Apparently he also knew that Coco Lee was there, so he added a few more, otherwise Tang Yi and Wu Ning alone wouldn't be able to eat so much.

"Where's the sauce?" Wu Ning asked Qi Lei while fiddling with it, "Isn't there egg sauce in the morning?"

Hearing this, Qi Lei tilted his head and told Tang Yi, "Wash your hands, and take out the sauce by the way."

Tang Yi was a little reluctant, but he went obediently.

After a while, he came out of the kitchen with wet paws.

After putting the sauce away, he grabbed Qi Lei's towel and rubbed it casually for a few times, then he said to Li Wenwen, Lu Xiaoshuai and the others beside him: "Go to the table! What are you waiting for?"

Li Wenwen and Lu Xiaoshuai stayed there until Tang Yi called out twice before recovering.

They couldn't help but looked at each other speechlessly, what time is it, why are they still in the mood to eat?

Besides, if the three of you cooperate, do you want to be more tacit?

Li Wenwen frowned tightly, she found that after leaving the school, the atmosphere of these three people was a bit different, it seemed that it was not as simple as she thought.

That's it, it's sauce, it's something, it's not like ordinary friends who have fun.

However, it is a bit too much for you to eat now.

"Xiao Tang, Ning Zi, isn't this appropriate?"

People are about to kill you, and you still have a big meal in the yard?

Hearing this, Wu Ning looked at Qi Lei with a smirk, "Let's eat ours, and he will be beaten in a while, how comfortable is it for everyone to watch while eating?"

"Besides, Brother Bao is here to ask for money, not food."


Everyone rolled their eyes, knowing that Wu Ning was joking, but they really couldn't understand where the joke was.

On the contrary, Lu Xiaoshuai's eyes lit up, and he had other thoughts.

"Why don't we wait a little longer? Add a few sets of bowls and chopsticks, and wait for Brother Bao and the others to come over together? When the time comes to sit down and talk, is there anything we can't talk about?"

This time it was Tang Yi who grinned, "He didn't come here just to have a meal with you, what are you going to eat?"

Glancing at Qi Lei, he said without thinking, "My mother is not at home, and my father is not at the factory."

"Oh." Qi Lei instantly understood, and replied, "That's just right."

Wu Ning interjected, "Why?"

Tang Yi joked, "Why don't you... spend money and avoid disaster?"

Qi Lei nodded, "That's what it means!"


But the others were scratching their heads again, not knowing what charade they were playing.

It was just that Tang Yi said that his parents were not there, and he mentioned money, thinking that he really wanted to spend money to avoid disaster.



Er Baozi's name is Dong Erbao.

Because his brother Dong Dawei was a big gangster in Shangbei a few years ago, everyone called him "two treasures and two treasures".

Later, Dong Dawei committed a crime and went in, and all the "little Kela" who followed Dawei were counting on Brother Erbao to reward him with food.

To put it bluntly, the area of ​​No. [-] Middle School and Vocational High School is the fertile land where Dong Erbao made his fortune.Robbery and intimidation, even bluffing.

A bunch of brats with no hair on their backs, for a veteran like Erbao, they are easy to catch and they will be in every way.

Let's just say that in the second middle school, Brother Erbao has his account in mind.

Among the thousands of students, which one is poor, which one can deduct the money, and how to deduct it is all in mind.

Only the one named Tang Yi was the one that Erbao coveted for a long time, but never dared to do it.

That kid is really rich!

Although there are many students who are easy to scare when they are rich, this one is not bad, but there are definitely not many students who are as rich as Tang Yi.

Brother Bao met him in the game hall several times, and there were always five or six old people's heads in his wallet.

In a small place like Shangbei, students can spend ten yuan, which is nothing.What level does this guy have with so much money?

Therefore, it is not a day or two to stare at him.

It's just that Brother Bao is not a fool. Before he figured out the background of Tang Yi's family, he didn't want to force himself, and he was just waiting for the opportunity to make a move.

And this time, it was a perfect opportunity.

Your Tang Yi's little brother played hooligans and bullied my brother Bao's little sister, no matter what you say, we are right.If you don't let some blood out, then Brother Bao really will be in vain.

"Don't worry, sister! With brother here, we must let that bastard Qi Lei give us an explanation."

While taking Zhou Lei and four or five younger brothers to Qi Lei's house, they also encouraged Zhou Lei.

I saw Zhou Lei with red eye circles, lowered her head, and looked very pitiful, "Thank you, Brother Bao!"

"Thank you!" Er Baozi put Zhou Lei's shoulders on his shoulders, "It's enough to know that brother is really good to you."

Zhou Lei wanted to shrink subconsciously, but she didn't dare to move, and let Erbao hold her.

As Qi Lei expected, between Qi Lei and Cao Ye, Zhou Lei would of course choose Cao Ye.And in order to reassure Cao Ye, he asked Er Baozi to come forward.

A group of people arrived at the entrance of Qi Lei's alley after walking for about ten minutes.

As a result, Er Baozi, who was supposed to go straight into the alley, couldn't help being taken aback, and the younger brothers were also attracted by the two "luxury cars" parked at the entrance of the alley.

"Fuck! It's exciting!"

Those were two imported Toyota 4500s, green-skinned land cruisers.

This thing is definitely a rarity, and it's [-]% eye-catching when it stops by the side of the road, let alone two cars parked at once.

Shangbei is a small place and has never seen much of the world. It is rare to see Xiali and Alto on the street, let alone imported luxury cars.

A group of younger brothers couldn't help but took two steps, and circled the two cars intentionally or unintentionally.

Dong Erbao couldn't be so new to the world, but he still took a few quick steps to meet him.

Of course, he didn't go by car, but by people.

Standing in front of the car was a real ruthless man.



Chapter 37 Clumsy

At this time, the door is open.

Seven or eight workers in overalls with the words "Shangbei Plastic Factory" squatting on the side of the road, while two spirited guys in white shirts, trousers, and big leather shoes leaned against the front of the car, smoking and chatting.

Er Bao went up to meet him in a few steps, directed at one of the thieves, and looked at the younger boy with bared teeth and a silly smile, quite humbled.

"Third brother! Why did third brother come here? Didn't even tell my brother!"

Dong Erbao went up to meet this one, and called him Third Brother on the road. He was in his early twenties, one year younger than Erbao, but he was not at the same level as a gangster like him who robbed students.

A few years ago, when his brother Dong Dawei hadn't entered, he had met him a few times in his brother's name, but he was also the kind who couldn't talk.

It is said that the third brother is the youngest son of a retired leader's family in the province. He is very popular, and he was very aggressive in Shangbei in the first few years.

Later, his old man saw that he would get into trouble sooner or later if he went on like this, so he sent him to the army.

He had just been demobilized at the beginning of the year, but his popularity remained undiminished. Even the leading figures from Harbin City, Qingcheng City, and Qi City came here to welcome the third brother.

Although they are no longer wandering on the streets, little gangsters like Erbao can only try their best to curry favor.

The guy called Third Brother raised his eyebrows and smiled when he saw Er Baozi, "Isn't this Brother Bao? Coincidentally, we met here!"

When Er Baozi heard this, he quickly grinned and shook his head, "Third brother scolded me, right? Just call me Xiao Baozi!"

"What can I do then?" The third brother continued to tease me, "Who doesn't know in Shangbei, Erbao, who is in the north of the city, is more successful than your brother Dong Dawei."

It's even more embarrassing to say that Er Baozi said, "Just playing around, I can't compare with the third brother."

The third brother handed Ashima over: "Who is not playing around? No one squats on the street when there is business."

"You are..." Looking at the men and women behind Er Baozi, "What are you doing?"

Er Bao obviously didn't expect the third brother to be so talkative, unlike the rumors that strangers should not get close to each other, so he hurriedly laughed and told the truth.

Holding Zhou Lei behind her, "Isn't this my first sister who was bullied by a brat from No. [-] Middle School, and I was going to ask that kid what she meant?"


The third brother raised his eyebrows meaningfully, took a good look at Er Baozi, and then at Zhou Lei.

Seeing the girl's erratic eyes, I didn't want to delve into it anymore, as if the doorway was very clear.

Suddenly, I became interested, "Hey, are children so blind now? Can you help me take a look?"

Er Baozi quickly shook his head when he heard this, "How dare you bother third brother? It's a trivial matter, it's a trivial matter!"

"Oh." The third brother nodded, "That's fine, let's do your work!"

"Okay!" Er Baozi didn't talk nonsense, "Then I'll do things first, and turn around... If the third brother is not in a hurry, the younger brother will do things in the afternoon, and finally come to my side."

"Let's talk." The third brother dropped a sentence, as if he didn't want to talk further.

Er Baozi is also knowledgeable, knowing that he can't afford to climb high, so he can only look for opportunities in the future.Leading a group of younger brothers, as well as Zhou Lei, into the alley.

The alley is not long, and there are only a dozen or so households facing each other.

Qi Lei's house was not difficult to find, when Er Baozi brought someone to knock on the door, Tang Yi and Wu Ningdong, who were eating inside, didn't move, they still held their rice bowls and gnawed fiercely.

Qi Lei put down his chopsticks, knowing that what was supposed to come would finally come.

Seeing that Li Wenwen and Lu Xiaoshuai were a little pale, obviously a little nervous, they couldn't help but smile wryly, a student is a student, no matter how mature they pretend to be, such a situation will also cause stage fright.

Just about to get up to open the door, Li Wenwen and Lu Xiaoshuai gritted their teeth and rushed first, "You three don't move, and you can't talk, let's go slowly!"

This made Qi Lei startled for a moment, then smiled knowingly, and watched them go to open the door.


People like Li Wenwen and Lu Xiaoshuai are very annoying, they have high self-esteem, and they look at people through the door.

But it is precisely because they are too obvious and undisguised that Qi Lei is not so repulsive.

Sixteen or seventeen-year-old boys and girls, do you know what society is?How much do you really understand what you heard from the adults?

A few years later, when they really grow up, and when they look back, they realize that their so-called maturity is actually no different from Qi Lei's foolishness, they are both childish.

Those who are really smooth and bourgeois will not let anyone see a little bit of clues, and that is an upright ghost.

In the adult world, there are ghosts everywhere.

Let's take the matter in front of us as an example. People like Er Baozi are completely incapable of being dealt with by the current students.

Whether it's psychology or ability, they are not on the same level. They belong to the crushing game, bronze versus diamond.

Just can't touch it.

If something like this happened, those who really thought about it would have avoided it long ago, no matter which circle you belong to?

How can I still stand here?Not to mention taking the initiative to walk towards that door, demonstrating the righteousness to the "insiders".

In fact, such people are very common in schools. They are philistines who feel good about themselves, but they can't let go of the last trace of innocence.

It is disgusting in the eyes of peers, but in Qi Lei's view, it is not enough to care about.

Just like now, Coco Lee's smooth forehead was covered with fine sweat, her fists were clenched tightly, and she was so nervous that she had to bite the bullet and open the door.

And Lu Xiaoshuai is even better, not as unbearable as Li Wenwen.After all, he thinks that he has a strong relationship with Erbao, so he can still talk about it.

But in reality, it's not much better.

In the end, Lu Xiaoshuai took a deep breath, opened the iron door, and smiled with pretended composure, "Brother Bao, you're really here!? What a big deal!"

Er Bao was not surprised to see Lu Xiaoshuai, Li Wenwen, and Jiang Haiyang and Zhang Xinyu behind them.

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