A large elm tree grows outside the window of the examination room. Its leaves are yellowed, its branches are swaying in the wind, and its autumn leaves are flying.

Ren Zhong briefly forgot what he was doing before, and his eyes focused on the test paper in front of him again.

He remembered it immediately.

As a freshman in high school, I was participating in the final of the National Physics Contest for Middle School Students. This was the last big question.

This question is not difficult, but the knowledge points are beyond the outline, and the laws of physics involved in it are extremely unpopular.

Although he has heard of the name of the rule and knows what it summarizes, he has never seen the detailed formula, so that he fell into a great loss the moment he finished reading the question.

In this life, I have never left blanks in all exams, and I can only take 100 points because I have only 100 points in the test paper, and I am going to encounter Waterloo here, leaving an unfinished blank.

For him who was only 12 years old at the time, there was only one thing he could not bear in his pure life, and that was to hand in a blank paper.

Ren Zhong was overwhelmed by panic at first, but then quickly cheered up, and began to rack his brains to re-read the questions, trying to deduce from the existing knowledge points the physical law that he had only heard of.

A wonderful thing happened, massive knowledge points appeared in his mind one after another, and his thinking speed was unprecedentedly fast.

After only one minute, he pushed out the rule that he knew the name but didn't know the specific formula.

This terrifying problem, which was a natural chasm just a minute ago, has become a magnanimous road leading directly to Rome.

The panic and fear in Ren Zhong's heart disappeared.

As soon as he picked up the pen to start an answer, the picture in front of him quickly collapsed.

When he opened his eyes again, he saw an eyeless insect about the size of a calf, with six long alloy legs, a large head and a belly, and jaws with razor-toothed teeth, rushing forward with its claws and claws, trying to rush past the transformation. The firepower network intertwined by the mid- and short-range guns driven by the automatic responder added to the second-level armor.

Ren Zhong recognized this thing at a glance, it was the labyrinth bug.

He glanced at the parameter table on the mask, and found that the ammunition reserve was about to run out, so he quickly pulled out his dagger and went forward, starting to fight the maze bug.

Although the bug was not big in size, its body structure was extremely tough, forcing him to shatter three concussion daggers and two buckler shields.

He relied on the full amplifier and poured all the output power of [-] kilowatts into the last oscillating dagger before finally cutting it off.

During the confrontation between the two sides, Ren Zhong kept trying to wake up his teammates through the communicator.

But these people were all dumbfounded and stood still.

It wasn't until Ren Zhong wiped out the bedbugs for nearly a minute that everyone came back to their senses in a trance, and began to cry involuntarily, especially Chen Hanyu who cried the most crazy.

Ren Zhong wanted to wait for everyone to calm down before persuading him, but he was worried that the time would prolong the chip expiration, so he had to bite the bullet and grab Chen Hanyu's shoulders and try to wake her up.

He took off the helmet mask, exposed his face, and shouted while shaking, "Chen Hanyu, wake up! I have a heavy responsibility! There is a fourth-level labyrinth bug waiting for you to remove! Wake up! Wake up quickly! expired!"

Chen Hanyu saw Ren Zhong's face in a trance, and the crying not only didn't stop, but got louder.

Instead, she hugged her like an octopus, murmuring, "Mr. Ren, you promised to avenge me. You promised me... Please, don't break your word. I beg you!"

There was nothing left to do, so he simply amplified the volume and roared suddenly: "When did I break my promise! Disassemble the chip quickly! If you want me to help you avenge, work hard! Do what you should do! If you drag on, this chip It depreciated from one thousand points to five hundred! So how do you ask me to avenge you?"

Chen Hanyu finally fully woke up.

Afterwards, it was only after Ren Zhong communicated with the crowd that he realized what he was doing this time.

Maze bugs are a large category, a large family, with many different evolutionary branches.

The branch that everyone encountered this time is called the Dreamweaving Labyrinth Bug, the strongest can reach the fourth level, and the highest energy level index can reach 2000 points.

But unlike ordinary Ruins Beasts, the Dreamweaver Labyrinth Bug is not good at melee combat, and its energy is mainly concentrated on its special abilities.

It can release special tiny particles from the tail, which are colorless, odorless, highly permeable, and almost impossible to be filtered.

After these particles enter the human body, they will invade the brain like neurotoxins, causing people to have dream-like hallucinations, just like eating poisonous mushrooms, which are ten times more effective.

This dream is not created out of thin air, but relies on the memory hidden in the depths of the poisoned mind. It is often the most difficult and desperate thing the poisoned person has ever faced in his life.

The situation is also the biggest difficulty.

Regardless of whether this difficulty is successfully overcome in the end, whether it is now a past or a lingering nightmare, the poisoned person will experience it again in the dream.

Not only that, the memory of the poisoned person will be partially obscured, and the memory fragments and thinking patterns will stay in the original situation.

It will pull out the pain that people don't want to recall again, and make people forced to experience it again.

This is an extremely terrifying spiritual ability.

Not to mention the second and third-level professionals, even the fourth-level and even fifth-level professionals will be caught off guard.

Zheng Tian, ​​Chen Hanyu, Wen Lei and others have lingering memories deep in their minds, and they sink into it and cannot extricate themselves.

If it hadn't been for Ren Zhong to kill the Dreamweaver Bedbug in time and stop the process of it secreting tiny particles into the air, otherwise the bedbug wouldn't need to bite in person, and everyone would gradually die of brain death.

After hearing what everyone said, Ren Zhong's expression was quite strange.

Since his resurrection, he has experienced a lot, and he has not been killed once or twice.

He really didn't expect that for a long time, the difficulty he feared the most in his heart was not death, but a super-level problem that he almost stumped when he participated in the competition.

It's just...

Insanely unreasonable!

He thought to himself, something was wrong.

Could it be that others say that I am not scolding me, but that they have seen through my essence?

I feel pretty normal?

Wait, let me think about it.

Ren Zhong pondered for a while before straightening his thoughts.

When they are first resurrected, they often die very suddenly, and there is not much time for psychological construction. Before they have time to be afraid, they are already cold.

After the first cold, it became a habit to die, and the new fear turned into loneliness, into a nightmare like a terrifying cruise ship.

But at that time, I only collapsed for a while, and I had the blessing of my parents' last words. I still thought that there was no way out, I could always think of a way, and quickly stood up again. In the end, I really met Zheng Tian and others. out of the jungle.

In the later death, although I had made complete psychological preparations and even took the initiative to die, my heart at that time was more anger than fear, because I knew that I could be resurrected anyway.

Time went backwards, and when he was about to be frozen, he said goodbye to his parents. In fact, he didn't have much fear in his heart, because he knew clearly that no matter how scared he was, he was going to die anyway.

Fear is useless.

From a scientific point of view, the common sense of birth, old age, sickness and death.

Of course he was superstitious at the time.

There is only one thing that is really afraid of heavy responsibility, and that is to believe that something cannot be done by oneself, and then shaken.

This has never happened since he was resurrected on the Origin Star.

Ever since, the microparticles of the dream-weaving bug accurately captured the scene of the physics competition.

He finally solved the problem that year and successfully won the first prize in the country, which is why he entered the junior college class early.

This time, his knowledge and outlook on life returned to the original examination room, but his brain response index was already ten times that of the previous year.

The dream weaver bug asked him to do the question, and it was nothing.

In fact, Ren Zhong felt that if this nightmare chose the time when he was about to collapse in the woods, it might be more dangerous.

But then he thought again, if the memory also returned to that time, then the last words of his parents would still appear, maybe he could clear the level faster than solving the problems.

To be fair, doing the question is already the best choice.

Of course, if he really failed again and again in Xinghuo Town, he could not see any hope at all, and he witnessed with his own eyes that he had participated in a wandering and aimless trek with the barren people, and then watched one after another fall along the way. Or dying of exhaustion and starvation, or dying alive at the mouth of the Ruins Beast, it might indeed become his nightmare, covering the fear of ignoring the question.

But after all, this matter has not happened yet, and there is still a turning point.

In short, the matter was passed without any danger, otherwise Ren Zhong and Zheng Tian would not be able to stand in the square of Spark Resources at this time.

"Please check the amount."

Seeing that the other party was stunned, Ren Zhong urged, and at the same time asked Zheng Tian to bring the chip storage box, and then showed the female staff member the chip list.

When the girl saw it, she continued to take a breath.

Two fourth-level chips, 21 third-level chips, and 42 second-level chips.

Such gains...

Isn't this a professional team?

She quickly waved, "No... No, Mr. Ren can't. This amount is too large, and I don't have the right to buy it during overtime hours."

Ren Zhong stared, "Huh?"

This was something he didn't expect.

Zheng Tian didn't know either.

Ren Zhong: "Then what should we do?"

"Wait a minute, Mr. Ren, it just so happens that the boss is in the office today, and I have to report to the boss. You stand here and don't go! Wait for me!"

After the woman finished speaking, she turned around and ran in without waiting for Ren Zhong to agree.

Ren Zhong frowned and looked at Zheng Tian and asked, "What's going on?"

Zheng Tian shook her head, "I'm not too sure. We... do we have to wait?"

Ren nodded, "Wait, after all, we have no other choice."

Zheng Tian said anxiously: "Then it seems that our previous small actions may not be able to be concealed."

Ren Zhong waved his hand indifferently, "When I decided to go to the abandoned mine, it was impossible to hide it."

After waiting for about 3 minutes, the woman ran out quickly, only waving from a distance, "Mr. Ren, the boss told you to go to his office and follow me. The other person is waiting outside."

"it is good!"


Although I have seen this huge submarine building countless times outside, it is the first time I have actually entered it.

As soon as he entered the door, Ren Zhong felt as if he had entered another world.

A large number of robots shuttled quickly in seemingly chaotic, but in fact, neat and collision-free routes.

One conveyor belt after another is lined up artistically, making every obsessive-compulsive disorder patient moan comfortably.

Ruined beast carcasses follow the conveyor belt through modular machinery.

Every time the corpse passed through a machine, some parts were missing from it.

At the other end of the modular machinery, another, slightly smaller conveyor belt leads elsewhere.

A complete ruined beast will only pass through dozens of modular machines in a row at most, and it will be disassembled into the most basic parts.

This huge building seems to be a huge ultra-high-efficiency assembly line factory, only chatting with a few people sitting cross-legged in front of the dashboard full of data to monitor.

This workshop has achieved unmanned to the extreme.

In fact, these technicians do not seem to be necessary.

"Don't look at it, Mr. Ren. Come visit again next time. The boss is waiting for you on the top floor. The boss's time is tight, so hurry up."

The female staff urged.

Ren nodded.

Before entering the elevator, two guards wearing exquisite close-fitting exoskeleton armor walked by, asking Ren Zhong to take off the armor.

Responsibility did as he was told.

A machine drove out from behind the wall, skillfully and neatly storing his armor on a nearby shelf.

Ren Zhong stepped into the elevator and his heart beat a little faster.

This was an unexpected situation he hadn't expected.

Unexpectedly, before killing Lin Wang, he would be able to meet the boss behind him, who is the second most powerful person in Xinghuo Town, perhaps even higher than Ma Dafu.

Before the kid was killed, seeing the King of Hell first, that's how it feels.


If the building is really an airship, the location of the boss's office is the bridge cockpit.

Before entering the office, Ren Zhong analyzed the boss's message in his mind.

Name: Yang Bingzhong.

Age: under thirty.

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