Jiang Chunlei is also regarded as sympathetic, and the blow is a bit big.

Not only did Yang Xiao run over his face, but Qi Lei's hit actually hurt quite a bit afterwards.

What's the use of playing well?Play well, someone can play better than you.

But if you don't play well...it's useless if you don't play well, and there is no girl to listen to you playing the piano.

Then why do I learn piano?

Jiang Chunlei wanted to smash the piano, and his world view also collapsed.

Wu Xiaojian and Zong Baobao were actually quite depressed because they didn't catch anything all morning.

The two were so angry that they plotted, should they go to the town in the afternoon to get two bottles of dichlorvos, and kill all these stupid fish who don't know how to praise.

Well, just think about it, happy happy mouth.

When they went back, they still walked through the rice fields, Xu Xiaoqian was barefoot, and her feet were a little slippery, so she naturally let Qi Lei lead her.

Seeing Kou Zhongqi's teeth itch, "I'm not leaving! Zhang Yang, you're carrying me behind your back!"

Zhang Yang wanted to die, he didn't care about anything, he jumped into the field and ran forward through the rice, "I'm still young, stay away from me."

Kou Zhongqi chased after her when she got off the field, "Zhang Yang, you don't want to escape from my mother's palm in your life!"



Fu Jiang, Guan Xiaobei and the others are also fucked up.

He thought he was already full of dog food in Qi Lei, but he didn't expect that the strongest meal was here!

Although they don't really know what it means to feed dog food.

Fu Jiang looked at Cheng Lele, "Do you need to carry it on your back?"


Cheng Lele is not in a good mood, of course he has a bad face.She originally thought that Cai Wei was very good, and that he was a good match with Xu Xiaoqian.

Why...why did you waver after only half a day?

There was something on my mind, my feet were unsteady, and I almost slipped into the field, but was grabbed by Wu Xiaojian, "Are you all right?"

"It's okay!" Cheng Lele showed off, "Thank you!"

In fact, sprained the foot, a little pain.

Fu Jiang also turned around, "Are you all right?"

Cheng Lele frowned, "It's okay."

Fu Jiang, "support you?"

"Need not."


Fu Jiang walked forward obediently, but Wu Ning grabbed Cheng Lele's arm.

Cheng Lele was very uncomfortable, "Say no!"

Wu Ning put on a serious face, "What are you talking about? Let's go!"

"Oh." Cheng Lele gave up.

When Fu Jiang looked back again, his eyes didn't pop out, and he said in his heart, Cheng Lele, you are really good at it, you are cheap for outsiders!

But he deserves to be solo. There are many reasons why he will never understand being single, the most important of which is that his skin is not thick enough.

And no one can understand Wu Xiaojian's mood at this time.

Wu Xiaojian panicked, thinking, why can't we get over that little thing?I was just confused for a moment!What the fuck is my dad! ?

Just now he has heard that Cheng Lele is the real father.

Hurry up to please, what if you can't hide it?

Tang Yi and Qi Lei have to be vaccinated when they go back, don't tell me that they missed it!

Seeing the completely different appearance from when he came here, Caiwei felt emotional.

When we came, more than a dozen people lined up and passed by happily.

Why did you come back as a pair, but brother was still alone?

Over there, Xiaobei was in charge: "Where am I? What am I doing? Am I sick? What are you doing here?"

Kicked Fu Jiang off the field, "It's nothing!"

The only one, Cheng Lele, was kidnapped there.

On the road, Cai Wei wanted to leave it alone.

But Cheng Lele, Fu Jiang and the others had the cheek to follow Qi Lei and the others back.

The main reason is that I didn’t eat it in the morning. The bread and water in the car had been drying out all morning, so I couldn’t swallow it!

I also heard that Qi Lei and the others wanted stewed meat when they went back, so Cheng Lele, who had been starving for a day, was the first to rebel.

"I'll accompany Old Xu!"

Fu Jiang thought, "Then I will accompany Lele."

Guan Xiaobei: "I will accompany Fu Jiang and Lele!"

Cai Wei: "..."

The team is not good.


Caiwei is not a bad person, let alone a villain.

To be honest, it is much better than Coco Lee and Lu Xiaoshuai before.

She is really mature, she sees and thinks a lot, and she has the demeanor of an elder.

Such a person actually has a high status in the minds of boys and girls, and they are also very attractive.

However, when he met Qi Lei, who was such an asshole, he was immediately stunned.

Just like now, Cai Wei didn't want to go to Qi Lei's fourth aunt's house, not only because of face, but mainly because he didn't want to cause trouble for others.

After all, they are also rural people, and they are not rich.He was a little bit sorry for eating and drinking for free with more than a dozen mouths.

However, I thought so in my heart, but my body was very honest, and in the end I succumbed to the collective opinion.

But Fu Man and Jiang Chunlei really didn't have that face, they drove into the same car and ran away.

back home.

Daling and Erling washed the rice for cooking, Qi Lei and Xu Xiaoqian went to the vegetable field to pick a bunch of beans, and stewed them in a big pot with pork belly and potatoes.

Tsk tsk, for a medium-sized bowl, Caiwei made three big bowls.

Cooking around a pot is simple, and Cai Wei has never survived like this.

The others were even less human-like, and Cheng Lele's mouth was so full that they looked like little pigs.

At the side, Wu Ning politely handed over the soda, "Don't choke!"

Cheng Lele was so moved, "Thank you!"


After eating, while everyone was not paying attention, Caiwei took out 100 yuan and secretly handed it to Erling, saying that it was money for eating watermelon and meals today.

Er Ling was a little at a loss, and came to Qi Lei with the money, "Brother, what does he mean by giving me the money?"

Qi Lei looked at Cai Wei, "Are you really polite? Or fake polite?"

There is a big difference here.

It's really polite, it's because he is so polite when he goes to anyone's house, it's upbringing.

False politeness is to see that the rural people are poor, and to give 100 yuan a peace of mind.

Well, Cai Wei is really the latter, after all, his friends in Baihe Town are not so polite.

Embarrassed smile, "It's not that particular, it should be."

"Oh." Qi Lei nodded, and didn't go into details, "Okay, keep it!"

Er Ling immediately put the money in her pocket, "Thank you!"

The girls were cleaning the dishes and clearing the tables in front, Qi Lei came to the small river in the backyard, lay down on the grass with his legs crossed, and acted as a hands-off shopkeeper.

After a while, the sound of the piano came from the front yard. It was Yang Xiao, and others were not at that level.Tang Xiaoyi and Wu Xiaojian must be surrounded there with bewildered faces.

Cai Wei came over, sat next to Qi Lei, took out a Camry and ordered one for himself, this time Qi Lei was not allowed.

After being silent for a long time, he said angrily, "Fuck, I underestimated you!"

Qi Lei opened his eyes and squinted him, "Actually, you are..."

"What's wrong with me?"

"You are quite open-minded, and you are a nice person. Why don't you just be a friend instead of a love rival?"

"Xu Xiaoqian, don't worry about it, she definitely doesn't like you."

Cai Wei put on a half-smile, "Just a few words from you?"

Qi Lei, "I am very sincere!"

Cai Wei: "..."

After being silent for a long time, I finished my cigarette, "I really thought about it, you are right, I am indeed looking for a wife."

Qi Lei: "Really? It's too late to turn around now."

Cai Wei, "Maybe..."

Cai Wei really thought about it seriously, he seemed to be not that kind of love between men and women to Xu Xiaoqian, but more like looking for a wife.

"Transparent!" Qi Lei gave a thumbs up, this is absolutely the fastest love rival to be dealt with, "We will be brothers from now on!"

Cai Wei, "Forget it! The way of fooling children doesn't work for me."


"At least it's impossible for us to be friends."


Cai Wei, "Because one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, neither you nor I want to be inferior to others!"

Qi Lei, "It's a bit sour, can you put it another way?"

Cai Wei, "I think it's more interesting to be enemies with you than to be friends."

Qi Lei, "You are sick, you need to be cured!"

Cai Wei, "See you at No. [-] Middle School! I still have one more year, let's see who is the boss in No. [-] Middle School."

Qi Lei, "Isn't the boss of No. [-] Middle School Xu Xiaoqian's mother?"

"Huh!?" Cai Wei was taken aback, "Isn't Auntie Zhang in Ha No. [-] Middle School?"

Qi Lei, "Is it blocked? Her mother transferred back to Shangbei in order to guard against me. Sigh, I am also very distressed!"

Cai Wei: "Fuck!!"

He stared at Qi Lei for a long time, "Are you still a human? Does this allow you to pretend?"

"Hehe." Qi Lei laughed dryly, "Being my enemy is very painful, do you want to change your mind?"

Cai Wei: "..."

Stand up, step firmly, "See you at Second High School!"

"Wait." Qi Lei stopped him, "Then what, let me tell you something."

"what's up?"

Qi Lei organized his words carefully, "That's the way it is, my fourth aunt... Actually, I'm not a serious farmer."

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