Unexpectedly, the door of the farmhouse suddenly opened, and a young man jumped out from inside, with an expression of no anger on his face.

"Uncle, are you here for advice? Can I say a few words?"

"Huh!?" Deputy Chen was surprised, then elated.

Everyone was also shocked, not knowing where this child came from.

Almost at the same time, a thought popped up in my heart: Listen to suggestions... Do you want to give suggestions?

Just as Qi Lei thought, everyone here is a genius.

After being stunned for a short time, they reacted almost at the same time, and this reaction was interesting.

Xu Wenliang frowned first, then relaxed.

He had already met Qi Lei just now, although he didn't communicate with him, objectively speaking, a clean little boy is not annoying.Just from the perspective of the father, there are some prejudices.

In addition, Qi Lei's full-score composition, the provincial news, and Qi Lei's occasional eyes, gave Xu Wenliang the feeling that this child is relatively stable.If there is no relationship with Xu Xiaoqian, it should be the type he admires.

At this time, Qi Lei suddenly appeared and offered some advice. Xu Wenliang's first reaction was that no matter what the purpose of this child is, he should be protected.

Before Qi Yuhua could open his mouth, he introduced to Deputy Chen, "This is... my daughter's classmate, and she usually likes to mess around. Children are ignorant, which makes people headache."

Xu Wenliang didn't mention any composition with perfect marks, let alone provincial and Taiwan reports, he only said that he was an ignorant child, which could be regarded as a set of sex for Qi Lei.

In short, no matter what Qi Lei wants to say, he is still an ignorant child, including some out-of-the-ordinary questions, Xu Wenliang can be regarded as a foreshadowing.

Qi Yuhua, who was going to talk here, heard Xu Wenliang's introduction, not only defined Qi Lei's character, but also removed the relationship between Qi Yuhua and Qi Lei, and immediately retreated.She even winked at her husband, don't talk.


Guo Changcun was the most panicked. For him, this variable should not happen.However, it was abnormal for Xu Wenliang to introduce.

Without it, neither he nor Xu Wenliang should speak, because the position is here and the decision must be made by the leaders above, and Xu Wenliang should not have said this.

Moreover, how does Guo Changcun feel that Xu Wenliang and this child have a tacit understanding?Could it be that Xu Wenliang had already prepared a scene, right?Otherwise it doesn't make sense.

He frowned and thought about it, and finally shut up.

As for Deputy Chen, what he was waiting for was a variable, even if it was a 16-year-old child.

In other words, it is better to be a 16-year-old child, because there are not so many considerations.

Just down the donkey, he smiled kindly, and replied to Xu Wenliang's words, "Ignorant children."

"That's just right, only children dare to talk! Come on, little classmate."

As he spoke, he moved a small stool with his own hands, "Sit next to Uncle, and listen to your 'high opinion'."

Only now did Qi Lei heave a long sigh of relief, in fact his palms were already sweaty.

After all, this kind of scene has never been seen in two lifetimes!

It can only be said that in order to please my father-in-law, I worked hard!

Sit down politely, "Uncle, my father is a laid-off worker, so my family still has a little say in what you say."

He made a fool of himself, half-truth and half-false.

Qi Guojun is indeed a laid-off worker, but it has nothing to do with the forestry system laid-off that the adults said.However, people who did not know the inside story subconsciously thought that he was talking about laid-off forestry workers.

Taking a deep breath, "Uncle, it's not the problem of tens of thousands of forestry workers that you don't understand the situation."

"Oh?" Deputy Chen raised his eyebrows, secretly laughing that children are different, they are transparent, dare to open their mouths, and deny themselves when they come up.

The smile grew stronger, "Then you have to tell Uncle, where did Uncle go wrong?"

Qi Lei continued, with one sentence, the big cover of Shangbei's problem was lifted.

"The laid-off workers are not just tens of thousands of workers, but hundreds of thousands of ordinary people in Baihezi, Xiangyang and other townships covered by the Heshantun Forestry Bureau!"

"!!!" Chen Fubu was shocked and speechless, "Well, how do you say this?"

How to put it, then it is not Qi Lei's task, his role is actually only one, to be a shit-stirring stick, that is, the first person who dares to speak.

It's useless to say more, it's enough here.

Frowning and thinking hard: "Anyway, I heard what my dad said, and I don't know exactly what's going on."

After listening to Deputy Chen, not only did not blame Qi Lei for half-talking, but he smiled knowingly, this stick is very comfortable to hand!

Originally, he still had a somewhat relaxed expression, but he suddenly became serious, and looked at Guo Changcun, "What's going on?"

Guo Changcun rolled his eyes, "This... this, this... Leader Chen, don't listen to a child's nonsense, what can he understand?"

Deputy Chen: "Oh? He doesn't understand? That's right! Then his father should understand! Do you want to invite the father of this little classmate over to have a chat?"

"This..." Guo Changcun knew that today was going to be difficult, so he practiced Tai Chi, "It seems that this is not just a problem with the forestry system, right? It involves the overall situation, and Comrade Wen Liang has to express his opinion."

He didn't shirk his responsibility, but just went downhill, and finally dumped the problem on Xu Wenliang.

And Xu Wenliang... suddenly saw that Qi Lei was pleasing to the eye, and this stick was also handed to him, very comfortable!

Xu Wenliang knew that it was time for him to perform.

Taking a deep breath, with a solemn expression, "What the little classmate said...is right!"

Deputy Chen finally breathed a sigh of relief at this point, the opening was opened.

"Comrade Wenliang, you are a party member and a parent official. Please tell me what is going on in an attitude of being responsible to the people of Shangbei."

Xu Wenliang, "It's like this. The Heshantun Forestry Bureau covers two towns and seven or eight townships. The management and control of forest resources does not only affect tens of thousands of forestry workers."

"The leaders have also seen it. Let's take Baihezi Town as an example. It is located at the junction of mountains and plains. The arable area is limited, and the per capita arable land area is also small. Farmers cannot guarantee their basic income just by growing food."

"So, the local people still rely more on the mountain to eat the mountain."

Chen Fubu, "You mean that the closure of forests has affected the income of the people? But the closure of mountains only prohibits logging, and does not affect the sideline industries of the mountains and forests, such as the collection of wild vegetables, fungi, and medicinal materials. The forestry department did not stop them. Great support!"

After hearing this, Xu Wenliang gave a wry smile and went all out, "Minister Chen may not know much about the situation when he comes to Northeast China for the first time."

When Deputy Chen heard this, he nodded, "Yes, I have been in charge of the work in the south, and it is indeed the first time I have come to the northeast, so I need you parents and officials to help me shine!"

This is an encouragement to Xu Wenliang.

At this point, Xu Wenliang never cared about it anymore, "There are many factors involved, let me report a set of figures to the leader!"

"Let's take Baihezi as an example. In the town of Baihezi alone, there are nearly 6 freight vehicles registered with the transportation department!"

"These are the supplementary transportation capacity when the timber leaves the town during winter felling and the railway transportation capacity is insufficient. They are transporters who rely on forest farms and specialize in timber transportation."

"The logging of wood from the mountain also requires transport capacity. It needs to be transported from the valley to Lengchang by mules and horses, and then loaded from Lengchang down the mountain."

"Common people call this pulling the trap, using a horse sledge plow to complete the first step of timber transfer. This is also the main income of ordinary farmers in Baihezi. Every winter, almost all the male laborers in the villages of Baihezi come out to pull the trap up the mountain. "

"The average personal income in a logging season is around 4 to 5 yuan, which is very impressive."

"So, as long as everyone in Baihezi Town is willing to work hard, every family will be poor."

Deputy Chen nodded, "That's true. In the past two days, I have paid attention to the situation in the villages of Baihezi. Every house is a big tile-roofed house, and the conditions are very good!"

Xu Wenliang said: "It is not only the harvesting in winter, but also the people in the forest area earn income in summer. The planting of trees in forest farms and the removal of weeds in economic forests and protected forests cannot be completed by the wood farm workers alone."

"So, it is still necessary to hire local people to carry out large-scale operations. And there is no distinction between men and women. You can go up the mountain with a sickle or an axe, and the income is considerable."

"Although there is little cultivated land in Baihezi Town, there is sideline income. Not only can we get by, but we can live well."

"But now that logging is banned in forest farms, it means that the whole town of Baihezi will be unemployed!"

"It's not just a problem of reduced income, but a problem of not being able to survive. The people have no source of income, and the industries and commerce cultivated in a state of wealth have to shrink. Even circulation is a problem, almost paralyzed."

Unemployment in the whole town is not an exaggeration, Deputy Chen's heart beat faster.

Xu Wenliang was talking about the collapse of a town in Baihezi, but as a leader, he thought of hundreds of forest farms in the northeast and thousands of villages under his jurisdiction.Baihezi is like this, how can other places be better?

Suddenly a little excited, his eyes turned cold: "Why didn't you talk about such a big problem earlier?"

Chen Fubu was afraid when he thought about it. As a southern cadre, he really didn't know it would be such a serious situation.

If you can't pry Shangbei cadres' mouths open today, and just go back in such a daze, what will be the consequences?

Chapter 84

"Why didn't you talk about such a big problem earlier?"

Deputy Chen's question made everyone fall silent.

How to say?It's easy to say, everyone has concerns, there's no way to say it, and it's deadlocked again.

But Qi Lei, who thought he could leave the stage, saw this, rolled his eyes, and said, "Uncle, they dare not say it!"

Deputy Chen was taken aback, frowned again, and had more sticks in his hand, "Why don't you dare to say it? Is there anything you dare not say?"

He squinted at Xu Wenliang, "Comrade Wenliang, tell me, why are you hiding it? Is there something shameful?"

Xu Wenliang was forced to the corner, gritted his teeth, and gave up.

"Let's just talk about the timber processing factory yesterday. I confessed to the leader that I, Xu Wenliang, personally approved the notice that the processing factory opened illegally!"

"What!?" Deputy Chen was taken aback.

Everyone was startled, and Fu Changhe stared, "Xu Wenliang!"

Quickly said to Vice Minister Chen: "Minister Chen, don't listen to him, the processing plant is my responsibility. As the responsible leader of forestry, I have not fulfilled my duty!"

But Xu Wenliang stopped him, "Don't argue, it's my responsibility. I, Xu Wenliang, nodded and personally greeted the Baihezi Town Government and the Forest Police Department."

Deputy Chen squinted at Xu Wenliang, the answer really surprised him.

He knew that the processing factory must have a backer, but he didn't expect that the backer was Xu Wenliang.

Seriously: "Reason? Give me a reason!"

Xu Wenliang, "Don't worry, Minister Chen, the boss of the processing plant has nothing to do with me."

Deputy Chen: "..."

Xu Wenliang, "There is really no way! There used to be more than a dozen wood processing factories like that in Baihezi, supporting thousands of workers. Now there is only one, the largest one."

"If it is closed again, more than 300 workers will have to drink the northwest wind. It is going to poke our backs!"

"The common people don't care about your natural forest protection or ecological balance, they have nothing to eat, what should they do!?"

The more Xu Wenliang talked, the more excited he became, and there was a lot of bitterness.

"It's not that we don't do anything, it's that we can't do anything. Baihezi, Chaoyang, and Heshantun have collapsed, and other places are not much better."

"Taking Shangbei City as an example, 10,000% of the urban population of [-]+ are laid-off workers."

"We also want to keep Baihezi from collapsing, and help Baihezi to tide over the difficulties. However, the whole city is similar, and we are powerless!"

"It is said that tearing down the east wall can mend the west wall, but even if we tear down the four walls, the east, west, north, and south, we still can't mend the holes that are full of holes!"


Here, Vice Minister Chen didn't listen to Xu Wenliang's bitterness at all, and his mind was on what Xu Wenliang said in front of him, "[-]% of laid-off workers!"

"Seventy percent..." Deputy Chen was completely startled, "How did you get to this point!? Why is Baihezi collapsed? You are the collapse of the whole city!"

"Don't you Shangbei have any plans for industry and commerce? Don't the leading cadres have any preparations? I don't think you need to find an excuse, it's just that you don't do your duty!"

Deputy Chen has already lost his composure, which is too shocking.Although he only cares about agriculture and forestry, he can't bear to blame him for being so corrupt in industry and commerce.

Qicheng laid off!With this ratio, how can there be no trouble?He didn't even know what Shangbei's leadership team was doing.

However, at this point, Guo Changcun could no longer pretend not to hear, and was willing to go all out.

"Hehe." With a dry laugh, "Isn't Minister Chen coming to the Northeast for the first time?"

"You are in charge of agricultural reform, and it is normal for you not to understand the industrial structure of Northeast China."

Deputy Chen frowned and calmed down: "What? Is there something hidden?"

Guo Changcun: "It's not a secret. Let me tell you, not only Shangbei, but the entire Longjiang Province, the entire Northeast, as long as it is a small or medium-sized town, the situation is basically the same. Moreover, Comrade Wen Liang said [-]% That's all conservative."

Seeing that Vice Minister Chen was puzzled, Guo Ting explained: "It's like this. Before the reform, the Northeast was the country's heavy industry base, energy base, and main grain production area."

"So before the reform, the urbanized population in Northeast China was the largest in the country, and a large number of factories were established within the planned economic system."

Deputy Chen said, "I know this. But, can't you learn from the south? You can't just sit and wait to die, you have to find a way!"

Guo Changcun: "Minister Chen, listen to me."

"That is to say, you can also say that we Northeast people are lazy, Northeast people have no brains, Northeast people are not motivated, Northeast people work for half a year and take half a year off, whatever you say!"

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