He respected the two martyrs, Tai Hong and the young girl.

In a sense, among the ancient human beings, only these two spiritual demons have joined the real cause of human liberation.

The will of these two is indeed worthy of respect.

But Ren Zhong thought that Tai Hong was just saying it casually, and Tai Hong's original words at that time were "a race between the illusory and the real, only you know that you exist, it's better to call it the illusory race, everything is False. It's boring."

This is not a good word, so Ren Zhong does not agree with this title very much, and only puts this issue on hold for the time being and will be dealt with later.


The four human races of the ancient Pan galaxy have been killing each other for millions of years.

No matter what kind of individual it is, after birth, it will almost naturally have a consciousness, hate the other three clans deeply, and devote themselves to foreign wars without hesitation.

Even if the Chifeng Empire continued to implement the guiding ideology left by Ren Zhong, and began to vigorously publicize the true history of mankind, and at the same time emphasized the civilization characteristics of the four ethnic groups with the same root and the same origin, this hatred is still extremely difficult to eliminate.

Behind the hatred is not only the backlog of history, but also the fact that the zeroing weapon is secretly pulling control.

However, after the Chifeng Empire re-established its undisputed hegemony, it used its power to mobilize the resources of the four clans, and completely blocked the zero-weapon quasar in the shortest possible time, and the change happened quietly.

It was the microphysicists who were engaged in theoretical research who were the first to discover changes.

These people found that the icosahedral frame in the atomic electron cloud disappeared.

The electron once again obeyed the law of uncertainty.

Then, as the days passed, whether it was the rebuilding mechanical empire or the other three clans who were afraid of the power of the Chifeng Empire and could not eat the last bite of meat, they all slowly reacted and realized the so-called so-called The origin of the hatred is so absurd that it is simply untenable.Although they are still stubborn, they have actually admitted in their hearts that they are being manipulated.

Immediately after that, Baihuang returned to the Ascended Clan with some of the velvet beards, and met the founder, becoming a deep link between the Chifeng Empire and Ascendants.

On the other hand, Sun Ai sent a data clone to the capital of the pilgrims, a star field called the Big Mine Pool. He had a friendly discussion with the wise elders among the pilgrims, and successfully made the pilgrims realize themselves. mistakes, and re-examined their evolutionary route.

Besides, the spiritual demon descendants, it was Ava who brought the psychic team over there, and it was also a round of friendly discussions, and successfully made a good match with the other party.After that, the few remaining ancient psychics from Origin Star shared the information of Li Yang, a primitive power user, with the spirit demons, helping the spirit demons to slightly correct the direction of evolution, and even took the lead in breaking the spirit demons. Reproductive isolation among imperial human populations.

As the Chifeng Empire continued to publish more and more knowledge and concepts, the cohesion between the four clans and the Chifeng Empire began to slowly climb.

Of course, it will take some time to completely knead the entire ancient disk galaxy into a united civilization, but things are slowly on the right track.

About 110 years later, human beings in Gupan ushered in a milestone moment.

The fleet that originally planned to go to the Vortex Samsung Galaxy to mislead the coalition forces temporarily turned its direction, chose the Tianshu Galaxy which is slightly closer but smaller in scale, and switched to a hyperspace voyage at a thousand times the speed of light, which took only a hundred years to arrive. Find the destination, and take root, establish a base, and start a new round of expansion.

Since then, it has been officially announced that the ancient human beings have stepped out of the scope of the star system and opened a new chapter.

The cohesion of the Chifeng Empire also began to improve by leaps and bounds at this moment.

During this entire process, although Ren Zhong was not in the Gupan Galaxy and never sent any information to the outside world, as if he were dead, the trend of the Chifeng Empire and the entire human civilization has never been separated from his influence.

This is what Ren Zhong said to Ju Qingmeng of nuclear deterrence.

Everyone knows that he has an eternal life.

As long as he does not die, his nuclear deterrence both within the Chifeng Empire and on Zerro will exist for a long time.

Time passed by 3000 million years, and the territory of the Chifeng Empire was completely expanded, spanning dozens of star systems, and included this entire cosmic territory named Chifeng Local Galaxy Group into its territory.

During this period, humans have also come into contact with other alien alien civilizations.

Although there is some controversy, because Ren Zhong did not make arrangements for this matter, but left it to future generations to make decisions independently, so the disaster happened.

Of course, the victims of this disaster are those alien civilizations.

Before raising the butcher's knife, there was some speculation within the Chifeng Empire, but in the end, due to Zerro's lessons, most of the empire refused to coexist from the bottom of their hearts, and only a few weak civilizations were retained as research samples.

Since then, another 5000 million years have passed, and the Chifeng Empire's voyage technology has caught up with or even surpassed Jerome, reaching ten thousand times the speed of light.

The information department finally used the information exposed when Jerome took the initiative to contact him to complete the search for the enemy, and then in the 8000 million-year calculation, Jerome's as many as [-] billion stellar system levels in the observable universe The station is locked.

In the previous trillion years, Zerro has indeed swept the observable universe like locusts, and their sweep of the observable universe is even more thorough than humans.

But at this time, human beings did not immediately start to fight back, but continued to implement the policy of keeping a low profile, which was formulated by Ren Zhong, and only continued to expand the domain of governance and accumulate weapons of annihilation.


A billion years later.

During these one billion years, Ren Zhong stayed in a seemingly empty space, sometimes frozen into sleep, and sometimes woke up to observe the development of the Chifeng Empire, which was 12 billion light-years away.

One billion years is a long time to say, but it took 35 billion years for life on earth to evolve from the original prokaryotes to humans.

For the entire universe, it is but a moment.

Of course, it was at this very moment in the Milky Way at the end of an unremarkable feathery tail in the Rania Kea supercluster that a chain of countless chemical reactions finally brought together human beings. In theory A race that can surpass the upper limit of the entire universe.

Now, it took human beings less than a third of an instant to complete the accumulation and launch their revenge on Zerro.

This revenge counterattack initiated by humans who are still relatively weak in the observable universe has officially started.

The eternal monarchy that disappeared for a billion years has returned to the ancient Pan galaxy, his imperial capital.

Zerro, who had been waiting for a long time, took action immediately after capturing the whereabouts that Ren Zhong had actively exposed.

An astonishing number of zeroing weapons emerged out of thin air in the universe, approaching thousands of times the speed of light, trying to surround the territory of the Chifeng Empire.

Although peace has lasted for a billion years, in fact, both Zerro and human beings know that this is just mutual compromise and are waiting for an opportunity.

In Zerro's view, the exposure of Ren Zhong's whereabouts is an opportunity.

They also thought that they had thoroughly studied the characteristics of the annihilation weapon, and believed that this thing, like the zeroing weapon, could not be controlled within its scope of action.

When the fighting distance between the two sides is too close, humans will throw the rat.

However, Zerro, who did not master the formula of the grand unification, obviously misjudged the power of the Chifeng Empire.

The Empire only sent six tiny aircraft in six different directions.

These aircraft are not even armed at all, carrying only the most basic communication equipment, and a silencing weapons control box.

But what happened next turned Jerome's cosmology upside down.

The aircraft only threw out the particles of the annihilation weapon lightly, and after a short moment, all Zerro's zeroing weapons were converted into dark energy and disappeared without a trace.

At the same time, the responsibility of the Nanxiang star cluster in the imperial capital only issued an order to fight back in an all-round way.

Since then, in the entire observable universe, as many as [-] billion star systems have suddenly begun to emit strange energy vibrations to the outside world.

In a blink of an eye, these [-] billion galaxies did not disappear, but instead became brighter.

This is the product of Ren Zhong’s further in-depth development of the grand unified formula. He modified the working principle of the weapon of annihilation, and changed its effective process from pure destruction to only destroying physical substances with higher atomic weights, but retaining nuclear weapons. A star with fusion material at its core.

After that, the stars were silent and the universe was silent.

The war was not so fierce and fierce, and not even a few people died at all.

In a sense, driven by absolute technology, the so-called war is a purely technical competition, like a game of master hackers.

Whether Zerro completely perished is uncertain, but he can be sure that, at least in the observable universe, from now on, human beings will be the absolute masters.

Humans are the undisputed winner.

And, the responsibility can see the future more clearly.

When time continues to move forward infinitely, and after the next trillion years, human beings will completely dominate the observable universe, and then embark on a more distant journey to continue to pursue Zerro, and even to sweep the once defeated Zerro another powerful civilization.

Humans are destined to live the same life as the observable universe.

After completely denying the big bang theory, human beings are no longer afraid of the collapse and expansion of the universe.

Perhaps, what can destroy mankind can only be the destruction of the entire universe outside the observable universe.

But how many years it will take, no one knows.Maybe if someone can count the number of breaths a jellyfish takes in its lifetime, they can have a rough idea.

But even if the jellyfish dies, the sea may still exist.

However, Ren Zhong himself is a loser.

After these billion years have passed, he has become a true loner.

No one can endure the pain of lovesickness for a billion years, even if there is a frozen sleep to span time, but as soon as he wakes up, scars will inevitably be added to his heart.

Ju Qingmeng, Ma Xiaoling, and even Chen Hanyu never blamed the disappearance of Renzhong.

They all understand.

They also know the news that the Chifeng Empire broadcasts to the universe, and they can also receive it.

But a billion years is really too long, so long that they all found that they had inevitably grown old after waking up again and again. Embrace death.


Ren Zhong has lived on the reconstructed source sun and source star for a long time.

For so long that he himself forgot the concept of time.

He has long since let go of power and has instituted a true imperial republic within the empire.

When he is not in power, this imperial republic is not a falsehood, but a real republic that exists only in the utopian fantasy of the ancients.

He completely abolished the aristocratic system, and completely lifted the binding relationship between power and resource control, and achieved relative fairness to the extreme.

But under this new system, talented people will surely emerge.

Those who commit rape will be punished promptly.

The biggest sin in the Chifeng Empire is that some people use the power given to them by the system to cut off the promotion of others.

This system looks perfect, the only flaw is Ren Zhong himself.

As long as Ren Zhong himself does not die, the people will always remember that this is an empire, and everyone will always know that there is an irreversible eternal monarch at the top of their civilization.

In the empire, there are always countless people who want the source star to become a responsible attendant, but they have all been rejected.

Ren Zhong is no longer involved in the scientific research process of the empire, and only focuses on his own "small projects" and promotes cutting-edge computing.

It's not that he's lazy, but that the entire empire's scientific system has grown to such an extent that even he can't become an all-rounder.

He can only find one most important direction to focus on.

This direction is the continuous verification of the grand unified formula.

The things summed up by the nameless city are already profound enough, but Ren Zhong believes that its limit should not stop there.

Ren Zhong believes that everything that has ever happened in the universe will leave traces in the background information flow of the universe.

The universe is a complete whole, and any change in any one place will be expressed in any other place.The so-called wind must have traces, this is the truth.

Combining the above theories, Ren Zhong also believes that, in fact, any atomic nucleus in the universe is actually loaded with all the information in the entire universe.

However, the farther apart the information is, the deeper the information depth is, and the more difficult it is to detect.

But as long as there is a grand unified formula and the detection accuracy of human instruments is continuously improved in the right direction, then one day, everything that has ever happened in the universe can be seen from even a single atomic nucleus.

This is not "seeing" in general, but can capture the cause and effect of everything, and use the captured information to reconstruct everything that has existed in the past.

A truly grand unified formula should be able to do this.

There is a slight change in the nameless city while Ren Zhong focuses on academics.

According to the original plan of the city owner, at this time, Ren Zhong should have started to consider suicide.

This is justified.

Obviously he has lost everything, and he has gained everything, obviously he should not have the slightest memory of this world, he should come to the afterlife world early, and watch mankind with his own people.

But the heavy responsibility is to keep the troops and not move, which makes the city owner puzzled.

Of course, today's nameless city is slowly becoming lively, and it has long been more than [-] residents.

Chapter 685 Returning to the Milky Way, Reshaping My Life, Information Determines Existence

Under the proposal of the city lord, Ren Zhong once again advanced the understanding of the grand unification formula, borrowed Zhe Luo's technology, and created a star system that could allow Earth humans with free thinking to settle.

If a real human with free thinking dies in an area controlled by the zero weapon rule, he will leave a residual consciousness in the universe and enter the afterlife world.

In the hands of Jerome, the core function of the zero-return weapon is the power of destruction.

But in the hands of human beings, this has become a creative force leading to the immortality of the spiritual body.

Human beings who died in this star system can come to the afterlife world.

This star system is named Guixu.

In the Chifeng Empire, more and more people began to be recognized, and the top talents who passed the screening could come to Guixu and enter the nameless city after death.

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