"Okay!" Wu Ning nodded, curled his lips, "I really didn't think so thoroughly, and I have another lesson."

Qi Lei asked him to introduce the situation.

Wu Ning, "Come on, today's closing price should reach more than [-] cents. My goal is to start buying bottoms at [-] cents."

"Two hairs..."

Qi Lei gritted his teeth, the biggest difference between Wu Ning and himself is: this grandson is more ruthless than himself.

"Are there enough funds?"

Wu Ning, "It's about the same! You can eat as much as you want, it doesn't matter if it's enough or not."

Qi Lei took out a check and handed it to Wu Ning, "3 million, I won't interfere."

Wu Ning took it and glanced at Xu Qian, "You are so generous."

Xu Xiaoqian pouted, "That is."

Qi Lei didn't intervene, trying not to give Adams a chance.Besides, he believed in Wu Ning's ability.

This game is actually not complicated.

After chatting for a while, Wu Xiaojian wisely left first, leaving space for Qi Lei and Xu Qian.

In the middle of the night, Qi Lei and Xu Qian hugged each other in front of the bay window of the hotel, looking at the brightly lit Times Square.

Xu Xiaoqian suddenly asked, "Are you short of money again?"

Qi Lei frowned, "Why do you ask this suddenly?"

Xu Qian, "The funds for Xiaojian are all in odds and ends. Are you out of money?"

Qi Lei, "..."

It's really not a good thing for a woman to be too careful. You know, Xu Qian hasn't asked about Qi Lei's financial situation for a long time.Just relying on the check to Wu Ning to see that there is no money?

"I..." Well, with a sad face: "I just established an industry support fund, and the bullet is almost empty again."

"Oh!" Xu Xiaoqian sighed, "Why are you so worried? It feels like you will never have enough money to spend."

"How many days have you been rich? It's gone again."

Years ago, when Lao Qin gave Qi Lei 200 billion, he still boasted that he didn't have to worry about the capital flow within two or three years.It's good now, it's only been half a year, and it's all gone.

"Do you want..." He raised his chin proudly, "Do you want me to help the poor? I'm rich!"

Qi Lei thought she was talking about mobilizing funds from the 30 payment, so he cheekily said, "Tch, isn't your money my money?"

After pondering for a moment, "Not for now."

First, because of Adams.

Although it is not a trick to mobilize funds from 30 payments, if he wants to trip you up, he can still find fault.

Among other things, 30 Payment is now state-controlled, and this alone makes Americans disgusted.

Should I say it or not, this grandson is really annoying!

Second, he just doesn't have extra funds on hand now, not really short of money.And in the short term, it will not be in financial difficulties.

At least Qi Lei is actually making a lot of money now. Down jackets are making money, penguins are making money, and the Pangu system has also entered a mature stage. Relying on theme stores and paid services, it is also gradually making profits.

"It's really unnecessary!?" Xu Xiaoqian was obviously not reconciled, "I'm really rich!"

Qi Lei, "Keep it as a dowry."

"Cut!" Xu Xiaoqian was very disappointed, "Don't pull it down!"


Chapter 594 Surprise or scare

Looking at Xu Xiaoqian's awkward and tangled facial features, Qi Lei smiled meaningfully, and did not continue the topic.

The next day, the weather was fine, and the sun shone through the bay window on the bed, making it warm.

Qi Lei was so lazy that he didn't want to get up, and Xu Xiaoqian lay there lying down and traced Qi Lei's facial outline with her fingertips.

After some hesitation, "If you really run out of bullets, don't be embarrassed to speak up!"

Qi Lei frowned, "Why does it feel weird?"

Xu Xiaoqian quickly shook her head, "No!"

"No?" He sat up with a puff, and stretched his waist well, "If you don't have it, then you don't have it!"

Then he said, "Paulson should have been waiting."


Half an hour later, Qi Lei got into Paulson's car.

Uncle Bao joked when they met, "You are in good spirits!"

Qi Lei was noncommittal, "What time is Adams' appointment?"

Paulson, "Lunch at eleven o'clock."

Qi Lei thought for a while, "Then you should have more breakfast." The two laughed and joined the traffic.

Paulson closed his eyes and rested, but started the next topic, "Did you persuade that brother of yours?"

He was referring to investing in junk stocks.

"You gave him to me after all, so I guess I should worry a little more."

Qi Lei tilted his head to look at him, and said, "Pauersen, why do I feel that you care about Wu Ning so much?"

When Paulson heard this, he shrugged, "I really like this young man, he's smart, sharp, and..." He suddenly opened his eyes and looked straight at Qi Lei, "He's more ruthless than you, and fits the rules of Wall Street better."

Qi Lei stared blankly at Paulson, then suddenly smiled.Instead of meeting Paulson's gaze, he looked forward, "He's not quite what you imagined."

Paulson frowned, "I can't see the wrong person."

Qi Lei pondered for a moment, and decided to tell Paulson a story.

"Let me tell you what kind of person Wu Ning is?"

"In our hometown, there is a not-so-nice neighbor. The whole family hates it very much, especially the boy who is our age."

Paulson came to the nature, "Let me guess, Tang Yi must be bullying that boy every day, and you must be the one behind the scenes."

"As for Wu Ning..." Paulson mused, "He should be the most ruthless one, and it's not easy to be discovered."

Qi Lei, "Wrong!"


Qi Lei, "Wu Ning is usually the one who comes up with the idea, and I'm responsible for taking the blame."

Paulson, "..."

Qi Lei, "Let's put it this way, when we graduated from junior high school, we learned a little secret about that boy. He fell in love early."

Paulson pouted, "There is no such thing as puppy love in America."

Qi Lei, "But it exists in our society, and for adults, this is extremely bad news."

Paulson, "I still don't get it."

Qi Lei, "It's not important. Do you know what Wu Ning does?"

Paulson, "How?"

Qi Lei, "He pretended to chat with Tang Yi about his puppy love, and deliberately let the adults in the neighbors listen. And during this process, it was Tang Yi who was reporting, and he himself didn't say a word about trouble."

Paulson, "..."

Qi Lei, "At that time, we were only fifteen or sixteen years old."

Paulson suddenly frowned. He didn't like the story.

And Qi Lei, "Don't get me wrong, I didn't mean to express that Wu Ning betrayed Tang Yi, or anything like that."

"Actually, in this matter, there is no need to protect him if he doesn't pick himself up. The three of us have long been one."

"And his purpose of doing so has nothing to do with filing a complaint."

"Irrelevant?" Paulson couldn't understand more and more.

Qi Lei, "That's right, it has nothing to do with it!"

"The real purpose of his doing this is to show off in front of Tang Yi afterwards. You see, it was you who said it, not me. People are looking for you, not me."

Qi Lei looked at Paulson, "That guy has a talent since he was a child. You think he's doing this thing, but he's actually doing another thing."

Paulson, "????"

Qi Lei, "Actually, Wu Ning has never convinced anyone, including me, let alone you."

Paulson had a question mark on his forehead, it was completely different from what he had imagined, "I don't believe it!"

Paulson believes that if you can subdue Wu Ning, why can't I?


At noon, Qi Lei met with Adams and had a "pleasant" lunch in a high-end restaurant.

No one knows what the two of them talked about.

All I know is that after Qi Lei went back, he had another meal, but Adams didn't eat anything for two days.

At the end of August, NetEase's stock price reached a new low, reaching 0.24 US dollars.A number of evaluation agencies have issued warnings to shareholders: NetEase is at risk of delisting.

Immediately afterwards, the New York Stock Exchange also issued a warning to NetEase: within [-] trading days, if NetEase's trading volume and stock price did not meet the standards, it would automatically suspend trading.

After repeated blows, Ding Lei has resigned to his fate, and is ready for a second suspension of trading, or even delisting.

And Paulson looked at the price of $0.24 with disdain, "This guy is learning from you."

At the beginning, Qi Lei hit Penguin's stock price to around US$0.2 before bottoming out and rebounding.

"It's just that I don't quite like it."

Paulson pushed a report to Qi Lei, "At present, NetEase has 4100 million outstanding shares, and he only got 500 million shares, which is too little."

Regarding this, Qi Lei just curled his lips, whistled easily, and said to Paulson with a smile, "Uncle Bao, don't worry! From what I know about him, the fun has not yet begun."

Paulson frowned, "Are you really not going to intervene?"

Qi Lei shook his head, "They have their own ideas, even if they are brothers or relatives, they should keep a little bit of mystery."

"Okay!" Paulson was still not optimistic.

In his eyes, Wu Ning was half-baked at this game, and he didn't do everything well, and there was even a problem with stock selection from the very beginning.

how to say?This is not just a problem that NetEase is too small and there is no oil and water.

In fact, there are opportunities to make a fortune on a small scale.In New York, any miracle can happen. Today's junk stocks can turn a hundred times, or even a thousand times, everywhere.

But why is there still no one to operate this small stock?Because the scale is small, the goal is big, and any operation you make will be very obvious.

You invest in Microsoft, you invest in Penguin, hundreds of millions of shares, billions of shares, frequent transactions, you make a fuss in it, holding tens of millions or hundreds of millions of shares is not obvious, and no one is watching you.

But this kind of small stocks, transactions of hundreds of thousands or millions of shares may be found to be abnormal, and it is very difficult to operate.

Shaking his head, "Qi, I admit that this kid has great potential. However, he is still too young and far behind you."

Qi Lei didn't speak, "Then let's see what's wrong?"

Next, when the stock price began to reach the predetermined target of 0.24 US dollars, Wu Ning finally started to act.

Buying on a large scale, even raising the stock price to between 0.3 and 0.4 US dollars, hoping that shareholders will see the possibility of the stock price loosening and stop losses in time.

"Idiot!" Paulson cursed angrily.

After all, Wu Ning was taught by him, how could he do such a stupid thing?

In front of Qi Lei, call Wu Ning, "Idiot! Stop your self-righteousness, you are speeding up Netease's death!"

Opposite Wu Ning, "Uncle Bao, didn't you agree? Leave me alone."


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