If you say you want to go, you have to go, and you don't have any feelings.

However, "Huh?"

Found something wrong, "What do you mean? Humiliation? What humiliation?"

Li Chunyan is really not the kind of person who steals the world's name, if it's not hers, it's not hers.

"Boss, you didn't see it, that brat... is simply a goblin, and my master's degree in journalism is not as good as him."

Lao Qin glared at Li Chunyan angrily, still angry, "That's called talent! You have to be talented to do news!!"

Chapter 66

Li Chunyan's video is actually a bit long, a full 1 minutes, and it is not suitable for news broadcasts where the length of news is calculated in seconds.

After taking it back there, the backbone of the column was specially organized for an in-depth discussion. The boss of the news network meant to compress the time as much as possible.

In the end, after intense quarrels and debates, everyone reached a consensus that there was something missing in the film and it had to be added.

So, the ten-minute movie was finalized... 1 minutes.

time out?It doesn't matter, just add time.

The eight o'clock file will be postponed, I'm on the news broadcast, what's wrong with being willful?

The boss of the news network watched the finished film, showing his molars in joy, "I hope to compete for the Taofen News Award!"

He brazenly added his name after Li Chunyan and Qian Xiaolong.

It's okay, I didn't put it in front.

And Li Chunyan is not at a loss, after all, she did the first 1 minutes, and on the news network, besides the editor-in-chief, it is not good to add the names of other reporters.

Therefore, in the last 4 minutes, reporter Li Da was seconded to Longjiang Yehang.

This old Qin is so angry that he robs news and people, are you still human?

As for what to do in those 4 minutes, reporter Li Da pondered for two days, and finally gave Qi Lei a call.

There is no way, her level is indeed a bit insufficient, and any ideas are not worthy of the first ten minutes.

In this regard, Qi Lei was not stingy, and awakened the dreamer with one word.

"Your thinking is fine, but the theme of the last paragraph is not sublimated. Or, you try to deal with it like this?"

After listening to it, Li Chunyan was convinced, completely convinced.

"I'm dead, I owe you a favor!"


July 7th, that is, four days after Qi Lei's interview.

During the day, Qi Lei received a call from Li Chunyan. The interview about him will be broadcast on the Longjiang Provincial News Network at 7:35 tonight.

Qi Lei immediately called Xu Xiaoqian, Li Wenwen and Lu Xiaoshuai, told them that they would not be leaving the booth tonight, and told them about the broadcast on the provincial station.

Regarding this, Xu Qian, Li Wenwen and Lu Xiaoshuai were not too cold.

What are you showing off?Who wants to see what's going on with you?

With a childlike heart and a strong sense of justice, he still thinks that Qi Lei's handling of this matter is dishonest.

Everyone on the phone scolded Qi Lei for a while, and then made a vow that they would definitely not read it.

Well, when the time comes, who knows?

So Xu Xiaoqian was always used to Qi Lei, but she only replied three words: "Got it." She didn't say whether to watch it or not.

It made Qi Lei quite depressed, huh, thankless effort?

Before six o'clock, Guo Lihua, Qi Guojun, and Father Tang and Father Wu came back together.

In fact, during this period of time, several people have been in and out together, and have been studying the matter of the non-staple food factory.He is also in contact with the grain depot, expressing his intention.

Moreover, although the investment in the non-staple food factory is not large, but because it is the most important part of Tang Chenggang's entire grand plan, the three companies pay special attention to it.

Especially Wu's father, in the past half a month, it seems that he has returned to work in the grain depot.

The three families ate together and planned to go home to rest after the meal, but they were stopped by Qi Lei.

"Then what... don't rush to leave today."

The three families were quite strange, they were pushed in the small hall by Qi Lei only to find that there was a short article "My Motherland" on the coffee table.

"It's really well written!" Guo Lihua praised from the bottom of her heart.

If her son has these two skills, she will be beautiful.

Are you a little embarrassed to praise Qi Lei?The confession that came to my lips was unspeakable.

My heart said, forget it, you should see for yourself!

The three families just sat there watching the CCTV news broadcast.That is, no matter how you switch channels, you can still watch a piece of news in its entirety.

Then there's the weather forecast.After finishing the work, Qi Lei grabbed the remote control again and switched to the provincial station.

At this point, the three mothers have no interest.

For women, it is enough to read the national news and understand a little bit of current affairs, there is nothing interesting about provincial TV stations.

I'm going to go out for a walk while it's still dark.

As a result, Qi Lei refused, "Wait a little longer."

The third mother didn't know, so, "What are you doing?"

Patiently, I watched the provincial and Taiwan news again.

In fact, there is really nothing to watch, especially in the first few minutes, it is just repeating the content of CCTV news, which has just been broadcast.

Until around 45:[-], it finally came.

Host: "Before broadcasting the following news, let's read a short article "My Motherland" published in the Provincial Youth Daily."

As soon as the screen turned, it switched to the subtitle broadcast.

The host's cadenced background sound, as the subtitles scrolled, became passionate.

〖"My Homeland"〗

〖——If a miracle has a color, it must be Chinese red! 〗

Guo Lihua frowned slightly, and her eyes drifted to the coffee table.

At this time, Mama Dong had already taken the paragraphs on the coffee table in her hand, compared the subtitles, and read them one by one.

"Isn't this the one?"

Wu Lianshan leaned over to take a look, and probably understood what it meant.

Is it political propaganda?He said indifferently, "The writing is pretty good, and it's in time, so there's nothing to make a fuss about."

Tang Chenggang leaned on the sofa, "It can only be said that the province's propaganda methods are still clever. It is published in newspapers and on TV. After the whole set, it still has some inspirational effects on the people of the country."

The article is really well written, but a little too deliberate.

In his eyes, that's all.

Qi Guojun was listening, very speechless, "It's not easy to recite the full text on the news broadcast."

How precious is the time of the news broadcast?How long does it take to recite an article with hundreds of words?

It can only be said that the big is seen from the small. From this news, we can see how severe the current flood fighting situation is.

This is the habit of men, like current events, and analyze and comment on them.

However, the complaints belong to the complaints, the article is still very good.

After the full text was recited, the screen switched back to the studio, and the adults were all waiting for the content of the next news item.

However, people have only just started.

Host: "This "My Motherland" is a composition with full marks in the senior high school entrance examination, and it comes from Qi Lei, a classmate of Class [-], Class [-], No. [-] Middle School in Shangbei City."


Tang Cheng just sat up straight.

The three mothers instantly petrified, their minds buzzing.

Qi Guojun stared round his eyes, looking at his son in horror.

Qi Lei: "..."

Qi Lei felt a little embarrassed, and smiled naively, "Then what... don't look at me, watch the news!"


at the same time.

Coco Lee was wearing pajamas, holding a teddy bear, sitting cross-legged on the sofa.

As soon as the news started, Miss Xiaowen's roar sounded in Li's house.

"Old man!! Old lady!! Come here!!"

"What's the matter?"

Li's father and Li's mother thought that something happened to the silly girl, so they ran out in a hurry.

I saw her licking her lips, "Look!"

Well, although Qi Lei's actions are very contemptuous, but after all, it is on the news of the provincial TV station, and Li Cowen has also shown his face, so you can't miss it.

In fact, not only Coco Lee, Yu Yangyang, Cao Xiaoxi, and many students who were kidnapped to the night market were all staring at the provincial news.

I just don't know if the speech I memorized from the manuscript will be cut off, and I pray in my heart, feeling uneasy.

Although he despised Qi Lei, his body was still very honest.Although it is unlikely, it is still possible to show his face after all.

That is to say, Lu Xiaoshuai and Zhang Xinyu didn't watch it if they said they didn't want to.

What is it?It's just for show, I don't bother to be with it.

Lu Xiaoshuai was concentrating on blasting the aircraft carrier, while Zhang Xinyu got several teams of fork soldiers to blast Lu Xiaoshuai's chrysanthemums non-stop.


Xu Xiaoqian was also in front of the TV at this time, wearing long pajamas, putting her legs into the pajamas, resting her chin on her knees in a daze.

Xu's father, Xu Wenliang, was sitting beside her, reading the newspaper and listening to the news.

Xu's mother, Zhang Nan, is on her right, wearing glasses, knitting a sweater while enjoying the rare family reunion.

After watching the CCTV news broadcast on the provincial station, Xu Wenliang changed the channel from the provincial station to the central station, preparing to watch "Focus Interview".This is his habit.

In the end, Xu Qian silently snatched the remote control and changed it back.

Xu Wenliang was stunned for a moment, then saw Xu Xiaoqian staring at the TV and said calmly, "There is a report on the provincial TV station, and I may be among them."

"Oh?" Xu Wenliang was not surprised, but frowned.

He didn't ask why he was on the provincial TV station. He still understood his daughter, she was very measured, and knew what to do and what not to do.

However, after all, he is still young, and some things are still not in place.

Xu's mother's glasses were on the tip of her nose, and she looked up at the father and daughter, but she asked, "What's the TV?" She asked Xu Wenliang a question.

It's not surprising, as in their family's situation, they actually watch very little on TV, and even avoid it deliberately, and they are well versed in the way of hiding clumsiness.

In this regard, Xu Qian did not hide it, and roughly told her parents about the matter.

"Oh." Mother Xu kept her hands on her hands, "That's because the boys are excellent, you need to learn more."

The implication is that you have borrowed the light of others, so you cannot be proud.Moreover, she didn't ask a single question, why did Xu Xiaoqian get so close to a boy.

Instead, he subconsciously looked up at the TV, wondering what kind of report it was.

Not asking doesn't mean you don't care, on the contrary, you may care very much.

What's wrong with her daughter, she can still see it.

Xu Wenliang still held the newspaper, and still didn't take it seriously.

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