
After a while, Tang Yi and Wu Ning finally got tired.Erbao's gang, together with the "stolen money" of 5000 yuan, were taken out of the alley and stuffed into the car.

Qi Guodong and Brother Xiaoliang told the three brothers, "You don't need to take care of the following things. That girl is not good, stay away from her, how can you not get a good hookup?"

"The money has to go first, and it will take two days to get it back. Do you need to tell your father?"

Tang Xiaoyi told Brother Xiaoliang, "Don't complain to Old Tang, or I won't have your brother!"

Xiao Liang was also speechless, and finally, "Hurry up and go back! Proper."

Then, the two got in the car and left.

Lu Xiaoshuai and the others stood at the door of Qi Lei's house foolishly, as if they were in two worlds with the three brothers in the distance.

When the three brothers came back, everyone consciously gave up their positions at the door, obviously still lingering.

Li Wenwen suddenly discovered that she and others are indeed not in the same circle.At least she didn't understand what they were playing.

Go back to Qi's small courtyard.

Lu Xiaoshuai's expression was uncertain, and he was still trying his best: "Just get the money back, why beat someone?"

After finishing speaking, he felt inappropriate, as if he had lost his momentum, and quickly explained, "It's not that I'm afraid of them, it's just that it's unnecessary! A group of gangsters, it's very troublesome to make enemies."

Embarrassed smile, "We...we are all decent people, can't we do it?"

No, Wu Ning bared his teeth and smiled, and was very sorry that Lu Xiaoshuai had been punched because of this matter, and comforted him: "It's all over for dinner."

Lu Xiaoshuai was still a little embarrassed, and Wu Ning pushed him to sit down at the table, but his hands were still numb.

Qi Lei was not in a hurry to serve the table, "You guys eat first, I'll wait for a while."

While speaking, she pulled Zhou Lei, who was still stupid, out of the yard.



Chapter 40

in the alley.

Zhou Lei's eyes were red, facing Qi Lei who was alone, she finally began to vent her emotions.

"Qi Lei, I didn't want to find Erbao, don't get me wrong, they insisted on coming. I really didn't want to make a mess like this, I just..."

At this moment Qi Lei was very calm, what this woman said, whether it was true or not, was no longer important.

Before Zhou Lei finished speaking, she took over the conversation, "I know."

Zhou Lei was surprised, "You...know?"

"I know." Qi Lei let out a long breath, and nodded sincerely, "I know you don't mean that to me, but our relationship is very good, isn't it? So good that it's like that kind of relationship."

"I also know that you don't like me, but you like the feeling of being surrounded. Like Tang Yi, Wu Ning, and Li Wenwen, you like to be looked at in a different way in school."

"What you like is to be different from others and to be a man of the hour, that's why you are willing to get close to me."

"I also know that you may not even realize it yourself. You came to Erbao not because Erbao can properly solve the problems between us, but because Erbao is famous enough. You want me to see, look Seeing that you know a good bastard, seeing that you are no worse than us."

"Zhou Lei." Qi Lei became more solemn, "You don't need to blush, it's not vanity, it's just human nature, I know it all."

"It's just that you have seen everything that happened today. Many things are different from what you imagined."

"The things in that circle are beyond your control now. Once you fall into it, it will be difficult to climb up."

"So, don't go astray, trap yourself, and trap others."

"So..." Qi Lei showed a relieved smile, "No matter who is kissing who in the carport, let's go over, okay? You and I, don't have any more intersections in the future!"

At this time, the noon sun was scorching and dazzling, shining on Qi Lei's face with a halo.

Zhou Lei looked at Qi Lei, some understood, but some didn't.

In the end, "That's good, I'm just afraid you might misunderstand."

Qi Lei, "Thinking too much. It's good for you and me to be clear, I wish you good luck!"

"And then, never see you again!"

At this time, Qi Lei's eyes became sharp again, making Zhou Lei dare not look directly at him.

"By the way, put your heart in your stomach, Erbao won't pester you any more, and he won't be able to get out for a while. You should also be careful, this happened because of you."

How could this reassure Zhou Lei?This is what upsets her.

To be precise, a threat.

Zhou Lei stared blankly at Qi Lei, Qi Lei today was completely different from the Qi Lei in school, which made her feel a sense of melancholy.

Maybe I was really wrong?Shouldn't it be called Erbaolai?The scene just now was really scary.


never mind!It's too late to say anything now, the trouble has come to this point, there is no room for both of them to maneuver, they can only stop here.

Besides, the current Qi Lei really made her fearful, and she didn't dare to provoke him.

At this moment, Zhou Lei felt a little regretful, but at least she still knows how to be ashamed now.

Forced to squeeze out a smile, "Okay then, good luck to you too!"

After speaking, he turned and left, disappearing into the alley.

Qi Lei looked at her back and said silently: Farewell!

Farewell to the previous life forever!Say goodbye to the bad past!

Zhou Lei may not understand those words now.But what does it matter?That was what Qi Lei wanted to say to her in her previous life.

The two of them in the previous life were entangled, from a little ambiguity in junior high school to a longing in high school.

Zhou Lei regards Qi Lei as a touchstone that she can flirt with at any time and show her femininity, and it is also a stepping stone for her to break into the circle of Tang Yi and Wu Ning.

But Qi Lei foolishly thought it was his first love.

Until he finally plucked up the courage to confess to Zhou Lei and got an ambiguous reply, he foolishly thought that it was an implicit acceptance.

So, Qi Lei summoned up his courage and kissed her.

It was that kiss that made Zhou Lei suddenly realize that the situation was out of control.

Finally found out that it was Tang Yi and Wu Ning who were really pulling the wind, not the little follower Qi Lei.

She knew that Qi Lei could not give her the life she yearned for, and it was even more impossible for her to become a man of influence like Coco Lee.

She is very beautiful and very conceited, she thinks this is her capital and should not be wasted on Qi Lei.

So, she wanted to decisively end this evil relationship, and there was the scene that just happened.

However, unlike this life, Qi Lei did not have Tang Yi and Wu Ning by his side in his previous life.Childish self-esteem prevents him from dealing with problems as he is doing now.

That time, Qi Lei was beaten terribly, there was a lot of trouble, and he was completely humiliated.

Afterwards, Tang Yi, Wu Ning, Qi Lei's third uncle naturally refused to let it go, and Er Bao was frightened and ran away to hide for half a year before returning to Shangbei.

Afterwards, although he didn't dare to make an enemy with Qi Lei openly, but secretly played tricks a few times, which caused Qi Lei to suffer a lot.

What's even more ridiculous is that Zhou Lei knew this and found that Qi Lei was not so useless.And confidently posted it back.

At that time, she had been completely led by Erbao and his gang, completely disregarding face, stalking and stalking her until she graduated from high school.

It was precisely because of this incident that Qi Lei grew up overnight and repositioned his life.

Therefore, "I'm sorry", "Thank you", and "Get out", are the truest psychological portrayals of Qi Lei in the school canteen.

And in this life, while solving the trouble of Erbao, Qi Lei only has one sentence left: "Goodbye! See you again!"

He waved his hand to the empty alley, and there was no intersection between the two.

After returning to the courtyard, Qi Lei smiled gratifiedly.Young people have a big heart, and after just a moment, they completely forget the horror just now.

At this time, Lu Xiaoshuai was bragging, "Fuck! Erbao is really not a thing, I used to give him a lot of confessions!"

Tang Yi scolded: "How dare you say it? Are you stupid? Talk to him as soon as you talk about it. What are you talking about to Zhou Lei? Don't you want to ask for it?"

Lu Xiaoshuai didn't understand, "What, what do you mean?"

Wu Ning said: "He's here to ask for money, it doesn't matter how you argue with him, but if La Zhoulei cuts off his money, he will definitely turn his back."

"Oh." Lu Xiaoshuai was a little embarrassed, why didn't he think of it just now?

In fact, if Wu Ning didn't explain, he couldn't think of it now.

Including Coco Lee, she felt deeply frustrated at this time, because in this matter, she was as naive as a child, and she lost everyone!

But, she was the one who talked about maturity.

How do you know that the real frustration is yet to come!

Lu Xiaoshuai thought for a while, "It's not appropriate to beat Er Baozi this time, right?"

He was afraid that Er Baozi would find his back.

No, Tang Yi said indifferently: "I can't find it anymore, the crime of extortion is gone."

Everyone: "!!!"

Extortion... is it that serious?

Coco Lee frowned, "But let me tell you, Er Baozi went in because of this, and he was fine in the end! It's not a big deal, is it?"

"Of course it's not a big deal." Tang Yi grinned, "That's why I gave him [-]! It's also because I went in before, this time it's hopeless. And..."

"And what?"

Tang Xiaoyi pointed at himself, as well as Wu Ning and Qi Lei, "Besides, the three of us are not yet 16 years old!"

"???" Coco Lee was still full of question marks, and really didn't understand what was going on.

At this moment, Qi Lei came to the table, and seeing her struggling, he had no choice but to explain: "The crime of extortion, more than 5000 yuan and less than 1 yuan, belongs to the 'large amount', and is punishable by fixed-term imprisonment of less than three years, criminal detention or public surveillance. "

"If there is a guilty plea and the stolen money is returned voluntarily, a lighter sentence can be given."

"However, for those who were previously convicted of extortion and have a record, the circumstances of leniency are not applicable, and they should not be given a lighter sentence."

"And extortion and extortion against minors under the age of [-] will be severely punished!"

"That is to say, even if Er Baozi pleaded guilty this time, it is useless to return the extortion proceeds. Three years to start! If other things are found out, let's go for ten years to make a bottom line!"

After explaining, Qi Lei could only sigh secretly, children nowadays, how can they understand the dangers of adults!What's even more frightening is that they are all legally blind.

Li Wenwen stared blankly at Qi Lei, shivered, and subconsciously hid a little farther away.

"It's so dark! Where did you learn it?"



Chapter 41

Lu Xiaoshuai, Li Wenwen, Jiang Haiyang and Zhang Xinyu all opened their mouths, unable to speak.



It took a long time to let out a sigh, "Oh!! Go, you are too amazing?"

This has completely exceeded their cognition. Looking back at the details at that time, it is obvious that they jumped into the pit with Erbao!

Starting in three years is too far away for them, and it is something they have never thought about.

Anyway, they really can't come up with such a sinister method.

Li Wenwen was completely startled, and immediately became a curious baby, asking about the doorway inside in detail.

Including why Wu Ning didn't give it directly to Zhou Lei, why the second treasure needed three thousand, just to give away the remaining two thousand, or the amount was not enough.

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