With Dad Tang's ability, he can make a difference in any industry.

Then, the tragedy that will happen more than ten years later will not happen.

But Father Wu is a little more troublesome.But for a reborn, these are within the range that can be manipulated.

He really never expected that the opportunity to solve the problems of the three families at the same time would appear in front of him magnificently.

The pharmaceutical factory is an inexhaustible treasure house!


Shangbei Pharmaceutical Factory is a state-owned enterprise, which was founded in the 60s.

Because Shangbei is located at the foot of Changbai Mountain and has extremely rich resources of wild Chinese herbal medicines, it was doomed to be a Chinese patent medicine manufacturer based on traditional Chinese medicines at the beginning of its establishment.

In the 70s and [-]s, the pharmaceutical factory was once very prosperous, second only to the textile factory, and it was the most profitable state-owned unit in Shangbei.

However, in the 80s, with the deepening of reform and opening up, a large number of imported medicines and "foreign formulas" of Western medicine flocked in, causing the pharmaceutical factory to gradually decline, and finally died in the era of turbulent waves.

It's not that the products of pharmaceutical companies are backward, it is the general trend.

At that time, the reform and opening up of China fully opened the country and ripped off the fig leaf.While introducing Western market economic thinking, it also encourages Chinese people to go out.

It has to be said that the courage of our party is rare in ancient and modern times, and it has achieved a great era 40 years later.

However, there are advantages and disadvantages.

At the same time, it also caused the people of that era to be extremely unconfident, and it can even be said to be extremely adoring foreigners.

Young people 20 years later may not be able to understand why this is the case, because they live in an era when public officials shout and beat people, and the national self-confidence is extremely high, and they should be patriotic by nature.

However, the generation that Qi Lei grew up in was just the opposite.

To put it too far, xenophilia may not be considered a derogatory term in the period of the 90s and [-]s.

There are fine Japanese, fine Korean, and fine rice everywhere, and I wish that Africa is better than China.

You have to stand on the street and shout, "What's so good about the United States? You have to stay in Greater China!" The first reaction of passers-by is definitely not that you are patriotic, but that you are incompetent and unable to leave the country.

Really, no exaggeration at all.

In that era, many domestic college students and elites would rather go to the United States to wash dishes than to go out.

How many Chinese people who work illegally in Japan and South Korea and do the most humble jobs, as long as they come back, they will be masters.

At that time, anyone who came from abroad was good, whether it was people or things!

Even if it sells you ten times or a hundred times the price, that is reasonable.

At that time, the country was accumulating strength, and before it was ready to flourish, it had to let foreign commodities and technologies rush into the country with ideology and Western culture, killing all directions.

The same is true for the pharmaceutical industry. Western medicine is very popular, while Chinese medicine in the 80s was dismissed as worthless and almost metaphysics.

At least in the cities, no one sees traditional Chinese medicine, let alone take traditional Chinese medicine.

Although some Chinese patent medicine factories still have some markets, small pharmaceutical factories like Shangbei Pharmaceutical Factory that mainly focus on traditional Chinese medicine, coupled with the common problems of state-owned enterprises, have no way to survive.

In Qi Lei's memory, it seemed that the pharmaceutical factory had already ceased production as soon as he could remember.From a large factory with thousands of people, it has become a state-owned negative asset with only the janitor left.

In Shangbei, even children know that the pharmaceutical factory is dead.No matter how young you are, you don't even know that there is a pharmaceutical factory in Shangbei.

Today, from Tang Chenggang's business point of view, that piece of land is still worth a little money, and it cannot be compared with the plastic factory that is making money every day.

Perhaps only Qi Lei, the guy who opened it up, knows that in that ruined factory, the most valuable thing is definitely not the land, the most precious thing is being sealed in a safe in an office in the ruins.

Those are a few patents of Chinese patent medicines, the real king of bombs.

What's more, it's not just the resurrection of a small pharmaceutical factory in Shangbei, but a large pharmaceutical group that will be well-known at home and abroad in the next 20 years, with assets worth tens of billions.

How can I miss it? !

In the previous life, it was like [-] or [-]. Qi Lei can't remember clearly. A businessman with a good vision from other places took over the whole mess of the pharmaceutical factory and carried out the shareholding reform.

At first, everyone had the same attitude, "The pharmaceutical factory is dead, and there is no way to survive. Whoever takes over will be taken advantage of."

This businessman is obviously the one who has been taken advantage of.

However, what surprised people was that after a series of restructuring and repackaging, it was almost like rebuilding dead wood.

In just over two years, a state-owned pharmaceutical factory with only dilapidated factory buildings and production stopped for many years reappeared in front of the world, and it soared into the sky, unstoppable.

Not only is the pharmaceutical factory alive, but one of its leading products has become the first choice of Chinese patent medicine for the treatment of hepatobiliary drugs in the country.

The sales volume ranks first in the list of hepatobiliary drugs in the country continuously, and it has been recognized by the Information Center of the National Bureau of Statistics as the "National Best-selling Famous Product of the Year".

Another year later, the three kinds of Chinese patent medicines produced by the pharmaceutical factory were rated as "good quality products certified by the national authority" by the China Quality Certification Standards Association.

The pharmaceutical factory has changed from alive to hot.

Not long after, the Shangbei people, who didn't know it, discovered that the pharmaceutical factory not only became popular, but also became the first large taxpayer in Shangbei City to pass the [-] million yuan mark.

In this way, it has become Shangbei's largest enterprise, a new business card of Shangbei, and the pride of Shangbei people.

From a dilapidated factory building to being revived, from being revived to being famous all over the country.

Turn around gorgeously, it can be called a miracle.

In the time and space before Qi Lei went back to the past, the pharmaceutical factory was even worse.

It has formed a large-scale pharmaceutical group with tens of billions of assets, comprehensive development from medicinal planting, drug production, packaging, and marketing channels, with production bases and planting bases all over the country.

This is a well-known legendary story in Shangbei, and everyone can tell a thing or two.

But Qi Lei never expected that this matter would fall on Father Tang's head.

This reminded Qi Lei of his previous life. At the family dinner where the younger brothers were admitted to university, the adults were chatting, and when the pharmaceutical factory was mentioned, the three fathers were obviously a little bit embarrassed.

At that time, Qi Lei thought it was because the business of the plastic factory was not good, so he sighed like that.

That day, the adults drank a lot of wine, and they were too drunk to wake up.

Guess, maybe it has something to do with this miss?

But here comes the question, how can we not miss it?

This is the biggest problem.

Convincing adults to believe that a child is from the future is tantamount to asking a fortune teller to tell the fortune of a business.

Especially a successful businessman like Tang Chenggang, an unreliable elder like Wu Lianshan, and an authoritarian parent like his mother Guo Lihua, they don't even give you a chance to speak.

Even if you talk about breaking the sky, will people listen to you as a child?

What are you doing?He found that rebirth is not invincible, at least to solve the parents, it is a scourge.

Qi Lei felt a little troubled.

However, maybe it was God's favor that sent Qi Lei back to 20 years ago, so he didn't mind helping him solve the problem again, or sending him a little spirit ghost who could solve the problem.

Just when I can't understand it.The phone rang, and it was Xu Qian.

Picking up the phone, before Qi Lei could speak, Xu Xiaoqian asked an unfriendly question.

"What are you doing?"

When Qi Lei heard this, his aura was wrong!

He hung up the phone with a snap.

Over there, Xu Xiaoqian almost exploded on the spot, he...he dared to hang up on me?

Before the results broke out, the phone rang.

It's Qi Lei.

Xu Qian's tone became even worse, "Are you sick? What are you going to do!?"

I only heard a long shout from over there, "Huh, this time it's right."

Xu Qian didn't understand, "What's wrong?"

Qi Lei, "The logic is this, you call me, you probably miss me. So, I said: Hello? You said: What are you doing? Gently."

"If I call you and miss you, but you are not in a good mood and don't want to talk to me, you just say: Are you sick? What are you going to do!? The kind of vicious."

"Now the lines are right and the emotions are right, so we can continue."

I poof! !

Xu Xiaoqian immediately burst out laughing, "Qi Lei, you are poisonous!"

She was indeed in a bad mood, sitting at home at a loss, so she called Qi Lei in a daze, and he came out like this.

Yelling: "Who misses you? Can you show some face? This girl is in a bad mood and wants to find someone to scold her!"

Qi Lei, "That's unfortunate, I'm not in a good mood either."

"Oh?" Xu Qian was taken aback, "Then you go first."

Qi Lei, "You should go first! Maybe after you finish speaking, I'll feel better!"

"Go to hell you!"

After a moment of silence, he gritted his teeth, "I, in, choose, cram school, and mourn the holiday by the way!"

Qi Lei didn't show any sympathy at all, and said coldly, "How many options?"


Qi Lei, "Get rid of eleven and choose the remaining one."

Xu Qian was speechless, "Remove eleven and it will be gone."

"It's right if it's gone! Aren't you good at studying? What kind of cram school do you still go to? Can you leave a way for the scumbags to survive?"

"Hahahahaha!" Xu Qian's mood immediately improved, completely recovered.

Calling Qi Lei was indeed correct.

Suddenly a bit formal, but also a bit shy: "Qi Lei, you and I think differently."

Indeed, without thinking about it, Qi Lei subverted her judgment time and time again.

To this, Qi Lei replied, "Think about it before we meet? And say you haven't thought about it!"


Xu Qian couldn't stand him anymore, "It's your turn, why are you in a bad mood?"

Here Qi Lei moved on the sofa to make himself more comfortable, thinking about what to say.

In the end, "It's not a big deal, but my parents are a bit difficult to deal with."

Xu Qian, "Why is it difficult?"

Qi Lei, "So, now there are three big mountains in front of me."

"One is an imperialist dictatorship, which does not give a chance to speak."

"One is that the big capitalists of capitalism are extremely confident; they won't listen to what I say."

"There is another one, Lao Cai, a feudal landlord, who is as stable as an old dog, invulnerable to water and fire, and it is useless to tell him anything."

"I am a 16-year-old brat, how can I overthrow three mountains and persuade them to do something that seems unreliable?"

"Ah!" Qi Lei sighed out of old-fashioned, "The cause of revolution is difficult and dangerous, our generation has a heavy responsibility and a long way to go!"

I didn't expect Xu Xiaoqian to give him any pertinent advice, just like Xu Xiaoqian called to complain about the cram school, it was just a kind of catharsis for each other.

And Xu Qian listened carefully, and thought to herself, does this count as exchanging thoughts with Qi Lei?

Back to the topic, but a sentence popped up, "That's really difficult. But, it's not impossible, right?"

"Huh?" Qi Lei was greatly surprised, his ears perked up, "Comrade Xu Qian has fighting experience?"

Xu Qian giggled, imitating his tone, "It's so-so, after all, it's an old revolutionary!"

Then he became serious, "It's not a solution. However, my mother taught me a way to deal with relationships. Do you want to listen?"

Qi Lei, "Our mother still has this ability? Let's hear it."

"It's my mother, it has nothing to do with you!"

"All right, all right, tell me!"

"Yes." Xu Qian pondered for a moment, "My mother told a story."

"Say, there was a mountain in the past, and there were government arresters blocking the way at the foot of the mountain, preventing the people from entering the mountain."

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