Thinking of the scene of being humiliated by this rabbit monster before, Twelve Wings still connected to Song Ankang's private chat: "What is this game of war, can you send a copy to see?"

Although I feel a little ashamed, but compared to curiosity, this little shame is nothing.

Especially if he can decipher the chess game and understand more ways to play it, can he also get a lot of immortal pills from Moyan Taotian?

Just like the dead rabbit, Shilipo Sword God, with a deck of poker, he came up with more than a dozen ways to play, and in the end he was rewarded with several celestial pills.

If it can do the same, can it also get several immortal pills?

Thinking of this possibility, Twelve Wings almost danced, but Song Ankang's reply quickly gave him a blow to the head.

Shilipo Sword God: "Three Immortal Limit Pills!"

Twelve Wings went crazy: "Why don't you grab it!"

Shilipo Sword God: "Do you think I don't know what you are thinking? In fact, there are many ways to play war chess. If you can figure it out, you may be able to exchange a bunch of immortal pills from Moyan Taotian."

Twelve Wings: "This..."

Shilipo Sword God: "With three Immortal Limit Pills, maybe you can earn six Immortal Limit Pills. This is a [-]% rate of return. Don't you feel tempted?"

Twelve Wings: "I'm a little tempted, can you have less, you have already given a share to the monstrous boss, and asking me if I want so much is not a bit too much."

Shilipo Sword God: "That's the truth, but what about the things you scolded me before?"

Twelve Wings: "I was wrong, I was the one who was cheap in the past, I apologize to you!"

Shilipo Sword God: "For the sake of your sincerity, then give me two Immortal Limit Pills, and I will send you a copy of the war chess."

Twelve Wings: "I've already eaten my Immortal Limit Pill, how about the credit? After I earn a few Immortal Limit Pills from the monstrous boss, I will give you two more Immortal Limit Pills?"

Shilipo Sword God: "Get lost..."

Shilipo Sword God left the private chat and returned to the group chat pool.

Twelve Wings continued to chat with Shilipo Sword God in private: "What I said is true, I am also one of the elders of the dignified sixth-rank fairy clan, how could I lie to you about this kind of thing, just give me a credit Opportunity."

Song Ankang ignored him, and sent a message to Moyan Taotian in the group: "Boss Taotian is so fun, I will come up with some interesting ways to play for you, and I will definitely guarantee your satisfaction."

Mo Yan monstrous: "Go, don't disturb me playing war chess."

Shilipo Sword God: "Alright!"

Shilipo Sword God withdrew from the group chat pool, and the message of Twelve Wings was half written: "I can swear to you, if I renege on my debt..."

Twelve Wings: "Dead Rabbit, don't let me find a chance, or I'll kill you!"


Song Ankang didn't pay attention to the wailing of the defeated dog Twelve Wings, and concentrated on taking the Immortal Limit Pill to break through to a higher level.

When there was no Immortal Limit Pill, Song Ankang continued to practice hard on the Seven Injuries Demon Sutra, Boy Demon Art, Sacred Heart Art, Heavenly Demon Disintegration Secret Art...the spirit, energy and spirit are simultaneously improved to ensure that they can go hand in hand, and no one is left behind.

In my free time, I can still accompany Tang Yelan, Tang Mingyue, Tang Liuli, Chunhua Qiushi, Dong Xinjie, Peng Xuan'er, Yuedu Goddess... time management is very good, basically it doesn't make the people beside the pillow feel left out. Didn't sleep, but she wasn't too far away from sleeping.

Facing the moving setting sun that day, Shilipo Sword God and Twelve Wings hugged their thighs together in the group chat pool.

Shilipo Sword God: "The monstrous boss is really knowledgeable. He can even improve the sixth-grade fairy art. Looking at the entire rabbit demon clan, it is estimated that even a rabbit can't do it."

Twelve Wings: "It's not just your rabbit demon clan. Even if you look at the vast Xuanhuang Continent, I'm afraid not many groups can do it. The monstrous boss is a pedantic celestial being, and a rare opponent in the world."

Mo Yan monstrously said: "The kung fu of a mere three-legged cat, you are overrated."

Song Ankang still wanted to speak when he saw a new name appear in the list on the left of the group chat pool.

Flame of Breaking Barriers: "Two flatterers, looking annoying."

Twelve Wings: "..."

Song Ankang looked at the head portrait of the newcomer, and felt that the newcomer was a bit difficult.

Because the head portrait of the newcomer is the sky that has been pierced layer by layer, and he can clearly see all kinds of celestial winds and the like, which are dangerous things that even sixth-rank true immortals are extremely afraid of.

Moreover, these strong winds are only on the lower floors, and there are even more terrifying dangers above them, which are obviously more powerful than the strong winds, so Song Ankang spoke decisively.

Shilipo Sword God: "What's wrong with the flatterer, did you eat your food and drink your water? Am I lying? The rabbit demon clan doesn't even have a sixth-rank rabbit demon. How can it be improved? technique."

Knowing everything about Kunlun: "Whoever has time, can you come to the thousand flower bushes in the Kunlun Mountains? The thousand flower bushes here will be eaten up by a group of monster pigs. Who will teach them a lesson?"

Flame of Breaking Barriers: "..."

Although he didn't speak, after thinking about it carefully, Breaking Barrier Flame felt that what the rabbit monster Shilipo Sword God said seemed to make sense.

Everyone knows that the strongest Rainbow Rabbit of the Rabbit Monster Clan is only a half-step true immortal. It seems that there has never been a sixth-rank true immortal, and he can't even master the immortal art, so how can he improve the immortal art.

Therefore, Shilipo Sword God didn't lie or exaggerate, but just told the truth, and what he said was quite interesting, so Breaking Barrier Flame temporarily shut up.

Seeing that the mortal enemy, Breaking Barrier Flame, was shut up by Shilipo Sword God, Mo Yan was so excited.

Chapter 438

Mo Yan monstrously said: "Little Tutu did a great job, I reward you with two Immortal Limit Pills!"

Demon Flame sent two Immortal Limit Pills to Shilipo Sword God!

Are these two rivals?

Song Ankang was a little surprised when he received the Immortal Limit Pill from Moyan Taotian. He didn't expect to have such an unexpected harvest after saying the word Breaking the Barrier.

How much hatred these two guys have, to actually reward themselves for this little thing.

Shilipo Sword God: "Thank you for your Immortal Limit Pill!"

Knowing everything about Kunlun Mountain: "You guys really don't have time, the monster pigs in the Thousand Flowers of Kunlun Mountain are very annoying, come and teach them a lesson."

No one paid any attention to the Kunlun Mountain Know-it-all who often sent help messages in the group chat pool. The eyes of Twelve Wings were red, and he was speechless when he saw the message Mo Yantao sent to Shilipo Sword God with two celestial pills.

Although it also wanted these two Immortal Limit Pills, Twelve Wings would rather not use this method.

Who is Breaking the Barrier Flame? It is an existence that can stand up to the Mo Yan Taotian, the big boss of the demon clan. His status is also very high, and he is not inferior to Mo Yan Taotian.

According to the previous conversation between the two, whether it is Demonic Flame or Breaking Barrier Flame, they are not very old, but they have both stepped into the ranks of sixth-rank true immortals and are rushing towards the level of fifth-rank earth immortals. Thousands of years, one of the two has stepped into the ranks of the fifth-rank earth immortal, with a lifespan of tens of thousands of years.

They are all remarkable existences in themselves, and they are also the level that Twelve Wings have pursued all their lives, but the forces behind them are even more terrifying. Behind each of them is at least a third-rank super race as their support. Twelve Wings even talk to them. You have to be careful all the time, how dare you hate them.

So seeing the way that Shilipo Sword God, a dead rabbit, earned two Immortal Limit Pills, Twelve Wings was quite envious, but he couldn't help sneering. Shilipo Sword God, a dead rabbit, is really bold. The big guy Zhan Zhiyan, no matter where the rabbit monster is, he will definitely become a dead rabbit soon.

It's just a lower third-rank race. It only needs a word from Breaking Barrier Flame to mobilize the forces behind it. It is not difficult to exterminate the race.

Even some races of the third rank, when faced with the barrier-breaking flames and the monstrous magic flames, they also don't have much resistance.

Twelve Wings watched silently, not daring to say nonsense, as if it was shit, and at the same time, he was ready to go offline at any time, so as not to let the boss Moyan Taotian feel that his little brother was not good enough, and thus vent his anger on him. its body.

It's just the leader of the lower third-rank race, but it doesn't dare to be as reckless as the dead rabbit of Shilipo Sword God, and dare to offend such a boss as Poobstacle Flame.

Mo Yan monstrously: "Stinky bird, I heard that your Phoenix family has been dealt with very badly by our demons recently. Even the ice fish ocean, which is the most ancient place, has been taken away by our demons. This is the tenth time in the past thousand years that our demons It must have been an important place of all ages stolen by the Phoenix Clan, if this continues, your Phoenix Clan will fall sooner or later."

Flame of Breaking Barriers: "If it wasn't for some unscrupulous schemes and tricks, how could you demons snatch away [-] million miles of ice fish ocean, and our Phoenix clan will snatch ice fish ocean back sooner or later, your demons will not be proud for long. "

Moyan Taotian: "When you were robbed of the first eternal place Nirvana Mountain, the patriarch of your Phoenix clan said the same thing, but now 1000 years have passed, and your Phoenix clan has lost more and more ancient places. But our demons have grabbed more and more important places of the ages, the winner is the king and the loser is the bandit, if you can't do it, you can't do it, why bother to find so many excuses."

Flame of Breaking Barriers: "You are right, I am narrow-minded, but in the confrontation between the Phoenix Clan and the Demon Clan thousands of years ago, our Phoenix Clan won consecutive battles, but it was only in the last thousand years that we lost the wind. , don't be too happy too soon."

Mo Yan monstrous: "But I just want to be happy."

Flame of Breaking Barriers: "..."

Seeing that Breaking Barrier Flame was choked so hard that he couldn't speak, Mo Yan Taotian couldn't help laughing out loud, only felt a bad breath, and felt relieved.

Demon Flame said: "Bring me some wine, I'm going to have a drink today, little rabbit, you did a good job today, and your war chess is even better. If you use it properly, it's not only fun to play, it seems that it can also be used to deduce war , it will be of great use to our Demon Clan in defeating the Phoenix Clan."

Flame of Breaking Barriers: "..."

Tenlipo Sword God: "..."


Song Ankang didn't know how to describe his mood at the moment, Mo Yantaotian must have no brains, he actually said such words directly, don't I know that war chess is not only interesting to play, but also has a certain effect on war.

If it wasn't for the urgency of Mo Yan, and Song Ankang was eager to get the Immortal Limit Pill, he would not have taken out the war chess rashly.

Now, knowing that Breaking Barrier Flame is in the group, he is still saying such things in the group chat. Isn't this... the rush to send him business, haha!

Sure enough, as Song Ankang expected, there was a private chat soon, and it was also a private chat with the Flame of Breaking Barriers.

Flame of Breaking Barriers: "Yaotu, what is the war chess that the little witch said? Is it really useful for war? Can you send me a copy? I can also give you three immortal limit pills."

Shilipo Sword God sent a private chat with the Flame of Breaking Barriers!

Seeing that Shilipo Sword God, the demon-flame dog leg, sent her a set of war chess so neatly, Breaking Barrier Flame was silent for a moment, and then suddenly realized one thing, that is, Shilipo Sword God The demon rabbit is not the lackey of Demon Flame, but... the lackey of Immortal Limit Pill!

All the prosperity in the world is for profit, and the noise in the world is all for profit!

Breaking the Barrier Flame once again had a deeper understanding of life, so she decisively opened the war chess sent by Song Ankang and studied it carefully.

A moment later, the Flame of Breaking Barriers shocked the heavens and humans, and immediately sent four immortal pills to Song Ankang: "Yaotu, your chess game is good, and it really has a lot of effect on the war. If you still have such a good game in the future Just send it to me, and I will definitely give you a satisfactory price."

Shilipo Sword God: "The barrier-breaking master is mighty, the barrier-breaking master is domineering, the barrier-breaking master is mighty and domineering! Just rest assured, for the sake of your generosity, in the future, whenever there is something good, I will definitely give it to you as soon as possible." Thinking of the barrier-breaking boss, I guarantee that the barrier-breaking boss will be satisfied."

Looking at the message sent by the demon rabbit, Shilipo Sword God, Breaking Barrier Flame couldn't help but fell silent again, with a familiar sense of sight, and at the same time inexplicably sympathized with the little witch Moyan Taotian.

Chapter 439

Demon Flame said: "Stinky Bird, it's a pity that you offended my little Tutu, otherwise you might be able to get a set of war chess from him, maybe you can resist our demons a little bit, little Tutu don't give it to me!" It's just a stinky bird game, otherwise I will fix you carefully."


In the chat pool, the somewhat silly and sweet Demon Flame was still chattering excitedly, unaware that her little bunny had already given the battle chess to Breaking the Barrier Flame, and happily hugged another big thick leg .

Seeing the yelling Demon Flame Taotian, Breaking Barrier Zhiyan felt that the anger he had just received from Demon Flame Taotian was swept away, so he couldn't help but sent Song Ankang a bottle of seventh-rank high-ranking pill in private chat: "Demon Rabbit, you did a good job!"

Shilipo Sword God chatted privately with Flame of Breaking the Barrier: "Thank you for the compliment, Mr. Barrier Breaking, you are too praised."

Flame of Breaking Barriers: "..."

Not knowing what to reply, Breaking Barrier Flame silently exited the chat pool, ready to study the game of war carefully and see if he could find more uses from it.

Seeing that the wealth-spreading boy, Breaking Barrier Flame, left, Song Ankang continued to return to the chat pool, echoed Mo Yan Tao Tian, ​​patted Mo Yan Tao Tian's flattery, and harvested a few more bottles of magic pills.

After Mo Yantaotian left the chat pool, Song Ankang left, ignoring the Kunlun Mountains who were still sending messages for help in the chat pool, but prepared to take the Immortal Limit Pill to practice and improve.

In a short period of time, he harvested seven Immortal Limit Pills one after another, which was enough for Song Ankang to raise his cultivation level by one level. Song Ankang himself did not expect that he could harvest so many Immortal Limit Pills in such a short period of time.

This luck is going to explode!

Sitting cross-legged happily, Song Ankang began to take the Immortal Limit Pill.

As the medicinal power of the Immortal Limit Pill entered his body, Song Ankang's spiritual limit was continuously expanded and improved at the same time.

Although the main effect of the Immortal Limit Pill is to expand the limit, it can also improve the spirit, but compared with the improvement of the spirit, the limit is the most important.

Moreover, it is easy for Song Ankang to improve his energy, but it is more difficult to expand the limit, so this is not on Song Ankang's mind.

After digesting a celestial limit pill, Song Ankang's energy and spirit increased by about two points, which was obviously much less than the three points above at the beginning.

But thinking about having taken more than ten Immortal Limit Pills these days, it is normal for the body to develop drug resistance, and the further you go, the more difficult it is to expand the limit. It is already very good to have such an improvement.

Song Ankang looked calm, and after getting used to it, he began to take the second immortal pill.

I also took a few breaks during the period, on the one hand to relax the body and mind, and on the other hand to adapt to the surge in energy.

It took several days for the seven immortal pills to be digested little by little. After digesting all the medicinal powers of the immortal pills, Song Ankang's energy had already reached over sixty.

Tianguan Sixfold!

In the past, Moyan Taotian was Song Ankang's lucky star, but now he has to add a barrier-breaking flame.

Smiling slightly, Song Ankang felt quite satisfied with the surging energy in his body.

The spirit and spirit of going hand in hand makes Song Ankang almost have no shortcomings, he can attack, defend and escape, and has no dead ends in all directions. The practitioners at Tianguan Jiuzhong are also scumbags in front of Song Ankang.

If all kinds of magical skills and secret techniques are fully activated, and all kinds of artifacts are fully used, ordinary half-step true immortals are no more than chickens and dogs to Song Ankang.

In just a few months, Song Ankang has gone through the road that Song Ankang expected to take more than 50 years to walk. This makes Song Ankang, who is wearing a plug-in, feel like a dream.

Think about the many pioneers of the human race for thousands of years, and they have worked so hard to get something that is far inferior to the Immortal Limit Pill. It turned out that Song Ankang was lucky, and he had already taken twenty pieces of the Immortal Limit Pill. about.

Tianyayu is really his good luck, and the magic flame and the barrier-breaking flame are also his chances. I don't know if there are other group friends in Tianyayu's chat pool, especially the kind of rich and powerful group friends, Song Ankang favourite.

Smiling, Song Ankang began to adapt to the soaring strength, while improving various martial arts and secret techniques, and never gave up on improving combat effectiveness.

Song Ankang will also pay attention to the chat pool while practicing. If there is something that interests him, he can practice some martial arts and secret techniques that do not require full concentration, such as the Seven Injuries Magic Sutra, Nether God's Eye, Hidden Heaven and Earth Technique, etc. , By the way, pay attention to the chat pool to see if there are any benefits that suit you.

If not, then continue to concentrate on practicing. If so, hug your thighs, act as a dog licker, and pretend to be a weak rabbit... and Song Ankang is not lying. Although he is not a rabbit demon, he is really It's weak, of course this is compared to Demonic Flame and Barrier-breaking Flame.

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