Zong Baobao listened to this.

puff! !The corn stubble was sprayed all over the place.

Looking at Caiwei like a monster, he said for a long time, "Young man, you are innocent!"

Get Cai Wei inexplicable.

Caiwei and the others didn't leave, mainly because they made an appointment with Xu Qian to climb the mountain together.

After Qi Lei finished eating here, Qi Lei's fourth aunt and fourth uncle drove the walking tractor and went to the village to pick up people.He said he was going to work in the field dozens of miles away, and he would not come back tonight.

Before leaving, he also asked Qi Lei to treat his classmates well, and specially told Cai Wei and the others to have lunch at home.

As soon as the adults left, Qi Lei and the others were also ready to set off, but they were not going to climb the mountain, but the program they had planned yesterday.

Cai Wei saw that if he didn't go with them, he was also a bachelor, "That's okay, we are not as familiar as you after all, so we can go with you."

After finishing speaking, Qi Lei smiled brightly, "It's time to chat."

This is against Qi Lei's army, don't you want to chat?That's just right, we can play together and have a chance to chat.

And, you can talk about whatever you want.

Fu Jiang and Guan Xiaobei kept nodding their heads, it was considered a serious matter.

Well, the two brothers have no position, there are many girls over there, so it should be fun.

Regarding this, Xu Qian couldn't say anything, she just looked at Qi Lei expectantly.

But Qi Lei agreed, but whispered to Xu Qian: "Silly girl, this is going to challenge me one-on-one! Is that why you don't feel bad?"

After finishing speaking, he slapped his mouth and frowned exaggeratedly, "This guy is not easy to deal with! He is a scumbag!"

It's really hard to deal with, at least until now, Cai Wei's performance is no worse than Qi Lei's, and even a little better.

This is not Coco Lee who pretends to be mature, nor is it a general brainless villain, it feels a bit confusing.

In response, Xu Qian raised her eyebrows, "Ann! You must win."


"Because you have a thick skin!"


Seeing that Qi Lei's face was dark, Xu Xiaoqian explained:

"Some people, let me tell you, they think it's encouragement. It's easier for you to do it than for me, right?"

Qi Lei didn't realize it for a while, thought it over, and praised, "Okay, it's quite clear! But what if I'm not the opponent?"

Xu Xiaoqian's face turned bitter, Qi Lei thought she would jokingly say, "Then you quit" and other arrogant and provocative words.

Unexpectedly, Xu Qian said, "It's okay, if it doesn't make sense, let's play together, mixed doubles, invincible!"


Lift up!

Just as she was smug, Xu Qian added, "I am not a vase!"


Said Qi Lei wanted to cry, "That's great! Why did all the good things happen to me?"

Vigorously waved his hands at Caiwei and his group, "Don't worry, Viagra, I will definitely play with you!"

Cai Wei: "..."

Endure it!If you can't take it seriously when a kid is messing around, you will be great...

However, Cai Wei is looking forward to the confrontation with Qi Lei even more.

Let's see who can make the other cry!



Chapter 78 Two Shit Stirring Sticks

This is actually quite good, it does not magnify the conflict, and it is the best result for the secret rivalry between Qi Lei and Cai Wei.

Guan Xiaobei saw that there was something wrong with the two people, "Can Viagra win?"

Fu Jiang frowned, "Excellent, king vs king, Goku vs Vegeta, hurry up and fight!"

Hearing the finances made him very uncomfortable, "Can you stop calling me 'Viagra'? How awkward!" He didn't have any position at all, which made Qi Lei go astray?


In the end, Cai Wei and the others drove, and Qi Lei had ten people, five [-] bicycles, and tools.

What's more, Qi Lei and his five boys went out barefoot without even wearing shoes.Carrying five girls, they were having fun on the road in a hurry.

On the way, Zhang Yang took the lead, and everyone sang "I'm More Annoyed Recently" together.

Caiwei's two cars followed, which was really annoying.

Fu Jiang stared forward in the back row, and complained, "Fuck, how nice it is for us to ride a bike!"

Fu Man glared at him, "Riding a bicycle? You have to be able to do it!"

He cursed bitterly, "A gang of two Bs!"

Cai Wei and Guan Xiaobei, who were scolding, frowned, and persuaded: "Manman, it's almost done, what a glorious thing with Coco Lee! Can't we make it through?"

It's okay not to persuade him, but the more he persuades Fu Man, the more angry he becomes.

After walking along the road for about four or five miles, Qi Lei and the others pulled over and told Cai Wei: "Put the car on the side of the road, you can't drive in."

It's really impossible to drive in, because there is no road at all.

There are rice fields on the side of the road, stepping on the stalks to walk in, everyone finally understands why Qi Lei and the others don't wear shoes, because wearing shoes is a burden.

The field stalks are covered with mud, and it is impossible to get through with shoes on.

Everyone had to hold their shoes and socks in their hands and line up to head deep into the rice fields.

How can I say that feeling?Very novel.

At least for city kids, it's too novel.

The mud under his feet was slippery and icy cold, so he could only walk crookedly and carefully.

The waist-high ears of rice scratched the flesh a little itchy, and all I could see were the grass-scented fields and the mountains in the distance.

If you can zoom out the angle of view, people are just a few ants in this endless world, but they are so conspicuous in this sea of ​​rice.

The so-called idyllic scenery is not unreasonable, no matter whether it is ancient or modern, people yearn for it.

With the vastness of the world and the cleansing of the green fields, the trivial things in the city are also pulled away by the vastness. It is easy for people to let go and melt into the happiness in front of them without knowing it.

What's more, it's a group of boys and girls, and being together is happiness.

Tian Geng, who had been walking for more than ten minutes, finally heard the sound of water, and a big river suddenly lay in front of him.

However, there is a steel rope on the river, and the ferry boat is tied to the rope.On the other side of the river, there are dense forests and mountains.

At this time, Qi Lei and the other five boys had completely let loose, took off their shirts, and jumped into the river with only big pants on, shirtless.

The water is not deep, not in a hurry, just waist-deep.

Qi Lei ferryed Xu Xiaoqian and Cai Wei there twice.

Tang Yi and the others swam directly over.

Seeing that Fu Jiang and the others were so envious, they also wanted to get into the water.

It's a pity, seeing that the jeans I'm wearing are all live and lee, they don't fit well when I take them off, and I can't bear to wear them.

Fu Jiang: "Hey, I have to wear big pants tomorrow!"

Well, this guy started thinking about tomorrow.

After crossing the river, there is a hole in the sky, and there is a small mountain under the cover of the dense forest, which is the destination of this trip.

"Crack!" Fu Jiang complained again, "I really know how to play."

Caiwei, Guan Xiaobei and the others wanted to beat him up.

You are not finished, are you really a city person who has never seen the world?

However, there is one thing to say, it is indeed a good place.

There is a pond in the mountain depression, there should be fish, because Qi Lei and the others are carrying fishing rods!

Beside the pond, there is a small watermelon field. Looking from a distance, the watermelons are not small.

There is also a grass shack next to the watermelon field, and there are wild flowers, weeds and dense forests on the surrounding mountains.

Anyway, it's right that the thief is comfortable.

Tang Xiaoyi slumped on the straw curtain wetly, basking in the sun shirtless, while Wu Ning and Zhang Yang went fishing with their fishing rods.

A few girls sat resting by the side of the shack, and Zong Baobao conjured up a pair of poker and leaned over, "Who's coming?"

Qi Lei pointed at the melon field to the bewildered Cai Wei and the others: "Pick the ones that are ripe."

"Wu Ning has fishing rods, and there are round dates (wild kiwi fruit) and Shanlihong (wild hawthorn) on the mountain, but don't cross the bridge (don't go behind the mountain)."

"Don't worry, there are no snakes in this kind of mountain, but beware of grass crawlers."

Leave them alone after finishing speaking, and take Xu Xiaoqian to the melon field to look for watermelons.

Xu Xiaoqian was actually the first time to the countryside, and it was the first time to come to this kind of place. She followed behind Qi Lei, chattering a little: "Isn't this too enjoyable?"

In response, "Where is this? Tomorrow I will take you to a more interesting place."

Pointing in one direction, "There is a cobblestone beach downstream. You can play in the water, use a ground dragon (a kind of stuffy net), and catch mantis shrimp. Let's go there to catch fish and shrimp and grill them fresh."

When Xu Xiaoqian heard this, she became a little jealous. This is what I call childhood!

I'm looking forward to it even more.

Qi Lei picked two big melons, one was split open and distributed to everyone.The other was carried to the river, and thrown into the river to freeze and eat later.

When they returned to the shack, they saw that everyone had dispersed.

Zong Baobao was playing poker with Da Ling and Yang Xiao, and Fu Jiang had sneaked into the organization at some point, and happened to be four of them.The treasury will act as a think tank for Fu Jiang, where he can dictate.

Jiang Chunlei stood leaning against the shack, with a mixed expression on his face.

When Zhang Yang got off the pole, Kou Zhongqi pushed him into the mountain.

Seeing Xu Qian coming back, Er Ling waved to her, "I'll take you to pick round dates."

Xu Xiaoqian didn't even know what a jujube was, so of course she would, and she hadn't forgotten to get Cheng Lele.

Qi Lei didn't go up the mountain with them, instead he found a shade under a tree and enjoyed this noisy and extremely quiet time very much.

Looking at the two groups of people making noise, although they have positions, they are still young people after all, and the boundaries are actually very blurred.

Guan Xiaobei brought Jiang Chunlei's guitar over there, and played it a few times in boredom, but it was a pity that it was out of tune.

Seeing him playing the piano, Tang Yi became interested, "Give it to me!"

Take a strum, and everyone will know what the song is.

"Glory Days"!

Although the xylophone was a little tasteless, the boys hummed unconsciously, and finally became louder and louder.

Only Jiang Chunlei narrowed his eyes, "Smelly brother!"

Well, I learned from Zong Baobao on the way.

Subconsciously looking at Fu Man, Fu Man gave him an encouraging look: Come on!

The gloomy and filthy appearance of the two is somewhat out of tune.

And these were all seen by Yang Xiao, but he just shook his head with his flat mouth and muttered: "Smelly brother."

Just now when Fu Man and Jiang Chunlei were talking stickyly, she heard something, which seemed to encourage Jiang Chunlei to provoke.

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