But when Bai Ye opened his palm, he was surprised to find that his palm had already healed in the process of walking over.

Seeing this, Bai Ye immediately condensed a wooden knife, covered it with armed domineering, and cut it towards his palm.

Looking at Bai Ye's healed palm, Chen Daozhi stared slightly.

Why does this kid's wound heal so fast?

Chapter 105

Holding a dagger in his hand, Bai Ye aimed a knife at his palm.

Following the cutting of the domineering wooden blade with the armed color, another deep cut appeared in Bai Ye's palm.

The bright red blood slowly flowed down Bai Ye's wound, and gradually dripped into the candle pool.

The moment the blood melted into the candle pool water, the pool water that came into contact with Bai Ye's blood turned into a flickering candle.

Chen Daozhi looked at the candlestick representing Bai Ye in the candle pool, and gently fished it out.

Chen Daozhi frowned slightly as he looked at the candlestick in his hand that was far brighter than others.

Good guy, other people's candlesticks are just like candles when they are lit, and they are just slightly brighter candles when they are dead.

But this life candle, which represents Bai Ye's life state, is astonishingly bright, just like a light bulb.

The brightness of a fate candle is brighter than a bunch of fate candles combined.

Chen Daozhi stared at the fate candle representing Bai Ye, and fell into a momentary stupor.

Why is this kid's candle so bright, even brighter than mine?

Is this kid's vitality so tenacious?

After thinking about life for a short time, Chen Daozhi still decided to make another fate candle for Bai Ye.

Perhaps there is a small problem with this candle pool.

Afterwards, after several times of bloodletting by Bai Ye, the life candle representing Bai Ye was still ridiculously bright.

Chen Daozhi looked at the life candle made with his own blood, and the life candle made with Bai Ye's blood, and finally confirmed that it was not a problem with the candle pool, but that Bai Ye's fire of life was so strong and hot.

The vitality of this elementary school boy is a bit too strong, right?

Forehead. . .It doesn't seem like a bad thing to have a bright candle, does it?

After several experiments, Chen Daozhi finally put Bai Ye's life candle in the Hall of Heroes.

Although the place where Bai Ye's life candle is located is not very conspicuous, as long as ordinary people enter the Hall of Heroes, they will definitely be attracted by Bai Ye's life candle.

The bright candlelight is so dazzling in the Hall of Heroes, like standing out from a flock of chickens, it's hard not to attract people's attention.

After solving Bai Ye's life candle, Chen Daozhe finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Brother Bai Ye, after setting up the life candle, it means that from today onwards, you will officially become a soldier in Shanhaiguan of the Fenghuo Great Wall."

"From today, you can accept the mission in Shanhaiguan to hunt down the alien races and beasts near the border."

"Every alien race and beast you kill on the frontier will be recorded by Mingzhu."

"Every mission and kill you complete will increase your meritorious value in Shanhaiguan."

"In Shanhaiguan, merit points can be exchanged for anything you want."

"Spiritual skills, spiritual tools, and even visualization maps for meditation, you can use merit to exchange them all."

"The cultivation resources in Shanhaiguan are the most abundant place in the entire human race. There are as many things as there are in the spiritual core. As long as your meritorious service is enough, you can even exchange the seventh-level spiritual core here."

"Whether it is the library of the Lingwu High School in the Imperial Capital or the spiritual weapons made by the Lingwu High School in the Demon City, all of them will be recorded here."

"When you have accumulated enough meritorious service, you can go to the Cangwu Pavilion in Shanhaiguan to exchange for the training resources you want."

"The place where you received the mission happens to be in the Cangwu Pavilion. Well, what kind of growth and opportunities you can get in the future depends on yourself."

Having said that, Chen Daozhi turned his head and waved his hand towards Bai Ye.

"Brother, I can only help you to this point, the rest of the road, you have to go on your own."

"Primary brother, I like you."

After saying these words, Chen Daozhi's figure completely disappeared from Bai Ye's sight.

Looking at the figure of Chen Daozhe who said he was gone, Bai Ye touched his nose quietly.

This cheap senior brother actually left as soon as he said he would.

But that's fine, Bai Ye has long been used to doing things alone, if Chen Daozhe is always by his side, he will feel a little uncomfortable.

After walking out of the Hall of Heroic Souls, Bai Ye couldn't wait to run towards the Zangwu Pavilion.

Not long after Bai Ye left, several soldiers from the Fenghuo Great Wall came to the Hall of Heroic Souls.

As soon as they entered the Hall of Heroes, they were attracted by a burst of light.

"Damn it, how dare you put a light bulb in the Hall of Valor? I'll report him directly."

"Hey, that doesn't seem like a light bulb, it seems like it's a fatal candle?"

"Are you kidding me? Whose life candle can be so bright? It almost blinded my eyes."

"Uh, wait, that seems to be a real candle."

"Let me see, whose fate is so outrageous, um... white, night?"

"Which guy is Bai Ye? Why haven't I heard of it?"

"Silly dog, didn't you hear that today we have a champion of martial arts at the Great Wall of Fire? The champion of martial arts in the global martial arts examination this year, Bai Ye, is also the junior brother of General Chen Daozhi."

"Uh, I really don't know if you don't tell me."

"Bai Zhuangyuan is very fierce, that guy Hu Biao was punched to pieces by that Bai Zhuangyuan..."

. . . . .

After traveling for a while, Bai Ye finally arrived in front of the Cangwu Pavilion.

Like the Hall of Heroes, the Tibetan Martial Arts Pavilion in Shanhaiguan also exudes a simple and simple atmosphere everywhere.

The building that forms Cangwu Pavilion is huge in shape, and the whole is made of unknown wood and stone.

Although Bai Ye didn't know the materials of these wood and stones, since the Shanhaiguan could stand in the frontier for thousands of years, it could still maintain such integrity.

The materials used to build this level are certainly not simple materials.

Ignoring so many things, after Bai Ye walked to the door of the Zangwu Pavilion, he went straight in.

The interior space of Cangwu Pavilion is far bigger than Bai Ye imagined.

Even the hall of the Zangwu Pavilion can accommodate at least hundreds of thousands of human soldiers to rest here.

Not to mention, there is a large amount of storage space hidden upstairs and downstairs in the Cangwu Pavilion.

After walking to the front desk, Bai Ye immediately asked the staff at the front desk of Cangwu Pavilion:

"Excuse me, how do I get the mission here?"

After hearing Bai Ye's inquiry, the service staff at the front desk immediately turned their attention to Bai Ye's side.

"It's a new face. It looks like it's your first time to pick up a mission here, right?"

Hearing the words, Bai Ye nodded immediately.

After seeing Bai Ye's confession, the front desk immediately handed Bai Ye a ring.

"This is a message ring. As long as you concentrate your consciousness on this ring, you can find a task that suits you and accept it."

"You can find all the missions from Tier [-] to Tier [-] here, but I suggest that you choose some easier missions to practice first, and then choose some more difficult missions to challenge."

"In addition, this message ring can also display your meritorious service and your kill record."

"You only need to drip your blood on it, and your information can be bound on the ring."

"After binding the information, you will have your own room to live in within the Beacon Fire Great Wall,"

"But if you don't get any meritorious service for more than one year in a row, you will be forcibly dismissed."

"After the ring is lost, remember to come here to replace it."

"If it's okay, you can leave here."

After finishing speaking, the front desk stopped talking to Bai Ye, and started to do the work in hand on his own.

Bai Ye looked at the ring on his hand and couldn't help playing with it.

The degree of freedom in the Fenghuo Great Wall is far higher than Bai Ye imagined.

Chapter 106: Night Moon Lone Wolf

It's just that everything in the Fenghuo Great Wall needs blood to be used.

No wonder the entire Shanhai Pass was filled with a faint smell of blood.

Bai Ye had only been here for half a day, and he had already bled three times.

After dripping blood on the ring, with the entry of Bai Ye's consciousness, Bai Ye quickly saw his own information in it.

Warrior Name: White Night

Merit: 0

Kills: 0

Number of tasks completed: 0

Looking at his poor and blank panel, Bai Ye didn't care, and went directly to the task page to find a task suitable for him.

In fact, there are only two criteria for Bai Ye to find tasks.

One is that the number of monsters is enough, the more the better, Bai Ye will not refuse anyone who comes, and the fewer people who accept the task, so that no one will compete with Bai Ye for monsters.

The second is that the strength of these monsters is what Bai Ye can deal with, and the monsters that are too strong to beat are directly passed by Bai Ye.

It can be said responsibly that Bai Ye's requirements for the mission are very simple. , very easy to find.

Because the tasks that meet the two conditions of Bai Ye are almost all tricky tasks with low oil and water, high degree of difficulty and high risk.

Quests like this are rarely accepted by anyone.

So over time, such tasks will be squeezed out one by one, and no one cares about them.

And those tasks with sufficient oil and water and low difficulty coefficient are the most difficult fat jobs to receive.

Moreover, these difficult tasks basically will not appear in Lingwu High School.

Those missions issued within Lingwu High School are generally relatively simple, and such missions with high difficulty and high risk factor do not exist at all.

Therefore, under Bai Ye's constant search, he quickly found some tasks suitable for him.

Looking at the pile of remaining tasks on the ring page, Bai Ye couldn't help but shine his eyes.

The task of dealing with herds and alien gatherings may appear to others to be troublesome and dangerous work.

But from Bai Ye's point of view, these missions are simply top-notch missions dedicated to killing him.

After finding these targets, Bai Ye quickly locked on one of the tasks.

[Task name: Cleanup task: Yeyue Wolves. 】

[Mission overview: At the teleportation point number 320 outside Shanhaiguan, there is a Yeyue wolf group entrenched all year round. The number of the Yeyue wolf group is about 100 Yeyue wolves, and the average strength of the Yeyue wolf group is around the third level. 】

[Mission reward: [-] meritorious points. 】

[Note: You can get one point of merit for killing the first-tier aliens and beasts, ten points for killing the second-tier, one hundred points for the third-tier, and so on. 】

The reason why no one accepts this task is also obvious. There are a hundred Yeyue wolves with an average strength of the third level. After killing all the hundred Yeyue wolves, they can get about [-] meritorious deeds.

And after completing this task, he only got two thousand points of merit, who could bear it.

If you give [-] points of merit, someone may come to do this task.

Moreover, the place where these Yeyue wolves are located is not a military important place, and the threat to the human race is not that great, so they are not in a hurry to exterminate them.

Therefore, this task has been stranded here, and no one cares about it.

Until now, this task was taken over by Bai Ye.

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