She didn't understand, how did Sister Kou practice it?All the time without lethality.


The call was from Lao Qin, bringing bad news.

Well, at least Lao Qin thinks so.

"Recently, some people may have become curious about you, so you have to be mentally prepared."

Qi Lei frowned slightly, "Curiosity? What kind of curiosity?"

Lao Qin, "The big tree attracts the wind! Sanshi Company is already very conspicuous. Now that the system has started to be tested, and the state-owned capital has invested 30% of the payment. If you want peace, many people can't make you peace."

Qi Lei understood, "So... still thinking about the shares of Sanshi Company?"

Old Qin tacitly said: "Don't be careless, it's not so easy to block it back."

Then he said: "I will think of some ways to block it for you, it should not be a big problem."

Unexpectedly, Qi Lei said, "Don't! Don't!"

Lao Qin frowned, and pondered for a while: "Don't be brave, if you don't handle it well, they won't get it, they'd rather destroy you!"

After pondering for a while, "There are traces of Microsoft in it."

Qi Lei raised his eyebrows and smiled, "Understood, I came here for the system."

Lao Qin nodded, "Although we have been testing very low-key, the scale is also intentionally controlled."


"Your previous email was a bit impulsive. Microsoft is after you. If it can bring down Three Rock, Microsoft will be happy to see it."

Qi Lei, "Okay, I see."

Lao Qin on the other end of the phone frowned, "You mean...or don't need our help?"

Qi Lei, "No need!"


Qi Lei, "I sent that email on purpose."


Qi Lei, "Nanlao's preliminary test has been going on for five months, and the first phase of the test task has been completed."

"Version 2.0 will be launched in early October."

Old Qin, "What does this have to do with mail?"

Qi Lei, "There is no problem in controlling the scale in the first stage, and it's okay to keep a low profile! However, the current installed capacity of version 2.0 is far from enough. We need to expand the test scale, which requires a large number of installed machines. I have to create a wave of enthusiasm."

"Microsoft came just in time, let's use it to build a ladder."

Old Qin, "..."

This grandson's heart is really dirty!So he had already planned it?One ring and one ring?

Can't laugh or cry, "I'm curious, you sent that email more than half a year ago, right? How can you be sure that Microsoft came to find fault just in time for your 2.0 test?"

On the other end of the phone, Qi Lei chuckled, "Of course I'm not sure."

"then you……"

Qi Lei, "This kind of threatening emails, as long as it is a software company, can receive [-] emails a year."

"Not to mention Microsoft, can it respond?"

"The normal process is to ignore it. If it really causes a loss, just hand it over to a lawyer."

"That email is not a threat, let alone expect Microsoft to come to your door."

"The only function is to let Microsoft know that Sanshi is developing the system and has a very strong security team, that's all."

"There are two things that really make Microsoft unable to sit still."

"First, Nanlao's team has received state support."

"Second, a few days ago, Sanshi deliberately leaked the news. The first phase of the test was completed, and it will soon enter the 2.0 era and start a large-scale internal test."

"A powerful and government-supported system research and development, the preliminary test has been completed, and a large-scale test will be carried out immediately."

"That's what Microsoft is worried about. It's worried about losing the Chinese market."

"As for when to let it find fault..." Qi Lei spread his hands, "It depends on when I leak the news."

Old Qin: "..."

After holding back for a long time, I shook my head and sighed, "It's all about calculations."

"Then find me when you need it!"

Qi Lei laughed, business, isn't it all about calculations?It's better to be a school... Simple.

Look at those silly girls in the house, they are so serious about cleaning, they don't need to think about rewards, they are more exciting than earning money.

After hanging up the phone, Qi Lei fell into deep thought.

He was thinking, besides Microsoft this time, who else would it be?Where will it start?

Lao Qin said that he became curious about himself, that is to say... Qi Lei's identity, is it impossible to hide it?

Quite curious.


Chapter 307 People are not frivolous and in vain for young people ([-])

Qi Lei's attack actually made sense.

Sanshi Company is actually quite invincible now, with a bit of righteousness and a sense of evil.

The financial situation is good, the funds are sufficient, and there are no side effects or violations of the projects in operation.

Not to mention paying taxes, the reports that should be paid in the past few years are not ambiguous at all, that is, buying a little more cars can offset a little tax.

However, this amount of money is not worth mentioning compared with the tax payment of Sanshi Company.

Therefore, if anyone wants to start with Sanshi Company's operating conditions and want to make something bad, that's really overthinking, even if he is exhausted, he can't find fault.

Then...playing heresy?Those shady tricks in the mall?

It's even more unreliable. Many of Sanshi's actions were registered with Lao Qin, and what they did was also beneficial to the development of the country.

This is the most stable backing. If you are upright and not afraid of the shadow, no one can do anything to Sanshi Company.

From the perspective of Sanshi Company, black and white can't be played.

After much deliberation, only Qi Lei himself was left.

A billion-dollar company with a young boss.

From the perspective of an outsider, the "boss" is the biggest breakthrough.

, seems to be an age full of loopholes, which is like facing a little girl, there are a hundred ways to make her fall in love, flowers and cow dung.

However, for a 38-year-old woman, no matter how seasoned she is in love, it still depends on fate and strength.Because it is already invulnerable.

Now, in the eyes of those people, Qi Lei should be a "little girl" who is new to love and indifferent to the world, and a young man full of loopholes.

Qi Lei thought about it, "Hit me? How can I do it?" Hit the sap?defamation?Pride?Is it embarrassing or... a beauty trick or something?

That's... interesting.

"What are you thinking?" Kou Zhongqi suddenly appeared behind him with a fierce look on his face.

"I've never seen someone like you. It's okay to work for you, and it's fine to be a shopkeeper. Don't you serve drinks or something?"

As soon as Qi Lei heard it, he immediately realized the interest, and quickly apologized: "My brother and sister are right, so I will serve you! What do you want?"

Kou Zhongqi groaned for a moment, "What's so expensive!"

Qi Lei, "Dele!"

Pulled Chen Wenjie, slipped downstairs to do some shopping.

Regarding this, Zhou Xiaohan was quite embarrassed, "You really let him go? It's as if we tricked him into having a drink."

Kou Zhongqi curled her lips, "Aren't you stupid? You don't want to do anything, and he treats you like a coolie?"

Shaking his arms, "It's okay! Brother Shitou will feel bad if you don't treat him well."

Well, as younger siblings, Kou Zhongqi still knows Qi Lei well.

As for Li Cowen and Jiang Yao, they didn't speak, they just smiled, and agreed with Sister Kou's words.

Besides, Qi Lei is a rich second generation, rich, not bad.

It was only when he turned around that he realized something was wrong, the only male labor force, the fake foreign devil, had been abducted by Qi Lei.

This wave is a loss!

When Qi Lei came back, it was already half an hour later.

418 The bedroom is spotless.

A few girls were sitting in the dormitory playing games, those who didn't know it thought it was a dormitory for girls.

When they left, it was Qi Lei and Chen Wenjie.When he came back, he brought Zhang Yang and Zong Baobao with him.

After entering, Zhang Yang started before the female generals shouted.

"Wow, sisters are so diligent! Do you want to go upstairs and clean our bedroom?"

Zong Baobao stopped doing it as soon as he heard it, "What are you talking about? You still need your surname Zhang to remind you of this matter? Don't you look down on the consciousness of your sisters?"

Zhang Yang, "Yes, yes, I am stupid again."

Bowed to Li Wenwen and the others pervertedly, "I'm sorry, sisters, upstairs is 533, just me and Zong Baobao live together, so it's easy to clean."

Li Wenwen and the others are too lazy to talk to these two ends.

I've never seen someone so familiar. I just met you for the first time today, so I'll clean up for you?Think beautiful!

After grabbing a drink from Qi Lei, they drank it, sat there and chatted, and the topic was also some things about the young eagle class.

Here, except for Coco Lee and Zhang Yang, everyone else is from the young eagle class.

For this reason, Zhou Xiaohan also complained about Qi Lei, why didn't Li Hanhan be included in the young eagle class?Anyway, there are extra points for appearance!

In fact, Qi Lei didn't need to answer, Coco Lee jumped out by herself.

"You can pull it down! You, Zhou Xiaotong, are at the bottom of your IQ. What am I going to do?"

Sister Hanhan still has self-knowledge, the young eagle class is too high-end, and it's not where she should go.

She will do her hosting well in a down-to-earth manner, step by step.

As for Zhang Yang...

Zhang Yang is easier to satisfy than Li Hanhan.

He picked up a university for nothing, and it was his favorite animation school.Being able to draw, being able to share a dormitory with my good brother Zong Baobao, and accompanied by Kou Zhongqi, is very content.

Zhang Yang is actually the most common example of an ordinary person, with no ambitions and no big heart.

Doing what he likes, making friends he likes, and living every day with a smile is the greatest happiness for him.

What do you think, what can you say to someone whose biggest regret in life is not knowing what a "D" feels like?

In Zhang Yang's own words, "My brother is awesome, my brother is awesome, and I... It seems that the unborn child is also fucking awesome."

"Then why do I want to be awesome? It's enough for me to pretend to be awesome."


On the 21st, Zhou Xiaohan did not participate in the activities of the young eagle class. She had a lot of things to do today.

I was talking about it yesterday when I was cleaning, the construction of the music festival site started in the morning, and I will participate in an off-campus host with Coco Lee in the afternoon.

And it’s impossible not to go.

First, the opposite is an old customer, a big company.

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