He didn't recreate another self before when he rebuilt the galaxy and Earth.

The same is true for some of the inhabitants of the nameless city, including the city lord, who lived in this era.

These people have not been rebuilt either.

The time paradox did not arise.

But it is not the responsibilities that eliminate the paradox of time, but the paradox of space.

When Ren Zhong extracted historical information, he also performed additional checks. He found that in the universe, no matter how far apart, quantum conflicts always exist.

Two completely identical consciousnesses cannot coexist in the same big universe, and a violent conflict is bound to occur, which will lead to the release of a huge amount of energy comparable to the explosion of an antimatter bomb.

Therefore, when the task is to rebuild, he gave up rebuilding his own body and those of those in the nameless city.

Then, in other people's logic that fits the timeline, he suddenly and mysteriously disappeared from the hospital.

A few days later, he came back. He seemed to be in a mess, but he was in good spirits and his eyes were bright.

The second old man looked at Ren Zhong with emotion, but he was also puzzled.

A few days ago, when Ren Zhong, who had just been diagnosed, was lying on a hospital bed, although he hadn't lost weight yet, his whole body's spirit inevitably collapsed.

In the past, he was full of vigor and cheerful personality. He always walked with swiftness and confidence when speaking with others.

Soon after his diagnosis, he changed.Although he tried his best to conceal his changes and didn't want the second old man to worry too much, the unwillingness of his unfulfilled ambitions, the hesitation about the future, and the inescapable fear of death always enveloped him.

Compared with many people who are hysterical and unable to control themselves, Ren Zhong has done a good job, but no matter how strong he is, the whole person is a little dead.

When he suddenly disappeared, the second old man took it for granted that he knew that he had no life and didn't want to continue struggling to drag his parents, so he sneaked away and wanted to kill himself.

But now, the heavy responsibility that appears in front of Er Lao seems to have experienced a Buddhist epiphany.

His spirit and energy suddenly changed drastically, and there was no sense of unease, only the relief of seeing everything.

After a simple and simple greeting that can be found in almost any domestic drama, Ren Zhong refused to go back to the hospital as expected, and even refused to accept examination and treatment.

This made the second boss panic.

But he knows his own family affairs, and Ren Zhong knows that he has fully recovered, and he can't go to the hospital at this time. If he does, it will probably become a new unsolved mystery.

At present, he plans to bite the bullet and resolutely refuse to go to the hospital. The excuse is that he has thought about it and thinks that there is no hope of survival anyway. It is better to refuse surgery, daily checkups, and hospitalization. Instead, he will only use drugs for conservative treatment, and then go for a run. , You should eat and drink, just live the rest of the day well.

When the diagnosis was made before, the doctor had already implicitly suggested this.

At the current level of medicine, no one can save a "terminal" cancer patient like him.

Ren Zhong also looked at the time and counted the days. At this time, his parents should have obtained the information about the first batch of frozen sleep in the world, and have already submitted their information to apply for a place.

In about three or four weeks, the quota will be down, and then parents should be able to sell their properties in a vigorous and resolute manner.

Time is still tight.

In the end, after a tug-of-war, Ren Zhong put forward conditions.

"If you agree to a request, I can go back to the hospital for examination and treatment," he said.

The father said anxiously: "Say, you say."

Ren Zhong: "I want a brother or sister."

Two people: "Huh?!"

Amazingly, the second elder was not too surprised by his proposal.

But the two did not immediately agree.

The two were worried that if they agreed with one bite, they would quickly depress the heavy will to survive, so they only tried to prevaricate the past on the grounds that they were too old.

However, Ren Zhong was determined to eat the scales, and only spread his hands and said: "It doesn't matter if you are old, you can do test tubes, you can artificially cultivate, there is always a solution. But if you don't agree, I will immediately refuse treatment. .I gave myself up."

Seeing the helpless, angry, and funny appearance of the second old man, Ren Zhong sighed in his heart.

He knew what his behavior was called.

This is coquettish.

But he can't help it. He will slowly "recover" next. If this matter is not finalized in advance, his very talented brother will also disappear into the chaos of time.

Ren Zhongdao didn't expect that, at a young age, he could still have a coquettish object.

Don't say it, he thought, this tastes good.

If the people of the Chifeng Empire were to know that the Eternal Emperor was actually acting like a spoiled brat, it would probably shock at least one trillion jaws.

After several days of grinding like this, the second old man finally chose to compromise.

But Ren Zhong gave them another surprise.

In these days, Ren Zhong has only started running like a semblance, not much, running five or six kilometers every day, right to maintain health.

Dad was worried about him and ran with him for the first two days.

But then Ren Zhong ran more and more steadily and faster. Dad couldn't keep up, so he could only ride a bike.

In the next two days, I saw that there was really no problem with him, and under the repeated instigation of the heavy responsibility, my father rode directly to the park to find someone to play chess. After returning home, my mother found it and cut it.

Such details do not need to be detailed.

During this period, Ren Zhong dispatched a medical robot from the starry sky Chifengjia lurking in the solar system, injected himself with some innocuous cancer cells, and easily passed the first inspection.

The doctor happily told the second old man that perhaps the previous conservative treatment had taken effect, or that after Ren Zhong started running, some wonderful changes had taken place in his immune system. In short, his cancer cells were decreasing.

The doctor couldn't find the reason, and could only sigh at the wonder of the human body and the wonder of man's will to survive.

At each subsequent retest, the heavy-duty cancer cells dwindled on a regular basis.

A few months passed, and it was exactly on the day that Ren Zhong entered the freezing sleep, and he officially declared his recovery.

This is of course a medical miracle, but it's not so shocking anyway, and medical researchers can always find reasons to justify it.


At this time, human beings in the 21st century are still in good times, and they are still struggling to break out of the earth. The outstanding scientist who invented the cryo-sleep technology was also pulled out from the so-called crack in time and space.

But this time the scientist also had new troubles.

In a recent observation, he found that the suspected alien signal that was approaching Earth at a speed exceeding the speed of light disappeared out of thin air.

There was also a little riot in the society, after all, many people suddenly disappeared.

But in any case, the time gear belonging to the earth began to rotate irreversibly.

Only astronomers and physicists were really troubled, and they found to their horror that, although the layout of the unified star map of the observable universe did not change, some star systems previously identified as barred spiral galaxies became elliptical galaxies, and some Elliptical galaxies become barred spiral galaxies.

It's just off the charts.

But that doesn't matter.

If it's a big deal, just slap yourself in the face and declare that the previous observations are inaccurate.

To ordinary people, it seems that nothing has changed and life goes on.

The troubles of scholars are still classified as unsolved mysteries.

No one knows that in the Sloan Great Wall more than one billion light-years away, their compatriots are stepping on the journey of ruling the universe step by step.

Maybe one day in the future, the Scarlet Front Empire will come here and see the last relic left by the Eternal Emperor himself.


Time flies, decades have passed in a blink of an eye.

In a spacious and prosperous compound, a large group of children are sitting around a kind old man.

"Grandpa Grandpa!"


"Dad said that grandpa, you used to study the atomic bomb, is that true?"

The old man shook his head, "No, grandpa is studying controlled nuclear fusion."

"What's the use of that?"

"Once it is successful, we humans will have inexhaustible energy, and we can leave the earth and see the universe."

"Ah? When can I go to see the universe? I'm looking forward to it!"

The other kid shook his head. "It's hard. The nearest star is several light years away. Light has to fly for years!"

The child was not reconciled before, "Grandpa, tell me, how long does it take for humans to see the universe?"

The old man thought for a while, "It shouldn't be long. At least, we can take the first step."

The most curious child thought about it again and asked, "Are there any aliens in the universe?"

The old man did not rush to answer, but let the other children express their opinions.

Some people think no, because they are familiar with the history of biology and know how many accidents are in the birth of human beings.

But some people think there must be, because the universe is so big, anything can happen.

The old man smiled again and said, "Yes!"

His tone was firm and decisive.

The kids who thought there were aliens immediately cheered and got the approval of their grandpa, like winning a game.

Immediately another child asked, "How big is this universe?"

"It's very big, but if you ask me how old I am, I don't know." The old man smiled and shook his head.

His eyes crossed the children in front of him and drifted far into the distance.

There, the sun is slowly setting.

The endless rays of light were scattered like a ray of light, as if the earth was plated with a layer of gold powder.

The old man was slightly stunned, his eyelids filled with golden light.

He thought confidently in his heart.

Did humans or the universe come first?

He thinks this is actually a chicken-and-egg philosophical question.

Sure enough, the end of science is philosophy.

Is the birth of human beings in this cosmic generation really just accidental?

Could it be that the human beings in the last cosmic generation have actually come to this step, when the sea representing the big universe dried up and re-condensed into shape, it was already written into the grand unification formula of the new cosmic generation Information for people on earth.

Then the countless chance coincidences in the process of human birth finally became inevitable.

Therefore, in a sense, the information of human beings was born before the big universe.

The human dimension is even higher than the universe.

At the same time, it is precisely because of this that the human beings on the earth were able to calculate the grand unification formula within a "short" trillion years after being enslaved by Jerome.

The grand unified formula is the result, but at the same time it proves the speciality of human beings in turn.

This is a somewhat idealistic and metaphysical judgment, but no one can refute the old man.

"So, what was the original human like?"

"Where is the end of mankind?"

"What kind of story will the next generation of humans in the universe have?"

"If the change of generations in the big universe is also a boundless cycle, is it possible that above this big universe, just a child is boringly tossing the aquarium?"

"This bear boy, added salt water for a while, and fresh water for a while, tossed the colorful jellyfish in the aquarium, and then his dad came back and beat him hard."


The old man suddenly burst out laughing.


A delicate spaceship slowly descends into the atmosphere.

In order to prevent affecting the air quality in the atmosphere, and also to avoid affecting the gravitational stability of the planet, after breaking the atmosphere, a huge parachute was conveniently opened on the spacecraft.

This is primitive to no more primitive landing technique, resulting in a poor experience.

Despite the help of the parachute, the spacecraft almost fell directly to the ground.

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