
"The good news is that the recruiter who called your family last time was my mother. Congratulations, you have successfully angered her."

Qi Lei was startled, "Are you out of your mind? Is this also good news?"

But she didn't want to, Xu Qian gave a sympathetic look: "Really, it's good news!"

Qi Lei suddenly felt a chill on his back, "Then... what is the bad news?"

"The bad news is that because you rejected the invitation from Ha No. [-] Middle School, my mother is fully aware of the seriousness of the problem and is going to be the principal of No. [-] Middle School."


Can you be so capricious?

My first reaction was, can I file a criminal complaint, saying that she used power for personal gain?

After thinking for a long time, "What's our mother's phone number?"


"Is there still time for me to go to No. [-] Middle School?"


Xu Xiaoqian wanted to hit him again, but unfortunately, she was reluctant to let go.


In fact, it is not far from Wenhua Street to the government compound, and it usually takes 10 minutes to ride a bicycle.

But today, the two of them chattered for an hour.

From the frolicking at the beginning to the silence later, enjoy the quiet.

Immediately arriving at the government compound, Xu Xiaoqian stopped, did not enter the compound, but stood with Qi Lei under the shadow of a tree by the side of the road.

Qi Lei, "Bring your group of cronies and dog friends over tomorrow, and let's solve our dad's problems!"

Xu Qian: "Ah? Tomorrow? No need? I'll tell you in advance, about... ten days later."

Qi Lei almost didn't roll his eyes, today is August 8st, ten days later...

School is about to start, what are you doing here?Just go through the motions and show it to the secretary?

Unexpectedly, Xu Xiaoqian continued apologetically: "Actually, from the day after tomorrow, I won't be able to come either."

"Huh!?" Qi Lei stared, "What's wrong with you?"

Xu Qian, "It's like this. I made an appointment with them before the holiday. We will go out to play together once during the summer vacation."

Xu Qian refers to her original friends, that is, the group of people who are going to the night market to "gild".

"I've been procrastinating before, but now...it's hard to refuse!"

Suddenly his eyes rolled, "Why don't you come with us? Let's go to Wudalianchi, I heard it's very fun."

Qi Lei shook his head suddenly, "Forget it! I just got Lu Xiaoshuai and Li Wenwen over, I don't have the heart to provoke those idiots again."

Qi Lei actually knew that group of people, they were even more exaggerated than Coco Lee and the others, they were hopeless.

Regarding Xu Xiaoqian leaving him to go out to play, Qi Lei really has no objection.

"Just in time, the three of us are going out to play too."

Qi Lei actually has a plan here, Zhang Yang from his aunt's house has called several times, especially since it was on the news, almost every day.

"Oh!?" Xu Xiaoqian raised her eyebrows, "Where are you going?"

"Hehe." Qi Lei laughed dryly, "It's not as advanced as you, and it's as simple as bringing a few city people who have never seen the world in the provincial capital to live in the countryside for a few days."

Then he explained: "My fourth aunt's house is in Baihezi, and my cousin comes here every year, and it has become a habit."

The south of Shangbei is close to Yulu of Changbai Mountain, and Baihezi is the southernmost town.

There are both plain rivers and mountains in the territory, and the scenery is not bad.For the pampered city kids, there's plenty to do too.

Go down the river to catch fish, catch toads in the rice fields, and you can have a good day.

Qi Lei probably talked to Xu Qian about what to do there and how to spend it.

Firstly, it is to make Xu Xiaoqian feel at ease. Although the place is small, it is not much worse than you going to Wudalianchi.

Secondly, it was to kill time, neither of them wanted to go home.

In the end, it may be that the speech was too vivid, and Xu Xiaoqian's eyes lit up when he heard it.

"Isn't it troublesome? You go to other people's houses to make trouble, and you have to eat and drink, and there is room for you to live. The countryside is not rich, so even relatives, it would be a bit inappropriate, right?"

"Uh." It was too dark, Qi Lei couldn't see the strangeness in Xu Xiaoqian's eyes, "Is this? It's okay! My fourth aunt is quite willing for us to make trouble. And it's troublesome every year, so I'm used to it."

When Xu Xiaoqian heard it, "Then there's no problem."

"What's all right?"

"Me! Me! I'm also a city person who has never seen the world, so take me with you!"

The old partner was ruthlessly abandoned by Xu Xiaoqian, without any affection.

Qi Lei: "..."

Xin said, I definitely have no intention of abducting people!



Chapter 74 There are policies above and countermeasures below

Surprises kept coming, Xu Xiaoqian actually wanted to go.

Qi Lei was a little embarrassed, and persuaded with a fake face: "Why don't you let it go? You may not be able to adapt."

"In the rural environment, it's okay if you are careless, but you really can't stand the delicate ones."

This is not a lie, dry toilets, sleeping on hard kangs and so on.

Xu Xiaoqian became anxious, "Do you think this girl looks like a delicate person?"

Qi Lei: "..." I didn't understand it when I arrived, why did I kidnap Xu Xiaoqian?

As for her convenience as a girl, don't worry about it.

First of all, Zhang Yang definitely did not come by himself, Qi Lei knew who it was.

Zong Baobao, a good friend, has a similar relationship with Zhang Yang, just like Qi Lei has the same relationship with Tang Yi and Wu Ning.

A classmate of Zhang Yang's elementary school, junior high school, high school, college lover, and Kou Zhongqi, the mother of his future child.

Secondly, Qi Lei's fourth aunt's family also has two girls, Da Ling and Er Ling.One sixteen, one thirteen.

Well, the main reason why Zong Baobao licks his face and sticks it up every year is because of Da Ling.

In short, there are many girls, so don't worry about this problem.


"That's it!" Xu Qian cheered happily without giving Qi Lei a chance to speak, "I'll go back and take care of my mother."

After finishing speaking, he let go of Qi Lei's hand, and walked into the government compound in a hurry.

Qi Lei stared blankly at her as she entered the courtyard, then threw the bicycle to the ground, desperately shaking his unconscious right arm.

Grandma's!Just on the road, he had the urge to throw the car away.

What a delay!


It was past eleven o'clock when Xu Xiaoqian got home, and when she entered the house, she saw her parents sitting in the living room.

Before they could speak first, Xu Qian said to Xu Wenliang, "Why isn't the dung digger father asleep yet?"


Xu Wenliang was taken aback, not quite understanding, "What are you talking about?"

Xu Qian stuck out her tongue, "It's nothing."

Immediately turned to Zhang Nan, "Mom, your daughter wants to have a serious talk with you!"

Zhang Nan was also a little at a loss, and responded instinctively, "Okay, what do you want to talk to mom seriously?"

Xu Qian pulled her up and walked into her room, "Let's go back to the room and tell my dad not to hear it!"

Zhang Nan looked back at Xu Wenliang, "Okay!"

When the mother and daughter entered the room, they sat cross-legged on the bed, their faces solemn.

Zhang Nan held back his smile, "Say it!"

Xu Xiaoqian bit her lips tightly and remained silent for a long time, "Cheng Lele and the others are going to Wudalianchi the day after tomorrow."

Zhang Nan knew about this and supported it.

"Mom knows! Go ahead and have fun."

Xu Xiaoqian, "But, I changed my mind temporarily."

Zhang Nan, "Don't want to go? It's okay!"

Again, Zhang Nan focuses on "enlightenment".

Xu Xiaoqian, "It's like this. I think it's better to go to the countryside instead of traveling in the mountains and rivers. You can not only travel in the mountains and rivers, but also experience a different life."

Zhang Nan nodded immediately, "My daughter's idea is good and meaningful."

Xu Xiaoqian, "So, Mom, you agreed?"

"Agreed? What a wonderful thing, how could my mother object?"

"Then I will go to Baihezi with Qi Lei and the others!"

"Ah!?" Zhang Nan petrified in an instant, and suddenly... suddenly no longer.

Instinctively want to refuse, but, collapse of human design!

And Xu Xiaoqian smiled slyly, it's done.

"Enlightenment" is the cunning of the old fox, and it is also the lifeblood of the old fox. This is not the first time Xu Xiaoqian has used her mother's "enlightenment" to succeed.

This time, the little fox won a game.

Of course, Zhang Nan will not just watch her daughter run away with a wild boy, she must have countermeasures.

But who cares?At least let's talk about it first.

It is also reasonable to change your mind later.

But when Zhang Nan came out of Xu Xiaoqian's room, his brows couldn't be stretched.

It is true that she cannot directly oppose her daughter, but...

Looking at her husband who didn't know why, she suddenly said, "Do you have a reception task?"

Xu Wenliang raised his head, "Yes, the Ministry of Forestry and the Provincial Department of Agriculture and Forestry conducted local surveys to investigate the protection of forest resources in the Northeast and the implementation of poverty alleviation policies in forest areas. We chose Shangbei."

Zhang Nan, "Going to inspect the site below?"

Xu Wenliang nodded, "Why do you ask this?"

Zhang Nan, "Go to Baihezi, your daughter has been abducted!"

Xu Wenliang: "!!!"

Xu Wenliang was having a bit of a headache. Receiving the inspection team was a thankless task. Now he has to look after his daughter?

"Why? Is it convenient to change places?"

Sometimes it is like this. In order to cope with the inspection, preparations must be made in advance, and it is not very "convenient" to change the research location temporarily.

Xu Wenliang, "That's not true, waiting to be criticized is the same everywhere, that is..."

He didn't understand, it's fine for Zhang Nan to sacrifice his job and transfer back to Shangbei, why did he get involved?

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