Too scheming!Where is Xu Qian's opponent?

Well, in the eyes of parents, a young boy of this age, suspected of being a son-in-law, is an enemy!

Next, as a parent, Xu Wenliang formally thanked Qi Yuhua for his hospitality to Xu Qian, and told Xu Xiaoqian and her friends to take precautions when going out to play, such as paying attention to safety...etc.

It does not have the posture of a big secretary.

Taking advantage of the opportunity to visit Qi Lei and his boys and girls' residence, when only Qi Lei was left by his side, the old and the young started a formal conversation. ...

"I read that are very talented."

Xu Wenliang didn't say a word about what happened just now.Qi Lei, who was acting against him, was a little uncomfortable, and even regretted his performance just now.I said in my heart that you adults can't do this, just pull it down when you're done using it?Doesn't it show anything at all?

Besides, what does this mean?What news?Is it really a boast?Or are you calling me too scheming?Don't we cooperate well?It has great potential for development!

A series of small question marks lingered in Qi Lei's mind.

However, the reality is so cruel, and this is the situation that Qi Lei is about to face.

Under normal circumstances, he has two choices, one is to be honest and honest, what is going on is what is going on.My father-in-law, sincerity is the most important thing.Besides, the performance just now was so outstanding.

The other is to pretend to be stupid. Just now, a blind cat killed a mouse, and the news is also a blind cat killed a mouse.

Qi Lei chose the second option!

He smiled honestly, "Uncle said it, I just like to watch the news, and I am willing to think about news-related issues."

Xu Wenliang raised his eyebrows, is that so?

Well, following Qi Lei's words: "Since you have a hobby in this field, you must work harder for it..."

"Otherwise talent will not be able to support you to go further, you need to work hard the day after tomorrow. As far as I know, the top journalism colleges in China have high admission scores. You have to work hard!"

Crack!Qi Lei's face almost turned green!Isn't it kind?Why don't you say that I'm not good at studying?

Continue to play dumb, and start to be stubborn as a child: "Actually, I'm not that pessimistic. I'm pretty good at liberal arts. If I make up for my shortcomings in mathematics, it shouldn't be difficult to get admitted to a better journalism school."

I'm not good at studying, but!If you criticize me, I'm not happy! !

Xu Wenliang: "..."

It made him a little suspicious, whether he was overthinking, this is just an ordinary little boy, not so scheming.

Taking a deep look at Qi Lei, he walked out of the house with his hands behind his back.Just before coming out, I still said a few more words.

"My uncle didn't say much when we met for the first time. Let me send you a few words..."

Knowing that he passed the test, Qi Lei felt much more relaxed, "Say it."

"You guys are young, but it's important whether you're a kid or an adult, you have your place. It's just like the situation just now. The grown-ups have their place and you have yours, and you've done a great job. good."

"For example, I, as a father, have to worry about my daughter."

"For another example, you are a student, and your first task is to study."

"So, can you promise uncle one thing?"

Xu Wenliang's eyes were so sincere that Qi Lei couldn't refuse, "Say it, Uncle."

Xu Wenliang: "Don't be too early...put Qianqian into an embarrassing situation."

"Protect her...I hope you all put more energy into your studies."

"When you really grow up, you can face up to each other's identities and emotions. At that time, uncle promises not to stop you..."

"As for can be a good student and I can be a qualified father, can you?"

Qi Lei: "..."

Just say it straight, just don't have that kind of relationship with my daughter! ?What are you doing so far?

Originally, I wanted to keep pretending to be stupid and deal with it.It's so cryptic, who can understand...

But, on second thought...

Qi Lei couldn't pretend anymore.

How worried should a father be when he utters such an unspeakable question?How difficult is it for the dignified secretary to say these words to a 16-year-old child in an almost pleading tone?

In the end, Qi Lei decided not to pretend, it was a matter of principle, and suddenly he became serious: "Uncle..."

"Don't worry, I know very well what to do and what not to do at our age. I..."

"I also want to protect her..."

Xu Wenliang: "..." His expression turned serious!

While my heart was relieved, it was also tight and tight!

I don't know whether to be happy or angry...

The happy thing is that Qi Lei at least gave him a promise, a very formal promise.

Not like a fake.

But the fire is...

Good boy!You really were playing stupid up front! !

Taking another deep look at Qi Lei, he shook his head secretly.The first meeting with Qi Lei can be said to be both good and bad...

It's very complicated, and what's more terrible is that Xu Wenliang's hanging heart, not only did not let go, but why did he raise it even higher?

Looking at Xu Xiaoqian who was guarding the door, she also remained silent for a long time.

Finally, he shook his head, " don't need to go back to town."

After finishing speaking, he bid farewell to Qi Lei's fourth aunt, got on his bicycle, and left alone on the road...

Xu Wenliang felt that today...he won an opportunity, and Qi Lei helped a lot, but because of this, the price was to lose his daughter...


Xu Xiaoqian looked at the back of her father going away.

"What did you say to my dad! Why do you think he's weird?"

Qi Lei, "Didn't you say anything? I did a good job."

Xu Xiaoqian frowned, "Really?"


"But why do I get the feeling you screwed up?"

Qi Lei's face darkened, "Isn't it?"

Xu Xiaoqian: "Yes!"

"Qi Lei, you are finished, you are on Comrade Xu Wenliang's blacklist!"

Qi Lei recalled it carefully, is it over?How do I feel so good?

It's the first time to meet my father-in-law, and he's so outstanding, isn't it easy?

"Xu Xiaoqian, who are you scaring?"



The research team stayed in Baihezi Town for another two days, and finally successfully completed the research task and returned with a full load.

With the previous frank meeting, in the last two days, neither Xu Wenliang nor Guo Changcun cared about anything, and presented the problems of Shangbei and the difficulties faced by Longjiang Province to the research team one by one. before.

Based on the superficial issues of that day, it also explored the challenges faced by Northeast cities and towns in the great wave of reform and opening up from a more in-depth perspective of the overall situation.

Chen Fubu looked at one forest farm village after another with no hope at all and could only be lost day by day.It is even more certain that Shangbei may be able to pave the way for a new agriculture under the reform tide of industrial development!

And... it's imminent!

A little later, there may be more than a dozen ghost villages in Baihezi!Everyone ran away!

In short, this survey is of great significance!

Before leaving, Vice Minister Chen called Xu Wenliang to his side, exhorted and encouraged him in front of senior officials and leaders, and at the same time gave him another big gift.

"After I go back, I will report the actual situation in Shangbei to my superiors. I will also find ways to help you coordinate with various departments such as transportation, railways, and food. I need money and support to help you!"

"The official documents of the agricultural pilot counties will come down soon. At that time, I will help you contact a group of experts in agriculture and breeding to form an expert group to come to Shangbei to give on-the-spot guidance and assist in tackling tough problems. If it doesn't work, we will help you on the spot. !"

After hearing this, Xu Wenliang was excited, "That's really great! Great!"

Chen Fu asked to suppress his excitement, "In a word! The country will do its best! You, Shangbei, should also do your best! Try to hand in a satisfactory answer and set an example for the national agricultural reform!"

"You Xu Shangbei...have a long way to go!"

This is putting a burden on Xu Wenliang, and it is also giving him courage.

Guo Changcun who listened was a little envious.

Being an official and life are actually the same truth, both need an opportunity.

This is Xu Wenliang's opportunity, and some people can't wait for such an opportunity in their lifetime.Guo Changcun has never encountered such an opportunity, so all his life, he only knows how to be safe.

But Xu Wenliang is different, just 40 years old.If you don't do well, the future is bleak.But if it's done well, it's a skyrocket.

Before leaving, Guo Changcun patted Xu Wenliang on the shoulder, "Xiao Xu, one size counts for one size! In the matter of the processing factory, if you make a mistake, you will be punished!"

"However, if this big stick falls on me, Guo Changcun, I won't be able to get it down. I'll help you carry it. Just do one thing well!"

Xu Wenliang, "Guo Ting, please give me instructions!"

Guo Changcun, "Show me the head of the Agriculture and Forestry Department of Longjiang Province and show some achievements!"

Guo Changcun stiffened for a while, and he took the responsibility of the processing factory on his back!

Sending off the research team, Xu Wenliang made miscellaneous reports.Again, the Northeast is not all lazy people, and the cadre team is not all wine, naan and rice bags!

At least his superiors and subordinates are still passionate.

Xu Wenliang, who returned to Shangbei, was full of ambitions and determined to fight hard.

It's a pity that no matter how ambitious he is, he's just a husband when he gets home, and he's still a husband from the Northeast.

You have to pass the wife first.

As soon as he got home, Zhang Nan pinned him down on the sofa and tortured him, "How was the inspection?"

Xu Wenliang couldn't hide his excitement and was full of satisfaction, "The results are remarkable! The harvest is great."

Zhang Nan was taken aback, the result was remarkable?Achieve a lot?What does this mean?Looking at a little tender pig with a cabbage, can you use the word "remarkable results"?

Frowning puzzled: "What's the matter?"

Xu Wenliang expressed his excitement, "The situation is that we won the title of the national agricultural pilot county. And, you don't know, the central government is very strong, this time we have hope in Shangbei!"

Zhang Nan: "..."

His face became colder and colder, "Comrade Xu Wenliang, please pay attention to your identity, this is not the impetuousness that a leading cadre should have!"

"Ah?" Xu Wenliang froze there, "Ah..." Sure enough, he was obedient and sat upright.

Only then did Zhang Nan suppress his anger, gloomy and indifferent, "I'm talking about Qi Lei, that little boy who walks very close to his daughter!"

"oh oh!!"

Only then did Xu Wenliang come to his senses, "Qi Lei...Qi Lei...that kid...not bad."

Added another sentence: "I think he is better than that Xiaowei of the old rich family. Hmm! Much better."

Zhang Nan: "..."

No matter how strong the old fox's skills are, he almost broke them.

What do you mean not bad?What is stronger than Caiwei! ?

Do you think it's appropriate to compare one boy with another?Picking a son-in-law! ?

Zhang Nan doesn't understand, what kind of ecstasy soup did Qi Lei give you?

How did she know that the cooperation between the two of them was flawless, and Xu Wenliang was basically half-suppressed.

On the contrary, it was Zhang Nan who seemed to be fighting alone in this family.

Xin said that he could not count on him, and had to rely on himself.


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