They have been fighting for hundreds of millions of years. How can the hatred accumulated over the years be easily resolved? .

This is not some YY novel, but a real world. How can it be easy to resolve these hatreds.

This time, just because of joining the same business alliance, both Yaozu and Wuzu have many forces to oppose, and even launched a deadly remonstrance, which shows how deep the hatred between the two sides is.

Seeing that the hatred of various ethnic groups is still relatively deep, Song Ankang decided to be more careful, mainly through culture and entertainment to promote integration, slowly reduce the hatred between various ethnic groups, and wait until it reaches a certain level before taking bigger actions. The move is still a little aggressive.

Although Song Ankang has absolute strength and can suppress all resistance, doing so will inevitably lead to the loss of a lot of resources and wealth, which Song Ankang does not want to see.

Of course, if it is really necessary to do so, or it can bring him more resources and wealth, and the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, Song Ankang also knows how to choose, and he will not continue to implement any pedantic policy of peaceful reunification.

Now it is only because peaceful reunification can bring him more resources and wealth, so Song Ankang will choose this way, otherwise Song Ankang does not have too deep feelings for all ethnic groups, so he will naturally be tricky.

After the various ethnic groups got used to it, the Xuanhuang Business Alliance released various news and content through mobile phones to moisten things silently and alleviate the hatred among the various ethnic groups.

The turmoil brought about by the Xuanhuang Business Alliance was also slowly suppressed until there was no more sound, but most practitioners didn't know it, because the number of practitioners who died in this incident was at least tens of billions. There are more than a hundred forces and families in the country, and this is still under the condition that Song Ankang is not too ruthless.

Chapter 911

After the incident of Xuanhuang Business Alliance was made public, under Song Ankang's suggestion, all ethnic groups and apps began to publicize one thing, that is, Xuanhuang World is one family and belongs to the same Xuanhuang village.

The mobile phone has pulled all intelligent life into several apps, and the distance between them seems to be very close. Even two intelligent life separated by dozens of kilometers can communicate at any time through the mobile phone.

That feeling is shocking and intoxicating.

The entire Xuanhuang land seems to have become a small village, where all intelligent life can make many friends, and this is also respected by various apps.

Especially between different races, the more friends you can get, the more benefits you can get, and some hidden benefits can only be obtained through making friends.

At the same time, every APP is suppressing those behaviors that provoke racial hatred and promoting peace as much as possible.

Everything is developing steadily, and Song Ankang has also started the road of integration.

When most Taoist masters of the ten directions perform Dao fusion, they choose a rule with the highest compatibility, and then integrate the other nine rules into it one by one. The rules of the road can be integrated.

So Song Ankang chose to integrate the Dao as the main thing, and began to integrate other rules. The rules of fusion are not other, but the rules of the soil. One is good at fusion, and the other can carry all kinds of ways. Naturally, priority should be given to fusion.

Sitting cross-legged, the Yellow Beam Dao Formation was opened, and tens of thousands of years have passed in the formation, but looking at the progress of the fusion, even with Song Ankang's current comprehension, the time of ten thousand years is only one billionth of the fusion .

According to this kind of progress, when will it be possible to successfully merge Dao?


Second-rank taboo supernatural powers were originally ranked second-rank inferior, but after thousands of years of transformation and transformation by Song Ankang, they have been promoted to the ultimate second-rank supernatural powers, and their effects and backlashes are even more astonishing.

Since it is a taboo supernatural power, it naturally has huge side effects. After using the blood fusion technique, various rules can be forcibly fused in a short period of time, bursting out with unimaginable power, but the side effect afterwards is that not only the fused rules will be separated again, but also Even the previously fused parts will not be separated, and it will cause a lot of trauma to the spirit, energy, and body world.

But for Song Ankang, who has the scripture against fate, such a side effect is obviously what he needs.

Now that the blood fusion technique has been transformed, it is naturally time to try it.

Song Ankang smiled slightly, hid in the depths of the Huangliang Dao Formation, and began to perform blood fusion.

With the use of the blood fusion technique, the ten great irons in Song Ankang's body began to fuse, one billionth... two billionths... three billionths... Song Ankang didn't dare to fuse too much at first, but Start with a billionth to avoid any surprises.

After all, Song Ankang is directly merging the ten major iron rules together, which is more difficult, more stressful, and more dangerous... In this way, slowly, a little by little, the fusion has reached one in a billion, and Song Ankang feels that his body is a little unbearable.

And this one-billionth fusion, the power that can be erupted far exceeds Song Jixiang's strongest move before. This is still in the absence of magical powers and secrets. If it is integrated into the supernatural and secret, that kind of power Can be imagined.

Song Ankang deliberately tested it, and adapted to the power of the ten avenue rules after the integration, and was quite satisfied with it.

But soon the side effects came, and the originally integrated ten avenue rules were all scattered until they could no longer be integrated, and they were a little more repulsive than before. In addition, Song Ankang's spirit and body world He was also severely injured, and even his understanding and aptitude were affected to a certain extent.

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