Wu Ning puffed her cheeks and pretended to be pitiful, "I haven't eaten dinner yet!"

The three fathers stagnated and couldn't take it anymore.

Tang Cheng just pushed his chopsticks and bowl to Tang Yi, but said, "Why don't you eat dinner every day? How can you be healthy?"

It happened that Qi Lei came back with three sets of bowls and chopsticks, "No! It's raining today, so there's nothing to eat."

"Oh." Qi Guojun felt relieved, "Then don't go out when it rains."

Before the three little ones came back, the three fathers actually discussed it and forcibly suppressed Guo Lihua, Dong Xiuhua, and Cui Yumin's proposal to prevent the children from suffering this crime.

In their words, there is no shortage of money at home, so what are you looking for.

But the men objected and firmly supported their son to use the summer vacation to experience life.

This is a good thing, if you suffer a little bit, you will suffer a little bit, how can a boy not suffer?

So when the three children came back, they didn't even mention whether they were tired or not.

It's just that the stall is still open in the rain, and Qi Guojun feels that he still needs to talk about it.

"I have made money by myself, I know what's going on, and I know it's not easy to make money. There's no need to be serious."

"That's impossible!" Tang Yi stared while eating, "We either don't do it, or do it well!"

"Cut!" Tang Cheng just knew that this kid was drifting away again, so he had to suppress his arrogance, "Five yuan and three pairs, what money can you earn?"

Tang Yi sneered, but did not explain.

You wait!Wait until my brother earns the bargaining price to scare you.

Shaking his head silently, what about being an entrepreneur?Didn't even see our advanced routines.

Wu Ning also has this in mind, to scare you!

Intentionally perfunctory, "We are just selling it for fun, to experience the hard work, and we don't expect to make money."

"Okay!" Tang Chenggang was happy, grabbed his handbag and counted out 3000 yuan.

"Just for this heart, one thousand per person, I will treat it as your father Tang's guarantee for you!"

Seeing that Qi Guojun and Wu Lianshan were about to open their mouths, they immediately stared, "You two are not allowed to stop, this is what the child deserves!"

Qi Guojun quit, "Then there is no need to pay so much, and they can't earn so much."

However, before the words were finished, Tang Yi had already snatched the money and stuffed it directly into Qi Lei's hands, "I will have money to buy tomorrow!"

When the three dads heard it, tsk tsk, you guys were asked to do this business, and you didn't even have the money for the purchase?


I don’t say anything, it’s a good thing anyway, the important thing is not to make money, but the process.

Children can realize some truths from the process, which is more effective than their parents saying a thousand or ten thousand sentences.


I had a meal with my three fathers, and tried to stay up until three o'clock to watch the semi-finals, but Tang Yi and Wu Ning couldn't stand it anymore.The past two days have been tossing enough, and I am sleepy.

Qi Lei didn't even bother to watch, but he knew that Brazil and France would definitely win.

I complained in my heart, but unfortunately there is no football lottery in this era, it is not easy to make money?

Watching the three brothers go to bed, the three fathers suddenly quieted down, feeling empty in their hearts.

Today's incident, what they saw was not only the growth of the child, but also shame.

Especially Qi Guojun.

After a while, Lord Qi suddenly spoke, "Old Tang, Old Wu, you can help me as a staff officer, can the non-staple food factory in the grain depot take over?"

Wu Lianshan was taken aback, "Have you figured it out?"

Qi Guojun didn't want to dawdle in the grain depot anymore, and planned to come out and do it alone.

He smiled and said, "It should have come out long ago!"

Wu Lianshan was originally a grain depot, and it was the largest finance company for oil and water.

But because of too much oil and water, Wu Lianshan withdrew ten years ago.

I don't know what to do, I'm afraid that sooner or later I won't be able to resist the temptation and fall into it.

I have persuaded Qi Guojun more than once before to come out for a while while he is still young.

I saw Qi Guojun sighed, and said honestly: "I have an idea for a long time. It's just that I have been practical for half my life, and it is not easy to make this decision."

Tang Chenggang laughed, "What's the matter? Has your son stimulated you?"

Qi Guojun did not speak, it was acquiescence.

Qi Lei really touched him a lot today, his son is sensible, it is not an exaggeration to say that he grew up overnight.

However, it was the old man who made Qi Guojun make up his mind!

Is the old man simply venting his anger on his grandson today?of course not!That is educating the old through the young.

Back then when the army changed jobs, Qi Haiting stopped him from entering the traffic bureau, and told him to go out on his own if he had the ability, and don't use his father's name to bluff and deceive.

At that time, as the eldest of the family, he had no buffer and couldn't accept it at all, so he went to the musical instrument factory in a rage.

Then he was laid off and became a temporary worker.To be honest, it feels a bit like punishing my parents with my own misfortune.

For more than 20 years, this has always been a knot in Qi Guojun's heart that cannot be solved.

But today, the old man slapped him in the face firmly.In other words, the old man and his son slapped him together.

A 16-year-old child understands the truth, but he, a 46-year-old man, has not realized it. Qi Guojun feels ashamed.

Therefore, Qi Lei's current performance not only allowed his parents to see his transformation, but also inspired Qi Guojun's fighting spirit.

The son is doing well, even a father like him can't be coaxed!

With a long sigh: "That's why I asked you to give advice, can the non-staple food factory do it?"

Wu Lianshan thought about it carefully, and finally nodded, "I can do it! But you have to be prepared, it's not easy to do it, and it's hard to make a lot of money! Besides, the risk is not low!"

Qi Guojun frowned, "How do you say it?"

Wu Lianshan, "We all know about the non-staple food factory. It is only supported by the government's annual welfare list until now, and it has been in a state of loss."

"Otherwise, the director of our grain depot would not have the heart to take it out."

In the 90s, government agencies, as well as enterprises and institutions, including some private enterprises with good returns, all had the habit of distributing benefits in kind to their employees every year.

Grain, oil and fish are distributed during Chinese New Year, Lantern Festival is distributed during Lantern Festival, and mooncakes are distributed on August [-]th.Others, such as Labor Day, National Day and so on, have to give out a few catties of pastries, as in the times.

You can even use this to compare, just by looking at the things posted by each unit, you can judge which unit is a good unit, and have an advantage over others in finding a partner.

And the non-staple food orders for these festivals are basically contracted by the grain depot non-staple food factory to produce, which is the income guaranteed by drought and flood.

Wu Lianshan continued: "In our hands, the labor and processing costs are definitely much lower than those of state-owned factories. Therefore, as long as you ensure that the government benefits are still in your hands, you will basically not lose money."

Qi Guojun nodded and listened carefully.

On this point, Wu Lianshan thought the same as he did. If there was no government welfare order, he wouldn't dare to accept it.



Chapter 51

Wu Lianshan talked eloquently and clearly.

Risk accounting is his specialty, and Tang Chenggang's opinions may not be more convincing than Old Wu's.

"If you pick it up, you only need to pick up the venue and equipment, and ten or twenty workers will be enough. Let the rest of the burden be handled internally by the grain depot. Then you can pick it up."

"Actually..." Wu Lianshan pondered, "I'm more optimistic about the cold storage equipment in the non-staple food factory and the meat processing workshop."

Smash it and said: "That's a good thing imported from a full set of RB! I haven't used it for a day, so I'm just eating dust there. If I can use it, it will definitely be of great use."

"But!" Wu Lianshan suddenly changed the subject, said good things, and started to say bad things, "But, there is another big problem, have you thought about it?"

Qi Guojun, "What?"

Wu Lianshan, "Are you sure about government procurement? It used to be state-owned and had to purchase it. In the future, it will be personal. Will it be purchased from you? Have you ever thought about it? Moreover, the current situation is changing day by day. The things that Fuli issued are becoming more and more trendy.”

"In the past, meat and snacks were distributed, but now it is more affordable to distribute oil and rice. Who knows that one day they will only distribute money but not goods? If there is no government procurement, what will you do?"

Let Wu Lianshan say this, Qi Guojun is at a loss again.Subconsciously looked at Tang Chenggang, wanting to hear his opinion.

Tang Cheng just smiled and spoke.

However, what he was talking about was not about the non-staple food factory, but about his own factory.

"I'm in trouble here, too."


Wu and Qi were stunned, it was no small trouble for Old Tang.

Qi Guojun put his own affairs aside, "What's going on?"

Tang Cheng just lit a cigarette, "The city has looked for me twice, and wants to make a deal with us."

"What deal?"

Tang Chenggang chuckled, "I want to exchange the pharmaceutical factory for our plastic factory."

"!!!" Qi Guojun became anxious immediately, "That can't be changed, the pharmaceutical factory is just an empty shell!"

Wu Lianshan also laughed aloud, "This new Secretary Xu, he still has a good abacus!"

Qi Guojun, "Take the negative assets of the state in exchange for a profitable plastic factory, and he is not afraid of turning the plastic factory into a waste stall?"

Qi Guojun is not alarmist. In this era in the Northeast, state-owned enterprises are not a good word.

The system is rigid, the structure is bloated, and the thinking has not kept up with the times. As long as it is a state-owned enterprise, there is no one that does not lose money, and few of them are not negative equity.

Take the pharmaceutical factory as an example, it is an empty shell that has been closed for more than ten years and only a few dilapidated factories remain.It is still an empty shell carrying more than 1000 laid-off workers to eat and drink.

Not only can't create benefits, but also have to pay subsistence allowances, and even go to petition from time to time.

Use such a waste factory to replace a plastic factory?

Qi Guojun has no doubts at all, even if the plastic factory is in the hands of the government, they have to let them do nothing.

Regarding this, Tang Chenggang just smiled, "Don't worry, we won't lose out on this matter."

Two people: "How do you say it?"

Tang Chenggang, "The city didn't want to take advantage of us. Although the pharmaceutical factory is an empty shell, the land is valuable. To put it bluntly, the pharmaceutical factory is selling that land. What the city means is that the site of the pharmaceutical factory is exchanged for the plastics factory." The more than 1000 employees of the original pharmaceutical factory do not need to be resettled by us. After they took the plastic factory, they invited bids and contracted, and then used the contract money to resettle the original employees of the pharmaceutical factory. It is a win-win situation!"

"Oh." Qi Guojun and Wu Lianshan breathed a sigh of relief, "If you say that, Secretary Xu has done some serious work!"

The problem of the pharmaceutical factory has been hanging there for more than ten years, and several city leaders pretended not to see it.

Of course, it's not inaction, but it's really difficult to solve. For the resettlement of more than 1000 laid-off workers, how can Shangbei Finance have the spare money?

And the site of Shangbei Old Pharmaceutical Factory is next to the city hospital, the location is really good, at least many times better than the plastic factory in the suburbs.

"Are you the piece of land you're looking for?"

Tang Chenggang, "It's not considered a match. Whether you build that piece of land yourself, or sell it after holding it for two years, it's definitely not a loss."

Wu Lianshan frowned, "The loss is indeed not a loss, but..."

Regarding the matter of exchanging the factory for the land, Wu Lianshan had reservations, "Your factory is at a good time! Just hand it over?"

The three fathers also played together since they were young, and they also know each other better than anyone else, so it's not a matter of losing or losing.

Tang Chenggang's plastic factory was also state-run at the beginning, and it was not much stronger than the pharmaceutical factory when he took over.

How much effort did Tang Chenggang put into turning an abandoned factory that has been losing money year after year into a star enterprise in Shangbei, and selling its products to the three northeastern provinces, including all parts of the south?

Don't look at Tang Chenggang's prosperity in the past few years. In the early years, he was a salesman with the name of factory manager, running all over the country.At the most difficult time, steamed buns are just boiled water, and every penny has to be broken into two petals.

Now that the clouds have finally opened to see the moon, it's time to make money, hand it over?

Wu Lianshan persuaded: "Old Tang, you have to be careful!"

Qi Guojun also nodded at this time. Among the three, he has the least business sense, but he understands Tang Chenggang, "Don't change."

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