Of course Xu Wenliang could understand what the three of them were saying, but he felt uncomfortable.

At this time, Guan Jianmin was the most open-minded, because Guo Changcun was his old leader in the early years, and he was not so restrained.

"Guo Ting really wants to hear the truth?"

Guo Changcun: "If you dare to say it, I will dare to report it!"

Guan Jianmin: "My truth is, I can go back as soon as possible, and the investigation will not yield any results."

"You!" Guo Changcun pointed at Guan Jianmin, speechless for a long time, and finally cursed with suppressed laughter, "You can't cure you, you idiot, can you?"

The four of them laughed, and passed it off as a joke.

Seeing Xu Wenliang's mood eased, the three of them were also relieved.

Again, the determination of the central government and the province is there, and the starting point is good.However, northern towns like Shangbei are just a microcosm, and the problems are very complicated, which cannot be solved by a single survey.

Of course, it will be resolved sooner or later, but in response to Guo Ting's words, "We must pay attention to methods."

And there are not many opportunities for this kind of method, and there are not many opportunities for it. Not everyone can touch it, at least the time has not come yet.

Several people chatted for a while, and Guo Changcun pulled Xu Wenliang aside again, "Old Xu, do you have any objections? After all, we are our own people, so we can share our hearts with me."

After all, he was still not at ease, reminding him on the sidelines.

Xu Wenliang couldn't hear it, and smiled wryly, "Guo Ting, if you say that, you are wronging me. The province has set the research site at Shangbei, but we didn't say a word? It's just, some Not reconciled."

What are you not happy about?

Unwilling to just come and go in such a muddleheaded way, and come and go, but it has no effect at all.

Guo Changcun smiled and patted Xu Wenliang's arm, "Look, you still have emotions!"

Changing the topic, "Oh, there is no other way!"

Xu Wenliang: "..."

Guo Changcun, "I personally mean that I have really wronged you this time. If the research team has any opinions or finds out any problems, as the leader of Shangbei, you must be more considerate, bear more, be responsible, and be brave. Take the burden!"

Xu Wenliang: "..."

You have to look at the words with your heart and listen with your heart. On the surface, the two of them talked a lot of politeness and nonsense, but in fact they still had a hidden edge.

Moreover, Xu Wenliang didn't approve of this striker.

In the end, he nodded his head with difficulty, "Don't worry, Guo Ting, I, Xu Wenliang, have nothing else to do. I still have this responsibility."

Guo Changcun nodded in satisfaction, and went about his business.

Before leaving, he felt sympathetic to Xu Wenliang, "It seems that your family Qianqian has also come to Baihezi?"

Xu Wenliang, "Don't worry Guo Ting, the children will play around and not delay work."

Guo Changcun, "You, you just see outsiders! I mean, work is work, and family must be taken care of. You can't take care of your family. How can you be a parent officer?"

"Have you not been with your daughter for a while? So, don't you want to visit advanced farmers today? Let the old manager and old Fu watch over you, and let you take half a day off to spend time with your daughter."

Xu Wenliang originally wanted to refuse, but when he thought about it, he happened to take the opportunity to meet that kid named Qi Lei, "Okay!"

So, Guo Ting left contentedly, not only gave Xu Wenliang a vaccination, but also temporarily dispelled this uncertain factor.

At least it is a buffer. The research team will visit the home of a farmer named Zhang Guilin in Xiahe Village in the morning. Xu Wenliang's absence makes him feel at ease.

And Xu Wenliang actually understood Guo Ting's intentions.

His destination was also Xiahe Village. He wanted to meet Qi Lei in the morning to relax and thank Qi Lei's aunt Qi Yuhua for her hospitality to Xu Qian.In the afternoon, you can directly return to the team and start working.

However, neither Guo Changcun nor Xu Wenliang thought that Zhang Guilin and Qi Yuhua were actually a family.

Chapter 82 Location

Xu Wenliang went downstairs and told Xu Qian that Xu Qian was naturally happy when she had time to accompany her in the morning.

Let Finance, Fu Jiang and the others go first, and take a message to Qi Lei by the way, and go there later, to accompany Dad first.

Waiting downstairs for Xu Wenliang to change into his sports clothes, then the father and daughter got on their bicycles, "Go!"

The two of them rode unsteadily towards Xiahe Village. The speed was not fast. The scenery along the way was very beautiful and very comfortable.

However, Xu Wenliang was still in a bad mood and had no intention of admiring it.

Xu Xiaoqian also saw her father's boredom, and it took a while before she said, "Dad, is our family still democratic?"

Xu Wenliang came back to his senses, frowned and thought for a while, "Of course it is democratic, otherwise, if you get so close to that kid named Qi Lei, Dad should severely criticize you!"

Xu Xiaoqian curled her lips, "But why doesn't it feel like that?"

"What's the matter? Are you still not satisfied with the role of parents?"

Xu Xiaoqian, "At least you look like a swordsman about to take revenge now, with a bit of murderous intent!"

Xu Xiaoqian was half-truth, half-false, she was really afraid that her father would embarrass Qi Lei when he met him.

Xu Wenliang was stunned again, and couldn't help laughing, "It's really a girl's foreigner, why don't you worry that Dad will be angry with that little boy and make something wrong?"

"Don't worry!" Regarding this point, Xu Xiaoqian was really relieved, "That guy can fool people."

Xu Xiaoqian was trying her best to speak well for Qi Lei.

Unfortunately, this did not make Xu Wenliang feel better.With a long sigh, he no longer entangled with Qi Lei's matter, but also to reassure his daughter and tell the truth.

"Don't worry! Both of us have no trust at all? Even if your dad looks down on that kid, he won't do anything to him. Dad is a little worried about work."

"Work?" Xu Xiaoqian realized that she had made a mistake, "What's wrong with work?"

Xu Wenliang, "Why do children ask so many questions?"

Xu Xiaoqian acted coquettishly, "Tell me, I will help your daughter learn a lot."

When Xu Xiaoqian said this, Xu Wenliang had no choice.

"Growing knowledge" is indeed a way for him and Zhang Nan to educate their daughter.

After thinking about it, "Then talk about it!"

Looking at the mountains in the distance, the nearby fields, and the hidden villages, "Girl, do you think it's good for us to go to the north?"

Xu Xiaoqian nodded, "Okay! What's wrong? The mountains and rivers are good, the people are good, and the secretary is good!"

"Ha!" Xu Wenliang smiled, and gradually suppressed his smile, "The secretary is not very good, dad is not competent for the secretary!"

"Why do you say that?"

Xu Wenliang didn't answer directly, and began to let go of his mind and release his emotions.Perhaps it was because he had been suppressed for too long and the burden on his shoulders was too heavy, so he gradually turned this into a confession to his daughter.

"We, Shangbei, are like the noble ladies of the Republic of China. They are elegant with some nostalgia, and have the reputation of the prosperity of the old era. However, the new era has moved forward for 20 years, but Shangbei is still there. Want to chase, But with her feet bound, she couldn't catch up."

The metaphor Xu Wenliang said is not only applicable to Shangbei, but also to any small town in the northeast.

The old era refers to the era of planned economy before the reform and opening up.

At that time, the Northeast played a pivotal role and was at its peak.It is a heavy industry base, a grain base, an oil base, and a coal base.

The new era refers to after the reform and opening up.

With the take-off of the southeast coast, the protection of forest resources in the northeast, and the depletion of coal and oil, the northeast suddenly couldn't run anymore, fell behind, and was not needed by the people of the country.

For example, before the 4000s, there were an average of more than 1000 fully loaded trains leaving Shanhaiguan from the northeast every day, while only [-] trains entered the northeast from Shanhaiguan.There are so many every day, and not just a day or two, but decades.

But now?Although the Northeast is still transfusing blood into Guanli, it is not operating at full capacity as before.

Of course, this is not an invitation to credit. The national strategy is here, and in difficult times, each region has its contribution and function, and there is no distinction between superiority and inferiority.

However, this aspect also reflects a problem, how much labor cost is required for such a huge output of production capacity, whether it is resources or industrial products?How many people are needed to guarantee the output of more than 4000 wagons per day?

Therefore, before the reform, the Northeast was the region with the highest proportion of urbanization in the country.Numerous cities formed around factories, forest farms, oil fields, and coal mines have sprung up, and they have also supported a large number of urban populations.

But all of a sudden, there is no need for more blood transfusions in the Northeast, or there are fewer blood transfusions, and the production capacity far exceeding local demand has nowhere to be released. The problem of over-urbanization has begun to appear. The factories and workers that were originally fully loaded have become constraints on the development of the Northeast. burdensome.

Coupled with the climate disadvantages, geographical disadvantages, and traffic disadvantages in the Northeast, just like Xu Liang said, the little-footed lady can't let go of her burden, and she can't walk fast.

As a native of the Northeast, Xu Wenliang watched it slow down step by step, and even stop.As Shang Bei's top leader, he was in a hurry, he had no ambitions, and he had nowhere to display them.

But he didn't want to muddle through this job, he wanted to make a difference.

But what's the use of rushing?Shangbei's problems cannot be changed by him alone, or by a leadership team.

Now Shangbei, as he said, is somewhat nostalgic.

From it, you can see the shadow of the early 21s and even the 1998s in 90, which is approaching the 80st century.

Not only the appearance of the city, but also the spiritual outlook of the people.

However, in such an era of drastic reforms, "nostalgia"!Not a good word.Compared with the rapid changes in the South, the Northeast should be reviewed.

Admittedly, there are some policy factors and the aftermath of system reform.

However, Xu Wenliang always believes that that is only part of the objective reasons, and the main responsibility is that their parents and officials are not capable and courageous enough.

Just like now, what a great opportunity for the central research team to go down to the grassroots level?Why can't I be a crying child and ask for milk?

But, you just can't.

This is not the time for a responsible official who is found to be faulty to cry, let alone the working attitude of leading cadres at the grassroots level.

No one wanted Xu Wenliang to speak up, everyone was afraid, afraid of getting into trouble, afraid of being the first bird.

This is determined by location.

So much so that he could only pour bitterness to a 16-year-old girl on an empty country road.

Xu Wenliang was aggrieved!

However, Xu Xiaoqian actually half understood her father's troubles at work.

She is indeed more precocious, but she is far from being as transparent as her parents, but she understands one thing.

That is, the father can't talk about the problems mentioned by the father, and there will be trouble if he talks about it.

Instinctively grasping the corner of Xu Wenliang's clothes, "Dad, I'm a little scared."

Xu Wenliang was taken aback, his daughter's words were more effective than Guo Changcun, Guan Jianmin and the others' hundred words of persuasion.

Xu Wenliang buzzed his head and said to himself, what am I doing?I still have family!

Comforting Xu Qian, "Don't be afraid, Dad won't talk too much."

Yes, Xu Wenliang gave up hope in the end, maybe pouring bitterness on his daughter was his last stubbornness.

"En!" Xu Xiaoqian replied with peace of mind, she didn't want her father to take risks.

The road was less than ten miles away, and the two of them were almost there after half an hour of riding, and they were actually not far behind Fu Jiang and the others.

It's just that Xu Wenliang didn't notice that when Qi Lei's fourth aunt's house was less than 200 meters away, a minibus with a Harbin license plate and the prefix 0 came from behind.

At this time, Guo Changcun was sitting in the car and saw Xu Wenliang riding on the road from a long distance away. He couldn't help being suspicious, "Isn't that old Xu?"

In the car, Fu Changhe and Guan Jianmin were also surprised when they heard the reputation, "Didn't he go to accompany his daughter?"

The car slowed down beside Xu Wenliang, and Guo Changcun opened the window, "Comrade Wenliang, why are you..."

Well, Guo Changcun didn't know that Xu Wenliang's daughter was traveling in Xiahe Village.

But Xu Wenliang was somewhat calm, pointing to the first house in the village, "In front is the relative of my classmate Qianqian."

As soon as this remark came out, Guo Changcun in the car and the comrades of the central research team all had weird expressions.

Some people are happy, some people are sad.

Because, just now, when Xiahe Village could be seen from a distance, Guo Changcun had introduced to them that the destination of their trip was the first house at the entrance of the village.

This made Guo Changcun a little dumbfounded, half-jokingly said: "Comrade Wenliang, it seems that you are not so lucky, take a rest for half a day!"

Everyone in the car was laughing, which made Xu Wenliang a little baffled.


Xu Wenliang is familiar with the research itinerary, and he also knows that today the research team will visit Zhang Guilin's home in Xiahe Village.

But he really didn't know that Zhang Guilin was Qi Lei's uncle.

I was quite lucky at first, to come here in the morning to thank Qi Lei's fourth aunt for the hospitality, and to take a look at the little boy who irritated him.After that, you can directly return to the team and start working in the afternoon.

It's good now, let's touch it together.

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