This, this is the end?

Well, Qi Lei thought he had to go to the school gate, the teachers and the principal gathered around and took a group photo!

Is this the end?

In fact, he was thinking too much. If other units sent pennants, it might be a grand point.The army has a special status, and this trip is really to express gratitude, not just for show.

So, keep everything low-key and simple, that is, the old head Dong took a film camera, took a few photos, and then posted them in the reading room of the school as a souvenir.

From the beginning to the end, Zhang Nan did not participate, but quietly observed Qi Lei from the sidelines.

After the pennant was delivered, Zou Hongming couldn't leave in a hurry, he had to sit down and chat for a while, otherwise it would be too perfunctory.

Of course, the object is still Qi Lei, the main thing is thanks.

Because of that report, it did bring them considerable social support and understanding.

Although there is no substantial help, for the frontline commanders and fighters, spiritual encouragement is the greatest support.

In fact, being a soldier is really simple, as long as the common people don't call them stinky soldiers, even if they don't stand behind and wave flags, but just show understanding and care like Qi Lei, they will willingly risk their lives.

In short, Qi Lei really played a big role this time.

Zou Hongming was naturally generous with his compliments, and praised Qi Lei so much.

The Qi Lei who praised was a little flustered, and a little panicked.

Because, Principal Zhang has always been a bystander, and has never said much, and Qi Lei doesn't know what she is thinking.

Why does the old mother-in-law feel more terrifying to him than the old man?

Finally, Zou Hongming saw that it was almost time to leave, but it was Zhang Nan who spoke.

"Vice-captain Zou may not have much impression, right? We've met before."

Zou Hongming was taken aback, "Yes, is it? But... I don't really remember."

Zhang Nan pushed his glasses, "Captain Zou is a noble man who forgets things, it's normal! Last year in Harbin No. [-] Middle School, the corps was a co-construction unit of the No. [-] Middle School and was responsible for the military training of freshmen. I remember that Captain Zou led the team at that time Bar?"

Zou Hongming remembered, "That said, I have some impressions. Principal Zhang was originally in No. [-] Middle School, right? Why was he transferred to Shangbei?"

Zhang Nan subconsciously glanced at Qi Lei, Qi Lei was a little flustered, your transfer back to Shangbei shouldn't have much to do with me, right?

Zhang Nan: "I am from Shangbei. It happened that the principal Gao of Shangbei No. [-] Middle School was transferred, so I returned to my hometown to contribute to the cause of education."

"Oh, then...the principal Zhang really has a heart."

Zou Hongming is still a little dazed, this friend who catches up with old friends didn’t come sooner, why am I leaving, remembering this trouble?There is a faint feeling that something is wrong.

However, given Zhang Nan's level, how could he find out what was wrong now?

Following the previous topic, he let out a long sigh, "Captain Zou doesn't know, Shangbei's situation is still incomparable with Harbin City!"

Zou Hongming nodded in agreement, "Harbin is a provincial capital after all, and it's normal for there to be gaps."

Zhang Nan, "Yes, educational resources are not balanced!"

"For example, middle schools in provincial capitals, even ordinary schools, have a military training process. At least children can suffer a little bit, gain more knowledge, and more intuitively see what patriotism education is."

"But in Shangbei, the children don't have that luck. Even the key middle schools don't have military training subjects."

"!!!" Zou Hongming immediately became vigilant. Although he is a soldier, a soldier is not stupid.

There is something in the words, why?We just had something to do with one of your students, and this is to... want to make use of it?You can't do it, can you?

It's a pity, it's still a bit late to find out, the principal of Zhang Da has already laid the groundwork.

"Actually, Shangbei's children should receive military training, which will help them develop in an all-round way!"

Zou Hongming: "..." Can't answer!Can't pick it up!But, you can't accept it!

Some hesitated, "Principal Zhang is right!"

After pondering for a while, "This way!"

"In the future, in the name of the corps, I will communicate with the Shangbei Armed Police Detachment to see if we can form a joint construction relationship with Shangbei No. [-] Middle School to help the students of No. [-] Middle School realize their wish."

Zou Hongming took the retreat as an advance, pushed the matter to tomorrow, and even picked off the team.Even just said "see if it's okay", without saying anything.


Outsiders may not know, but in fact there is a difference, and the difference is very big.

On the surface, isn't it just military training?Send out a few soldiers, come to teach a queue for a week or two, and then have a military parade at the end, that's it?

In fact, it is not the case. The problems here are very complicated and involve funding issues.

Military training, whether it is full-time military training in camps or military training in schools where troops are sent to schools, costs money.

Especially for military training in the camp, clothing, dormitories, bedding, daily necessities, and food during military training, everything needs money.

Although some schools have to bear this fee, in some special cases, the military must also consider the economic situation of the local unit, and it will lose money.

Take Ha No. [-] Middle School as an example, it has a lot of money, so it goes without saying that clothing, accommodation, and even part of the labor costs are paid to the troops.

However, if you are like Shangbei No. [-] Middle School, that is another matter.Poor people jingle, rich people are the Armed Police Corps.

It's really going to be built together... Ah bah, that's called poverty alleviation!

How much money do you have to pay for a military training period, and how many "field trips" do soldiers have to make to earn back?

Well, the so-called field work in the army is actually working outside the camp.

Sometimes it is free of charge, such as helping the local snow removal, planting trees and so on.

But there are also paid ones, such as Haxia Fair, Harbin Fair, Ice and Snow Festival, Snow Sculpture Festival, some stage construction and labor cooperation, including some emergency projects that require intensive labor and so on.

This is also the main source of funds for joint construction of troops and some unplanned funds.

Anyway, I don't have much money, so I have to save some money.

Captain Zou didn't want to come to send a pennant, he lost his wife and lost his army.

Besides, even if you don't lose money, you still waste time, right?

There are already several co-construction units on the team, such as the No. [-] Middle School, the High School Attached to the Normal University, the No. [-] Middle School, etc., and several key universities in Harbin.

In short, it was already quite a lot, and Zou Hongming really didn't want to take on Shang Bei's troubles.

Just leave it to the Shangbei Detachment. Anyway, the Shangbei Detachment has no co-construction funds.

At that time, if the Second Middle School wants military training and co-construction, then pay for it yourself!

This trick is not incomprehensible, leaving Zhang Nan speechless.

"I'll help you contact the Shangbei detachment and ask them to help solve it."

Zou Hongming spoke very openly, and he didn't feel any guilt in his heart. I just owe you a favor from your student, so I don't have to pay you back the whole school, right?

After Zhang Nan heard this, he really had nothing to say, and Zou Hongming blocked the road.It's just funny in my heart, and it's quite difficult to deal with.

But he was not in a hurry, smiled lightly, and glanced at Qi Lei intentionally or unintentionally.

Qi Lei rolled his eyes and thought, this is the father-in-law who revealed his glorious deeds in Baihezi to his mother-in-law?

That look is obviously, to see your performance.

You two are really impolite, aren't you?

However, thinking about it in reverse, it's pretty good. If you please your mother-in-law, won't you win it again?


Immediately began to brew, "Uncle Zou, what is military training?"

Zou Hongming was startled, looked at Qi Lei, and thought, this kid doesn't know what military training is?

He doesn't have the eyesight of Vice Minister Chen, he can tell a fake at a glance.

So, fell in.

Before he could speak, Zhang Nan said with a smile: "You child, why do we ask this in a small place? You don't need it anyway."

When Qi Lei heard this, he cooperated tacitly, "Then why can children in big cities get military training, but we can't?"

Zhang Nan, "This is the difference, you don't understand."

Qi Lei, "Why? Are we naturally a head shorter than others?"

Zou Hongminghan has come down, are you two from the same family?It's a good cooperation, right?Can't let them talk anymore.

He hurriedly smiled and said to Qi Lei: "You want military training? But it's very hard! However, there is no difference. When I go back, I will say hello to the Shangbei detachment. Children in big cities can do military training, so can you!"

When Qi Lei heard this, he ignored Zou Hongming and looked at Zhang Nan, "Principal, can we do military training?"

Zhang Nan still smiled lightly, "No."

"Why? Didn't Uncle Zou say to help?"

Zhang Nan, "Because we are poor, No. [-] Middle School doesn't have that much funding."

Qi Lei suddenly raised his head, "Uncle Zou, can't you do military training without money?"

Zou Hongming: "..." These words hurt my heart!And the more worrying thing is yet to come.

Qi Lei, "Isn't the People's Army just for the people? Do you still need money?"

Zou Hongming: "..." The second cut.

Qi Lei, "Why is Uncle Zou silent? Is it because we have no money?"

The third knife! !

Zou Hongming didn't move anymore, if he didn't continue, he would become a hornet's nest.

With a purple face, he gritted his teeth, " don't need money!"

Qi Lei's eyes lit up immediately, "Really?"

Zou Hongming nodded in pain, "Really!"

"But..." The conversation changed, and he sneered secretly, thinking that I'm a soldier who is easy to bully? "School is about to start now, it's too late for temporary arrangements!"

Looking at Zhang Nan, "Principal Zhang should know that this is not only a matter of transferring a few soldiers, but also involves logistics and other issues. It's really too late!"

In the end, Zhang Nan was neither warm nor polite at all: "It's okay, it's too late this year, there's still next year."

Zou Hongming: "..."

Why did you breathe a sigh of relief?

My heart said, next year... next year will be next year!What will happen next year, who can tell?Anyway, don't just peel off his skin now!

It's a pity, this breath has not been relieved to the end, Qi Lei's unlucky child spoke again.

"Uncle Zou, then... what does it mean to build a unit together?"

Zou Hongming thumped in his heart, "Well..."

Qi Lei, "The co-construction unit is not just military training, is it?"

Zou Hongming: "This, this..."

Qi Lei, "Then Uncle Zou and our No. [-] Middle School will be a co-construction unit?"

Zou Hongming: "..."

What the hell is this messing up! ?

Before he could speak, Zhang Nan spoke again, "We can't do military training this year, but it's really a good suggestion to form a co-construction unit. What do you think? Captain Zou?"

Zou Hongming came down.

Over there, Qi Lei added another sentence, "This is good, this is good! Even if you can't do military training, you can still invite Uncle Zou and his comrades to come to No. [-] Middle School to tell stories about heroes and the experience of fighting floods!"

Zhang Nan, "You kid, you don't understand anything. That's called patriotic education, which is more important than military training. Of course your Uncle Zou is willing."

Not to mention Zou Hongming, the old headmaster Dong didn't understand.

How did Captain Zou get into it?This Qi Shitou is Zhang Xiao's godson, right?You keep talking to me, who can stand it?

Indeed, Zou Hongming didn't figure it out until he got on the military vehicle back to Harbin. I just came here for a formality and thanked my little classmates. Why did I make so many wishes in a daze?

Co-construction units, patriotic education, and next year's military training!

Moreover, judging by Zhang Nan's slapstick posture, he must be the kind who doesn't give money.

Vice Captain Zou's heart is bleeding, he's at a loss!

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