He is familiar with the temperament of the screaming wolf, and he understands the opponent's attack way better.

The opponent's hair is just standing up, and Ren Zhong can figure out, based on the position of its hair and its small posture, whether its next step is to strike with claws or fangs on the neck.

When its neck is pressed down to a certain angle, it is about to use a trick to deter and scream.

Ren Zhong predicted everything about it, and then used the skills he had honed in the virtual reality.

The flexible metal transmission chain installed by Ju Qingmeng was enough to support the various complex movements he performed beyond the material performance of ordinary first-level exoskeletons, which caused the picture at this time.

Finally, Screaming Wolf jumped back three meters, lowered his head, opened his jaws, and raised his head suddenly.

It's going to scale up.

bang bang bang bang...

Eight consecutive violent explosions exploded in its throat.

It's dead, dead without...

In a word, howling wolf has been mortified by blood mold for eight lifetimes, and died miserably.

Throat exploded.

What killed it were eight thumb grenades, four rounds of double salvos from the two short-range cannons on Ren Zhong's shoulders.

Time rewinds to two seconds ago, when the screaming wolf was tired of the useless fighting, and pressed his body to accumulate energy in his body to prepare for a larger move, Ren Zhong activated the small cannon in advance, and completed the instant eight bursts.

Its head has not been fully raised, and when it is only halfway up, it just catches the eight grenades flying side by side, which can be described as accurate feeding.

Seeing that the Screaming Wolf was no longer struggling, Ren Zhong slowed down for a few seconds and let out a long breath.

He played really well tonight.

Rarely, he did not turn on the amplifier, nor did he use the preset program to hang up, and only relying on the on-the-spot response and the conventional output power to complete the overstepping suppression.

This is a very good start.

Sid Meier's way, I walked more smoothly.

Ren Zhong clapped his palms and waved to the dumbfounded workers, "Come over and disassemble the chip. It's late, so we have to go back quickly."

When Chen Hanyu started to get busy, Ou Youning, the idiot, rushed up and grabbed Ren Da's leg.

"Brother Ren, you are too cow! It's unreasonable! The legendary Sid Meier doesn't even deserve to carry your shoes!"

Ren Zhong blushed slightly, and waved his hands again and again, "I passed it, I passed it. Many things in my tactics and ideas come from Sid Meier's experience. He is a senior with real kung fu."

Ou Youning shook his head violently, "I don't know him. Anyway, I feel like I am the hero in the story. Brother Ren, you are my cheating grandfather, come and take me away!"

Ren Zhong: "..."

give you face?

Ru Hexiu, hard to add drama?

Did you know that it was you who stabbed me first?

You exposed your grandfather to the wilderness, does your grandfather know?

He really won't jump out of the grave and hit you in the head?

Others covered their faces in shame, and even Chen Hanyu, who was dismantling the chip, was shaking his hands subconsciously, and he almost couldn't get the perfect product.

At about [-]:[-], the team returned to the town and sold the goods at Xinghuo Resources.

The final total input is as high as 114 points, after deducting the cost of two temperature-absorbing booby-trapped mines of 20 points, and deducting 7 points of other piecemeal costs, today's net profit is 87 points.

Ren Zhong took 60 by himself, and the remaining 27 were divided among others.

This is reasonable.

He seems to have taken a lot, but in fact he has suffered a loss.

That night, Ren Zhong didn't go to the centralized sleeping cabin anymore, but chose to work overtime for himself, and then changed into the thunder car and went straight to the Mouse Cliff Mountain.A day later, the bloody storm that blew the ground three feet, came again.

This difficult time for Zheng Tian's team was temporarily passed without any risk.

In the days that followed, Ren Zhong became a day and night journey again, running wildly on the road to becoming stronger.

At night, continue to harvest the ruined beasts in memory, and let the neighbors in Xinghuo Town feel pain.

During the day, he insisted on speculating on cheap short-term stocks, and he was making waves in the stock market.At the same time, Zheng Tian's team went out to hunt with the van truck. In the morning, he rested with peace of mind, and in the afternoon, he trained with battle.

Sometimes he has to clear stocks in the afternoon, and he has to say hello to others half an hour in advance, so that everyone can take their time, and then he will blatantly paddle at what time, unless the sky falls, or don't disturb him.

The stock market is risky, and you need to be cautious when entering the market.

Don't oversleep, or see you on the rooftop.

This time is very different from last time.

Ren Zhong became the route planner of Zheng Tian's team.

The man behind the scenes who dug the pit but didn't bury it went off in person, and the planned route avoided the abandoned mining area that he had swept up in advance.

The good day of Zheng Tian's team finally came to an end.

Of course, in order to prevent the team's income from being too high and growing too fast, Ren Zhong didn't try to teach others to use tricky methods to pick up the second- and third-level market beasts.

Only when he occasionally meets a second-level opponent he likes, does he personally go off the court to teach others on the spot, and then practice tricks by the way.

He has controlled the income of the team, which is only slightly higher than in the past, but not too high and still bearable.

Because of his ineffective work, he also rejected Zheng Tian's tilted distribution of income, and only took a little more, but not too much.

Thanks to the heavy-duty micro-management, Zheng Tian's team did not have a thunderbolt this time, and did not show a tendency to take off.

After Zheng Tian completed Bei Lihui's demanding requirements, for several days, the other party didn't come to ask for trouble, let alone fight the autumn wind, because it was not worth it.

Time unknowingly reached the evening of No. 13, and things changed qualitatively.


"You are already a standard second-level mecha warrior."

In the talent test room of the arms mall, Ju Qingmeng looked at the cabinet and said, "Your brain-computer synchronization rate has reached an outrageous 29.99%."

"Why do you want to add the heinous prefix?"

Ju Qingmeng: "Because you are really a monster! How can there be such a brain-computer synchronization rate! When most people first reach the second level, it is basically more than 20%, and then it will slowly increase from the second to the third level. .You are simply perverted!"

Now that everyone is getting close, Ju Qingmeng's speech is much more casual.

Ren Zhong coughed lightly, "Okay, okay, what about my other parameters?"

"The bioelectric carrying power is 50.17 kilowatts. The brain response index is 55.29. The physical fitness index is 51.35."

The burden of obsessive-compulsive disorder is satisfied.

He let out a sigh of relief, "The other two indexes can be considered to have caught up. My shortcomings have been filled, and I will be a perfect equilateral triangle warrior in the future."

He thought to himself again, the last time, his carrying power on No.15 night was only 46.9.

This time, with the sponsorship of Brother Sun, I have become more liver, and the progress is very obvious, which is gratifying.

Ju Qingmeng: "equilateral triangle warrior? What do you mean?"


"But I think you shouldn't be too happy too early. Your brain response index was abnormally high before, which is your talent. But now you have exhausted your talent, and your brain response index has become mediocre. So it's not your short The board is filled, but the longboard is overtaken."

Ren Zhong silently looked at Ju Qingmeng, not knowing what to say.

I can't tell her that one day in the future, maybe my brain response index will rise again, and the other indexes will lie flat on the spot?

Thinking of this, he imagined a picture.

One day, I revived myself.

The brain response index is as high as 10000 points.

Bioelectricity carrying power is 1 kilowatts.

The comprehensive physical fitness index is 5.

The equilateral triangle warrior becomes a line-of-the-sky warrior.

How touching is that, my brain will cry!

One god drags three pits, who can stand it.

Ju Qingmeng: "What's with the dumbfounding expression on your face?"

"Ah, nothing, nothing. Thinking of some happy things in the past."

Ju Qingmeng stepped forward, took the patches off him one by one, and asked, "What are your plans for tomorrow? Are you still working with Zheng Tian and the others? If I remember correctly, the professional team will lead the team tomorrow. The Bone Valley is concentrated on hunting. The professional team in the town is not easy to be with, your actions these days have attracted their attention, you better be careful."

Ren nodded, "Yes, thank you."

A blush appeared on Ju Qingmeng's face, "You're welcome. I'm just afraid I'll get you into trouble."

Ren Zhong smiled and asked, "If you don't mess with it, I won't go to trouble with your opponent? Since the hostile relationship has been decided from the beginning, there is no need to be timid."

"That's true. But with your growth rate, maybe when these gossips spread to Chongyi County, you will already have nothing to fear."

"Haha, I hope so."

Although the responsibility has been very restrained, his addition has greatly enhanced the strength of Zheng Tian's team.

From the eighth day to the present, the small harvest for five consecutive days has not been deceived by Lin Wang.

As early as the tenth day, when everyone appeared in the parking lot, Lin Wang, who was always stalking his neck to go out, ignored no one, turned his head and glanced at the van, his eyes fell on Ren Zhong, which was very meaningful. .

According to the normal rhythm, in a few days at most, Bei Lihui, a good dog, will come to his door to interrogate the person with such a heavy responsibility in person.

But just yesterday, when Bei Lihui and Lin Wang came to the mall to buy supplies, Ren Zhong also came to ask Ju Qingmeng to change his equipment.

Knowing Ren Zhong's recent worries, Ju Qingmeng immediately made a decision, hugged him intimately in public, and talked with him intimately.

At first, Ren Zhong didn't understand what was going on, and he was still panicking, but seeing Bei Lihui and Lin Wang who walked by quickly and in amazement, he understood Ju Qingmeng's intention.

Ju Qingmeng is no ordinary person.

Her intimacy is a layer of talisman.

"Tomorrow I will act with them and go to the Valley of Bones."

"You need this money?"

"It's not for the income, but I just want to step on the land in the Valley of Bones and get familiar with the situation."

Ju Qingmeng asked nervously: "You don't plan to break in alone in the future, do you?"

Ren Zhong laughed, "Who knows what's going to happen in the future? People, you have to constantly challenge yourself in order to be able to stand at the height of no regrets in this life, right?"

Ju Qingmeng narrowed his eyes slightly, "You're right, but I hope you don't die. I'm still waiting for you to save me."

"Don't worry, I'll never die."

"Well, I'll start changing your equipment now. Since you don't want to wear a second-level exoskeleton for the time being, I'll change the first-level to a special armor that doesn't lose to the second-level."

"It's work."

At [-]:[-] in the evening, he put on his battle armor again, walked out of the arms mall in a neatly dressed Ren Zhong, tightened the double blades on his back, and rode an electric motorbike straight to the field.

Tonight, he will face the second-level Ruin Beast head-on without escorting bodyguards and restraining equipment.

After accumulating strength for a long time, it is time for the unscrupulous blade to see blood.

Ren Zhong put his hands behind his back and gently stroked the huge leather scabbard.

Hiding inside is his old friend.

Heavy Arc Chopper.

Even though it was the first time in his life to touch this knife, he felt a strong sense of familiarity.

Armor is inconvenient to replace, but secondary weapons can be used first.

On the outside of the Arc Light Chopper, he still had the original alloy war blade hanging on his back.

A knife and a sword crossed in an X shape behind his back.

Dual-knife warrior, extraordinarily wild.

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